162 research outputs found


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    La professione giornalistica vive nel terzo millennio un’evoluzione che non puo’ prescindere dagli sviluppi delle nuove tecnologie entrate a far parte in modo pervasivo del vivere comune della nostra societa’. Quello che in particolare si modifica non e’ tanto la professione in quanto tale, che mantiene la principale caratteristica di mediazione dell’informazione, ma l’organizzazione stessa del lavoro dei professionisti della notizia. La scelta dell’argomento della tesi parte dalla considerazione di questo dato di fatto, e la possibilita’ di aver svolto uno stage presso la redazione della free press torinese “Shop in the city”, e' stata l’occasione per indagare direttamente sul campo i meccanismi di fare informazione nell’era digitale. Partendo da questa prospettiva si e’ cercato innanzitutto di offrire una panoramica dei cambiamenti della professione e dei professionisti all’interno della societa’; un’analisi degli sviluppi tecnologici che hanno contribuito in modo determinante al cambiamento del lavoro di giornalista; un’analisi delle nuove forme di giornalismo che si sviluppano nell’era digitale. Parallelamente, un capitolo-intermezzo viene dedicato a due autori, Richard Florida e McKenzie Wark, i quali, partendo da prospettive diametralmente opposte, arrivano entrambi alla considerazione che nell’era digitale cio’ che rappresenta una vera produttrice di valore per la societa’ e’ la creativitĂ  degli individui, che si colloca proprio nell’intreccio tra rete e metropoli, tra virtuale e reale: l’informale diventa la sorgente cui la societĂ  attinge per trovare i suoi nuovi contesti produttivi. Queste considerazioni vengono applicate nella seconda parte del lavoro di tesi in cui viene analizzata la free press torinese “Shop in the city”, sia nella sua realta’ cartacea che soprattutto nella sua forma web. CiĂČ permette di applicare tutte le considerazioni fatte in fase teorica. In particolare l’analisi dei punti di forza e di debolezza della parte online servono come spunto per presentare un progetto di implementazione del sito seguendo i pilastri della filosofia del web 2.0 e di un maggior coinvolgimento dell’utente, volendo dimostrare che oggi non conta piĂč essere a tutti i costi online con un sito vetrina: occorre, nel terzo millennio che viviamo, fornire un vero servizio agli utenti di modo che essi effettivamente utilizzino il sito e siano fidelizzati alla navigazione. Lo scopo finale e’ quindi quello di fornire in prima istanza una mappatura cognitiva dello scenario mediale degli ultimi anni, che sia forse utile ai vari dibattiti che alimentano la scena informativa riguardo al futuro dei giornali e ai possibili sviluppi del campo giornalistico attraverso lo sfruttamento delle potenzialita’ dei new media; in seconda istanza, preso il caso pratico di una free press, si propone di offrire un esempio di come migliorare lo sfruttamento delle potenzialitĂ  di internet per fare informazione nell’era digitale. In the third millennium the journalistic profession is going through an evolution and cannot ignore the new technological developments that have become an important and pervasive part of the shared lives of our society. It is not so much the profession itself which is changing, in the sense that it maintains it’s principal role of the mediation and distribution of information, but instead the way in which the work of news professionals is organised. Based on this assumption, this work begins by offering an overview of the changes to the profession and to the professionals themselves; an analysis of the technological developments that have contributed to determining the changes in the work of a journalist and an analysis of the new forms of journalism that are developing in the digital era. In parallel, a part is dedicated to two authors, Richard Florida and McKenzie Wark, who both arrive at the conclusion that in the digital era that which represents a real increase in value for an organisation is the creativity of individuals, which can be seen as being placed in the crossover of network and metropolis,: the informal becomes the source on which the organisation draws to find it’s new production contexts. These considerations are applied and discussed in the second part of the thesis in which the Turin-based free press ‘Shop in the city’ is analysed, both in it’s paper and web-based forms. This analysis allows the application of the theories discussed in the relevant part of the thesis and offers a practical example of the reality of journalism in the digital era. In particular, the analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of the online format provide a good basis for the development and presentation of an implementation project for the site, following the philosophies of web 2.0 and of increased user involvement, demonstrating that it is no longer enough simply to be online at all costs, or to only have a ‘window display site’: in this third millennium it is fundamental to provide a real service to users so that they can effectively navigate and make use of the site. The final aim, therefore, is to provide in the first instance a cognitive map of the field over the past few years, something which may be of use in the various debates that rise in the sector about the future of newspapers and the possible future developments in the field of journalism through the use of new media techniques and methods. In the second instance, with regard to the practical case of a free paper, this thesis proposes an example of how to best make use of the power of the internet to provide information in the digital era

    Tobacco Smoking Is a Strong Predictor of Failure of Conservative Treatment in Hinchey IIa and IIb Acute Diverticulitis-A Retrospective Single-Center Cohort Study

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    Background and Objectives: Therapeutic management of patients with complicated acute diverticulitis remains debatable. The primary objective of this study is to identify predictive factors for the failure of conservative treatment of Hinchey IIa and IIb diverticular abscesses. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study that included patients hospitalized from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2022 at the Emergency Surgery Department of the Cagliari University Hospital (Italy), diagnosed with acute diverticulitis complicated by Hinchey grade IIa and IIb abscesses. The collected variables included the patient's baseline characteristics, clinical variables on hospital admission, abscess characteristics at the contrast-enhanced CT scan, clinical outcomes of the conservative therapy, and follow-up results. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify prognostic factors of conservative treatment failure and success. Results: Two hundred and fifty-two patients diagnosed with acute diverticulitis were identified from the database search, and once the selection criteria were applied, 71 patients were considered eligible. Conservative treatment failed in 25 cases (35.2%). Univariable analysis showed that tobacco smoking was the most significant predictor of failure of conservative treatment (p = 0.007, OR 7.33, 95%CI 1.55; 34.70). Age (p = 0.056, MD 6.96, 95%CI -0.18; 0.99), alcohol drinking (p = 0.071, OR 4.770, 95%CI 0.79; 28.70), platelets level (p = 0.087, MD -32.11, 95%CI -0.93; 0.06), Hinchey stage IIa/IIb (p = 0.081, OR 0.376, 95%CI 0.12; 1.11), the presence of retroperitoneal air bubbles (p = 0.025, OR 13.300, 95%CI 1.61; 291.0), and the presence of extraluminal free air at a distance (p = 0.043, OR 4.480, 95%CI 1.96; 20.91) were the other variables possibly associated with the risk of failure. In the multivariable logistic regression analysis, only tobacco smoking was confirmed to be an independent predictor of conservative treatment failure (p = 0.006; adjusted OR 32.693; 95%CI 2.69; 397.27). Conclusion: The role of tobacco smoking as a predictor of failure of conservative therapy of diverticular abscess scenarios highlights the importance of prevention and the necessity to reduce exposure to modifiable risk factors

    Geographical restriction of Hepatitis E virus circulation in wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Emilia-Romagna region, Northern Italy

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a single‐strand RNA virus that causes an acute viral hepatitis in humans. Among its eight recognized genotypes, HEV-3 and HEV-4 are zoonotic, infecting humans, pigs and feral pigs. Recently, HEV-3 has been also detected in red deer, which represents another reservoir of HEV. Consumption of raw pork products (mainly liver sausages), undercooked wild boar meat, raw wild boar liver and deer meat has been responsible for foodborne HEV human worldwide. From November 2018 to March 2019, liver samples collected from 97 wild boars hunted in Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) were tested for HEV RNA. The hunting area included two territories for an extension of 33 km2, named A (about 13 km2, natural park, deciduous wood) and B (about 20 km2, cultivated fields in proximity of a river) areas. Distance between the two areas ranged between 8 to 10 km. A total of 73 wild boars were hunted in area A, and 24 in area B. HEV RNA was detected by Real‐time RT–PCR in 23/73 liver samples of wild boars living in area A only (31.5% - 95% CI: 22.0-42.8%). The HEV sequences (n=13) clustered within genotype 3. The majority of positives belonged to animals < 12 months (12/25; 48%), followed by subadults (13-24 months) (7/16; 43.8%) and adults (4/32; 12.5%). This difference was found to be statistically significant (p = 0.0024). In absence of pig farms, the restriction of HEV-positive animals to a well-defined territory of 13 km2 (Boschi di Carrega Regional Park) could hypothetically be related to the presence of red deer (Cervus elaphus), which lived in area A at the beginning of the hunting season. Further studies are needed to confirm or deny our hypothesis

    Reconstructing the recent West Nile virus lineage 2 epidemic in Europe and Italy using discrete and continuous phylogeography

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    West Nile virus lineage 2 (WNV-2) was mainly confined to sub-Saharan Africa until the early 2000s, when it was identified for the first time in Central Europe causing outbreaks of human and animal infection. The aim of this study was to reconstruct the origin and dispersion of WNV-2 in Central Europe and Italy on a phylodynamic and phylogeographical basis. To this aim, discrete and continuous space phylogeographical models were applied to a total of 33 newly characterised full-length viral genomes obtained from mosquitoes, birds and humans in Northern Italy in the years 2013-2015 aligned with 64 complete sequences isolated mainly in Europe. The European isolates segregated into two highly significant clades: a small one including three sequences and a large clade including the majority of isolates obtained in Central Europe since 2004. Discrete phylogeographical analysis showed that the most probable location of the root of the largest European clade was in Hungary a mean 12.78 years ago. The European clade bifurcated into two highly supported subclades: one including most of the Central/East European isolates and the other encompassing all of the isolates obtained in Greece. The continuous space phylogeographical analysis of the Italian clade showed that WNV-2 entered Italy in about 2008, probably by crossing the Adriatic sea and reaching a central area of the Po Valley. The epidemic then spread simultaneously eastward, to reach the region of the Po delta in 2013, and westward to the border area between Lombardy and Piedmont in 2014; later, the western strain changed direction southward, and reached the central area of the Po valley once again in 2015. Over a period of about seven years, the virus spread all over an area of northern Italy by following the Po river and its main tributaries

    Human Enterovirus B: Selective Inhibition by Quinoxaline Derivatives and Bioinformatic RNA-Motif Identification as New Targets

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    The Enterovirus genus includes many viruses that are pathogenic in humans, including Coxsackie viruses and rhinoviruses, as well as the emerging enteroviruses D68 and A71. Currently, effective antiviral agents are not available for the treatment or prevention of enterovirus infections, which remain an important threat to public health. We recently identified a series of quinoxaline derivatives that were provento be potent inhibitors of coxsackievirus B5, the most common and a very important human pathogen belonging to the enterovirus genus. We have shown how most active derivatives interfere with the earliest stages of viral replication, blocking infection. Considering the broad antiviral spectrum, a very attractive property for an antiviral drug, we aimed to investigate the antiviral activity of the most promising compounds against other Enterovirus species. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of a panel of representatives of Enterovirus genus (enterovirus A71, belonging to A species; coxsackieviruses B4 and B3;echovirus 9, belonging to B species; and enterovirus D68, belonging to D species) to quinoxaline inhibitors. We also tested cytotoxicity and selectivity indices of the selected compounds, as well as their effects on virus yield.We also investigated their potential mechanism of action by a time course assay. In addition, a bioinformatic analysis was carried out to discover potential new conserved motifs in CVB3 and CVB4 compared to the other enterovirus species that can be used as new targets

    Health Surveillance and Response to SARS-CoV-2 Mass Testing in Health Workers of a Large Italian Hospital in Verona, Veneto

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    Italy presented the first largest COVID-19 outbreak outside of China. Veneto currently ranks fourth among the Italian regions for COVID-19 confirmed cases (~19,000). This study presents health surveillance data for SARS-CoV-2 in 6100 health workers (HW) employed in a large public hospital. Workers underwent oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs, with a total of 5942 participants (97.5% of the population). A total of 11,890 specimens were tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection using PCR, identifying the viral genes E, RdRP, and N. Positive tests were returned for 238 workers (cumulative incidence of 4.0%, similar in both COVID and nonCOVID units). SARS-CoV-2 risk was not affected by gender, age, or job type, whereas work setting and occupation were both predictors of infection. The risk was higher in medical wards (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.9\u20133.9) and health services (OR 4.3, 95% CI 2.4\u20137.6), and lower in surgical wards and administration areas. To our knowledge, this study represents the largest available HW case list swab-tested for SARS-CoV-2, covering almost the total workforce. Mass screening enabled the isolation of HW, improved risk assessment, allowed for close contacts of and infected HW to return to work, provided evidence of SARS-CoV-2 diffusion, and presented solid ground to prevent nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infections. The ongoing concurrent sero-epidemiological study aims to enable the improvement of health surveillance to maintain the safety of HWs and the communities they serve

    Changes in ceftriaxone pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics during the early phase of sepsis: a prospective, experimental study in the rat

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    Abstract Background Sepsis is characterized by the loss of the perm-selectivity properties of the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB) with consequent albuminuria. We examined whether the pharmacokinetics–pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of ceftriaxone (CTX), an extensively protein-bound 3rd generation cephalosporin, is altered during early sepsis and whether an increase in urinary loss of bound-CTX, due to GFB alteration, can occur in this condition. Methods A prospective, experimental, randomized study was carried out in adult male Sprague–Dawley rats. Sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Rats were divided into two groups: Sham-operated and CLP. CTX (100 mg i.p., equivalent to 1 g dose in humans) was administered in order to measure plasma and lung CTX concentrations at several time-points: baseline and 1, 2, 4 and 6 h after administration. CTX was measured by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The morphological status of the sialic components of the GFB barrier was assessed by lectin histo-chemistry. Monte Carlo simulation was performed to calculate the probability of target attainment (PTA >90%) for 80 and 100% of Tfree > minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 80 and 100% of dosing interval. Measurements and main results After CLP, sepsis developed in rats as documented by the growth of polymicrobial flora in the peritoneal fluid (≀1 × 101 CFU in sham rats vs 5 × 104–1 × 105 CFU in CLP rats). CTX plasma concentrations were higher in CLP than in sham rats at 2 and 4 h after administration (difference at 2 h was 47.3, p = 0.012; difference at 4 h was 24.94, p = 0.004), while lung penetration tended to be lower. An increased urinary elimination of protein-bound CTX occurred (553 ± 689 vs 149 ± 128 mg/L, p < 0.05; % of bound/total CTX 22 ± 6 in septic rats vs 11 ± 4 in sham rats, p < 0.01) and it was associated with loss of the GFB sialic components. According to Monte Carlo simulation a PTA > 90% for 100% of the dosing interval was reached neither for sham nor CLP rats using MIC = 1 mg/L, the clinical breakpoint for Enterobacteriacee. Conclusions Sepsis causes changes in the PK of CTX and an alteration in the sialic components of the GFB, with consequent loss of protein-bound CTX. Among factors that can affect drug pharmacokinetics during the early phases of sepsis, urinary loss of both free and albumin–bound antimicrobials should be considered

    Association of chronic hepatitis C with major depressive disorders: irrespective of interferon-alpha therapy

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    Abstract Background Mood and anxiety symptoms in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) may be related to the patient awareness of the diagnosis and prognosis, to side effects induced by interferon (IFN)-alpha treatment, as well as to substance abuse. However, the observation of metabolic alterations in patients with CHC has led to hypothesize a direct effect of hepatitis C virus (HCV) on brain function. This study was aimed at elucidating whether CHC is associated with specific anxiety or mood disorders independently of confounding factors. Methods Patient cohort: consecutive patients, 135 with CHC and 76 with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Exclusion criteria: previous treatment with IFN-alpha, co-infection with HCV and hepatitis B virus, infection with human immunodeficiency virus, drug or alcohol abuse, or malignancies. Controls: subjects without evidence of hepatitis randomly extracted from the database of a previous epidemiological study; they were divided into two groups of 540 (332 males) and 304 (220 males) as controls for patients with CHC and CHB, respectively. The psychiatric diagnosis was formulated by means of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Simplified carried out by a physician according to DSM-IV criteria. Results A higher lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) was observed among CHC compared to CHB or controls. The risk of MDD was not statistically different between CHB and controls. Both the CHC and CHB groups showed a significantly higher frequency of panic disorder when compared to controls. No statistical differences were observed in the prevalence of general anxiety disorder and social phobia when CHC or CHB were compared to controls. Conclusion The present study provides the first evidence of an association between CHC and MDD, diagnosed on the basis of well-defined international criteria. This association is independent of treatment with IFN-alpha and is not influenced by substance or alcohol abuse. By contrast, anxiety disorders do not appear to be specifically associated with CHC
