43 research outputs found

    GomJau-Hogg´s Notation for Automatic Generation of k-Uniform Tessellations with ANTWERP v3.0

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    ABSTRACT: Euclidean tilings are constantly applied to many fields of engineering (mechanical, civil, chemical, etc.). These tessellations are usually named after Cundy & Rollett’s notation. However, this notation has two main problems related to ambiguous conformation and uniqueness. This communication explains the GomJau-Hogg’s notation for generating all the regular, semi-regular (uniform) and demi-regular (k-uniform, up to at least k = 3) in a consistent, unique and unequivocal manner. Moreover, it presents Antwerp v3.0, a free online application, which is publicly shared to prove that all the basic tilings can be obtained directly from the GomJau-Hogg’s notation

    Structural analysis of a deployable double-layer tensegrity grid

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.Different methods have been used recently to discover new families of a type of space frame: Double- Layer Tensegrity Grids (DLTGs). The main objective of this work is analyzing the process for the design and calculation of a specific deployable DLTG (DDLTG) at full scale (4x4x1 m) composed by 16 modules of 1x1x1 m. Three CAD/CAE tools were used for these purposes: ToyGL, Matlab/Octave, and Midas Civil. It was necessary to create an intermediate platform to exchange data and information between both tools, the ToyGL Processor, based on user-defined functions written in VBA for Microsoft Excel. The methodology was validated by comparing the results obtained by the first two software tools with those provided by Midas Civil. As a conclusion, ToyGL is reliable and accurate in terms of the definition of geometry, distribution of stresses and forces, reactions, states of self-stress, mechanisms, etc

    Generation and nomenclature of tessellations and double-layer grids

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    The aim of this work is to establish a systematic methodology for generating automatically different tessellations and double-layer grids (DLGs) following a defined and specific nomenclature proposed originally for such a task. This particular nomenclature defines the notation of mosaics and DLGs in a synthesized and unique manner, with the advantage that it shows how to generate and design them after the parameters expressed on their own names. As a result, by means of an algorithm and some computational codes, it is possible to recreate in 3D any of those grids directly from their own names. Current nomenclature for tessellations is also analyzed, finding severe disadvantages, such as the excessive length of their notations or their non-uniqueness character. A new nomenclature is proposed in order to define and generate consistently and unequivocally n-uniform mosaics in a consistent manner with the current nomenclature used for the Archimedean (regular and semiregular) tessellations

    Novel Technique for Obtaining Double-Layer Tensegrity Grids

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    Double-layer tensegrity grids (DLTGs) may be defined as tensegrity spatial systems containing two parallel horizontal networks of members in tension forming the top and bottom layers, whose nodes are linked by vertical and/or inclined bracing members in compression and/or tension. In this paper, a new approach is described. Conventional double-layer grids (DLGs) are composed of three layers: top, bottom and bracing members. This paper shows new rules for generating original DLGs following a recent methodology for their composition, from the mosaic of the bracing members and additional laws. Finally, from them, a new technique, known as Rot- Umbela manipulation, is applied to obtain their tensegrity form, opening and endless catalogue of DLTGs

    Information Management and Improvement of Citation Indices

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    Bibliometrics and citation analysis have become an important set of methods for library and information science, as well as an exceptional source of information and knowledge for many other areas. Their main sources are citation indices, which are bibliographic databases like Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc. However, bibliographical databases lack perfection and standardization. There are several software tools that perform useful information management and bibliometric analysis importing data from them. A comparison has been carried out to identify which of them perform certain pre-processing tasks. Usually, they are not strong enough to detect all the duplications, mistakes, misspellings and variant names, leaving to the user the tedious and time-consuming task of correcting the data. Furthermore, some of them do not import datasets from different citation indices, but mainly from Web of Science (WoS). A new software tool, called STICCI.eu (Software Tool for Improving and Converting Citation Indices - enhancing uniformity), which is freely available online, has been created to solve these problems. STICCI.eu is able to do conversions between bibliographical citation formats (WoS, Scopus, CSV, BibTex, RIS), correct the usual mistakes appearing in those databases, detect duplications, misspellings, etc., identify and transform the full or abbreviated titles of the journals, homogenize toponymical names of countries and relevant cities or regions and list the processed data in terms of the most cited authors, journals, references, etc

    Quantitative evaluation of overlaying discrepancies in mobile augmented reality applications for AEC/FM

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a trending technology that provides a live view of the real and physical environment augmented by virtual elements, enhancing the information of the scene with digital information (sound, video, graphics, text or geo-location). Its application to architecture, engineering and construction, and facility management (AEC/FM) is straightforward and can be very useful to improve the on-site work at different stages of the projects. However, one of the most important limitations of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is the lack of accuracy when the screen overlays the virtual models on the real images captured by the camera. The main reasons are errors related to tracking (positioning and orientation of the mobile device) and image capture and processing (projection and distortion issues). This paper shows a new methodology to mathematically perform a quantitative evaluation, in world coordinates, of those overlaying discrepancies on the screen, obtaining the real-scale distances from any real point to the sightlines of its virtual projections for any AR application. Additionally, a new utility for filtering built-in sensor signals in mobile devices is presented: the Drift-Vibration-Threshold function (DVT), a straightforward tool to filter the drift suffered by most sensor-based tracking systems

    Riesgos psicosociales en el ámbito laboral. Mobbing

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    El Derecho de la protección social lleva enfrentándose, desde que surge el trabajo mismo, a la proliferación de riesgos laborales que amenazan la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores. En esta atmósfera, desde el punto de vista normativo, se han buscado nuevas disposiciones que pudieran dar respuesta a los peligros que entrañan los riesgos laborales.Concretamente, debido a la proliferación de los avances tecnológicos, la recesión económica con la consiguiente precarización de los puestos de trabajo y, en general, los cambios sufridos en el mercado laboral, los riesgos laborales y, especialmente, los psicosociales están manifestándose con mayor virulencia.Es por ello que, a lo largo de este trabajo, se va a analizar el concepto de riesgo psicosocial y, más específicamente, la figura del mobbing, cuyos elementos configuradores siguen suscitando dudas a raíz de la carencia de disposiciones normativas que regulen dichos extremos y, en parte, como consecuencia de los ambiguos pronunciamientos judiciales. Además, van a analizarse los cauces adecuados para la defensa de situaciones vinculadas a los riesgos psicosociales y para el requerimiento de responsabilidades, concretamente de conductas hostigadoras representativas de acoso moral. Se profundizará en torno a la consideración del mobbing como contingencia profesional, estudiando los requisitos necesarios para su incorporación como enfermedad de trabajo.Para la mejor comprensión de la materia en general, se analizarán diversos pronunciamientos judiciales, detallando y diferenciando la posición de los tribunales en torno a los extremos relacionados con los riesgos psicosociales en general y con la figura del moobing en particular.<br /

    Agroecology and La Vía Campesina II. Peasant agroecology schools and the formation of a sociohistorical and political subject

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    Scaling up of peasant agroecology and building food sovereignty require major transformations that only a self-aware, critical, collective political subject can achieve. The global peasant movement La Vía Campesina (LVC), in its expression in Latin America, the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC), employs agroecology and political training or formation as a dispositive or device to facilitate the emergence of a sociohistorical and political subject: the agroecological peasantry, designed to be capable of transforming food systems across the globe. In this essay, we examine the pedagogical philosophies and practices used in the peasant agroecology schools and training processes of LVC and CLOC, and how they come together in territorial mediation as a dispositive for pedagogical-educational, agroecological reterritorialization.La masificación o escalamiento de la agroecología campesina y la construcción de la soberanía alimentaria requieren transformaciones profundas, que solo un sujeto político colectivo, crítico y consciente de sí mismo puede lograr. El movimiento campesino global La Vía Campesina (LVC), en su expresión en América Latina, la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC), emplea la formación política y agroecológica como un dispositivo que facilita la emergencia de un sujeto sociohistórico y político: el campesinado agroecológico, diseñado para la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios en todo el mundo. En este ensayo se examinan las prácticas pedagógicas y filosóficas utilizadas en las escuelas y los procesos de formación agroecológica campesina de LVC y la CLOC, así como la forma en que se conjugan como dispositivo para la mediación territorial y pedagógico-educativa para la reterritorialización agroecológica

    Torres Quevedo's mechanical calculator for second-degree equations with complex coefficients

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    Leonardo Torres Quevedo worked intensively in analogue calculating machines during the last years of the 19th century. The algebraic calculators were calculating machines in which numbers are represented by quantities of a given physical magnitude(s). The physical result is a magnitude of a physical quantity whose measurement in the coherent unit is the result of the algebraic equation. This article shows the three-dimensional (3D) modelling, virtual reconstruction and simulation of the first mechanical calculating machine for solving second-degree equations with complex coefficients, to prove that the functionality was correct and the machine could be built. Sketches of said machine provide enough information on the shape and mechanisms of the machine. By means of the simulation, it has been possible to prove its operation and feasibility of construction so that it is possible to replicate it as a real physical model. The mechanical calculator for second-degree equations with complex coefficients constituted a major milestone in the technological development of the time and helped to originate and improve the design of other algebraic calculators like the machine for solving eighth-degree equations

    Agroecology and La Vía Campesina I. The symbolic and material construction of agroecology through “peasant-to-peasant” processes

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    En este ensayo abordamos la territorialización simbólica y material de la agroecología en La Vía Campesina (LVC) a través de procesos de campesina(o) a campesina(o) (PCaC) en sentido amplio. Los ejemplos de masificación de la agroecología más significativos están claramente ligados a procesos organizativos y, desde nuestra perspectiva, el corazón de esos avances son los PCaC. Sostenemos que allí se articulan agroecologías, sujetos y territorios, constituyendo un potente dispositivo para la transformación agroecológica. También introducimos la discusión sobre la constitución de un sujeto histórico-político, el “campesinado agroecológico” para la disputa territorial por la transformación del sistema agroalimentario y las condiciones de vida en el campo.In this essay, we look at the symbolic and material territorialization of agroecology in La Vía Campesina (LVC) through peasant-to-peasant processes (PtPPs) in the broad sense. The most significant examples of the scaling up of agroecology are clearly tied to organizational processes and in our perspective, PtPPs are the motor of these changes. We contend that agroecology, subjects, and territories are articulated in these processes, making up a powerful dispositive or device for agroecological transformation and scaling up. We also introduce a discussion on the emergence of a historical-political subject, the “agroecological peasantry,” within the larger territorial dispute concerning the transformation of the agri-food system and living conditions in the countryside