172 research outputs found

    Consumer Support for a Maine Woods Tourism Quality Label

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    David Vail and Harold Daniel report findings of a survey of North American vacationers. The survey assessed the strength of interest in quality-labeled Maine vacation experiences and tested consumer willingness to pay a price premium for certified tour “products.” The survey revealed that nearly four out of ten leisure travelers are responsive to the benefits promised by quality-labeled vacation experiences. The authors also describe steps communities, businesses, and state tourism leaders can take toward developing a Maine Woods quality label

    Asian Longhorned Tick

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    The Asian longhorned tick (Haemophysalis longicorns Neumann; alternative names include Asian longhorned tick, Asian tick, bush tick, New Zealand cattle tick) is a species of hard tick in the family Ixodidae. It is native to eastern China, Japan, the Russian Far East and Korea. It has also established in Australia, New Zealand and several Pacific islands, where it is considered a severe exotic pest of livestock. In late 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed the presence of the Asian longhorned tick in the United States. These ticks were first identified in New Jersey, but have since been found in archival samples from West Virginia as far back as 2010. The origin of the tick in the US remains unknown. Some possible routes of entry include entering on domestic pets, horses, livestock or humans. The real impact of the introduction of this tick into the US is not clear at this time, but animal health officials are concerned about potential detrimental impacts on livestock and wildlife

    Moving Toward Patient-Centered Care in Africa: A Discrete Choice Experiment of Preferences for Delivery Care among 3,003 Tanzanian Women

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    Objective: In order to develop patient-centered care we need to know what patients want and how changing socio-demographic factors shape their preferences. Methods: We fielded a structured questionnaire that included a discrete choice experiment to investigate women’s preferences for place of delivery care in four rural districts of Pwani Region, Tanzania. The discrete choice experiment consisted of six attributes: kind treatment by the health worker, health worker medical knowledge, modern equipment and medicines, facility privacy, facility cleanliness, and cost of visit. Each woman received eight choice questions. The influence of potential supply- and demand- side factors on patient preferences was evaluated using mixed logit models. Results: 3,003 women participated in the discrete choice experiment (93% response rate) completing 23,947 choice tasks. The greatest predictor of health facility preference was kind treatment by doctor (β = 1.13, p<0.001), followed by having a doctor with excellent medical knowledge (β = 0.89 p<0.001) and modern medical equipment and drugs (β = 0.66 p<0.001). Preferences for all attributes except kindness and cost were changed with changes to education, primiparity, media exposure and distance to nearest hospital. Conclusions: Care quality, both technical and interpersonal, was more important than clinic inputs such as equipment and cleanliness. These results suggest that while basic clinic infrastructure is necessary, it is not sufficient for provision of high quality, patient-centered care. There is an urgent need to build an adequate, competent, and kind health workforce to raise facility delivery and promote patient-centered care

    Risk of Complication and Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty Among Medicare Patients with Different Bearing Surfaces

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    To address the long-term problems of bearing surface wear and osteolysis associated with conventional metal-polyethylene (M-PE) total hip arthroplasty (THA), metal-metal (M-M), and ceramic-ceramic (C-C) bearings have been introduced. These bearing surfaces are associated with unique risks and benefits and higher costs. However the relative risks of these three bearings in an older population is unknown. We compared the short-term risk of complication and revision THA among Medicare patients having a primary THA with metal-polyethylene (M-PE), metal-metal (M-M), and ceramic-ceramic (C-C) bearings. We used the 2005 to 2007 100% Medicare inpatient claim files to perform a matched cohort analysis in three separate cohorts of THA patients (M-PE, M-M, and C-C) who were matched by age, gender, and US census region. Multivariate Cox proportional-hazards models were constructed to compare complication and revision THA risk among cohorts, adjusting for medical comorbidities, race, socioeconomic status, and hospital factors. After adjusting for patient and hospital factors, M-M bearings were associated with a higher risk of periprosthetic joint infection (hazard ratio, 3.03; confidence interval, 1.02–9.09) when compared with C-C bearings (0.59% versus 0.32%, respectively). There were no other differences among bearing cohorts in the adjusted risk of revision THA or any other complication. The risk of short-term complication (including dislocation) and revision THA were similar among appropriately matched Medicare THA patients regardless of bearing surface. Hard-on-hard THA bearings are of questionable value in Medicare patients, given the higher cost associated with their use and uncertain long-term benefits in older patients. Level II, prognostic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence

    The Epidemiology of Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty in the United States

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    Understanding the cause of failure and type of revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures performed in the United States is essential in guiding research, implant design, and clinical decision making in TKA. We assessed the causes of failure and specific types of revision TKA procedures performed in the United States using newly implemented ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure codes related to revision TKA data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database. Clinical, demographic, and economic data were reviewed and analyzed from 60,355 revision TKA procedures performed in the United States between October 1, 2005 and December 31, 2006. The most common causes of revision TKA were infection (25.2%) and implant loosening (16.1%), and the most common type of revision TKA procedure reported was all component revision (35.2%). Revision TKA procedures were most commonly performed in large, urban, nonteaching hospitals in Medicare patients ages 65 to 74. The average length of hospital stay (LOS) for all revision TKA procedures was 5.1 days, and the average total charges were $49,360. However, average LOS, average charges, and procedure frequencies varied considerably by census region, hospital type, and procedure performed

    Oedema extension distance in intracerebral haemorrhage: Association with baseline characteristics and long-term outcome

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    Introduction: Oedema extension distance is a derived parameter that may reduce sample size requirements to demonstrate reduction in perihaematomal oedema in early phase acute intracerebral haemorrhage trials. We aimed to identify baseline predictors of oedema extension distance and its association with clinical outcomes. Patients and methods: Using Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive-Intracerebral Haemorrhage, first Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial, and Minimally Invasive Surgery and rtPA for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation II datasets, we calculated oedema extension distance at baseline and at 72 h measured using computed tomography. Using linear regression, we tested for associations between baseline characteristics and oedema extension distance at 72 h. Ordinal regression (underlying assumptions validated) was used to test for associations between oedema extension distance at baseline and 72 h and oedema extension distance change between baseline and 72 h, and modified Rankin scale scores at 90 days, adjusted for baseline and 72 h prognostic factors. Results: There were 1028 intracerebral haemorrhage cases with outcome data for analyses. Mean (standard deviation, SD) oedema extension distance at 72 h was 0.54 (0.26) cm, and mean oedema extension distance difference from baseline (EED72–0) was 0.24 (0.18) cm. Oedema extension distance at 72 h was greater with increasing baseline haematoma volume and baseline oedema extension distance. Increasing age, lobar haemorrhage, and intraventricular haemorrhage were independently associated with EED72–0. In multifactorial ordinal regression analysis, EED72–0 was associated with worse modified Rankin scale scores at 90 days (odds ratio 1.96, 95% confidence interval 1.00–3.82). Discussion: Increase in oedema extension distance over 72 h is independently associated with decreasing functional outcome at 90 days. Oedema extension distance may be a useful surrogate outcome measure in early phase trials of anti-oedema or anti-inflammatory treatments in intracerebral haemorrhage

    Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy

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    This article presents an integrated framework for multimedia access and analysis of ancient Maya epigraphic resources, which is developed as an interdisciplinary effort involving epigraphers (someone who deciphers ancient inscriptions) and computer scientists. Our work includes several contributions: a definition of consistent conventions to generate high-quality representations of Maya hieroglyphs from the three most valuable ancient codices, which currently reside in European museums and institutions; a digital repository system for glyph annotation and management; as well as automatic glyph retrieval and classification methods. We study the combination of statistical Maya language models and shape representation within a hieroglyph retrieval system, the impact of applying language models extracted from different hieroglyphic resources on various data types, and the effect of shape representation choices for glyph classification. A novel Maya hieroglyph data set is given, which can be used for shape analysis benchmarks, and also to study the ancient Maya writing system

    Sequence stratigraphy, basin morphology and sea-level history for the Permian Kapp Starostin Formation of Svalbard, Norway

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    Based on seven measured sections from Svalbard, the marine strata of the Permian Kapp Starostin Formation are arranged into seven transgressive–regressive sequences (TR1–TR7) of c. 4–5 Ma average duration, each bound by a maximum regressive surface. Facies, including heterozoan-dominated limestones, spiculitic cherts, sandstones, siltstones and shales, record deposition within inner, middle and outer shelf areas. The lowermost sequence, TR1, comprises most of the basal Vøringen Member, which records a transgression across the Gipshuken Formation following a hiatus of unknown duration. Temperate to cold, storm-dominated facies established in inner to middle shelf areas between the latest Artinskian and Kungurian. Prolonged deepening during sequences TR2 and TR3 was succeeded by a long-term shallowing-upward trend that lasted until the latest Permian (TR4–TR7). A major depocentre existed in central and western Spitsbergen while to the north, Dickson Land remained a shallow platform, leading to a shallow homoclinal ramp in NE Spitsbergen and Nordaustlandet. The Middle Permian extinction (late Capitanian) is recorded near the base of TR6 in deeper parts of the basin only; elsewhere this sequence is not recorded. Likewise the youngest sequence, TR7, extending to the upper formational contact of latest Permian age, is found only in the basin depocentre. Comparison with age-equivalent strata in the Sverdrup Basin of Canada reveals a remarkably similar depositional history, with, for example, two (third-order) sea-level cycles recorded in the Late Permian of both regions, in keeping with the global record. Sequence stratigraphy may therefore be a powerful correlative tool for onshore and offshore Permian deposits across NW Pangaea

    Network-level mechanisms underlying effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on visuomotor learning

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation approach in which low level currents are administered over the scalp to influence underlying brain function. Prevailing theories of tDCS focus on modulation of excitation-inhibition balance at the local stimulation location. However, network level effects are reported as well, and appear to depend upon differential underlying mechanisms. Here, we evaluated potential network-level effects of tDCS during the Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT) using convergent EEG- and fMRI-based connectivity approaches. Motor learning manifested as a significant (p \u3c.0001) shift from slow to fast responses and corresponded to a significant increase in beta-coherence (p \u3c.0001) and fMRI connectivity (p \u3c.01) particularly within the visual-motor pathway. Differential patterns of tDCS effect were observed within different parametric task versions, consistent with network models. Overall, these findings demonstrate objective physiological effects of tDCS at the network level that result in effective behavioral modulation when tDCS parameters are matched to network-level requirements of the underlying task