240 research outputs found

    Circulating EGFL7 distinguishes between IUGR and PE: an observational case–control study

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    Isolated intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and preeclampsia (PE) share common placental pathogenesis. Differently from IUGR, PE is a systemic disorder which may also affect liver and brain. Early diagnosis of these conditions may optimize maternal and fetal management. Aim of this study was to assess whether Epidermal Growth Factor-Like domain 7 (EGFL7) dosage in maternal blood discriminates between isolated IUGR and PE. A total of 116 women were enrolled in this case-control study: 12 non-pregnant women, 34 healthy pregnant women, 34 women presenting with isolated IUGR and 36 presenting with PE. Levels of circulating EGFL7 and other known pro- and anti-angiogenic factors were measured by ELISA at different gestational ages (GA). Between 22-25 weeks of gestation, EGFL7 levels in early-onset PE (e-PE) plasma samples were significantly higher than those measured in controls or isolated IUGR samples (69.86 ± 6.17 vs. 19.8 ± 2.5 or 18.8 ± 2.8 Â”g/ml, respectively). Between 26-34 weeks, EGFL7 levels remained significantly higher in e-PE compared to IUGR. At term, circulating and placental EGFL7 levels were comparable between IUGR and late-onset PE (l-PE). In contrast, circulating levels of PlGF were decreased in both IUGR- and PE- complicated pregnancies, while levels of both sFLT-1 and sENDOGLIN were increased in both conditions. In conclusion, EGFL7 significantly discriminates between isolated IUGR and PE

    Left ventricular midwall mechanics at 24 weeks' gestation in high-risk normotensive pregnant women: Relationship to placenta-related complications of pregnancy

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    Most studies during pregnancy have assessed maternal left ventricular (LV) function by load-dependent indices, assessing only chamber function. The aim of this study was to assess afterload-adjusted LV myocardial and chamber systolic function at 24 weeks' gestation and 6 months postpartum in high-risk normotensive pregnant women

    Co‐location of the Downdip End of Seismic Coupling and the Continental Shelf Break

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    International audienceAlong subduction margins, the morphology of the near shore domain records the combined action of erosion from ocean waves and permanent tectonic deformation from the convergence of plates. We observe that at subduction margins around the globe, the edge of continental shelves tends to be located above the downdip end of seismic coupling on the megathrust. Coastlines lie farther landward at variable distances. This observation stems from a compilation of well-resolved coseismic and interseismic coupling data sets. The permanent interseismic uplift component of the total tectonic deformation can explain the localization of the shelf break. It contributes a short wave-length gradient in vertical deformation on top of the structural and isostatic deformation of the margin. This places a hinge line between seaward subsidence and landward uplift above the downdip end of high coupling. Landward of the hinge line, rocks are uplifted in the domain of wave-base erosion and a shelf is maintained by the competition of rock uplift and wave erosion. Wave erosion then sets the coastline back from the tectonically meaningful shelf break. We combine a wave erosion model with an elastic deformation model to illustrate how the downdip end of high coupling pins the location of the shelf break. In areas where the shelf is wide, onshore geodetic constraints on seismic coupling are limited and could be advantageously complemented by considering the location of the shelf break. Subduction margin morphology integrates hundreds of seismic cycles and could inform the persistence of seismic coupling patterns through time

    Intersociety Position Statement on the Prevention of Ophthalmia Neonatorum in Italy

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    There is currently no worldwide agreement on the real need to administer conjunctival antibiotics to neonates at birth to prevent neonatal conjunctivitis (usually defined as ophthalmia neonatorum) by Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Therefore, there is wide variability in antibiotic administration, conditioned mainly by the social and health context. In Italy, a law enacted in 1940 required doctors and midwives to administer ophthalmic prophylaxis with 2% silver nitrate to all newborns at birth. This law was repealed in 1975 and since then there has been no clear guidance on the use of ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis at birth. Since neonatal conjunctivitis caused by C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae is not reported, we carried out a nationwide survey of 1,041,384 neonates across all Italian birth centers to evaluate the incidence of ophthalmia neonatorum and the current practice of prophylaxis. After analyzing the results, we formulated an intersociety position statement on the prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum to update and standardize this prevention strategy in Italy

    Maternal cardiovascular dysfunction is associated with hypoxic cerebral and umbilical doppler changes

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    We investigate the relationship between maternal cardiovascular (CV) function and fetal Doppler changes in healthy pregnancies and those with pre-eclampsia (PE), small for gestational age (SGA) or fetal growth restriction (FGR). This was a three-centre prospective study, where CV assessment was performed using inert gas rebreathing, continuous Doppler or impedance cardiography. Maternal cardiac output (CO) and peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) were analysed in relation to the uterine artery, umbilical artery (UA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) pulsatility indices (PI, expressed as z-scores by gestational week) using polynomial regression analyses, and in relation to the presence of absent/reversed end diastolic (ARED) flow in the UA. We included 81 healthy controls, 47 women with PE, 65 with SGA/FGR and 40 with PE + SGA/FGR. Maternal CO was inversely related to fetal UA PI and positively related to MCA PI; the opposite was observed for PVR, which was also positively associated with increased uterine artery impedance. CO was lower (z-score 97, p = 0.02) and PVR higher (z-score 2.88, p = 0.02) with UA ARED flow. We report that maternal CV dysfunction is associated with fetal vascular changes, namely raised impedance in the fetal-placental circulation and low impedance in the fetal cerebral vessels. These findings are most evident with critical UA Doppler changes and represent a potential mechanism for therapeutic intervention

    Antibiotic prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum in Italy: results from a national survey and the Italian intersociety new position statements

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    Background: Ophthalmia neonatorum is an acute conjunctivitis that occurs in newborns within the first month of life. The most serious infections are due to Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, that may cause permanent damages. The use of ophthalmic prophylaxis varies widely around the world, according to the different health and socio-economic contexts. To date in Italy there is no a clear legislation regarding ophthalmia neonatorum prophylaxis at birth. Methods: We invited all birth centers in Italy to carry out a retrospective survey relating the last three years. We collected data regarding demographics of neonates, drugs used for ophthalmic prophylaxis and results of the screening of pregnant women for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae vaginal infections. Results: Among 419 birth centers, 302 (72,1%) responded to the survey. Overall 1041384 neonates, 82,3% of those born in the three years considered, received ophthalmic prophylaxis. Only 4,585 (0,4%) of them received one of the drugs recommended by the WHO. The Centers that participated to the survey reported 12 episodes of Chlamydial conjunctivitis and no Gonococcal infection in the three years. Only 38% of the Centers performed vaginal swabs to pregnant women: 2,6% screened only for Neisseria, 9,6% only for Chlamydia and 25,8% for both germs. Conclusions: The data obtained from the survey showed a low incidence of neonatal conjunctivitis due to either Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis in Italy. Due to the lack of legislation regulating the prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum in newborns, the Italian Society of Neonatology, the Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine have recently issued new recommendations on this topic

    The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model: key components and results

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    The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM13) results from a community-based probabilistic seismic hazard assessment supported by the EU-FP7 project “Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe” (SHARE, 2009–2013). The ESHM13 is a consistent seismic hazard model for Europe and Turkey which overcomes the limitation of national borders and includes a through quantification of the uncertainties. It is the first completed regional effort contributing to the “Global Earthquake Model” initiative. It might serve as a reference model for various applications, from earthquake preparedness to earthquake risk mitigation strategies, including the update of the European seismic regulations for building design (Eurocode 8), and thus it is useful for future safety assessment and improvement of private and public buildings. Although its results constitute a reference for Europe, they do not replace the existing national design regulations that are in place for seismic design and construction of buildings. The ESHM13 represents a significant improvement compared to previous efforts as it is based on (1) the compilation of updated and harmonised versions of the databases required for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, (2) the adoption of standard procedures and robust methods, especially for expert elicitation and consensus building among hundreds of European experts, (3) the multi-disciplinary input from all branches of earthquake science and engineering, (4) the direct involvement of the CEN/TC250/SC8 committee in defining output specifications relevant for Eurocode 8 and (5) the accounting for epistemic uncertainties of model components and hazard results. Furthermore, enormous effort was devoted to transparently document and ensure open availability of all data, results and methods through the European Facility for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (www.​efehr.​org)

    Severe fetal growth restriction at 26-32 weeks: key messages from the TRUFFLE study.

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    The Trial of Randomized Umbilical and Fetal Flow in Europe (TRUFFLE) was a prospective, multicenter, unblinded, randomized trial that ran between 1 January 2005 and 1 October 2010 in 20 European centers1. It studied singleton pregnancies at 26–32weeks of gestation with a diagnosis of fetal growth restriction (FGR), defined as abdominal circumference95th percentile). In order to assess whether changes in the fetal ductus venosus (DV) Doppler waveform or short-term variation (STV) on cardiotocography (CTG) should be used as a trigger for delivery in these pregnancies, the 503 included women were randomly allocated to one of three ‘timing-of-delivery’ plans (with 1 : 1 : 1 randomization).</p

    Monitoraggio in area sismica di beni monumentali: tecniche NDT e procedure di verifica

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    Negli ultimi anni il concetto di vulnerabilitĂ  sismica Ăš tristemente entrato a far parte delle conoscenze anche dei non addetti ai lavori. Infatti, gli eventi sismici che hanno interessato dagli inizi del ‘900 il territorio Italiano, hanno sistematicamente messo in risalto l’elevata vulnerabilitĂ  sismica del nostro patrimonio edilizio, ivi compresi i beni monumentali, nonchĂ©, l’inesistenza di qualsiasi attivitĂ  di programmazione della manutenzione periodica ordinaria e straordinaria delle strutture sismo-resistenti, che garantiscono nel tempo la conservazione delle loro capacitĂ  di risposta alle perturbazioni esterne.Il progetto PON sul Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di SIstemi MOnumentali nasce con la prerogativa di produrre uno strumento dedicato alla tutela di strutture a valenza storico – artistica, attraverso un percorso di catalogazione, di analisi del bene inteso come elemento costituito da elementi resistenti e da materiali, di studio del sito dove la struttura Ăš ubicata e di attivitĂ  di monitoraggio
