952 research outputs found

    Enfermería como profesión: en busca de nuevas preguntas

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    Durante su desarrollo evolutivo, la enfermería ha sido abordada como una actividad ocupacional basada en una vocación por un fin público, cuyo rol se ha transformado en una de las claves de las organizaciones de salud modernas. Pero ante todo, los esfuerzos se han enfocado en las prerrogativas de estatus profesional. La construcción de estas prerrogativas, no obstante, se han basado primariamente en los aspectos estructurales de la enfermería, vale decir, respondiendo a cómo la ocupación de enfermería se estructura para desarrollar su rol ocupacional, pero no a cómo interactúa con el resto del sistema ocupacional en que se desenvuelve, la ecología en que sostiene relaciones recíprocas con otros miembros del sistema. En este artículo planteo la necesidad de una propuesta teórica que apoye el desarrollo profesional y la construcción de estatus desde una aproximación conceptual sistémica.During its evolutionary development, nursing has been considered as an occupational activity based on a vocation for a public purpose and whose role has become central in modern health organisations. But above all, nurses’ efforts have been focused on a prerogative of full professional status. Such prerogative construction, however, seems to rest on structural concerns alone, instead of functional concerns. By this is meant, the question seems to head into how nursing is structured to undertake its work, instead of how nursing interacts with the rest of the occupational system with which it has reciprocal relationships. This paper highlights the necessity of a conceptual framework that provides a theoretical proposal to support nursing development from a comprehensive and systemic approach


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    This research project explores the resources employed in the cadenzas of the first four distinguished guitar concertos of the twentieth-century. The purpose of this research is to establish the influence and impact of these works in the development of a new idiomatic guitar language. Although the first known twentieth-century guitar concerto is Rafael Adame’s Concierto Clásico (1930), it has been largely ignored and has had no significant influence on subsequent generations. Therefore, the focus of this study is on the following concertos: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Concerto in Re for Guitar and Orchestra Op. 99 (1939), Joaquin Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez (1939), Manuel M. Ponce’s Concierto del Sur (1941), and Heitor Villa-Lobos’s Concerto pour guitare et petit orchestre (1951). Since none of these composers were guitarists per se, the cadenzas they wrote for the concertos were not subjected to technical limitations or to preconceptions of the capabilities of the instrument imposed by previous guitarist-composers. The present study offers analyses of the entirety of each concerto, with comments on how they have impacted the repertory. The analyses cover harmonic, technical, and historical aspects, revealing how these composers resolved the challenges the guitar concerto—such an unexplored genre—presented. This study focuses in particular on the cadenzas of these concertos in order to understand how the composers demanded virtuosity beyond the preconceived technical limitations of the guitar. The analyses are from the perspective of a performer, providing insight on issues of fingering and execution in complex passages. Through these analyses, the study reveals the importance of these works and their legacy in the expanding of the guitar\u27s possibilities—both technical and musical—which inspired some of the most important composers of the twentieth century to write for the guitar. Finally, the study provides comments on some of the succeeding works influenced by these cadenzas

    El Poder Judicial de la Constitución de 1826

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    Land qualityof the area irrigated by the Mendoza river (Argentina)

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    La disminución del agua destinada al uso agrícola, la salinización de los acuíferos subterráneos y el advenimiento de la tecnología de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) han posibilitado conocer la calidad de los sitios, fundamentalmente los riesgos de salinización de los suelos del oasis del río Mendoza-Argentina. El presente trabajo se fundamenta en dos estudios anteriores: uno de relevantamiento de suelos y el otro de análisis de calidad de aguas subterráneas. En el primero se efectúo la actualización del relevantamiento de suelos del río Mendoza usando SIG. El muestreo de suelos y los análisis físicos (textura) y químicos (salinidad, conductividad eléctrica) se realizaron en 1974. Los lugares de muestreo y sus atributos, graficados como cobertura de puntos, se extrapolaron a sus zonas de influencia convirtiéndolos en polígonos y posteriormente se rasterizaron. El segundo trabajo fue la digitalización y georreferenciación, también al sistema de coordenadas Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), de los mapas de las curvas de isosalinidad. La salinidad está medida por la conductividad eléctrica específica del agua subterránea de los tres niveles de explotación que existen en la cuenca norte de Mendoza. El monitoreo se realizó en el período 1990/1991. Las isolíneas, posteriormente, fueron rasterizadas. Con los procesos de superposición y tabulación cruzada de los SIG se integraron las diversas "capas" de datos de suelos y calidades de aguas subterráneas y se generaron mapas temáticos que expresan la clasificación y localización regional de calidades del sitio, basado fundamentalmente en los riesgos de salinización de los suelos.The water decreasing use in agriculture and aquifer salinization call for an assessment of soil salinization hazards in the oasis irrigated by the Mendoza River in Argentina. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology provides an excellent tool to do it. This paper is foundated in two prior studies: one of the soil survey and a groundwater quality analysis. The soil survey of areas irrigated by de Mendoza River was updated using the GIS. Soil sampling and physical (texture) and chemical (salinity, electrical conductivity) analyses were performed in 1974. Sampling locations and their soil properties were plotted, extrapolated to their command areas, and converted into polygons, which were rasterized afterward. The second study consisted in the digitalization and geo-referencing of the isosalinity curve maps into the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system of coordinates. Salinity is measured as specific electrical conductivity of groundwater in their three exploitation levels in Mendoza's northern basin. Monitoring was carried out in the 1990/1991 period; the isolines were rasterized afterwards. The various "layers" of soil and groundwater quality data were integrated by means of GIS overlapping and cross-tabulation processes. Thematic maps were generate that show the classification and location of soil salinization hazards. Historical soil salinization is reported.Fil: Pérez Valenzuela, Benjamín Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Salcedo, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícol

    Assessment in the Use of Excel Competency for Problem Solving Using the Approach of Expert and Novice Theory

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    The assessment of Competency-Based Learning (CBL) generally lacks a foundation to guide the construction of instruments that accords the nature and goals of this educational model. The measurement instruments normally used in CBL only provide a numerical score with limited information about the levels of competencies reached. This research aims to outline an assessment model that gives room to infer the individual's level of achieved competencies. The study is grounded in the theory of experts and novices and employed a mixed methodology in order not only to discover the measurement of the levels of competency from a numerical perspective but also to qualitatively understand how the students achieve a certain level of expertise in a concrete disciplinary area. The focus of this research study was on problem solving using Excel. Five professors participated in criteria selection, problem design, and the assessment process. We concluded that CBL assessment can be implemented in a more integral way when supported by theoretical frameworks that permit instructors to assess students' achievements and give more effective feedback related to their strengths and weaknesses.L’évaluation de l’apprentissage basé sur la compétence n’a pas, de façon générale, de fondement pour guider la construction d’instruments qui cadrent avec la nature et les objectifs de ce modèle éducatif. Les instruments de mesure normalement utilisés en apprentissage basé sur la compétence fournissent uniquement une note numérique et des données limitées quant aux niveaux de compétences acquises. Cette recherche veut fournir un aperçu d’un modèle d’évaluation qui comporte une marge permettant de déduire le niveau de compétences acquises par les élèves. L’étude s’appuie sur la théorie des experts et des débutants. Elle repose sur une méthodologie mixte de sorte à découvrir comment mesurer les niveaux de compétence à partir de valeurs numériques, ainsi que comment comprendre, de façon qualitative, comment les élèves atteignent un certain niveau d’expertise dans un domaine concret. La recherche misait la résolution de problèmes en utilisant Excel. Cinq professeurs ont participé à la sélection des critères, à la conception des problèmes et au processus d’évaluation. Nous avons conclu que l’évaluation de l’apprentissage basé sur la compétence peut être mise en œuvre de manière plus intégrée quand elle est appuyée par des cadres théoriques permettant aux enseignants d’évaluer les performances des élèves et fournir de la rétroaction plus efficace sur leurs forces et leurs faiblesses