1,508 research outputs found

    Quid Pro Quo: Builders, Politicians, and Election Finance in India- Working Paper 276

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    In developing countries where elections are costly and accountability mechanisms weak, politicians often turn to illicit means of financing campaigns. This paper examines one such channel of illicit campaign finance: India’s real estate sector. Politicians and builders allegedly engage in a quid pro quo, whereby the former park their illicit assets with the latter, and the latter rely on the former for favorable dispensation. At election time, however, builders need to re-route funds to politicians as a form of indirect election finance. One observable implication is that the demand for cement, the indispensible raw material used in the sector, should contract during elections since builders need to inject funds into campaigns. Using a novel monthly-level data set, we demonstrate that cement consumption does exhibit a political business cycle consistent with our hypothesis. Additional tests provide confidence in the robustness and interpretation of our findings.elections, election finance, corruption, political economy, India

    Matched Filtering of Numerical Relativity Templates of Spinning Binary Black Holes

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    Tremendous progress has been made towards the solution of the binary-black-hole problem in numerical relativity. The waveforms produced by numerical relativity will play a role in gravitational wave detection as either test-beds for analytic template banks or as template banks themselves. As the parameter space explored by numerical relativity expands, the importance of quantifying the effect that each parameter has on first the detection of gravitational waves and then the parameter estimation of their sources increases. In light of this, we present a study of equal-mass, spinning binary-black-hole evolutions through matched filtering techniques commonly used in data analysis. We study how the match between two numerical waveforms varies with numerical resolution, initial angular momentum of the black holes and the inclination angle between the source and the detector. This study is limited by the fact that the spinning black-hole-binaries are oriented axially and the waveforms only contain approximately two and a half orbits before merger. We find that for detection purposes, spinning black holes require the inclusion of the higher harmonics in addition to the dominant mode, a condition that becomes more important as the black-hole-spins increase. In addition, we conduct a preliminary investigation of how well a template of fixed spin and inclination angle can detect target templates of arbitrary spin and inclination for the axial case considered here

    Neutron diffraction and Raman studies of the incorporation of sulfate in silicate glasses

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    The oxidation state, coordination and local environment of sulphur in alkali silicate (R2O-SiO2; R= Na, Li) and alkali-alkaline earth silicate (Na2O-MO-SiO2; M= Ca, Ba) glasses have been investigated using neutron diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. With analyses of both the individual total neutron correlation functions, and of suitable doped-undoped differences, the S-O bonds and (O-O)S correlations were clearly isolated from the other overlapping correlations due to Si-O and (O-O)Si distances in the SiO4 tetrahedra, and the modifier-oxygen (R-O and M-O) distances. Clear evidence was obtained that the sulphur is present as SO4 2- groups, confirmed by the observation in the Raman spectra of the symmetric S-O stretch mode of SO4 2- groups. The modifier-oxygen bond length distributions were deconvoluted from the neutron correlation functions by fitting. The Na-O and Li-O bond length distributions were clearly asymmetric, whereas no evidence was obtained for asymmetry of the Ca-O and Ba-O distributions. A consideration of the bonding shows that the oxygen atoms in the SO4 2- groups do not participate in the silicate network, and as such constitute a third type of oxygen, ‘non-network oxygen’, in addition to the bridging and non-bridging oxygens that are bonded to silicon atoms. Thus each individual sulphate group is surrounded by a shell of modifier, and is not connected directly to the silicate network. The addition of SO3 to the glass leads to a conversion of oxygen atoms within the silicate network from non-bridging to bridging, so that there is a repolymerisation of the silicate network. There is evidence that SO3 doping leads to changes in the form of the distribution of Na-O bond lengths, with a reduction in the fitted short bond coordination number, and an increase in the fitted long bond coordination number, and this is consistent with a repolymerisation of the silicate network. In contrast, there is no evidence that SO3 doping leads to a change in the distribution of Li-O bond lengths, with a total Li-O coordination number consistently in excess of four


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    Communication of any type has its root in the person’s personality and psyche. Person’s practices, philosophy and beliefs and clarity of means and ends affect his/ her communication style, use of words etc. Communication for Gandhi was the output of lot of thought process combined with experience and experiment and his words would come out with utmost clarity and conviction in an understandable language. If we want to see Gandhi from two sides they are as simple as the man himself: action and communication and communication and action. He was an enormous communicator and his communication ranged from individual to mass communication, from speeches to discussions, from writing to body language and from symbols to silence.  This communication made him reach out to the rich and the poor, to the metros and hamlets, to the illiterate and the celebrities and intellectuals. The enormity of the reach of his communication and the penetration cannot be fathomed easily. In this article there is humble try to analyse Gandhi’s communication style and manner, the impact of his communication and what lessons can be gained from his method of communication

    Modi's Reform Agenda: Change You Can Believe In? Asia Policy Brief 2015/04, November 2015

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    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi entered office with a historic political mandate. For the first time in thirty years, a single party won a majority of seats in the lower house of Parliament (Lok Sabha). However, Modi faces skyhigh expectations to fulfill his campaign promises of getting India’s economy back on track. Eighteen months into his government’s term and in the wake of electoral defeats in the states of Delhi and Bihar, questions are being raised about its economic performance. While the Modi government has stabilized India’s macroeconomy and announced a series of incremental economic reforms, more sweeping changes have fallen victim to India’s nettlesome domestic politics, including roadblocks within the ruling alliance

    Using Photovoice to Explore Racial Microaggressions Experienced by Doctoral Students of Color

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    Racial microaggressions are prevalent in academia and negatively impact the engagement and well-being of students of color. Despite this, little is known regarding the experiences of doctoral students with racial microaggressions in counselor education (CE) programs. The purpose of this study was to better understand the impact of racial microaggressions on doctoral students of color in CE programs. The study utilized Photovoice methodology, which incorporated pictures, captured by participants, to highlight the racial microaggressions experienced by six doctoral students of color in CE programs. Themes expressed by participants included Struggle, Racism, Sacrificing Ourselves, and Advocacy as central to their experience of racial microaggressions. Recommendations for counselor educators include validation, mentoring, training, and diversification of counselor education curriculum

    Oral bisacodyl is effective and safe for short term treatment of chronic constipation

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    A clinical decision report using Kamm MA, Mueller-Lissner S, Wald A, Richter E, Swallow R, Gessner U. Oral bisacodyl is effective and well-tolerated in patients with chronic constipation. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;9(7):577-583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cgh.2011.03.026 to evaluate potential long term treatment with oral Bisacodyl in a patient with a history of chronic constipation and recent non-surgical treatment of ischemic colitis

    The Evolution, Innovation and Escalation in Liberal Education in India: Role of Private Universities

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    Liberal Studies as a concept was already successful in the Western countries especially the US. It is already on the path of success and sustainability in Indian education scenario as well. During the last few decades, the people and the government saw the rise of Indian corporate houses, their competency and liberalisation in industry succeeded liberalisation in the education sector also. Liberal Studies is the speedily moving and widely accepted model of education in India today. The article focuses on the success of Liberal Studies owing to the active involvement of the private institutes, their endeavours, their initiatives to make a difference. The study has focused on twelve institutes of national repute most of which were founded in the twenty-first century who have brought liberal education to a new height with various experiments and endeavours. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.431856