2,760 research outputs found

    Reproductive strategy and singing activity: blue tit and great tit compared

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    The costs and benefits of bird song are likely to vary among species, and different singing patterns may reflect differences in reproductive strategies. We compared temporal patterns of singing activity in two songbird species, the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and the great tit (Parus major). The two species live side by side year round, and they have similar breeding ecology and similar rates of extra-pair paternity. However, they differ in two aspects of reproductive strategy that may have an influence on song output: blue tits are facultatively polygynous and have a fairly short breeding season with almost no second broods, whereas great tits are socially monogamous but more commonly raise second broods. We found that great tit males continued singing at high levels during the egg-laying and incubation periods, while monogamously paired blue tit males strongly reduced singing activity after the first days of egg-laying by their female. Since males of both species sang much more intensely shortly before sunrise than after sunrise, at midday or in the evening, this difference was most conspicuous at dawn. No differences in singing activity were found within species when testing for male age. We suggest that in contrast to blue tits, great tit males continued singing after egg-laying to defend the territory and to encourage the female for a possible second broo

    BIVA: A Very Deep Hierarchy of Latent Variables for Generative Modeling

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    With the introduction of the variational autoencoder (VAE), probabilistic latent variable models have received renewed attention as powerful generative models. However, their performance in terms of test likelihood and quality of generated samples has been surpassed by autoregressive models without stochastic units. Furthermore, flow-based models have recently been shown to be an attractive alternative that scales well to high-dimensional data. In this paper we close the performance gap by constructing VAE models that can effectively utilize a deep hierarchy of stochastic variables and model complex covariance structures. We introduce the Bidirectional-Inference Variational Autoencoder (BIVA), characterized by a skip-connected generative model and an inference network formed by a bidirectional stochastic inference path. We show that BIVA reaches state-of-the-art test likelihoods, generates sharp and coherent natural images, and uses the hierarchy of latent variables to capture different aspects of the data distribution. We observe that BIVA, in contrast to recent results, can be used for anomaly detection. We attribute this to the hierarchy of latent variables which is able to extract high-level semantic features. Finally, we extend BIVA to semi-supervised classification tasks and show that it performs comparably to state-of-the-art results by generative adversarial networks

    Using automated algorithm configuration to improve the optimization of decentralized energy systems modeled as large-scale, two-stage stochastic programs

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    The optimization of decentralized energy systems is an important practical problem that can be modeled using stochastic programs and solved via their large-scale, deterministic equivalent formulations. Unfortunately, using this approach, even when leveraging a high degree of parallelism on large high-performance computing (HPC) systems, finding close-to-optimal solutions still requires long computation. In this work, we present a procedure to reduce this computational effort substantially, using a stateof-the-art automated algorithm configuration method. We apply this procedure to a well-known example of a residential quarter with photovoltaic systems and storages, modeled as a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear program (MILP). We demonstrate substantially reduced computing time and costs of up to 50% achieved by our procedure. Our methodology can be applied to other, similarly-modeled energy systems

    Universal limiting shape of worn profile under multiple-mode fretting conditions: theory and experimental evidence

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    We consider multiple-mode fretting wear in a frictional contact of elastic bodies subjected to a small-amplitude oscillation, which may include in-plane and out-of-plane translation, torsion and tilting (“periodic rolling”). While the detailed kinetics of wear depends on the particular loading history and wear mechanism, the final worn shape, under some additional conditions, occurs to be universal for all types and loading and wear mechanisms. This universal form is determined solely by the radius of the permanent stick region and the maximum indentation depth during the loading cycle. We provide experimental evidence for the correctness of the theoretically predicted limiting shape. The existence of the universal limiting shape can be used for designing joints which are resistant to fretting wear

    Seven-CpG DNA Methylation Age Determined by Single Nucleotide Primer Extension and Illumina’s Infinium MethylationEPIC Array Provide Highly Comparable Results

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    DNA methylation age (DNAm age, epigenetic clock) is a novel and promising biomarker of aging. It is calculated from the methylation fraction of specific cytosine phosphate guanine sites (CpG sites) of genomic DNA. Several groups have proposed epigenetic clock algorithms and these differ mostly regarding the number and location of the CpG sites considered and the method used to assess the methylation status. Most epigenetic clocks are based on a large number of CpGs, e.g. as measured by DNAm microarrays. We have recently evaluated an epigenetic clock based on the methylation fraction of seven CpGs that were determined by methylation-sensitive single nucleotide primer extension (MS-SNuPE). This method is more cost-effective when compared to array-based technologies as only a few CpGs need to be examined. However, there is only little data on the correspondence in epigenetic age estimation using the 7-CpG clock and other algorithms. To bridge this gap, in this study we measured the 7-CpG DNAm age using two methods, via MS-SNuPE and via the MethylationEPIC array, in a sample of 1,058 participants of the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II), assessed as part of the GendAge study. On average, participants were 75.6 years old (SD: 3.7, age range: 64.9–90.0, 52.6% female). Agreement between methods was assessed by Bland-Altman plots. DNAm age was highly correlated between methods (Pearson’s r = 0.9) and Bland-Altman plots showed a difference of 3.1 years. DNAm age by the 7-CpG formula was 71.2 years (SD: 6.9 years, SNuPE) and 68.1 years (SD: 6.4 years, EPIC array). The mean of difference in methylation fraction between methods for the seven individual CpG sites was between 0.7 and 13 percent. To allow direct conversion of DNAm age obtained from both methods we developed an adjustment formula with a randomly selected training set of 529 participants using linear regression. After conversion of the Illumina data in a second and independent validation set, the adjusted DNAm age was 71.44 years (SD: 6.1 years, n = 529). In summary, we found the results of DNAm clocks to be highly comparable. Furthermore, we developed an adjustment formula that allows for direct conversion of DNAm age estimates between methods and enables one singular clock to be used in studies that employ either the Illumina or the SNuPE method

    The final NO-WEAR state due to dual-mode fretting: Numerical prediction and experimental validation

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    We study fretting wear due to superimposed oscillations in the normal and tangential directions with respect to the contact plane (dual mode fretting wear). In the limit of infinite time, the profile of the indenter tends to a limiting shape, which does not change further. For axisymmetric profiles, the limiting shape is found analytically for the general case of two different frequencies and amplitudes of oscillations in normal and tangential direction. The dependence of worn volume on the frequency ratio is strongly singular showing sharp minima for small rational ratios of frequencies. For the special case of coinciding frequencies, the fretting process was studied both analytically and experimentally. Comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions showed a good qualitative and quantitative agreement (discrepancy of the order of experimental noise)