1,577 research outputs found

    Atención temprana y enseñanza de la lectura. Aprendizaje de la lectura en bebés : el Método Doman

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Máster ofrece una propuesta educativa para trabajar, desde edades muy tempranas, la enseñanza de la lectura. Se plantea un programa de enseñanza de la lectura siguiendo el Método Doman, pero en un contexto muy diferente, como es una Escuela Infantil Municipal de Alcalá de Henares, en un barrio con una realidad social media-baja, con niños de dos y tres años. Además, la introducción de esta metodología en un contexto educativo supone cambios, ya que no se realizan las sesiones entre madre o padre e hijo (como es habitual en el método Doman), sino entre tutor y 19 alumnos dentro de un aula, con las distracciones que ello puede conllevar. Por lo que el objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es implementar este programa, durante un mes, tras el cual, se registrarán y analizarán los resultados obtenidos. Los efectos del programa han sido inmediatos y positivos, ya que todos los alumnos han aprendido a leer un número considerable de las palabras presentadas. Además, los resultados revelaron ciertos puntos de interés: la gran importancia de tener en cuenta la motivación y los intereses de los niños a la hora de programar las sesiones; y los beneficios que puede aportar este programa, incluso para los niños que tienen el español como segunda lengua.This Master's final project offers an educational proposal to teach how to read work from a very early age. The proposed program involves teaching how to read following the Doman Method but in a very different context, such as a public nursery in Alcalá de Henares. This is in a neighbourhood with a low-social reality, with children of who are two and three years old. In addition, the introduction of this methodology in an educational context implies changes. Sessions will not be between mother and son, on the contrary, these sessions are between the tutor and 19 students in a classroom, with the distractions that this may entail. So, the main aim is the implementation of this program, in a month of duration, to later be able to analyse the improvement that takes place. The results obtained showed a considerable improvement of the group, with a lot of new words learned. In addition, the results revealed the great importance of taking the motivation and interests of the children into account when scheduling the sessions. It has also shown the benefits that this program can bring if applied, even to a greater or lesser extent, without presenting any disadvantages, even for children whose mother tongue is not Spanish. These programs are not usually promoted in Spanish schools, so projects like these are intended to enhance their implementation

    La evolución histórica del trazado urbano Medieval de la ciudad de Santander

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    La ciudad medieval de Santander se desarrolló en un promontorio o colina al resguardo de un pequeño brazo de mar, la ría de Becedo. En este cerro se asentó una población en una única calle principal, al cobijo de un monasterio. Con el paso del tiempo, hacia el siglo XII, el monasterio se convirtió en una abadía protegida por una muralla y una suerte de castillo. En esta época, algo más de tres calles eran suficientes para acoger a su población. En 1187 el rey Alfon-so VIII otorgó a la ciudad un Fuero Real que supuso un punto de inflexión, pues dio lugar a la decisión de cruzar la ría para poblar el otro lado de ésta. Este asentamiento se realizó de una manera ordenada, ya que se planificaron calles paralelas a la ribera. Este lado de la ría recibió el nombre de Puebla Nueva, siendo el lado original, por contraposición, la Puebla Vieja. A partir de entonces, ambos enclaves conformaron una villa portuaria, muy querida por los reyes de Castilla, con gran desarrollo económico y demográfico gracias al comercio marítimo. En el siglo XVI la ciudad sufrió una crisis que mermó mucho su población, dando como resultado un severo estancamiento económico. Poco a poco, fue resurgiendo hasta convertirse en el siglo XVIII en una ciudad moderna que quiso expandirse ganándole terreno al mar, para así no dañar el entramado urbano medieval. En el siglo XIX, con estos ensanches, Santander aumentó consi-derablemente su superficie. Desafortunadamente, en 1941 tuvo lugar en el casco histórico de la urbe un incendio que terminó con todos los vestigios medievales de las construcciones así como con su trazado.Santander’s medieval city was developed in a promontory or hill protected by a small arm of sea, Becedo estuary. On this hill a population was settled, in a single main street shelte-red by a monastery. Over time, around 12th century, the monastery became an abbey, protected by a wall and a kind of castle. Not much more than three streets were enough to guard its popu-lation. In 1187, king Alfonso VIII granted a royal jurisdiction to the city that supposed an in-flection point, as it was decided to cross the estuary in order to populate the other side of it. This settlement was carried out in a orderly manner, as the streets parallel to the riverbank were planned. This side was given the name of Puebla Nueva, meaning "New Town", being the first one, on the other hand, Puebla Vieja, or "Old Town".From then on, both settlements shaped a port village that was very dear to the kings of Castilla, with a huge economic snd demographic development thanks to maritime trade. In the 16th century, the city suffered a crisis that drasti-cally reduced the population, giving as a result a sever economic stagnation. Slowly, the city started to fluorish back until it became, in the 18th century, a modern city that expanded to the sea in order not to harm the medieval urban fabric. With these expansion, in the 19 th century Santander increased its surface considerably. Unfortunatlety, in 1941 a fire took place in the historic centre that erased every medieval vestiges, including the buildings and the urban layout.Departamento de Historia del ArteGrado en Historia del Art

    Estudio de foco de paragonimosis en Fuente Clara, Robledo, área periurbana de Medellín, Antioquia

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    Introduction. Human paragonimosis in Colombia was assumed to be restricted to the sylvatic areas. However, in 2005, crabs infected with Paragonimus were found in Fuente Clara, an urban sector in Medellín. Objective. A study was designed to understand the ecoepidemiology of paragonimosis. Programs were initiated to educate the community in the suitable use of wetland ecosystems. Materials and methods. Infection rates of Paragonimus in human and wild hosts was documented in the Fuente Clara sector. The presence of larvae and digenic adult worms was detected in mollusks (1,312), crabs (27) and mammals (4). Sputum diagnosis was performed on samples from 18 volunteer individuals. The following determinants of water quality were measured in the stream “La Puerta”: total fecal/coliform, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen were measured. Recreational workshops were conducted with children and teenagers for educational purposes. Results. The percentage of infections found in hosts was as follows: snails, 0.07%; crabs, 55.5%; (wild) mammals, 25%; humans, 0%. During the workshops, children and teenagers identified the Paragonimus hosts and the risk factors for acquiring the disease. The water of the stream was found to be unsuitable for consumption and recreation (the most probable number of total coliforms/100 ml was in a scale of 104). Conclusions. Fuente Clara is the first urban locality in Colombia where a focus of Paragonimus was found. Exposure to and consumption of crabs may constitute a risk for human infectionIntroducción. La información sobre paragonimosis humana en Colombia llevó a suponer que los focos de la enfermedad estaban localizados en sectores selváticos; sin embargo, durante 2005 se hallaron cangrejos infectados con Paragonimus sp. en Fuente Clara, zona urbana de Medellín. Esto motivó la investigación. Objetivo. Realizar un estudio ecoepidemiológico de la paragonimosis con la participación de la comunidad para promover un manejo adecuado de los ecosistemas acuáticos. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó búsqueda de huéspedes silvestres y humanos de Paragonimus sp. en Fuente Clara. La presencia de formas larvarias y gusanos adultos del digéneo se evaluó en moluscos, crustáceos y mamíferos. En las personas voluntarias se hizo diagnóstico en esputo. Al agua de la quebrada La Puerta se le midieron: coliformes totales/ fecales, pH, conductividad y oxígeno disuelto. Con niños y adolescentes se realizaron talleres educativos utilizando técnicas lúdicas. Resultados. Los porcentajes de infección encontrados fueron: caracoles, 0,07%; cangrejos, 55,5%; mamíferos, 25%, y personas, 0%. Durante los talleres educativos se manifestó la importancia de los recursos naturales del barrio. Los niños identificaron los huéspedes de Paragonimus sp. y detectaron los factores de riesgo para adquirir la enfermedad. Se determinó que el agua de la quebrada La Puerta no es apta para el consumo y la recreación de las personas. Conclusiones. Se señala a Fuente Clara como el primer foco de paragonimosis en zona urbana de Colombia, donde la manipulación y el consumo de cangrejos ponen en riesgo de adquirir la infección a sus habitantes; se sugiere realizar vigilancia de la enfermedad en el sector

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Mental illness stigma research in Argentina

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    Studies regarding stigma towards mental illness in Argentina blossomed after the first National Mental Health Law was passed in 2010. Methodological limitations and contradictory results regarding community perceptions of stigma hinder comparisons across domestic and international contexts but some lessons may still be gleaned. We examine this research and derive recommendations for future research and actions to reduce stigma. These include tackling culture-specific aspects of stigma, increasing education of the general population, making more community-based services available and exposing mental health professionals to people with mental illness who are on community paths to recovery.Fil: Agrest, Martín. Proyecto Suma; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mascayano, Franco. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Ardila Gómez, Sara Elena. Universidad Nacional de Lanús; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Abeldaño Zuñiga, Roberto Ariel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Alicia Ruth. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Geffner, Norma. Proyecto Suma; ArgentinaFil: Leiderman, Eduardo Adrian. Proyecto Suma; ArgentinaFil: Susser, Ezra. Columbia University; Estados UnidosFil: Valencia, Eliecer. Columbia University; Estados UnidosFil: Yang, Lawrence Hsin. Columbia University; Estados UnidosFil: Zalazar, Virginia. Proyecto Suma; ArgentinaFil: Lipovetzky, Gustavo. Proyecto Suma; Argentin

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Establecimiento de un método eficiente de germinación in vitro y micropropagación del cirimo (Tilia mexicana Schlecht.) (Tiliaceae)

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    Para obtener un método efi ciente de germinación y la micropropagación deTilia mexicanaSchlecht. (cirimo), se establecieron cultivos in vitro con la siembra de semillas recién colectadas en época de fructificación, mismas que fueron sometidas a desinfección superficial y a diferentes métodos de escarificación previo al cultivo in vitro en el medio nutritivo de Murashige y Skoog (MS) con 30 g/L de sacarosa, 8 g/L de agar y 0.05 mg/L de benciladenina (BA). Después de 60 días del cultivo, el mayor porcentaje de germinación fue de un 74% en semillas tratadas con HCl 10% durante cinco minutos, lo que permitió un óptimo desarrollo y mayor número de plántulas. A los 90 días del cultivo, las plántulas alcanzaron 4.5 cm de altura, con hojas y raíces bien desarrolladas, mismas que fueron utilizadas para los protocolos de micropropagación. La multiplicación de brotes se obtuvo mediante la siembra de yemas axilares en medio MS con diferentes concentraciones de auxina/citocinina (ANA/BA). El mayor número de brotes (7.75 brotes/explante) se logró con la adición de ácido naftalenacético (ANA) (0.25 mg/L) en combinación con BA (1.0 mg/L) a los 60 días del cultivo. Los brotes regenerados fueron cultivados en medio MS con ácido indolbutírico (AIB), mostrando un 100% de enraizamientocon 5.0 mg/L, a los 45 días del cultivo. Las plántulas micropropagadas deT. mexicana, presentaron en promedio una altura de 4.51 cm, produciendo 3.3 raíces/plántula de 2.27 cm de longitud, las que fueron trasplantadas y aclimatadas en condiciones de cámara de crecimiento, para posteriormente ser cultivadas en invernadero. Después de 90 días de cultivo en invernadero, se observó un 70% de supervivencia

    HIF-Overexpression and Pro-Inflammatory Priming in Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Improves the Healing Properties of Extracellular Vesicles in Experimental Crohn’s Disease

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have therapeutic potential in the treatment of several immune disorders, including ulcerative colitis, owing to their regenerative and immunosuppressive properties. We recently showed that MSCs engineered to overexpress hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha and telomerase (MSC-T-HIF) and conditioned with pro-inflammatory stimuli release EVs (EVMSC-T-HIFC) with potent immunomodulatory activity. We tested the efficacy of EVMSC-T-HIFC to repolarize M1 macrophages (Mφ1) to M2-like macrophages (Mφ2-like) by analyzing surface markers and cytokines and performing functional assays in co-culture, including efferocytosis and T-cell proliferation. We also studied the capacity of EVMSC-T-HIFC to dampen the inflammatory response of activated endothelium and modulate fibrosis. Finally, we tested the therapeutic capacity of EVMSC-T-HIFC in an acute colitis model. EVMSC-T-HIFc induced the repolarization of monocytes from Mφ1 to an Mφ2-like phenotype, which was accompanied by reduced inflammatory cytokine release. EVMSC-T-HIFc-treated Mφ1 had similar effects of immunosuppression on activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as Mφ2, and reduced the adhesion of PBMCs to activated endothelium. EVMSC-T-HIFc also prevented myofibroblast differentiation of TGF-β-treated fibroblasts. Finally, administration of EVMSC-T-HIFc promoted healing in a TNBS-induced mouse colitis model in terms of preserving colon length and intestinal mucosa architecture and altering the ratio of Mφ1/ Mφ2 infiltration. In conclusion, EVMSC-T-HIFC have effective anti-inflammatory properties, making them potential therapeutic agents in cell free-based therapies for the treatment of Crohn’s disease and likely other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases

    Regional pragmatic variation in the use of the discourse marker pues in informal talk among university students in Quito (Ecuador), Santiago (Chile) and Seville (Spain)

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    The discourse marker pues in spoken Spanish has been studied extensively in Peninsular Spanish (cf. Fuentes Rodríguez 1987; Portolés 1989; Garcés Gómez 1992). There is also a growing body of studies on pues in Latin American varieties of Spanish (cf. Zavala 2001; Travis 2005; Vázquez Carranza 2013). Less attention, however, has been given to this discourse marker in Chilean and Ecuadorian Spanish (cf. Poblete 1998; Olbertz 2013). Taking a variational pragmatics perspective (Schneider and Barron 2008; Placencia 2011; Schneider and Placencia forthcoming), this paper examines the impact of region in the use of pues among university students in Quito (Ecuador), Santiago (Chile) and Seville (Spain). It is based on a corpus of 60 role-play interactions within each location eliciting advice-giving and complaint talk in –SD (social distance) –P (power) scenarios. The paper looks at variation in relation to form, position and distribution relating to turns and sections of the conversations. It also looks at the function of pues across data sets, noting its use as both a connector and an operator (Fuentes Rodríguez 2003, 2009), and thus highlighting the close interconnection between position and discursive function. Some shared features as well as features of variation were observed. Concerning function, for example, pues was found to occur as both a connector and an operator across varieties; however, we found a clear preponderance of pues as an operator in Quito and Santiago, and of pues as a connector in Seville