232 research outputs found
La importancia de crear reglas claras y concisas al inicio de cada año escolar
An educator’s life is a road full of constant challenges and defies which must be overcomed to achieve excellence. Classroom management is one of the most important tasks of a teacher. In an effective classroom management there are three important elements: the co - creation of rules between students and teachers, the implementation of a rule system at the beginning of the school year, and assertive discipline classroom as management methodology.
These three strategies allow a class to flow in an accurate way, that teachers and students to be in a positive and safe environment, and that the teaching – learning process be meaningful. Additionally, these strategies allow the discipline management of the class lasts the entire school year, and can be transferable to subsequent years. Finally, the strategies described are intended to guide teachers to acquire an effective classroom management, which takes into account the needs of teachers and students, and the development of pro-social skills is encouraged.El trabajo de un educador es un camino lleno de retos permanentes y desafíos, los cuales deben ser superados para lograr la excelencia. El manejo de clase es una de las tareas más importantes de un profesor. Dentro de un manejo eficaz de clase se encuentran tres elementos importantes: la co- creación de reglas entre estudiantes y profesores, la implementación del sistema de reglas al inicio del año escolar, y la disciplina asertiva como metodología de manejo de clase.
Estas tres estrategias permiten que una clase fluya de una manera adecuada, para que tanto profesores como estudiantes se encuentren en un ambiente positivo y seguro, y que la enseñanza – aprendizaje sean significativos. Adicionalmente, estas estrategias permiten que el sistema reglamentario de la clase perdure todo el año escolar, y sea transferible a años posteriores.
Finalmente, las estrategias descritas tienen la finalidad de guiar a maestros a conseguir un manejo de clases efectivo, donde se toman en cuenta las necesidades de profesores y alumnos, y se fomenta el desarrollo de destrezas de comportamiento sociales
Developmental profile and diagnoses in children presenting with motor stereotypies
Introduction: Motor stereotypies represent a typical example of the difficulty in distinguishing non-clinical behaviors (physiological and transient) from symptoms or among different disorders (“primary stereotypies”, associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, genetic syndromes, sensory impairment). Aim of this study was to get an accurate analysis on the relationship between stereotypies and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Methods: We studied 23 children (3 girls) aged 36 to 95 months, who requested a consultation due to the persistence or the increase severity of motor stereotypies. None of patients had a previous diagnosis of ASD. The assessment included the Motor Severity Stereotypy Scale (MSSS), the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R), the Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM), the Child Behavior Checklist for ages 1 ½ -5 or 4-18 (CBCL), the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule- Second edition (ADOS 2).
Results: All patients were showing motor stereotypies for periods of time varying from 6 to 77 months. The MSSS showed each child had a limited number of stereotypies; their frequency and intensity were mild; the interference of stereotypies was variable; the impairment in the daily life was mild. The RBS-R scores resulted positive for the subscale of “Stereotypic behaviors” in all children; moreover, several children presented other repetitive behaviors, mainly “Ritualistic behavior” and “Sameness behavior”.
All patients showed a normal cognitive level. The CBCL evidenced behavioral problems in 22% of the children: Internalizing problems, Attention and Withdrawn were the main complaints. On the SRS, all but one of the tested patients obtained clinical scores in the clinical range at least in one area. On the ADOS 2, four patients obtained scores indicating a moderate level of ASD symptoms, four had a mild level and fifteen showed no or minimal signs of ASD.
Discussion: Motor stereotypies in children with normal cognitive level represent a challenging diagnostic issue for which a finely tailored assessment is mandatory in order to define a precise developmental profile. Notably, a careful and cautious use of standardized tests is warranted to avoid misdiagnosis. Furthermore, it is hard to consider motor stereotypies, even the primary ones, exclusively as a movement disorder
Developmental motor profile in preschool children with primary stereotypic movement disorder
Aim. Different neuropsychological dysfunctions have been described in children with primary Stereotypic Movement Disorder (SMD), mainly attention or motor coordination problems. Up to now with no study has evaluated psychomotor functions in preschoolers primary SMD. The aim of this observational study was to gather information on the motor profiles of SMD patients in this age range in comparison with typically developing children. Patients and Methods. Twenty-six children (four girls) aged 36 to 76 months (mean= 53 ±10) with primary SMD were assessed by a structured evaluation including the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2), the Beery-Buktenica Developmental test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI), the Repetitive Behaviour Scale-Revised (RBS-R), the Motor Severity Stereotypy Scale (MSSS), and the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). The diagnoses of Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder were exclusion criteria from the study. A comparison group of twenty-seven (four girls) typically developing children without stereotypies aged 36 to 59 months (mean= 48 ±7) was also examined. Results. The MABC-2 total score was lower than 15th percentile in fifteen children with SMD (58%); the worst performances were observed in Balance and Manual Dexterity subtests. The motor coordination score of VMI was lower than 15th percentile in ten children (38%). The majority of the children with low scores at MABC-2 also had low scores at the motor coordination subscale of VMI. MABC-2 standard scores of the clinical group were significantly lower than those of controls on MABC-2 Total, Balance, and Ball Skills subtests. Conclusion. The finding of widespread dysfunction of gross and fine motor abilities in preschoolers with primary SMD seems to delineate a peculiar phenotype and could provide new approaches to the management of this neurodevelopment disorder
Health-related quality of life in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome at the transition between adolescence and adulthood
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) is a neurodevelopmental
condition characterised by tics and comorbid
behavioural problems, affecting predominantly
male patients. Tic severity typically fluctuates over time,
with a consistent pattern showing improvement after adolescence
in a considerable proportion of patients. Both tics
and behavioural co-morbidities have been shown to have
the potential to affect patients’ health-related quality of life
(HR-QoL) in children and adults with persisting symptoms.
In this study, we present the results of the first investigation
of HR-QoL in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
at the transition between adolescence and adulthood using
a disease-specific HR-QoL measure, the Gilles de la
Tourette Syndrome-Quality of Life-Children and Adolescents
scale. Our results showed that patients with GTS and
more severe co-morbid anxiety symptoms reported lower
HR-QoL across all domains, highlighting the impact of
anxiety on patient’s well-being at a critical stage of
development. Routine screening for anxiety symptoms is
recommended in all patients with GTS seen at transition
clinics from paediatric to adult care, to implement effective
behavioural and pharmacological interventions as
No habrá cambios en las medidas por el aire: Área
Luego de que se conociera que el Tribunal Administrativo de Antioquia, ordenara al Área Metropolitana (Amva) y la Alcaldía de Medellín adoptar medidas cautelares para evitar que las estaciones de monitoreo en ninguna época del año reporten niveles que excedan el color amarillo (contaminación moderada), la autoridad ambiental indicó que, por el momento, no habrá modificaciones en las estrategias que se han venido implementando. (Museo de Antioquia, Universidad de Medellín, Universidad Nacional, EPM, Metro)
Liability action as a consequence of harmful management : the minority shareholders effectiveness in the protection of their rigths againts the abuse and power of the majority shareholders
La acción social de responsabilidad es una herramienta que le brinda el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano a una sociedad en el evento en que su patrimonio sufra perjuicios como consecuencia de una mala gestión de su administrador. Es pues la persona jurídica quien ejercerá la acción, previa aprobación de la asamblea general de accionistas, buscando recomponer el patrimonio social que se ha visto afectado. No obstante, el requisito de contar con la aprobación de la asamblea general de accionistas antes de ejercer la acción ha puesto de presente uno de los problemas de agencia más frecuentes en el derecho societario entre accionistas mayoritarios y accionistas minoritarios. El propósito de este artículo es explicar y analizar el problema que está haciendo de la acción social de responsabilidad derecho muerto en un buen número de casos.The liability social action or as it is known in the Anglo-Saxon law as “derivative action” provides the Colombian legal system the possibility to protect a company’s patrimony against corporate officers and directors, in the event of a degradation of its monetary integrity because of a harmful administration. Therefore, if there is an affectation to the company patrimony integrity, it will be the legal entity the one in charge of applying the measure, as long as the general assembly of shareholders gives its approval. Nonetheless, the previous requirement has brought to light some of the most relevant agency problems in corporate law, which is the confrontation between majority and minority shareholders. The purpose of this article is to analyze and explain the problem contained within the liability action, which makes it ineffective and not useful to corporate law in a variety of cases
El deporte en el departamento de Antioquia y su materialización en política pública
Las políticas públicas son los medios idóneos usados por el Estado para fomentar el bienestar en los distintos ámbitos de la sociedad. Por considerar que el deporte es visto en Colombia y en Antioquia como el mejor mecanismo para disminuir la pobreza, la violencia y la desigualdad social, se ha establecido, con la ayuda de una serie de lecturas realizadas sobre la normatividad, que los antioqueños sí cuentan con una política pública deportiva, expuesta en el Plan de Desarrollo Departamental “Antioquia la más educada” 2012-2015 y desarrollada conforme a los lineamientos propuestos por el Gobierno Nacional en el Plan Decenal del Deporte 2009-2019 y en el Plan de Desarrollo Nacional 2010-2014, así como lo exige la Ley 181 de 1995, conocida como la ley del deporte
A gestão da marca em micro e pequenas empresas - o caso do setor do vinho português
O tecido empresarial português é, predominantemente, constituído por micro e pequenas empresas. Considerando a importância destas empresas para a riqueza nacional, assim como as suas especificidades e limitações de gestão, torna-se imperativo contribuir para o conhecimento científico a partir da investigação empírica que permita identificar estratégias que possam ser aplicadas de forma eficaz em tal contexto. Esta investigação focou-se num dos principais setores de atividade económica do país: o setor do vinho, para o qual se constatou existir escassos estudos. Em Portugal, 98% das empresas do setor do vinho são de micro ou pequena dimensão, sendo reconhecida a existência de um investimento limitado em áreas como o marketing e gestão da marca.
O propósito desta dissertação foi descrever o processo de gestão da marca nessas empresas, identificando as principais estratégias adotadas e a forma como lidam com as novas tendências do Marketing nas suas práticas. Para tal, efetuou-se um estudo de natureza descritiva e exploratória, com recurso ao método de pesquisa qualitativo, envolvendo a análise de seis estudos de caso. Para a recolha de dados, foram efetuadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a empresários do setor.
Com base nos resultados obtidos, foram identificadas especificidades e limitações relevantes na gestão da marca das micro e pequenas empresas estudadas, tanto a nível estratégico como a nível operacional, que deverão ser devidamente consideradas, de modo a se garantir a competitividade destas empresas num setor altamente competitivo. As conclusões obtidas poderão contribuir para investigações futuras na área do marketing e gestão da marca no setor focal
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