154 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to gain knowledge regarding the way Brazilian Social Psychology researchers conceivetheir field, considering the science-practice dichotomy. Participants were 100 representatives of research groups of thisdiscipline. They answered an online questionnaire with five parts: conceptions of social psychology, area representatives,reference journals, attitudes toward the discipline as basic and applied sciences and demographic questions. Social psychologywas conceived as socio-historical-critical, polarizing between Silvia Lane and Aroldo Rodrigues. The journal Psicologia &Sociedade was considered the most appropriate for publications in this area, while internationally the Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology was highlighted. Participants’ attitudes characterized this discipline as applied rather than basic science.In conclusion, the abrapsian perspective is predominant in Brazil, diverging some researchers of the classic social psychology.O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer como pesquisadores da Psicologia Social brasileira a concebem, considerando a dicotomia ciência-prática. Participaram 100 representantes de grupos de pesquisa desta disciplina. Estes responderam questionário online com cinco partes: concepções da psicologia social, representantes da área, periódicos de referência, atitudes frente à disciplina como ciência aplicada e básica e informações demográficas. A psicologia social foi concebida como sócio-histórico-crítica, polarizando entre Silvia Lane e Aroldo Rodrigues. Considerou-se Psicologia & Sociedade como mais apropriada para publicações desta área, destacando-se internacionalmente o Journal Personality and Social Psychology. As atitudes dos participantes a caracterizaram como mais aplicada. Concluindo, predomina a perspectiva abrapsiana no Brasil, divergindo alguns pesquisadores da psicologia social clássica

    Female gender but not season of birth is associated with mood seasonality in a near-equatorial Brazilian city

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    OBJECTIVE: Studies conducted mainly in countries located in the Northern Hemisphere have shown that season of birth influences mood seasonality. Greater mood seasonality has been observed for individuals born during spring/summer months than those born during autumn/winter months. Expanding past research to the Southern Hemisphere, in this study we examine the influence of season of birth on mood seasonality in a sample of 1,247 healthy young Brazilians. METHOD: The Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire was used to compute a global seasonality score as a measure of mood seasonality in a cross-sectional study. RESULTS: Analysis of covariance was conducted to examine the effects of month of birth and gender on mood seasonality, with age entered as a covariate. A main effect of gender was observed, F (1, 1197) = 17.86, p .05. CONCLUSION: The unexpected finding is tentatively explained by differences in geographic location and weather fluctuations between the sampling location in Brazil and other countries where season of birth has been found to influence mood seasonality. Additional studies with larger samples from the Southern Hemisphere are necessary to shed additional light on the possible significant influence of season of birth on mood

    Human values of colombian people. Evidence for the functionalist theoryof values

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    El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido conocer la orientaciónaxiológica de los colombianos, y reunir evidencias empíricascon respecto a la adecuación de la teoría funcionalista delos valores en Colombia, comprobando sus hipótesis decontenido y estructura y las propiedades psicométricas desu medida (el Cuestionario de Valores Básicos, CVB). ElCVB evalúa sexualidad, éxito, apoyo social, conocimiento,emoción, poder, afectividad, religiosidad, salud, placer,prestigio, obediencia, estabilidad personal, pertenencia,belleza, tradición, supervivencia y madurez. Participaron 230personas (112 varones y 118 mujeres) con edad promediode 28.7 años, provenientes de 50 ciudades y pueblos deColombia. Contestaron el CVB y preguntas demográficas.Los resultados respaldan las hipótesis de contenido (seissubfunciones valorativas: experimentación, realización,existencia, suprapersonal, interactiva y normativa) yestructura (los valores representados en dos dimensiones:tipo de orientación y tipo de motivador). Corroborandoinvestigaciones anteriores, se encontró que los colombianospresentan una orientación valorativa más social que personal,y más idealista (humanista) que materialista. Los principalesvalores fueron éxito, madurez y afectividad. Los menos importantes fueron poder, tradición, belleza y emoción.En conclusión, existen evidencias iniciales de la adecuaciónde la teoría funcionalista de los valores en dicha cultura,aunque se recomienda realizar nuevos estudios, inclusopensando en una medida emic de los valores en este país

    Índice de Desenvolvimento em Saúde: conceituação e reflexões sobre sua necessidade

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    ResumoEste artigo teve como objetivo revisar o conceito de índices sociais, enfocando sua utilidade prática e necessidade no contexto da saúde. Nesse sentido, considerou-se inicialmente como tais índices são definidos, as possibilidades de seu uso e a importância que eles têm como modo de retratar a realidade. Logo, adotou-se um conceito amplo de saúde, coerente com a visão vigente. Posteriormente, descreveu-se a saúde nos contextos internacional e nacional, enfatizando indicadores que podem ser empregados para quantificar problemas de saúde da população. Finalmente, em razão de não ter sido encontrado um índice social específico que descrevesse a saúde no contexto brasileiro, indicou-se a necessidade de contar com o Índice de Desenvolvimento em Saúde. Esse servirá como instrumento para gestores, agentes de fiscalização e população em geral acompanharem os desenvolvimentos alcançados e as deficiências que precisarão ser supridas com o fim de assegurar melhor saúde para a maior parte das pessoas.SummaryThis article aimed to review the concept of social indices by focusing on their practical use and need in the health setting. For this purpose, the initial consideration was how these indices are defined, their possible use, and the importance they have as a means of depicting the real world. Thus, a wide concept of health, consistent with the current view, was adopted. Health was further described within international and national settings, emphasizing indicators that can be employed to estimate health problems in the population were highlighted. Finally, as no specific social index describing health in a Brazilian setting has been developed, the need to rely on the Health Development Index was indicated. This index will serve as a tool for managers, inspection agents, and the general population to follow-up the developments reached and the shortcomings that should be addressed to ensure a better health status for the majority of the population

    Escala de Vitalidade Subjetiva – EVS:: Evidências de sua Adequação Psicométrica

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    This paper presents empirical evidence of the psychometric adequacy of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS), based on three studies. In Study 1, 200 undergraduate students responded the SVS. The SVS showed a unidimensional factor structure (a = .73). In Study 2, another 200 undergraduate students answered the same instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the factor structure of Study 1, although item 2 was inadequate. Another CFA was realized without this item. Results were better than those considering all items (a = .75). Study 3 replicated these results with 200 elementary school teachers, and investigated the convergent validity of the SVS with satisfaction with life. It can be concluded that the SVS showed sufficient psychometric adequacy to support its use.Esta pesquisa objetivou reunir evidências psicométricas de adequação da Escala de Vitalidade Subjetiva (EVS), realizando-se três estudos. No Estudo 1 200 estudantes universitários responderam a EVS. O instrumento mostrou uma estrutura fatorial unidimensional (a = 0,73). No Estudo 2 participaram outros 200 estudantes universitários que responderam o mesmo questionário. Uma análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) corroborou esta estrutura, embora o item 2 tenha sido pouco adequado. Assim, realizou-se nova AFC excluindo-o. Os resultados foram melhores do que quando considerados todos os itens (a = 0,75). O Estudo 3 replicou estes resultados com 200 professores do ensino fundamental, testando também a validade convergente da EVS com a satisfação com a vida. Concluiu-se que este instrumento reúne evidências psicométricas que apóiam seu uso

    Intention of social responsible conduct consumer: relationship with human basic values

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo explorar a relação entre a intenção de comportamento do consumidor e os valores humanos, abordando temas como proteção ao meio ambiente e a outras pessoas. Participaram do estudo universitários com idade média de 21 anos (DP = 4,6) e a maioria foi do sexo feminino (72,4%). Os estudantes responderam coletivamente em sala de aula a um questionário com questões objetivas sobre comportamento social. Os resultados apontaram para a importância dos valores humanos na compreensão dos processos subjacentes à intenção de compra dos consumidores tendo em vista os aspectos sociais mensurados. A categoria de valores centrais explicou 3% da variância para preocupação ambiental; 4% para preocupação com a reciclagem; e para preocupação social a variância explicada foi de 5%. Tais resultados indicaram que a tipologia dos valores humanos apresentou coerência na explicação do construto estudado e que existe relação compreensível entre ambos.This study had the objective of exploring the relationship between the intention of consumer behavior and human values approaching subjects as environmental protection and the protection of other people. They had participated of the study university with average age of 21 years (s.d. = 4.6) and a majority was females (72.4%). The students had collectively answered in classroom a questionnaire with objective questions on social behavior. The results had pointed with respect to importance of the human values in the understanding of the underlying processes to the intention of purchase of the consumers considering the social aspects measured. The category of central values explained 3% of the variance for environmental concern; 4% for concern with recycling; and for social concern the explained variance was of 5%. Such results had indicated that the typology of human values presented coherence in the explanation of the studied construct and that an understandable relationship between them exists

    The dark side of human values: How values are related to bright and dark personality traits.

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    In the present research, we replicate and extend previous findings on the relations between human values and bright\dark traits of personality, using the functional theory of human values (Gouveia, 2013). Specifically, we assessed which dark traits are associated with human values, and whether the dark traits explained variance in values beyond the bright traits (Big Five). While prior research has investigated the relations between the three sets of constructs mainly in Western countries, we tested whether the findings hold in Brazil (N = 819). Although values are defined as positive constructs, several value subfunctions were positively correlated with the dark traits (e.g., excitement values with narcissism), while other relations were negative. Controlling for participants' age and gender, hierarchical regressions further revealed that dark traits explain variance in values beyond bright traits, although overall bright traits were more strongly associated with values than dark traits. Together, our findings replicate previous research. Implications for our understanding of the Dark Triad and cross-cultural research are discussed

    Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS) : testing different factorial models

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    O estudo do traço de busca de sensações permite explicar diversos comportamentos de risco. Considerando sua relevância e a ausência de medida específica no Brasil, decidiu-se adaptar o Inventário de Arnett de Busca de Sensações. Este é formado por 20 itens, medindo dois fatores: novidade e intensidade. Participaram da pesquisa 279 estudantes do ensino médio de escolas particulares e públicas, com idade média de 17 anos, igualmente distribuídos quanto ao sexo, provenientes de João Pessoa (n=108) e Teresina (n=171). Por meio de análises fatoriais confirmatórias, testaram-se quatro modelos, segundo o número de fatores (um ou dois) e itens (12 ou 20). Os resultados mostraram que o modelo bifatorial reduzido apresentou melhores índices de ajuste. Os fatores e a pontuação total desse instrumento apresentaram consistência interna aceitável, estando correlacionados com sexo e idade dos participantes. Tais resultados justificam a utilização dessa medida em estudos futuros.The study of sensation seeking trait is able to explain several risky behaviors. Considering its relevance and the lack of specific instruments to measure it in Brazil, it was decided to adapt the Arnett Inventory of Sensation. It is composed by 20 items, measuring two factors: novelty and intensity. Participants were 279 high school students of private and public schools from João Pessoa (n=108) and Teresina (n=171). They had mean age of 17 years old, being equally distributed for sex. Using confirmatory factor analysis, four models were tested according to the number of factors (one or two) and items (12 or 20). Results showed that the reduced bifactorial model presented the best fit indices. The factors and the total score of this instrument presented acceptable internal consistency, being correlated with sex and age. These results justify the use of this instrument in subsequent studies

    Who Prioritizes the Economy over Health? The Role of Political Orientation and Human Values

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    One of the main challenges governments faced during the Covid-19 pandemic was to balance economic considerations with protecting the health of people (i.e., economic vs humanitarian motives). In the present study (N= 296), we investigated whether human values, political orientation, and fear of Covid-19 predicted economic and humanitarian motives. We found that people holding self-enhancement and normative values, had lower levels of Covid-19 fear, and were more right-leaning in terms of their political orientation, tended to prioritize the economy. In contrast, people valuing normative values less, interactive values more, reported higher levels of Covid-19 related fear, and were more left-leaning, tended to prioritize the health of people. Importantly, values explained variance above and beyond political orientation and fear of Covid-19. Together, our findings highlight the importance of values in decision making