232 research outputs found

    The stellar coronal X-ray Explorer: STCOEX

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    The status of the newly born field of stellar X-ray astronomy is considered. The need for further observational capability, the study of stellar surface activity and the development of design criteria for a follow-up mission, with primary emphasis on stellar observations and with general capabilities within the scope of the Explorer program are examined. The criteria which lead to the desired instrumental capabilities are reviewed; and an overview of the proposed instrument and some of its capabilities, as indicated by simulations is presented. Two versions of a trial payload the stellar coronal. Explorer (STCOEX) which meet the observational desirable are developed

    Continuing data analysis of the AS/E grazing incidence X-ray telescope experiment on the OSO-4 satellite

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    The work to correct and extend the calculation of the theoretical solar X-ray spectrum produced during earlier OSO-4 data analysis is reported along with the work to formulate models of active regions, and compare these models with the experimental values. An atlas of solar X-ray photographs is included, and solar X-ray observations are correlated with the solar wind

    Folding of VemP into translation-arresting secondary structure is driven by the ribosome exit tunnel

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    The ribosome is a fundamental biomolecular complex that synthesizes proteins in cells. Nascent proteins emerge from the ribosome through a tunnel, where they may interact with the tunnel walls or small molecules such as antibiotics. These interactions can cause translational arrest with notable physiological consequences. Here, we studied the arrest caused by the regulatory peptide VemP, which is known to form alpha-helices inside the ribosome tunnel near the peptidyl transferase center under specific conditions. We used all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the entire ribosome and circular dichroism spectroscopy to study the driving forces of helix formation and how VemP causes the translational arrest. To that aim, we compared VemP dynamics in the ribosome tunnel with its dynamics in solution. We show that the VemP peptide has a low helical propensity in water and that the propensity is higher in mixtures of water and trifluorethanol. We propose that helix formation within the ribosome is driven by the interactions of VemP with the tunnel and that a part of VemP acts as an anchor. This anchor might slow down VemP progression through the tunnel enabling alpha-helix formation, which causes the elongation arrest

    A Contemporary View of Coronal Heating

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    Determining the heating mechanism (or mechanisms) that causes the outer atmosphere of the Sun, and many other stars, to reach temperatures orders of magnitude higher than their surface temperatures has long been a key problem. For decades the problem has been known as the coronal heating problem, but it is now clear that `coronal heating' cannot be treated or explained in isolation and that the heating of the whole solar atmosphere must be studied as a highly coupled system. The magnetic field of the star is known to play a key role, but, despite significant advancements in solar telescopes, computing power and much greater understanding of theoretical mechanisms, the question of which mechanism or mechanisms are the dominant supplier of energy to the chromosphere and corona is still open. Following substantial recent progress, we consider the most likely contenders and discuss the key factors that have made, and still make, determining the actual (coronal) heating mechanism (or mechanisms) so difficult

    High resolution studies of the solar X-ray corona from Aerobee rockets

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    The research in high resolution solar X-ray astronomy is reported. The payload for the Aerobee 150 launch vehicle, which included a 23 cm diameter mirror whose polished surface was a nickel-phosphorus alloy is discussed along with the high resolution measurements, by Flight 13.028 CS, of the temperature and density structure of the lower corona. Flight 13.029 CS is also discussed

    Emission heights of coronal bright points on Fe XII radiance map

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    We study the emission heights of the coronal bright points (BPs) above the photosphere in the bipolar magnetic loops that are apparently associated with them. As BPs are seen in projection against the disk their true emission heights are unknown. The correlation of the BP locations on the Fe XII radiance map from EIT with the magnetic field features (in particular neutral lines) was investigated in detail. The coronal magnetic field was determined by an extrapolation of the photospheric field to different altitudes above the disk. It was found that most BPs sit on or near a photospheric neutral line, but that the emission occurs at a height of about 5 Mm. Some BPs, while being seen in projection, still seem to coincide with neutral lines, although their emission takes place at heights of more than 10 Mm. Such coincidences almost disappear for emissions above 20 Mm. We also projected the upper segments of the 3-D magnetic field lines above different heights, respectively, on to the x-y plane. The shape of each BP was compared with the respective field-line segment nearby. This comparison suggests that most coronal BPs are actually located on the top of their associated magnetic loops. Finally, we calculated for each selected BP region the correlation coefficient between the Fe XII intensity enhancement and the horizontal component of the extrapolated magnetic field vector at the same x-y position in planes of different heights, respectively. We found that for almost all the BP regions we studied the correlation coefficient, with increasing height, increases to a maximal value and then decreases again. The height corresponding to this maximum was defined as the correlation height, which for most bright points was found to range below 20 Mm.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Soft X-ray analysis of a loop flare on the Sun

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    We present the results of an analysis of soft X-ray images for a solar flare which occurred on 1992 July 11. This flare, as seen in Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) images was of comparatively simple geometry, consisting of two bright footpoints early in the flare with a bright loop seen later in the flare. We examine how closely this flare compares with the supposed paradigm of a confined simple-loop flare. Closer examination of the SXT images reveals that the flare structure consisted of at least two adjacent loops, one much fainter than the other. We examine the brighter of the two soft X-ray loops. The SXT images reveal an apparent slow, northward motion of this loop (roughly transverse to its major axis). Examination of derived emission measure and temperature images also indicate an apparent northward motion. In addition, we find an increase in the cross-sectional width at the top of the loop with time. Emission measure maps derived from the SXT images also indicates an apparent broadening of the loop-top region. We infer that the apparent northward motion and the apparent broadening of the soft X-ray emission can be explained in a reconnection scenario where successive magnetic field structures do not lie in a plane but are tilted to the south of the line of sight but with successively brightening loops oriented at less tilted angles. Halpha images for this flare reveal an evolution from a few brilliant points to a short two- ribbon-like appearance. Comparison of the SXT images with the Halpha images shows that the Halpha patches are aligned with the footpoints of the soft X-ray loops, suggesting the presence of a small arcade structure. There is no clear evidence for an eruptive signature in our observations nor in reports from other observations. The lack of an eruptive signature could suggest that the flare may have been a confined simple-loop flare, but this is not compelling due to a gap in the coronal observations prior to and early in the event. Analysis of our observations indicate that the flare exhibited characteristics suggesting that it may be better understood as a mini-arcade flare. These results casts doubt on the validity of the supposed paradigm of a confined simple-loop flare, at least for this flare. They indicate that even an apparently simple-loop flare may be considered to be a variety of arcade flare. We also find an effect which, to our knowledge, has not been reported before: the hot flaring regions later become cooler than the surrounding quiescent corona. That is, the flare loops do not evolve into bright active region loops, but into cooler loops. This may indicate an increase in the efficiency of the cooling mechanism or a transformed equilibrium state within the flaring loops

    The flaring and quiescent components of the solar corona

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    The solar corona is a template to understand stellar activity. The Sun is a moderately active star, and its corona differs from active stars: active stellar coronae have a double-peaked EM(T) with the hot peak at 8-20 MK, while the non flaring solar corona has one peak at 1-2 MK. We study the average contribution of flares to the solar EM(T) to investigate indirectly the hypothesis that the hot peak of the EM(T) of active stellar coronae is due to a large number of unresolved solar-like flares, and to infer properties on the flare distribution from nano- to macro-flares. We measure the disk-integrated time-averaged emission measure, EM_F(T), of an unbiased sample of solar flares analyzing uninterrupted GOES/XRS light curves over time intervals of one month. We obtain the EM_Q(T) of quiescent corona for the same time intervals from the Yohkoh/SXT data. To investigate how EM_F(T) and EM_Q(T) vary with the solar cycle, we evaluate them at different phases of the cycle (from Dec. 1991 to Apr. 1998). Irrespective of the solar cycle phase, EM_F(T) appears like a peak of the distribution significantly larger than the values of EM_Q(T) for T~5-10 MK. As a result the time-averaged EM(T) of the whole solar corona is double-peaked, with the hot peak, due to time-averaged flares, located at temperature similar of that of active stars, but less enhanced. The EM_F(T) shape supports the hypothesis that the hot EM(T) peak of active coronae is due to unresolved solar-like flares. If this is the case, quiescent and flare components should follow different scaling laws for increasing stellar activity. In the assumption that the heating of the corona is entirely due to flares, from nano- to macro-flares, then either the flare distribution or the confined plasma response to flares, or both, are bimodal.Comment: 8 pages, 7 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The structure and dynamics of a bright point as seen with Hinode, SoHO and TRACE

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    Our aim is to determine the plasma properties of a coronal bright point and compare its magnetic topology extrapolated from magnetogram data with its appearance in X-ray images. We analyse spectroscopic data obtained with EIS/Hinode, Ca II H and G-band images from SOT/Hinode, UV images from TRACE, X-ray images from XRT/Hinode and high-resolution/high-cadence magnetogram data from MDI/SoHO. The BP comprises several coronal loops as seen in the X-ray images, while the chromospheric structure consists of tens of small bright points as seen in Ca II H. An excellent correlation exists between the Ca II BPs and increases in the magnetic field, implying that the Ca II H passband is a good indicator for the concentration of magnetic flux. Doppler velocities between 6 and 15 km/s are derived from the Fe XII and Fe XIII lines for the BP region, while for Fe XIV and Si VII they are in the range from -15 to +15 km/s. The coronal electron density is 3.7x10^9 cm^-3. An excellent correlation is found between the positive magnetic flux and the X-ray light-curves. The remarkable agreement between the extrapolated magnetic field configuration and some of the loops composing the BP as seen in the X-ray images suggests that a large fraction of the magnetic field in the bright point is close to potential. The close correlation between the positive magnetic flux and the X-ray emission suggests that energy released by magnetic reconnection is stimulated by flux emergence or cancellation.Comment: 10 pages with 11 figures. Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic