12 research outputs found

    Investigation of drug distribution in tablets using surface enhanced Raman chemical imaging

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    This paper reports the first application of surface enhanced Raman chemical imaging on pharmaceutical tablets containing the active ingredient (API) in very low concentrations.Taking advantage of the extremely intensive Raman signals in the presence of silver colloids,image aquisition time was radically decreased. Moreover, the investigation of drug distribution below the detection limit of regular micro-Raman spectrometry was made feasible. The characteristics of different manufacturing technologies could be revealed at very low API concentrations by using chemometric methods for processing and evaluating the large number of varying spectra provided with this imaging method

    Logisztikai folyamatok lean fejlesztése VSM és monozukuri módszerrel

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    A tanulmány egy termelő vállalat belső áramlásának fejlesztését mutatja be. A hagyományosan alkalmazott lean eszközök mellett a 3K monozukuri módszer is alkalmazásra került, mert a szállítás optimalizáláson túl a tömegtermelés minőségproblémáival is foglalkozni kellett. A vállalat részéről olyan összehangolt stratégiára és operativitásra van szükség a folyamatokban, amely révén a költségek csökkenthetőek. A legveszélyesebb veszteség bármely gyártásban az indokolatlan magas gyártásközi készlet. A készlet puffer „jótékony” hatása mögött komoly folyamat problémák és költségek húzódnak meg a kontrolling szerint. A fejlesztés végrehatása kvantitatív és kvalitatív módszertanok kombinációjával valósult meg, melynek középpontjában a 3K monozukuri integrálása az Értékáram Térképezésbe (VSM) állt. A fejlesztés hatására az éves üzemi gyártásközi készlet 51,3%-al csökkent, a vállalat szállítási útvonalainak 66,53%-a megszűnt

    Remarkable impact of PAHs and TPHs on the richness and diversity of bacterial species in surface soils exposed to long-term hydrocarbon pollution

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    Nowadays, because of substantial use of petroleum-derived fuels the number and extension of hydrocarbon polluted terrestrial ecosystems is in growth worldwide. In remediation of aforementioned sites bioremediation still tends to be an innovative, environmentally attractive technology. Although huge amount of information is available concerning the hydrocarbon degradation potential of cultivable hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria little is known about the in situ long-term effects of petroleum derived compounds on the structure of soil microbiota. Therefore, in this study our aim was to determine the longterm impact of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPHs), total alkyl benzenes (TABs) as well as of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the structure of bacterial communities of four different contaminated soil samples. Our results indicated that a very high amount of TPH affected positively the diversity of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria. This finding was supported by the occurrence of representatives of the a-, b-, c-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Flavobacteriia and Bacilli classes. High concentration of VPHs and TABs contributed to the predominance of actinobacterial isolates. In PAH impacted samples the concentration of PAHs negatively correlated with the diversity of bacterial species. Heavily PAH polluted soil samples were mainly inhabited by the representatives of the b-, c- Proteobacteria (overwhelming dominance of Pseudomonas sp.) and Actinobacteria

    A gyermek 12 (1918) 03-04

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    A gyermek A Magyar Gyermektanulmányi Társaság közlönye 12. évfolyam, 03-04. szám Budapest, 1918. A folyóirat 1908-ig a Gyermekvédelmi lap mellékleteként, 1909-től mint önálló lap jelent meg

    One-year monitoring of meta-cleavage dioxygenase gene expression and microbial community dynamics reveals the relevance of subfamily I.2.C extradiol dioxygenases in hypoxic, BTEX-contaminated groundwater

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    Aromatic hydrocarbons including benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and xylene (BTEX) are frequent contaminants of groundwater, the major resource of drinking water. Bioremediation is the only sustainable process to clean up these environments. Microbial degradation of BTEX-compounds occurs rapidly under aerobic conditions, but in subsurface environments the availability of oxygen is commonly restricted. Even so, the microaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds is still poorly understood. Hence, the dynamics of bacterial community and the expression of meta-cleavage dioxygenase genes, with particular emphasis on subfamily I.2.C extradiol dioxygenase genes, were assessed over a 13-month period in a hypoxic, aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated shallow groundwater by using sequence-aided terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and single-nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) respectively. The bacterial 16S rRNA fingerprinting revealed the predominance of Rhodoferax, Azoarcus, Pseudomonas members and unknown bacteria related to Rhodocyclaceae. It was observed that mRNA transcripts of subfamily I.2.C extradiol dioxygenase genes were constantly detectable over the monitoring period, and the detected sequences clustered into six distinct clusters. In order to reveal changes in the expression of these clusters over the monitoring period we developed a SNuPE assay. This quasi fingerprinting of functional gene expression provided opportunity to link the investigated function to specific microbial populations. Results obtained can improve our understanding of aromatic hydrocarbon degradation under oxygen limitation and may benefit bioremediation research by demonstrating the usefulness of SNuPE for the monitoring of microbial populations involved in degradation process