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    Modello di consolidamento 'variable interest' (FASB, FIN 46/R): rilevanza ai fini del valore e conseguenze sul reporting finanziario

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    2007/2008FASB introduction of FIN 46/R variable interest consolidation model proved revolutionary as it ties up the accounting to the economic/financial frameworks and the judicial one. Legal structures and agreements among stakeholders of entities, creating net assets’ variability, have from now on to be compared with expected losses and expected returns distribution, prior to identify which stakeholder will need to consolidate pursuant this Interpretation. As a result, return variability gains weight in the definition of variable interest entity with consequences still to be completely digested by practitioners and reporting enterprises. Because of the implementation of this Interpretation, consolidation by a party that absorbs most of the entity expected losses will have precedence even over stock-ownership’s control by the parent company (voting rights driven). The revolution though is only meant for a wide, yet selected, subset of entities' classes being securitisations, life and health insurances and governmental organisations aimed for profit, left outside the scope of this Interpretation. Consolidation through variable interest model is the result of four major steps. First alone is the definition of entity, being any legal structure to conduct activities and hold assets. Second, the identification of the variable interests in it, deriving from recognition of the aggregate which fair value changes with changes in fair value of net assets, exclusive of variable interests. These changes in fair value are considered regardless of embedded voting rights; hence, mezzanine finance, preferred stock and any hybrid equity instrument in general need to be detailed in their features prior to taking further decision. Third, the estimate of expected losses and residual returns whose value relevance has been given vast insight in this paper. Fourth and last step, the recognition of the primary beneficiary, when it exists, which is the party that absorbs the greatest share of expected losses and/or that benefits the most from expected residual returns and ultimately, the party that will consolidate the variable interest in object. Throughout the variable interest consolidation process, the concept of ‘equity at risk’ is introduced by FASB to define which is the effective portion of equity that absorbs variability created by net assets of the variable interest entity. Notwithstanding an introduced sufficiency test, aimed at deducting from US GAAP equity, all components that are not legal obligations to capitalise the entity, still difficulties exist. This is due to a series of exclusions namely; legal equity is to be deducted of fees, loans or guarantees thereof, shares issued in exchange of subordinated interests in other VIEs shall be subtracted as well from equity at risk, in the end also investments to be considered non significant shall be deducted. In this regard, valuations are either explicitly or implicitly to be done at fair value, hence book values need to make room for financial analysis giving in this respect value relevance to the Interpretation. The ‘equity at risk’ concept is the result of deductions that run through both sides of the balance sheet. Particular judgment shall be used in evaluating guarantees and other off-balance sheet obligations. This paper takes also in consideration the test proposed by FASB for ‘non significant investments’ proposing a refined method to reduce variability in interpretative judgment by the reporting entity. Furthermore, FASB identifies a new category of VIEs: variable interests in specified subset of assets of a VIE (i.e. a guarantee) which can be treated as distinctive VIEs by FASB only if the fair value of the same assets is greater than 50% of the whole fair value of the entity. If so happens, then equity at risk is to be deducted accordingly and expected losses/residual returns (EXLS/EXRR) of this subset of assets is not considered for sake of determining the primary beneficiary. The distinct VIE, which in accounting goes also under the name of Silo, will have to be treated separately as another VIE. From this analysis on assets and financial structure, which is derived from CON 6, FASB correctly deconstructs the accountancy legacy notion of control by segregating the decision making ability on the VIE from the variability absorption rights and obligations. The former, given by the financial decisions on VIE’s financial structure and by investment on net assets, the latter dictated by obligation to fund losses and to receive residual returns, i.e. by assigning the right to receive future residual returns and the obligation to make future capital contributions. Under a valuation viewpoint, assets and liabilities of newly consolidated VIE are measured at fair value while the ones already pertaining to a primary beneficiary, which is already a parent, remain reported at carrying value being already in the consolidated balance sheet of the controlling company. FIN 46/R in this way allows goodwill to be recognised for acquisitions of VIEs, which constitute businesses for use in this Interpretation. If the consideration paid for the VIE interest (carrying value plus premium/discount) is instead lower than the fair value of its net assets at consolidation, then a decrease in value of the newly consolidated assets shall be reported. Exception is made by cash & marketable securities, tax assets, post retirement plans and the likes. In this regard VIEs, which are not businesses will originate extraordinary gains or losses accordingly, in case of extraordinary gains, the value of the newly acquired assets is stepped-up pro quota. While FIN 46/R valuation principles of expected losses, expected residual returns and definition of balance sheets arising from VIE consolidation, resides on fair values, practitioners and reporting enterprises alike base their forecast from use of private information. This in turn, gives birth to entity-specific values, which take into account private information comprising of entity plans and current competitive strategy, which are a function of present industry positioning. Part of the process in determining EXLS/EXRR and the existence or not of a primary beneficiary, in line with the variable interest consolidation model, is to go through a profit variability analysis to be done through discounted cash flow models. To try to shed some more light on this regard we have first refreshed the mathematics of series of random variables with the objective to estimate VIEs’ expected cash flows of income. VIEs are generally modelled as a random variable with statistic mean different from statistic mode, a fact omitted in some passages of FIN 46/R exposition. Subsequently we have underlined that the variability of returns is directly related with the interval of confidence set for distribution functions representing random variables when computing the reporting entity forecast of expected variability. The potential deadlock could be widening when different interest holders are implementing different modelling of the reporting entity which yield to different results, but still acceptable under the Interpretation prescriptions. FASB introduction of non-previous US GAAP measures like EXLS/EXRR are, as we believe, in need to be backed up by a more robust theoretical framework. To do so, we needed to characterise the choice of the discount rate. In this framework, we have once again taken the theoretical basis of cost of capital, highlighting the equivalence of the results of other methods; including pros and cons of the utility functions and certainty equivalence method and the risk adjusted probability method. We have then given evidence on why FASB should use the cost of capital method as the discount rate to compute income variability together with income streams. In fact, by using the cost of capital method, and the WACC deriving from CAPM, all financial risk is embedded in the discount rate leaving the reporting enterprise free to express in the books the operational risks known or of most suitable estimation. Nowadays marginal cost of debt and market value of equity are used in common practice, according with CAPM theory, and have their use extended to private businesses. The cost of capital for private enterprises make use of sensitivity correlation coefficient of the enterprise return over the market return (beta coefficient) are of difficult estimate for private entities although betas can be computed in a number of ways using assumptions which are proper of the enterprise and its industry peers. To close the chapter related to valuation, finally we have focused on how these methodologies are being implemented by corporate America realising that the fears for value relevancy and hardship in tailoring the application to the single entities is a shared feeling and still a process far from crystallisation. In particular, FASB does not impose a clear conversion from book values to either fair values or value-in-use ones. It neither rules out the use of different valuation methods, if not for particular aspects treated within its FSP 46/R-S, in the exercise of computation of expected variability, which we have to recognise has not been proper of the accountancy function until lately. This thesis proposes an algorithm that goes in detail in the application of FIN 46/R for a reporting enterprise taking into account all possible interrelations among interest holders and distinct interest in subset of assets. The algorithm brings to light the weaknesses in application of the Interpretation caused by potential interrelations between expected losses assessment and variable interests in specified assets, wherever the fair value of these is more than 50% of net assets, i.e. distinctive VIEs. The algorithm, despite being in line with FIN 46/R prescriptions, does not cope with situations of cross default of related parties’ investors in the same VIE. However while the application of a cause and effect model is not always possible we think increased consolidation constraints would highly reduce these possibilities. In the process for determining if the reporting entity is a VIE, FASB develops also the ‘at risk’ test, highlighting once again the relevant weaknesses of the concepts of ‘previous ability to finance operations without subordinate financial support’ and ‘comparability with other similar entities which autonomously finance themselves without subordinated support’. We believe that the "at risk test" should only be a numeric test to iron out misinterpretations and gain relevance in consistency. FASB introduction of an exclusion sufficiency test to exclude variable interests for being classified as VIEs leaves, in our opinion, some uncertainties to the ‘participation in VIE design’ concept or to the ‘non significant interest’ one. This test, we believe, ought not to be a determinant factor, the level of polarisation of risk/reward of the consideration should instead be the sole paramount predictor for exclusion. As far as the conditions used to determine if the entity has sufficient equity to sustain its operations without financial support, the condition sine qua non of the minimum 10% of equity value over total assets, coupled with the triad of valuation methods proposed by FASB, should have been more stringent and concise in its ruling. In fact, these methods leave again interpretative flexibility about the inputs used to demonstrate sufficiency. From a thorough profit variability analysis the thesis compares how the responsibilities and efforts to cope with FIN 46/R requirements are distributed among VIE stakeholders, namely auditors, reporting enterprises, standard setters and regulators. This has been done comparing the use of CON 7 approach to the traditional cost of capital approach used in corporate finance. Furthermore, we have put in evidence that by implementing FIN 46/R VIEs entities tend naturally to overstate income variability valuations, being income streams discounted at Rf, heightening capital requirements. We would like to close by making a forecast on long-term developments that we envisage this Interpretation will bring forward, by starting to think on which are the VIEs stakeholders that are bound to be the most disadvantaged. This is again the class of primary beneficiaries of smaller sizes, which will have either to recourse to more lending to cover for capitalisation requirements and increased financial leverage, or face financial distress. Both cases are precursors to industry consolidation and forebears of globalisation, while the class most favoured will be the banking industry.RIASSUNTO (ITALIAN): L’introduzione del FIN 46/R (FASB Interpretazione N. 46/R) da parte del FASB (Financial Accounting and Standards Board) si è dimostrata rivoluzionaria grazie al nuovo modello di consolidamento che si interpone tra il contesto economico finanziario e quello legale delle entità oggetto di questa interpretazione. Forma legale e relativi accordi tra stakeholders delle entità, definite come qualsiasi forma legale di impresa e veicolo finanziario, devono d’ora in poi essere confrontati con un’analisi della variabilità attesa degli utili prima di identificare quale stakeholder debba consolidare l’entità in oggetto (beneficiario primario). Di conseguenza il concetto di variabilità (varianza) dei redditi acquista un peso determinante nella definizione di variable interest entity (VIE) con conseguenze che devono essere ancora completamente digerite da professionisti e imprese che devono adeguarsi a questa interpretazione contabile. In virtù della stessa il consolidamento da parte del portatore di interessi che assorbe la maggioranza delle perdite attese ora avrà la precedenza perfino sull’azionista o sulla controllante che dovesse detenere la maggioranza assoluta dei diritti di voto. Questa rivoluzione è stata per ora intesa per un vasto, ma selezionato, insieme di classi di imprese, essendo ad esempio SPV di assicurazioni vita e veicoli finanziari di enti governativi a scopo di lucro lasciati (per ora) fuori dall’ambito di questa interpretazione. Il consolidamento attraverso il modello variable interest (VI) è il risultato di quattro passi. Innanzitutto, la definizione di entità comprendente qualsiasi forma legale intesa a compiere un’attività economica o a possedere degli attivi. Secondariamente l’identificazione dei cosiddetti interessi variabili nell’entità precedentemente definita; questi VI derivano dall’identificazione dell’aggregato dell’entità in analisi il cui fair value muta di valore al variare del valore dei net assets dell’entità al netto degli stessi interessi variabili. Le variazioni del fair value di questi asset sono considerate indipendentemente dai diritti di voto a loro associati, quindi forme ibride di capitale azionario quali azioni privilegiate, mezzanini e altri strumenti affini devono avere chiaramente dettagliate le loro caratteristiche prima di poter analizzare il loro comportamento e poter prendere una decisione. Terzo punto, la stima della variabilità attesa degli utili (perdite potenziali attese e utili residui attesi) della VIE la cui rilevanza ai fini della teoria del valore è stata data ampia trattazione in questa tesi. Quarto e ultimo passo, l’identificazione del beneficiario primario, quando questo esista, definito come la parte che assorbe la porzione maggiore di perdite e/o beneficia maggiormente degli utili residui e che, in ultima analisi, deve consolidare l’entità a interesse variabile in oggetto. Altrimenti la VIE è considerata tale da distribuire sufficientemente il rischio tra gli stakeholder. Attraverso il processo di consolidamento il concetto di ‘capitale azionario a rischio’ (Equity at risk) è introdotto da FASB per definire la frazione del capitale azionario che assorbe effettivamente la variabilità creata dal capitale investito netto (Net Assets) della VIE. Nonostante un apposito test (condizione sufficiente) sia stato proposto da FASB alcune difficoltà interpretative sono ancora presenti. Queste sono dovute ad una serie di deduzioni dal capitale legale che deve essere dedotto di pagamenti per servizi, prestiti o garanzie degli stessi. Azioni emesse in cambio di interessi subordinati in altre VIE dovranno altresì essere dedotti dal totale dell’Equity at Risk, così pure per gli investimenti di valore cosiddetto trascurabile (non-significant). Tutte le valutazioni al riguardo devono essere fatte al fair value, quindi i valori contabili dovranno sempre fare spazio all’analisi finanziaria dando rilevanza ai fini del valore a questa interpretazione. Il concetto di ‘equity at risk’ è il risultato di deduzioni prese da entrambi i lati dello stato patrimoniale. Particolare attenzione è richiesta nella valutazione delle garanzie e altri obblighi fuori bilancio. Questa tesi prende in considerazione anche il test proposto da FASB per valutare gli investimenti trascurabili (non-significant) proponendone uno alternativo che, secondo il nostro giudizio, ne riduce la varianza interpretativa in ambito di redazione del bilancio. Da questa analisi sugli asset e sulla struttura finanziaria, in accordo con i concetti CON 6, FASB correttamente smonta la nozione di controllo ereditata dall’attuale contabilità separando la capacità di prendere decisioni di gestione della VIE da obblighi e diritti di assorbimento della variabilità dei risultati economici della stessa. La prima è data dalle decisioni sulla struttura finanziaria e da quelle in merito agli investimenti nel capitale investito, la seconda dettata dagli obblighi di ricapitalizzare le perdite e di ricevere utili residui. All’atto del consolidamento gli elementi di stato patrimoniale della VIE vengono misurati al fair value mentre quelli che già sono di pertinenza del beneficiario primario con precedente ruolo di controllante (Parent Company) rimangono iscritte a bilancio al valore di carico essendo già parte del bilancio. In questo modo FIN 46/R permette il riconoscimento di un avviamento (goodwill) all’acquisizione di una VIE che si possa considerare come un’impresa ai fini di questa interpretazione. Se invece il prezzo corrisposto per l’interesse acquisito (valore di carico +/- premium/discount) è inferiore al fair value dei suoi net assets per effetto del consolidamento si dovrà registrare una diminuzione di valore degli asset appena consolidati. Eccezion fatta per cassa, crediti di imposta, fondi TFR e simili. In questo caso VIE che non sono assimilabili ad imprese origineranno conseguentemente una perdita (o utile) straordinaria, in caso di utile straordinario il valore del nuovo asset acquisito è aumentato pro-quota. Mente i principi di valutazione del FIN 46/R che riguardano la definizione di valori di bilancio originatisi dal consolidamento della VIE, risiedono interamente nel fair value, a professionisti e imprese è richiesto invece di basare le loro previsioni di variabilità degli utili su informazioni private, che quindi danno origine a valori di tipo entity-specific, comprensive dei piani aziendali in accordo con la strategia industriale adottata, che sono funzione dell’attuale posizionamento competitivo di settore. Questo è causa di problemi legati alla divulgazione di informazioni e indirettamente alla tracciabilità dei risultati. Parte del processo utilizzato per l’applicazione del VIE model passa per la stima della variabilità degli utili (Expected Lossess, Expected Residual Returns, EXLS/EXRR) e per la verifica dell’esistenza o meno del beneficiario primario. La stima è il frutto di un’analisi di variabilità (varianza) dei redditi attraverso l’uso di DCF (discounted cash flow models). Per fare chiarezza su questo punto abbiamo prima rivisitato alcuni aspetti delle serie di variabili aleatorie con l’obiettivo di caratterizzare il contesto teorico a corredo della stima del reddito/utile atteso della VIE. VIE possono essere generalmente modellizzate come una variabile aleatoria con una media statistica in generale diversa dalla moda statistica, un fatto omesso in alcuni passaggi dell’esposizione del FIN 46/R che può portare ad incertezze in fase implementativa dell’interpretazione. Successivamente abbiamo sottolineato che la variabilità dei redditi è direttamente connessa all’intervallo di confidenza fissato per le funzioni di distribuzione rappresentanti variabili aleatorie durante il calcolo della variabilità attesa della VIE. Il potenziale impasse si potrebbe allargare qualora differenti stakeholders dovessero usare un modello di stima diverso della VIE che potrebbe portare a risultati, seppur diversi, ugualmente accettabili secondo le prescrizioni di questa interpretazione. L’introduzione di definizioni quali EXLS/EXRR, precedentemente non parte dei principi US GAAP, crediamo necessitino di una più robusta trattazione teorica. Per fare questo abbiamo caratterizzato anche la scelta del saggio di sconto che FASB indica come il tasso privo di rischio. In questo contesto abbiamo preso come base la teoria del costo del capitale per poi evidenziare i punti deboli e quelli di forza di alcuni metodi quali l’equivalente certo, il metodo del costo del capitale e quello della probabilità corretta per il rischio (risk adjusted probability). Abbiamo quindi dato evidenza alle ragioni per cui FASB dovrebbe usare il metodo del costo del capitale che è dato dal tasso di sconto impiegato per calcolare la variabilità del reddito derivante dall’attualizzazione dei flussi di reddito. Infatti, usando il metodo del costo del capitale, il WACC derivante dall’implementazione del CAPM sconta tutto il rischio finanziario nel tasso, lasciando all’impresa libertà di esprimere nei libri contabili, e quindi nei

    Optical signatures of shear collective modes in strongly interacting Fermi liquids

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    A theory of the strain-dependent critical field in Nb3Sn, based on anharmonic phonon generation

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    We propose a theory to explain the strain dependence of the critical properties in A15 superconductors. Starting from the strong-coupling formula for the critical temperature, and assuming that the strain sensitivity stems mostly from the electron-phonon alpha^2F function, we link the strain dependence of the critical properties to a widening of alpha^2F. This widening is attributed to the nonlinear generation of phonons, which takes place in the anharmonic deformation potential induced by the strain. Based on the theory of sum- and difference-frequency wave generation in nonlinear media, we obtain an explicit connection between the widening of alpha^2F and the anharmonic energy. The resulting model is fit to experimental datasets for Nb3Sn, and the anharmonic energy extracted from the fits is compared with first-principles calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids

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    We provide a general theoretical framework to describe the electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids, consisting for example of electrons in certain solids or plasmas. We confirm that finite viscosity leads to multiple modes of evanescent electromagnetic waves at a given frequency, one of which is characterized by a negative index of refraction, as previously discussed in a simplified model by one of the authors. In particular we explain how optical spectroscopy can be used to probe the viscosity. We concentrate on the impact of this on the coefficients of refraction and reflection at the sample-vacuum interface. Analytical expressions are obtained relating the viscosity parameter to the reflection and transmission coefficients of light. We demonstrate that finite viscosity has the effect to decrease the reflectivity of a metallic surface, while the electromagnetic field penetrates more deeply. While on a phenomenological level there are similarities to the anomalous skin effect, the model presented here requires no particular assumptions regarding the corpuscular nature of the charge liquid. A striking consequence of the branching phenomenon into two degenerate modes is the occurrence in a half-infinite sample of oscillations of the electromagnetic field intensity as a function of distance from the interface.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Periodicity of superconducting shape resonances in thin films

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    The pairing temperature of superconducting thin films is expected to display, within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory, oscillations as a function of the film thickness. We show that the pattern of these oscillations switches between two different periodicities at a density-dependent value of the superconducting coupling. The transition is most abrupt in the anti-adiabatic regime, where the Fermi energy is less than the Debye energy. To support our numerical data, we provide new analytical expressions for the chemical potential and the pairing temperature as a function of thickness, which only differ from the exact solution at weak coupling by exponentially-small corrections.Comment: Published versio

    Correlation between phase stiffness and condensation energy across the non-Fermi to Fermi-liquid crossover in the Yukawa-Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model on a lattice

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    We construct and analyze a lattice generalization of the Yukawa-Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, where spinful fermions experience on-site, random, all-to-all interactions with an Einstein bosonic mode, and random intersite coherent hopping. We obtain the exact self-consistent numerical solution of the model at mean-field level, and analytical approximations, for all values of fermion-boson coupling and hopping, under the spin-singlet ansatz and at particle-hole symmetry, both in the normal and superconducting states, thus tracing the entire phase diagram. In the normal state, the competition between hopping and coupling leads to crossovers between Fermi-liquid and non-Fermi liquid states, as reflected by the fermionic and bosonic spectral functions and the normal-state entropy. We calculate the finite phase stiffness of the superconducting state through the equilibrium electromagnetic response. Furthermore, we study the critical temperature TcT_c, as well as the spectral functions, the quasiparticle weight, the gap, and the condensation energy in the superconducting state. At weak coupling, we retrieve a disordered generalization of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory. At strong coupling, asymptotically TcT_c saturates but the stiffness decreases, which suggests strong superconducting fluctuations. TcT_c is maximum in the single-dot limit, while the stiffness peaks exactly at the crossover between non-Fermi liquid and Fermi-liquid phases. We discover that the quasiparticle weight, the stiffness, and the condensation energy, are all correlated as a function of coupling, reminiscent of the correlations observed in high-temperature cuprate superconductors.Comment: 53 pages, 22 figures; companion paper: arXiv:2302.1313

    BCS to incoherent superconductivity crossovers in the Yukawa-SYK model on a lattice

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    We provide a quantitative and controlled analysis of the phase diagram of the the Yukawa-SYK model on a lattice, in the normal and superconducting states. We analyze the entire crossover from BCS/weak-coupling to Eliashberg/strong coupling superconductivity, as a function of fermion-boson interaction strength and hopping parameter. Cooper pairs of sharp Fermi-liquid quasiparticles at weak coupling evolve into pairing of fully incoherent fermions in the non-Fermi liquid regime. The crossovers leave observable traces in the critical temperature, the zero-temperature and zero-energy gap, the entropy, and the phase stiffness.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; companion paper: arXiv:2302.1313
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