21 research outputs found


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    Reforming Ukrainian educational system in the context of leading tendencies in European educational space development points to the importance of studying advanced ideas of future psychologists science preparation in higher education institutions in the developed countries. Comparison and analysis of foreign and national pedagogical experience in implementation of science education of future psychologists will contribute to solving the problems of its modernization in national higher education institutions. According to the above tasks, we held a comparative analysis of science preparation of future psychologists in leading institutions of higher education in Spain and Ukraine and pointed out its features. It is noted that the representative differences of science education in Spain from such in Ukraine is its professional orientation, integrity and significant advantage in the amount of credit and content filling. With the help of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, recommendations on modernization of future psychologists science preparation in national higher education institutions were developed, according to which modernization of science preparation of future psychologists in national higher education institutions is expedient in the direction of: increasing the number of science disciplines, science preparation and hours / credits for their study, realization of the process of science preparation integration in the content of professional oriented disciplines, implementation of innovative teaching methods, leading scientific theories and studying the best practices of developed countries (holding international symposia, conferences, training, etc.). Presented research provides basis for scientific development of pedagogical conditions for realization in national higher education institutions, implementation of identified leading ideas of science education in Spain, and suggests the necessity to find ways to apply the proposed recommendations regarding the modernization of the science education of future psychologists.Reforming Ukrainian educational system in the context of leading tendencies in European educational space development points to the importance of studying advanced ideas of future psychologists science preparation in higher education institutions in the developed countries. Comparison and analysis of foreign and national pedagogical experience in implementation of science education of future psychologists will contribute to solving the problems of its modernization in national higher education institutions. According to the above tasks, we held a comparative analysis of science preparation of future psychologists in leading institutions of higher education in Spain and Ukraine and pointed out its features. It is noted that the representative differences of science education in Spain from such in Ukraine is its professional orientation, integrity and significant advantage in the amount of credit and content filling. With the help of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, recommendations on modernization of future psychologists science preparation in national higher education institutions were developed, according to which modernization of science preparation of future psychologists in national higher education institutions is expedient in the direction of: increasing the number of science disciplines, science preparation and hours / credits for their study, realization of the process of science preparation integration in the content of professional oriented disciplines, implementation of innovative teaching methods, leading scientific theories and studying the best practices of developed countries (holding international symposia, conferences, training, etc.). Presented research provides basis for scientific development of pedagogical conditions for realization in national higher education institutions, implementation of identified leading ideas of science education in Spain, and suggests the necessity to find ways to apply the proposed recommendations regarding the modernization of the science education of future psychologists

    Neurobiology as an Interdisciplinary Science in the System of Natural Sciences

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    The presence of neurobiology as an interdisciplinary science in the system of natural sciences has become the basis for the development of the academic discipline "Fundamentals of Modern Neurobiology" as a component of the natural science training of future psychologists in higher education institutions. The main aim of the article is to structure the above-mentioned discipline to deepen and systematize the natural science knowledge previously mastered by psychology students to modern ideas about the physiological mechanisms of mental activity and human behavior, the causes of occurrence and the neural mechanisms of the main psychopathologies. To this end, one has achieved a number of partial results: a) the analysis of modern neurobiological sources has made it possible to determine the main areas of neurobiology as an interdisciplinary science in the system of the natural disciplines; b) one has justified the expediency of using interdisciplinary links when structuring the course on fundamentals of modern neurobiology; c) one has selected the three most promising areas of neurobiological research relevant to structuring the course on fundamentals of modern neurobiology. It has allowed one to design an integrative academic discipline "Fundamentals of modern neurobiology", which, combining three interdependent and interconnected modules, namely: "Neurobiological essence of human connection with the environment", "Cognitive neurobiology and modern ideas about the higher nervous activity of a person", "neurobiological changes and mechanisms of dysfunctions of the nervous system, higher nervous activity and sensory systems ", - will contribute to the effective implementation of the transformation of the content of natural science training of future psychologists, taking into account current trends in the present and the current state of development of neurobiological sciences.</p

    Contemporary Practice of Natural Science Training in Higher Education Institutions in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic: Neurobiological Aspects of Psychology

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    The article examines the program principles and subject content of natural science training of future psychologists in Central Europe (Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic). The choice of these countries for the study is due to the fact that despite short period of membership in the European Union, the countries achieved a significant progress in developing national education systems. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in natural science training of future psychologists and their correlation with the latest ideas of neurobiology, which is gradually becoming complementary to psychological, pedagogical and other humanities. Using methods of analysis (content analysis of educational programs; analysis of educational content for accordance with the latest advances in neurobiology), comparative method, statistical methods and extrapolation method, it was found that natural science training in universities in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic partially corresponds to practical application of neurobiology in the professional practice of psychologists. We present specific aspects of qualitative differences in the conclusions. We also calculated that the quantitative ratio of major subjects differs: the volume of credits for natural science training of future psychologists in the curricula of the analysed higher education institutions in Poland is about 6%, in the Czech Republic - 9-10%, and in Hungary - 11-12%.The international significance of the article lies in identification of positive practical and formal approaches to neurobiological training, which requires organizational and methodological reforms of psychological education in Eastern Europe.</p

    Modelling the ways to increase the creativity of psychology students as a basic factor in professional development

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    One of the important tasks of the modern system of psychology in higher educational institutions is not only the development of student’s professional potential but also the comprehensive development of their personality. The purpose of the article is to systematize the process of increasing the creativity of psychology students with the help of mechanisms and elements of the functional model of IDEF0. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that in the field of education, in particular, increasing such a subjective indicator as creative abilities, there has not yet been a methodology that allows forming an understandable and simple, but at the same time flexible system of actions. The reason for choosing this model was that it is the most visual and easy to understand for representatives of higher educational institutions. Also, this model is universal in terms of adding separate sublevels and subtasks, if for a particular educational institution it turns out to be incomplete or insufficiently detailed. Thus, it is the IDEF0 model that can reveal to the greatest extent such a subjective process as an increase in creativity among psychology students. The steps for increasing the creativity of psychology students are presented, which are the result of scrupulous analysis and many years of research by the authors in this area. The scientific contribution of this article can be considered the formation of a mechanism for increasing the creativity of psychology students, not in the context of creating a clear methodology, but in the context of forming a universal algorithm with poly-levels for detailing the goal

    Neurophysiological Aspects of Natural Science Training of Future Psychologists in Higher Education Institutions in Finland and Sweden

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    The relevance of the study of the natural science training of future psychologists for the presence of neuroscientific knowledge in the content of education lies in the fact that neurosciences have penetrated all spheres of socionic areas of training and are a synergistic component for the humanitarian aspects of human psychology. The aim of our article is to investigate the content component of psychological education in the universities of Finland and Sweden in order to determine its relevance to the modern interdisciplinary humanities and natural sciences paradigm, in particular the application of neuroscience in the training of psychologists. It was found that the neurophysiological aspect of psychological education (in parallel with the environmental) at the universities of Finland and Sweden is implemented through the implementation of disciplines, focused on the study of the neurophysiological nature of higher nervous activity (compulsory disciplines) and mainly neurophysiological diagnostic and cognitively oriented selective disciplines. There is a difference in the approach to planning the training of future psychologists: in Finland, lists of variable disciplines are approved, in Sweden only compulsory subjects are regulated, and in the variable component students have full academic freedom. It has been established that higher psychological education in Sweden and Finland is fully consistent with the tendencies of today’s society, in which there is a "blurring" of boundaries between scientific fields and an orientation towards building a student's personal educational space.</p

    Principles of Realization of Physical Therapy for Students: Modern Views of Neuropedagogy and Neuropsychology

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    The article considers the issue of the principles of realization of physical therapy of students from the point of view of neurosciences. The article notes that modern higher education is characterized by the appearance of a new medical specialty "Physical therapy, Ergotherapy". The emphasis is made on the fact that the Ukrainian society badly needed such specialists. The essence of such concepts: "higher education", "specialist", "vocational training", "physical therapy", "Ergotherapy", "rehabilitation therapist", "neuropedagogy", "neuropsychology" is considered. It is noted that physiotherapists from Japan played an important role in assisting athletes during the 2020 Olympic Games. Since 2007, the Ukrainian Association for Physical Therapy has been organized in Ukraine. It is proved that the first appearance of the profession, which is associated with physiotherapy exercises, dates back to the beginning of the XX century. It is noted that the government document gives the right to be in training persons who have special educational problems. A review of articles by domestic and foreign authors on the use of physical therapy to improve human health is made. The main aspects of training a future specialist in physical therapy are disclosed. It is noted that university teachers should think about a modern approach when teaching subjects. The professional training of future specialists in physical therapy to work on improving the health of athletes has been studied in detail. Structural components that should be taken into account by future specialists are noted. The interactive methods and forms of work that are integral to teaching students are named. It is noted that future specialists should have not only knowledge of physical culture, but also pedagogical, psychological and physiological methods of work. In addition, it was noted that for rehabilitation therapists it is important knowledge of intersubject relationships. The active-operational component of the professional activity of students has been investigated. In addition, it is noted that the physiotherapist should be professional in the selection of exercises for remedial gymnastic. Since it was found that the neuropsychological overload of students requires physical therapy.</p

    Organization and diagnostics of future psychologists individual work in the process of study science subjects disciplines at higher educational institutions

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    The article investigates the problem of organization and diagnostics the individual work of future psychologists in the process of study science subjects in higher educational institutions. The author analyzes balance between students’ individual work and classroom hours in training science disciplines for future psychologists in M. P. Dragomanov NPU. Taking into account set by the curriculum amount of hours and the necessity of constant control over the students’ individual work it was substantiated in the article the reasonability of innovative educational technologies use (individual research projects, multimedia presentations, portfolios, computer testing), the use of which, the author states, would help effectively manage and control the individual work of future psychologists in the process of study science subjects


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    The leading role of natural and scientific training of future psychologists in reforming the system of psychological education was substantiated. It was noted that the urgency of optimization of natural and scientific training, on the one hand, is due to the processes of national education integration into the European educational space and global changes in the labor market, which create the demand in a fully developed, creative, capable for innovative activity, self-developed specialists, and on the other hand, it is the basis for professional competencies formation, the justification for professional activities, and thus guarantee high competitiveness on both national and world markets. Guided by such statements and little attention in scientific and pedagogical literature to the problems of future psychologist natural and scientific training, the purpose of the article was outlined. It is in defining and substantiating options for future psychologist natural and scientific training optimization in national higher education institutions. Using theoretical and empirical methods of research, namely analysis of scientific and methodological literature, comparison, generalization, mathematical calculation of the results of a pedagogical experiment and qualitative pedagogical analysis of quantitative statistical parameters, the task of the study was fulfilled. The content of the concept «natural and scientific training of future psychologists» was specified. According to the results of the survey, it was determined that students psychologists, regardless the year of study in higher education institutions, do not have a deep understanding of significance of science education and have insufficient level of motivation to study science. Attention was focused on the main factors that impede the improvement of quality of natural and scientific training of future psychologists, among which are: lack of professional orientation science disciplines, irrelevance of the subject of study, absence of the results of modern scientific research in educational material, lack of necessary educational and methodological literature, outdated methods of teaching sciences, lack of free time. The following ways to optimize the natural and scientific training in higher education institutions as studying foreign experience; updating of the content of science; improvement of methodological and logistical support of the process of natural and scientific training; establishment of interdependence between sciences and professional training of future psychologists; introduction of interactive learning technologies; development of electronic information resources were outlined.Обґрунтовано провідну роль природничо-наукової підготовки майбутніх психологів у реформуванні системи психологічної освіти та задоволенні потреб ринку праці у різнобічно розвинених, ерудованих, творчих, громадянсько зрілих, здатних до новаторської діяльності, самовдосконалення і саморозвитку фахівцях. Уточнено зміст поняття «природничо-наукова підготовка майбутніх психологів». За результатами анкетування студентів визначено, що майбутні психологи, незалежно від року навчання у ЗВО, не володіють глибоким розумінням значущості природничо-наукової підготовки та мають недостатній рівень мотивації щодо вивчення природничо-наукових дисциплін. Акцентовано увагу на основних чинниках, які заважають покращенню якості природничо-наукової підготовки таких студентів: невизначеність професійної спрямованості природничих дисциплін; неактуальність предмета вивчення; відсутність у навчальному матеріалі результатів сучасних наукових досліджень; недостатність необхідної навчально-методичної літератури; застарілість методики викладання природничих дисциплін; обмаль вільного часу. Окреслено шляхи оптимізації природничо-наукової підготовки у ЗВО, серед яких: вивчення закордонного досвіду; оновлення змісту природничих дисциплін; покращення методичного та матеріально-технічного забезпечення процесу природничо-наукової підготовки; встановлення взаємозалежності між природничо-науковою та професійною підготовкою майбутніх психологів; впровадження інтерактивних технологій навчання; розроблення електронних інформаційних ресурсів

    Theoretical Characteristics of the Model of Future Psychologists’ Science Preparation System in Higher Education Institutions

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    Відповідно до окресленої мети та поставлених завдань здійснено теоретичний аналіз літературних джерел щодо проблеми моделювання різних аспектів природничо-наукової підготовки; уточнено поняття «модель системи природничо-наукової підготовки майбутніх психологів у закладах вищої освіти» та схарактеризовано складові розробленої моделі. Зазначено, що представлені характеристики організаційно-цільового, концептуально-методологічного, структурно-змістового, процесуально-технологічного й діагностично-результативного блоків моделі та окреслені автором статті педагогічні умови їх реалізації призведуть до вдосконалення природничо-наукової підготовки майбутніх психологів у закладах вищої освіти, а в перспективі сприятимуть висококваліфікованій професійній діяльності майбутніх психологів, їхній конкурентоспроможності на ринку праці та нададуть можливість займатися науковою діяльністю.It is noted that among the priority tasks that are set for our national higher education system we can distinguish the issue of studying the problem of improving science preparation of future psychologists in higher education institutions. The importance of the method of modeling in conducting scientific research is emphasized and it is noted that currently the problem of modeling of the system of future psychologists’ science preparation in higher education institutions has not found its place in scientific researches. In accordance with the outlined goal and tasks, a theoretical analysis of literary sources related to the problem of modeling the various aspects of science preparation was conducted; the concept of “model of future psychologists’ science preparation system in higher education institutions” is specified and components of the developed model are characterized. It is stated that characteristics of organizational-purpose, conceptual-methodological, structural-content, process-technological and diagnostical-effective blocks of the developed by us model of system of future psychologists science preparation in higher education institutions, which we consider as a holistic composition of generalized, structured, are presented, logically agreed and interrelated theoretical and methodological foundations of science preparation, which serve as an algorithm for successful achievement of the set goal and developed by us pedagogical conditions of its realization (the ability of sciences discipline teachers demonstrate functional polyvector nature of science preparation, taking into account professional orientation; transformation of the content of science disciplines to prepare future psychologists taking into account the modern achievements in the field of neuroscience and the needs of future professional activity; organization of educational process of science preparation on the basis of innovation) will lead to improvement of science preparation in higher education institutions, and in future in case of practical implementation of the model of future psychologists’ science preparation system, will contribute to the highly qualified professional activity of future psychologists, their competitiveness at the labor market and enable them to engage in science

    Формування міжпредметних зв’язків дисциплін циклу природничо-наукової підготовки як фактор оптимізації процесів навчання майбутніх психологів у вищих навчальних закладах.

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    The article focuses on the importance of interdisciplinary connections of science training of the future psychologists at higher education institutions as one of the major means of forming coherent scientific picture of the world, awareness of the place and role of a human in it, increase of the level of education and professional training. It is stressed that science education in higher education institutions in the first half of the XX century due to the reduction in number of teaching hours and set amount of training material has been subjected to a number of difficulties It is pointed out in the article that professional training of psychologists in higher education institutions is carried out according to the curriculum, which combines three cycles of disciplines: humanitarian and socio-economic, fundamental and science, professional and practical. The author shows the analysis of research and points to insufficient scientific development of content and interdisciplinary connections of the future psychologists’ science training at higher education institutions and allows focusing on the urgency of the issues raised. The author focuses on the relevance of the issues raised. It is substantiated at the example of science training of the future psychologists in M. P. Dragomanov NPU the necessity to establish interdisciplinary connections between disciplines of fundamental, science cycles disciplines and professional and practical training from the perspective of forming an intelligent, educated, highly cultured, competent professionals. The author states that proposed structure of training and work programs in the disciplines of fundamental and science training are based on competence approach taking into account interdisciplinary connections with disciplines of professional and practical training which is essentially new to the students studying in the field 0301 “Social and political Sciences” of training direction 6.030103 “Practical Psychology”. It is outlined in the article the prospects for further studies that are seen in identifying the ways to improve science training of the future psychologists at higher education institutions.У статті акцентується увага на значущості міжпредметних звя’язків природничо-наукової підготовки майбутніх психологів у вищих навчальних закладах як одного з провідних засобів формування цілісної наукової картини світу, усвідомлення місця й ролі людини в ньому, сприяння підвищенню рівня загальноосвітньої і професійної підготовки. Обґрунтовано необхідність установлення міжпредметних зв’язків між дисциплінами циклів фундаментальної, природничо-наукової та професійної і практичної підготовки майбутніх психологів у вищих навчальних закладах із позиції формування всебічно розвинених, освічених, висококультурних, компетентних спеціалістів. Відмічено, що подальші наукові дослідження будуть спрямовані на визначення шляхів удосконалення природничо-наукової підготовки майбутніх психологів у вищих навчальних закладах