79 research outputs found

    TURVALLISESTI MAAILMAAN Yhteispäivystyksen hoitohenkilökunnan osaamisen kehittäminen matkasynnytysvalmiuteen

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on suunnattu Pohjois-Karjalan sairaanhoito ja sosiaalipalvelujen kuntayhtymän (PKSSK) yhteispäivystyksen hoitohenkilökunnalle. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on järjestää koulutusta yhteispäivystyksen hoitohenkilökunnalle. Koulutuksessa käydään läpi synnytyksen eri vaiheet ja avustaminen matkasynnytyksessä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on, että jokaisella koulutukseen osallistuvalla olisi perusvalmiudet avustaessaan mahdollisessa matkasynnytyksessä. Opinnäytetyö sai alkunsa opinnäytetyön tekijän omasta kokemuksesta ja muun yhteispäivystyksen hoitohenkilökunnan kanssa käydyistä keskusteluista. Keskusteluissa tuli esille, että tiedot ja taidot ovat puutteelliset, jos he joutuisivat avustamaan synnytyksessä. Opinnäytetyö on toteutettu toimintatutkimuksena, ja opinnäytetyön tuotos on valokuvien kanssa tehty PowerPoint-esitys synnytyksen vaiheista. Opinnäytetyötä varten on kerätty anonyymisti tietoa koulutustarpeesta ja siitä, millaista koulutusta haluttiin järjestettäväksi. Kyselyyn vastasi kolmannes (n=32) yhteispäivystyksen hoitajista. Opinnäytetyö on ajankohtainen ja hyödyllinen, koska esimerkiksi synnytyssairaaloiden lakkauttamisen takia välimatkat synnytyssairaaloihin ovat pidentyneet ja matkasynnytykset lisääntyneet. Yhteispäivystyksessä täytyy olla valmius erilaisten yllättävien tilanteiden varalle ja yksi tällainen tilanne on matkasynnytyksessä avustaminen. Opinnäytetyön tuotos on vapaasti käytettävissä koko PKSSK:n alueella, koska se on lisätty PKSSK:n oppimateriaaleihin. Vastaavia opinnäytetöitä on tehty esimerkiksi ambulanssi henkilökunnalle, mutta niissä koulutusmateriaali on suunniteltu ambulanssissa tai kotona tapahtuvaa synnytystä varten.The thesis targets nursing staff of the emergency department at North Karelia Medical care and Social Services (PKSSK). The objective of the thesis is to help provide in out-of-hospital delivery to the staff. The training covers the different phases of the child-birth and assisting in an out-of-hospital delivery.The purpose of the thesis is to ensure that all participants will have the basic skills in assisting in an out-of-hospital delivery. The idea of this thesis rose from the personal experiences of the thesis author and from the discussions with other nursing staff members at the emergency department. It became evident that both skills and knowledge were considered as inadequate to assist in an ouf-ofhospital delivery. The thesis has been carried out as an action research, and the educational material will be performed as a PowerPoint presentation with photographs of the different steps of child birth. The information about what kind of education is needed at the emergency department was collected anonymously. The third (=32) of the nursing staff answered to the inquiry. The thesis is useful and current, because closing several maternity hospitals has increased the distances between hospitals and therefore also the out-of-hospital deliveries have increased. Emergency departments have to be prepared for different kinds of unexpected situations, out-of-hospital deliveries being one of them. The output of this bachelor’s thesis is freely available for use in every department in PKSSK and can be found in educational materials in PKSSK intranet. Similar theses have been made, for example, for paramedics, the difference being in focusing on child births in an ambulance or in one’s home

    The Impact of School and After-School Friendship Networks on Adolescent Vaccination Behavior

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    Psychological and social characteristics of individuals are important determinants of their health choices and behaviors. Social networks represent "pipes" through which information and opinions circulate and spread out in the social circle surrounding individuals, influencing their propensity toward important health care interventions. This paper aims to explore the relationship between students' vaccination health choices and their social networks. We administered a questionnaire to students to collect data on individual students' demographics, knowledge, and attitudes about vaccinations, as well as their social networks. Forty-nine pupils belonging to 4 classrooms in an Italian secondary school were enrolled in the study. We applied a logistic regression quadratic assignment procedure (LR-QAP) by regressing students' positive responsive behavior similarity as a dependent variable. LRQAP findings indicate that students' vaccination behavior similarity is significantly associated with after-school social ties and related social mechanisms, suggesting that pupils are more likely to share information and knowledge about health behaviors through social relationships maintained after school hours rather than through those established during the school day. Moreover, we found that vaccination behaviors are more similar for those students having the same ethnicity as well as for those belonging to the same class. Our findings may help policymakers in implementing effective vaccination strategies

    Early high-dosage atorvastatin treatment improved serum immune-inflammatory markers and functional outcome in acute ischemic strokes classified as large artery atherosclerotic stroke: A randomized trial

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    Statins have beneficial effects on cerebral circulation and brain parenchyma during ischemic stroke and reperfusion. The primary hypothesis of this randomized parallel trial was that treatment with 80 mg/day of atorvastatin administered early at admission after acute atherosclerotic ischemic stroke could reduce serum levels of markers of immune-inflammatory activation of the acute phase and that this immune-inflammatory modulation could have a possible effect on prognosis of ischemic stroke evaluated by some outcome indicators. We enrolled 42 patients with acute ischemic stroke classified as large arteries atherosclerosis stroke (LAAS) randomly assigned in a randomized parallel trial to the following groups: Group A, 22 patients treated with atorvastatin 80mg (once-daily) from admission day until discharge; Group B, 20 patients not treated with atorvastatin 80mg until discharge, and after discharge, treatment with atorvastatin has been started. At 72 hours and at 7 days after acute ischemic stroke, subjects of group A showed significantly lower plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-a, interleukin (IL)-6, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, whereas no significant difference with regard to plasma levels of IL-10, E-Selectin, and P-Selectin was observed between the 2 groups. At 72 hours and 7 days after admission, stroke patients treated with atorvastatin 80mg in comparison with stroke subjects not treated with atorvastatin showed a significantly lower mean National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and modified Rankin scores. Our findings provide the first evidence that atorvastatin acutely administered immediately after an atherosclerotic ischemic stroke exerts a lowering effect on immune-inflammatory activation of the acute phase of stroke and that its early use is associated to a better functional and prognostic profile

    Breast cancer-associated fibroblasts promote tumor cell migration: crucial role of Stearoyl CoA Desaturase1 and paracrine signalings

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    The key role played by the stroma in breast cancer development and progression has been widely recognized. Recently, we reported that the cross-talk between epithelial and stromal cells affects structural and functional features correlated with the invasive phenotype of breast cancer cells by co-culturing mammary cancer cells with different metastatic potential (MDA-MB-231>MCF-7) with fibroblasts isolated from breast healthy skin (normal fibroblasts, NFs) or breast tumor stroma (cancer-associated fibroblasts, CAFs) [1].This study was designed to deepen the knowledge of the role played notably by CAFs in promoting breast tumor cell migratory skill through the analysis of the expression/activity of downstream potential target molecules and of the contribution of paracrine signalings. Thus, we investigated the influence of fibroblasts on the expression of Stearoyl- CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), the main enzyme regulating membrane fluidity, as well as on the level and activity of its transcription factor, SREBP1, in breast cancer cells. The ability of CAFs to promote a 2-3 fold increase in SCD1 mRNA and protein expression as well as an induction of SREBP1 DNA binding activity has been shown in the two cancer cell lines. Both siRNA-mediated and pharmacological inhibition of SCD1 impaired tumor cells migration. To clarify the possible role of tumor-stroma paracrine interaction in the previously reported improvement of cancer cell migratory ability, cocultures were set up in presence of neutralizing antibodies against hepatocyte growth factor, transforming growth factor-β or basic fibroblast growth factor. Cell tracking analysis demonstrated that the CAF-mediated increase in tumor cell migration speed was reduced or abolished by neutralizing the above soluble factors. These results provide new insights in understanding the role of CAFs in promoting tumor cell invasiveness and may help to devise new targeted therapeutic approaches

    Breast cancer-associated fibroblasts promote tumor cell migration: crucial role of Stearoyl CoA Desaturase1 and paracrine signalings

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    The key role played by the stroma in breast cancer development and progression has been widely recognized. Recently, we reported that the cross-talk between epithelial and stromal cells affects structural and functional features correlated with the invasive phenotype of breast cancer cells by co-culturing mammary cancer cells with different metastatic potential (MDA-MB-231>MCF-7) with fibroblasts isolated from breast healthy skin (normal fibroblasts, NFs) or breast tumor stroma (cancer-associated fibroblasts, CAFs) [1].This study was designed to deepen the knowledge of the role played notably by CAFs in promoting breast tumor cell migratory skill through the analysis of the expression/activity of downstream potential target molecules and of the contribution of paracrine signalings. Thus, we investigated the influence of fibroblasts on the expression of Stearoyl- CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), the main enzyme regulating membrane fluidity, as well as on the level and activity of its transcription factor, SREBP1, in breast cancer cells. The ability of CAFs to promote a 2-3 fold increase in SCD1 mRNA and protein expression as well as an induction of SREBP1 DNA binding activity has been shown in the two cancer cell lines. Both siRNA-mediated and pharmacological inhibition of SCD1 impaired tumor cells migration. To clarify the possible role of tumor-stroma paracrine interaction in the previously reported improvement of cancer cell migratory ability, cocultures were set up in presence of neutralizing antibodies against hepatocyte growth factor, transforming growth factor-β or basic fibroblast growth factor. Cell tracking analysis demonstrated that the CAF-mediated increase in tumor cell migration speed was reduced or abolished by neutralizing the above soluble factors. These results provide new insights in understanding the role of CAFs in promoting tumor cell invasiveness and may help to devise new targeted therapeutic approaches

    HLA and killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIRs) genotyping in patients with acute viral encephalitis

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    Introduction: The HLA genes, as well as the innate immune KIR genes, are considered relevant determinants of viral outcomes but no study, to our knowledge, has evaluated their role in the clinical setting of acute viral encephalitis. Results: Subjects with acute viral encephalitis in comparison to subjects without acute viral encephalitis showed a significantly higher frequency of 2DL1 KIR gene and AA KIR haplotypes and of HLA-C2 and HLA-A-Bw4 alleles. Subjects without acute viral encephalitis showed a higher frequency of interaction between KIR2DL2 and HLAC1. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed the detrimental effect of HLA-A haplotype and HLA-C1, HLA-A-BW4 HLA-B-BW4T alleles, whereas multiple logistic regression showed a protective effect of AB+BB KIR haplotype and a detrimental effect of interaction between KIR3DL1 and HLA-A-Bw4. Discussion: Our findings of a lower frequency of activating receptors in patients with acute encephalitis compared to controls could result in a less efficient response of NK cells. This finding could represent a possible pathogenetic explanation of susceptibility to acute symptomatic encephalitis in patients with viral infection from potentially responsible viruses such as Herpes virus. Materials and Methods: 30 Consecutive patients with symptomatic acute viral encephalitis and as controls, 36 consecutive subjects without acute encephalitis were analyzed. The following KIR genes were analyzed, KIR2DL1, 2DL2, 2DL3, 2DL5, 3DL1, 3DL2, 3DL3, 2DL4, 2DS1, 2DS2, 2DS3, 2DS4, 2DS5, 3DS1, 2 pseudogenes (2DP1 and 3DP1) and the common variants of KIR2DL5 (KIR2DL5A, KIR2DL5B)

    Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 and paracrine diffusible signals have a major role in the promotion of breast cancer cell migration induced by cancer-associated fibroblasts

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    Background: Despite the recognised contribution of the stroma to breast cancer development and progression, the effective targeting of the tumor microenvironment remains a challenge to be addressed. We previously reported that normal fibroblasts (NFs) and, notably, breast cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and increases in cell membrane fluidity and migration in well- (MCF-7) and poorly-differentiated (MDA-MB-231) breast cancer cells. This study was designed to better define the role played, especially by CAFs, in promoting breast tumor cell migration. Methods: Fibroblast/breast cancer cell co-cultures were set up to investigate the influence of NFs and CAFs on gene and protein expression of Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), the main enzyme regulating membrane fluidity, as well as on the protein level and activity of its transcription factor, the sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP1), in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. To assess the role of SREBP1 in the regulation of SCD1 expression, the desaturase levels were also determined in tumor cells treated with an SREBP1 inhibitor. Migration was evaluated by wound-healing assay in SCD1- inhibited (by small-interfering RNA (siRNA) or pharmacologically) cancer cells and the effect of CAF-conditioned medium was also assessed. To define the role of stroma-derived signals in cancer cell migration speed, cell-tracking analysis was performed in the presence of neutralising antibodies to hepatocyte growth factor, transforming growth factor-b or basic fibroblast growth factor. Results: A two to three fold increase in SCD1 mRNA and protein expression has been induced, particularly by CAFs, in the two cancer cell lines that appear to be dependent on SREBP1 activity in MCF-7 but not in MDA-MB-231 cells. Both siRNA-mediated and pharmacological inhibition of SCD1 impaired tumor cells migration, also when promoted by CAF-released soluble factors. Fibroblast-triggered increase in cancer cell migration speed was markedly reduced or abolished by neutralising the above growth factors. Conclusion: These results provide further insights in understanding the role of CAFs in promoting tumor cell migration, which may help to design new stroma-based therapeutic strategies

    How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons

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    COVID-19 negatively affected surgical activity, but the potential benefits resulting from adopted measures remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in surgical activity and potential benefit from COVID-19 measures in perspective of Italian surgeons on behalf of SPIGC. A nationwide online survey on surgical practice before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic was conducted in March-April 2022 (NCT:05323851). Effects of COVID-19 hospital-related measures on surgical patients' management and personal professional development across surgical specialties were explored. Data on demographics, pre-operative/peri-operative/post-operative management, and professional development were collected. Outcomes were matched with the corresponding volume. Four hundred and seventy-three respondents were included in final analysis across 14 surgical specialties. Since SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, application of telematic consultations (4.1% vs. 21.6%; p < 0.0001) and diagnostic evaluations (16.4% vs. 42.2%; p < 0.0001) increased. Elective surgical activities significantly reduced and surgeons opted more frequently for conservative management with a possible indication for elective (26.3% vs. 35.7%; p < 0.0001) or urgent (20.4% vs. 38.5%; p < 0.0001) surgery. All new COVID-related measures are perceived to be maintained in the future. Surgeons' personal education online increased from 12.6% (pre-COVID) to 86.6% (post-COVID; p < 0.0001). Online educational activities are considered a beneficial effect from COVID pandemic (56.4%). COVID-19 had a great impact on surgical specialties, with significant reduction of operation volume. However, some forced changes turned out to be benefits. Isolation measures pushed the use of telemedicine and telemetric devices for outpatient practice and favored communication for educational purposes and surgeon-patient/family communication. From the Italian surgeons' perspective, COVID-related measures will continue to influence future surgical clinical practice