30 research outputs found
Spalvų suvokimo konstantiškumas: empirinis tyrimas ir matematinis modelis
The method to estimate the color constancy is suggested. The experimental results confirm the hypothesis of color constancy linear model. The linear operator calculated from the chromaticity coordinates of three chips under two different illuminations. The analysis of this linear operator is performed to clear up the physiological mechanism.Straipsnyje pasiūlytas būdas, kaip įvertinti spalvų suvokimo konstantiškumas. Eksperimento rezultatai patvirtino, kad spalvų suvokimo konstantiškumas yra linijinis modelis. Linijinis operatorius buvo apskaičiuotas iš chromatinių koordinačių, gautų iš trijų daviklių dviem apšvietimo sąlygomis. Operatoriaus analizė atlikta, siekiant išaiškinti psichologinį mechanizmą
Trend in eating habits among Lithuanian school-aged children in context of social inequality: three cross-sectional surveys 2002, 2006 and 2010
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intermittent monitoring of food intake at the population level is essential for the planning and evaluation of national dietary intervention programs. Social-economic changes in Lithuania have likely affected dietary habits, but only a limited number of temporal studies on food intake trends among young population groups have been published. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in eating habits among Lithuanian school-aged children from 2002 to 2010, and to explore the association of these changes with the respondents' reported socio-economic status (SES).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used Lithuanian data from the cross-national Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study collected in 2002, 2006 and 2010. Analyses were conducted on comparable questionnaire-based data from children aged 11, 13 and 15 (total n = 17,189) from a random sample of schools. A food frequency questionnaire was used to investigate frequencies of food consumption. Logistic regression was used to examine the affects of changing social variables on reported diet trends.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In Lithuania, school-aged children have low intakes of fruits and vegetables. Only 21.1% of boys and 27.1% of girls reported daily fruit consumption. Similarly, 24.9% of boys and 29.6% of girls disclosed vegetable intake at least once daily. Comparing 2010 to 2002, the proportion of girls who consumed fruits daily increased from 24.2% to 31.0% (p < 0.001) but the proportion of boys who consumed vegetables daily decreased from 29.3% to 23.1% (p < 0.001). In 2006, for both sexes, there were observed increases in regular (at least five days a week) intake of sweets and chocolates, biscuits and pastries, and soft drinks; however, in the next survey (2010) these figures decreased. In addition, between 2006 and 2010, a substantial decrease in regular consumption of chips and fast food was also detected. Fruit and vegetable consumption as well as intake of sweets and chocolates, biscuits and pastries and soft drinks increased with family social-economic status and family material wealth. Trends in consumption of fruits, and other foods, and their association with changing social variables were demonstrated using the ORs estimated by three logistic models, using 2002 as the reference point. Changes in social variables from 2002 to 2010 affected the likelihood of daily consumption of fruits among boys by 22.5% (the corresponding OR decreased from 1.11 to 0.86) and among girls by 34.0% (the corresponding OR decreased from 1.41 to 1.12). Over the study period, changing social variables had little impact on the daily consumption of vegetables and other foods.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on the food consumption trends observed in Lithuania, increases in consumption of fruits and vegetables should be promoted, along with a reduction in the intake of less healthy choices, such as soft drinks and high-fat, high-sugar snack foods, by diminishing social inequalities in food consumption.</p
Ce-doped Lu3 Al5 O12 (LuAG), and Gd3 Al2 Ga3 O12 (GAGG) crystals with and without codoping by Mg2+ ions have been studied by the nonlinear absorption spectroscopy method. A faster rise time of transient optical absorption has been observed in all crystals codoped with Mg in comparison to Mg-free samples. A significant difference in the time evolution of the differential optical density in GAGG in comparison to LuAG crystals is revealed. in gadolinium garnets an absorption band peaked in the blue-green range and decaying with characteristic time of ~2 ps is observed. This band is considered to be due to absorption of free electrons before their trapping by Ce3+doping ions. A broad transient absorption band in the yellowred region is attributed to absorption from the Ce3+ excited states. Легированные ионами Се кристаллы Lu3 Al5 O12 (LuAG) и Gd3 Al2 Ga3 O12 (GAGG) с и без кодопирования ионами Mg2+ исследованы методом нелинейной абсорбционной спектроскопии. Ускорение времени нарастания переходного оптического поглощения наблюдалось в кристаллах, кодопированных ионами Mg, по сравнению с образцами без Mg. Выявлено существенное различие во временной эволюции дифференциальной оптической плотности в GAGG в сравнении с кристаллом LuAG. В гадолиниевых гранатах наблюдается полоса поглощения в сине- зеленом диапазоне с затуханием с характерным временем ~2 пс. Эта полоса соотнесена поглощению свободными электронами до их захвата примесными ионами Ce3+. Широкая полоса переходного поглощения в желто-красной области обусловлена поглощением из возбужденных состояний ионов Ce3+.
Lietuvos archeologijos tezauro projektas.
Straipsnyje pristatomas kuriamas Lietuvos archeologijos tezauras, apie kurį kalbama kaip apie veiksnį, nuo kurio priklauso našus, darnus ir kokybiškas paminklosaugininkų, mokslininkų, muziejininkų ir kitų specialistų darbas, susijęs su archeologijos vertybių apskaita, tyrimais ir saugojimu. Tezauro (iš gr. thesauros „lobynas, vertybių saugykla“) sąvoka šiuo metu pasaulyje plačiai vartojama reikšminių žodžių arba terminų žodyno prasme, kuriame žodžiai yra grupuojami nustatant trijų pagrindinių rūšių taprusavio ryšius: ekvivalentinius, hierarchinius ir asociatyvinius. Archeologijos tezauras kuriamas mokslo programos Lietuvių dvasinės kultūros raiškos: etnologijos, kalbos ir istorijos šaltinių elektroninis sąvadas rėmuose. Kvalifikuotai sukurtas tezauras taptų vienu svarbiausių archeologijos instrumentų. Jis tiksliau apibrėžtų archeologijos objektą, reglamentuotų mokslinės terminijos vartojimą, nustatytų terminų atitikmenis užsienio kalbomis, reikšmingai prisidėtų prie rankraštynų ir muziejų duomenų sisteminimo ir tvarkymo, informacijos duomenų bazėse valdymo. Minėtos programos rėmuose kuriami integralūs Lietuvos etnologijos, istorijos ir archeologijos tezaurai būtų visapusiškai naudingi specialistams ir visuomenei.Professionals’ successful activities and their good results are determined by many factors. The Lithuanian Archaeology Thesaurus is presented in the article as a factor determining efficient, coherent and high-quality work of scientists concerned with the preservation of monuments, museum scientists and other professionals, whose work is related to the accounting, research and preservation of archaeology valuables. Thesauri include science disciplines, geographic places, museum exhibits and many other fields. There are monolingual and multilingual thesauri, the compilation of which is regulated by European and US standards. The significance of those thesauri could hardly be underestimated: it is an indispensible instrument necessary to manage and search for any data. The article presents the main aspects of the Lithuanian Archaeology Thesaurus which was created and compiled by a number of scientists in 2004
Prof. Jono Puzino archeologijos terminų kartoteka
The present article is the first article to present the archaeological terminology files compiled in Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian. The files are currently kept in the Jonas Puzinas Fund (F.52) in the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. The article is aimed to discuss the files compiled by Jonas Puzinas, their sources and contents without aiming to draw conclusions on the creation of Lithuanian archaeological terminology. This aim was inspired by common issues in archaeology terminology as well as by the 100th anniversary of Jonas Puzinas
Monokuliniai požymiai, naudojami regos sistemoje, įvertinant binokulinį disparatiškumą
Depth perception of two point-like stimuli presented dixoptically was studied as a function of luminance distribution within the pair of stimuli in each half-field. The dots subtended approximately l arcminute and were separated by 3, 4, 5 or 6 arcminutes. The depth changed gradually unless the separation between the stimuli exceeded 4 arcminutes. The depth change cannot be derived solely on the basis of disparity change. The results may be accounted for if assumed that disparity is evaluated by the difference in the weighted mean (centroid) of luminance distribution over corresponding left and right retinal regions.Buvo tiriamas dviejų taškų gylio suvokimas, keičiant jų ryškumo santykį monokulinėse dichoptinio vaizdo dalyse. Gylis keitėsi tolydžiai, jei atstumas tarp taškų neviršijo 4 regimųjų minučių. Rezultatus galima paaiškinti remiantis prielaida, jog regos sistemoje skaičiuojamas ryškumų pasiskirstymo atitinkančiose kairės ir dešinės tinklainių srityse disparatiškumas
Comparative Study of Christian and Pagan Burial Constructions
This paper draws a chronological timeline comparing burial customs and construction traditions in the cradle of Christian religion, and pagan traditions on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, precisely Lithuania, since the early ages of Christianity (1c. A.D.) until nowadays. This paper searches for reasons that could have effected cultural transformations, a shifting relation between inhumation and incineration in European culture. In the Ancient Roman culture, people used to cremate their dead before Christianity set in. Baltic pagans at the time were burying their dead in stone circles, and started incineration only during the Middle Ages. Then Christianity was a powerful institution indoctrinating European daily culture. Meanwhile, in the territory of Lithuania pagan culture was erased only in the 15th century, i.e. about 600 years ago, leaving evident vestiges on traditions and customs of nowadays. These revelations of pagan culture are usually mistaken as Christian or Catholic. The paper focuses on architectural and urban aspects of burial architecture, taking into account social and historical conditions.
Straipsnyje sugretinami pagoniškieji ir krikščioniškieji laidojimo ritualai ir architektūrinės konstrukcijos. Remiantis istoriniais duomenimis, akivaizdu, kad krikščionybės išplitimas padarė įtaką pagoniškųjų kraštų laidojimo ritualams ir architektūrinei išraiškai. Akivaizdu ir tai, kad pagonybė taip pat paliko pėdsakus krikščioniškoje kultūroje. Organiškas šių skirtingų kultūrų elementų santykis yra ilgo kultūrų gretinimo pavyzdys. Lietuvos teritorijoje pagoniškosios kultūros liekanų itin gausu. Straipsnyje chronologiškai apžvelgiama, kaip kito laidojimo ritualai Lietuvos teritorijoje ir koks jų santykis su laidojimo tradicijomis krikščioniškosios kultūros lopšyje, apimančiame seniausius krikščioniškuosius kraštus. Ieškoma priežasčių, kodėl vienos ar kitos laidojimo konstrukcijos kito, koks jų ryšys su miesto teritorija ir kontekstu apskritai.
Raktiniai žodžiai: kapinės; laidojimas; pagoniškieji; krikščioniškieji; kremavimas; kapinių architektūr
Colour perception following full-field adaptation: effect of illuminants
30th European conference on visual perception, 27-31 August, 2007, Arezzo, Italy : abstractsVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij