2,699 research outputs found

    On the Brauer groups of symmetries of abelian Dijkgraaf-Witten theories

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    Symmetries of three-dimensional topological field theories are naturally defined in terms of invertible topological surface defects. Symmetry groups are thus Brauer-Picard groups. We present a gauge theoretic realization of all symmetries of abelian Dijkgraaf-Witten theories. The symmetry group for a Dijkgraaf-Witten theory with gauge group a finite abelian group AA, and with vanishing 3-cocycle, is generated by group automorphisms of AA, by automorphisms of the trivial Chern-Simons 2-gerbe on the stack of AA-bundles, and by partial e-m dualities. We show that transmission functors naturally extracted from extended topological field theories with surface defects give a physical realization of the bijection between invertible bimodule categories of a fusion category and braided auto-equivalences of its Drinfeld center. The latter provides the labels for bulk Wilson lines; it follows that a symmetry is completely characterized by its action on bulk Wilson lines.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. v2: Minor changes, typos corrected and references added. v3: Typos correcte

    Soluble gC1qR is an autocrine signal that induces B1R expression on endothelial cells

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    Bradykinin (BK) is one of the most potent vasodilator agonists known and belongs to the kinin family of proinflammatory peptides. BK induces its activity via two G protein-coupled receptors: BK receptor 1 (B1R) and BK receptor 2. Although BK receptor 2 is constitutively expressed on endothelial cells (ECs), B1R is induced by IL-1ÎČ. The C1q receptor, receptor for the globular heads of C1q (gC1qR), which plays a role in BK generation, is expressed on activated ECs and is also secreted as soluble gC1qR (sgC1qR). Because sgC1qR can bind to ECs, we hypothesized that it may also serve as an autocrine/paracrine signal for the induction of B1R expression. In this study, we show that gC1qR binds to ECs via a highly conserved domain consisting of residues 174-180, as assessed by solid-phase binding assay and deconvolution fluorescence microscopy. Incubation of ECs (24 h, 37°C) with sgC1qR resulted in enhancement of B1R expression, whereas incubation with gC1qR lacking aa 174-180 and 154-162 had a diminished effect. Binding of sgC1qR to ECs was through surface-bound fibrinogen and was inhibited by anti-fibrinogen. In summary, our data suggest that, at sites of inflammation, sgC1qR can enhance vascular permeability by upregulation of B1R expression through de novo synthesis, as well as rapid translocation of preformed B1R

    The Bright and Dark Sides of High-Redshift starburst galaxies from {\it Herschel} and {\it Subaru} observations

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    We present rest-frame optical spectra from the FMOS-COSMOS survey of twelve z∌1.6z \sim 1.6 \textit{Herschel} starburst galaxies, with Star Formation Rate (SFR) elevated by ×\times8, on average, above the star-forming Main Sequence (MS). Comparing the Hα\alpha to IR luminosity ratio and the Balmer Decrement we find that the optically-thin regions of the sources contain on average only ∌10\sim 10 percent of the total SFR whereas ∌90\sim90 percent comes from an extremely obscured component which is revealed only by far-IR observations and is optically-thick even in Hα\alpha. We measure the [NII]6583_{6583}/Hα\alpha ratio, suggesting that the less obscured regions have a metal content similar to that of the MS population at the same stellar masses and redshifts. However, our objects appear to be metal-rich outliers from the metallicity-SFR anticorrelation observed at fixed stellar mass for the MS population. The [SII]6732_{6732}/[SII]6717_{6717} ratio from the average spectrum indicates an electron density ne∌1,100 cm−3n_{\rm e} \sim 1,100\ \mathrm{cm}^{-3}, larger than what estimated for MS galaxies but only at the 1.5σ\sigma level. Our results provide supporting evidence that high-zz MS outliers are the analogous of local ULIRGs, and are consistent with a major merger origin for the starburst event.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Measurements of the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo diffusion in the Tevatron and in the LHC

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    Beam-beam forces and collision optics can strongly affect beam lifetime, dynamic aperture, and halo formation in particle colliders. Extensive analytical and numerical simulations are carried out in the design and operational stage of a machine to quantify these effects, but experimental data is scarce. The technique of small-step collimator scans was applied to the Fermilab Tevatron collider and to the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the effect of collisions on transverse beam halo dynamics. We describe the technique and present a summary of the first results on the dependence of the halo diffusion coefficient on betatron amplitude in the Tevatron and in the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-beam Effects in Hadron Colliders (BB2013), Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 March 201

    Evaluasi Kinerja Bangunan Yang Didesain Secara Ddbd Terhadap Gempa Rencana

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    Salah satu dari prosedur untuk mendesain bangunan terhadap gempa adalah Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) yang merupakan varian dari Displacement Based Design (DBD). Beberapa penelitian telah menggunakan DDBD dengan beban gempa sesuai SNI 2002 dan 2012. Semuanya menunjukan bahwa DDBD memiliki kinerja yang sangat baik. Padahal beban rencana tersebut jauh lebih rendah daripada target desain yang diharapkan (gempa dengan periode ulang 2500 tahun) Oleh karena itu pengujian dilakukan cara non-linier time history analysis dengan gempa El-Centro 1940 N-S yang sudah dimodifikasi untuk wilayah Surabaya dan Jayapura menurut SNI 1726-2012 untuk berbagai periode ulang gempa. Untuk mengetahui kinerja bangunan tersebut, digunakan parameter drift, momen rotasi dan mekanisme keruntuhan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja bangunan sangat baik untuk level gempa tinggi (2500 tahun). Dari letak sendi plastis yang terjadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa capacity design pada bangunan tidak terjamin dengan sempurna, karena muncul sendi plastis pada kolom selain pada kolom lantai paling bawah dan kolom lantai paling atas. Namun side sway mechanism tetap terjamin, karena balok selalu leleh terlebih dahulu sebelum kolom

    van der Waals density functionals built upon the electron-gas tradition: Facing the challenge of competing interactions

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    The theoretical description of sparse matter attracts much interest, in particular for those ground-state properties that can be described by density functional theory (DFT). One proposed approach, the van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) method, rests on strong physical foundations and offers simple yet accurate and robust functionals. A very recent functional within this method called vdW-DF-cx [K. Berland and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. B 89, 035412] stands out in its attempt to use an exchange energy derived from the same plasmon-based theory from which the nonlocal correlation energy was derived. Encouraged by its good performance for solids, layered materials, and aromatic molecules, we apply it to several systems that are characterized by competing interactions. These include the ferroelectric response in PbTiO3_3, the adsorption of small molecules within metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), the graphite/diamond phase transition, and the adsorption of an aromatic-molecule on the Ag(111) surface. Our results indicate that vdW-DF-cx is overall well suited to tackle these challenging systems. In addition to being a competitive density functional for sparse matter, the vdW-DF-cx construction presents a more robust general purpose functional that could be applied to a range of materials problems with a variety of competing interactions

    Beam halo dynamics and control with hollow electron beams

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    Experimental measurements of beam halo diffusion dynamics with collimator scans are reviewed. The concept of halo control with a hollow electron beam collimator, its demonstration at the Tevatron, and its possible applications at the LHC are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, in Proceedings of the 52nd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB2012), Beijing, China, 17-21 September 201

    Passive galaxies as tracers of cluster environments at z~2

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    Even 10 billion years ago, the cores of the first galaxy clusters are often found to host a characteristic population of massive galaxies with already suppressed star formation. Here we search for distant cluster candidates at z~2 using massive passive galaxies as tracers. With a sample of ~40 spectroscopically confirmed passive galaxies at 1.3<z<2.1, we tune photometric redshifts of several thousands passive sources in the full 2 sq.deg. COSMOS field. This allows us to map their density in redshift slices, probing the large scale structure in the COSMOS field as traced by passive sources. We report here on the three strongest passive galaxy overdensities that we identify in the redshift range 1.5<z<2.5. While the actual nature of these concentrations is still to be confirmed, we discuss their identification procedure, and the arguments supporting them as candidate galaxy clusters (likely mid-10^13 M_sun range). Although this search approach is likely biased towards more evolved structures, it has the potential to select still rare, cluster-like environments close to their epoch of first appearance, enabling new investigations of the evolution of galaxies in the context of structure growth.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; A&A Letters, in pres


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    BACKGROUND: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive technique used for modulating cortical excitability in vivo in humans. Here we evaluated the effect of tDCS on behavioral and electrophysiological aspects of physiological sucking and swallowing. METHODS: Twelve healthy subjects underwent three tDCS sessions (anodal, cathodal and sham stimulation) on separate days in a double-blind randomized order. The active electrode was placed over the right swallowing motor cortex. Repeated sucking and swallowing acts were performed at baseline and at 15 and 60 min after each tDCS session and the mean liquid bolus volume ingested at each time point was measured. We also calculated average values of the following electrophysiological parameters: 1) area and 2) duration of the rectified EMG signal from the suprahyoid/submental muscles related to the sucking and swallowing phases; 3) EMG peak amplitude for the sucking and swallowing phases; 4) area and peak amplitude of the laryngeal-pharyngeal mechanogram; 5) oropharyngeal delay. RESULTS: The volume of the ingested bolus significantly increased (by an average of about 30% compared with the baseline value) both at 15 and at 60 min after the end of anodal tDCS. The electrophysiological evaluation after anodal tDCS showed a significant increase in area and duration of the sucking phase-related EMG signal. CONCLUSIONS: Anodal tDCS leads to stronger sucking of a liquid bolus in healthy subjects, likely by increasing recruitment of cortical areas of the swallowing network. This finding might open up interesting perspectives for the treatment of patients suffering from dysphagia due to various pathological conditions
