546 research outputs found

    Northeastern Pennsylvania v. County of Lackawanna Transit

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    USDC for the Middle District of Pennsylvani

    Relevance of the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic paradox

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá objasněním existence hydrostatického a hydrodynamického paradoxonu. Především hydrostatické paradoxon obecně nebývá náležitě zdůvodněno, což implikuje další nejasnosti. Cílem práce je proto ukázat pravé příčiny těchto jevů a dále ukázat velikost vlivu stlačitelnosti kapaliny.This bachelor’s thesis is concerned with the explanation of the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic paradox existence. Above all hydrostatic paradox is not in general properly explained which causes additional puzzle. Therefore the aim of this thesis is to find real reasons of these effects and in addition to check up possible consequences of liquid compressibility.

    A Possible Role for Short Introns in the Acquisition of Stroma-Targeting Peptides in the Flagellate Euglena gracilis

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    The chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis bounded by three membranes arose via secondary endosymbiosis of a green alga in a heterotrophic euglenozoan host. Many genes were transferred from symbiont to the host nucleus. A subset of Euglena nuclear genes of predominately symbiont, but also host, or other origin have obtained complex presequences required for chloroplast targeting. This study has revealed the presence of short introns (41–93 bp) either in the second half of presequence-encoding regions or shortly downstream of them in nine nucleus-encoded E. gracilis genes for chloroplast proteins (Eno29, GapA, PetA, PetF, PetJ, PsaF, PsbM, PsbO, and PsbW). In addition, the E. gracilis Pbgd gene contains two introns in the second half of presequence-encoding region and one at the border of presequence-mature peptide-encoding region. Ten of 12 introns present within presequence-encoding regions or shortly downstream of them identified in this study have typical eukaryotic GT/AG borders, are T-rich, 45–50 bp long, and pairwise sequence identities range from 27 to 61%. Thus single recombination events might have been mediated via these cis-spliced introns. A double crossing over between these cis-spliced introns and trans-spliced introns present in 5′-UTRs of Euglena nuclear genes is also likely to have occurred. Thus introns and exon-shuffling could have had an important role in the acquisition of chloroplast targeting signals in E. gracilis. The results are consistent with a late origin of photosynthetic euglenids

    Estructura poblacional del ‘pejepeine’, Xyrichtys novacula (Actinopterygii: Labridae), en mosaicos arena-pradera de fanerógama marina: variación espacial de acuerdo con las características del hábitat y técnicas de muestreo

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    Habitat structure affects the distribution of fishes, particularly across reef-dominated habitats, but few studies have connected patterns in the abundance of soft-bottom fishes with the structure of the habitat. The spatial and temporal patterns of variation in the abundance, biomass and population structure of the pearly razorfish, Xyrichtys novacula, inhabiting sand-Cymodocea nodosa seagrass mosaics were described through two complementary techniques: underwater visual counts and seine nets. We sought to analyse whether biotic (seagrass shoot density, leaf length and meadow cover) and abiotic (sediment composition and particle size) structural elements explained variation in patterns of abundance and biomass. Underwater visual counts registered a larger abundance of individuals and proved significant variation in fish abundance and biomass at the scale of locations, which was otherwise not detected through seine nets. Seasonal variation in fish abundance and biomass was, in all cases, minor. Habitat structural elements helped to explain patterns in fish abundance and biomass. This fish species was particularly abundant in sediments dominated by coarse sands in continuous meadows of C. nodosa ( > 90% seagrass cover) with intermediate densities of 500 to 1000 shoots m–2, followed by large-sized seagrass patches with >1000 shoots m–2. A trade-off between protection provided by seagrass canopies and protection derived from its burial behaviour, limited under high seagrass shoot densities, may explain spatial variation patterns.La estructura del hábitat afecta a la distribución de los peces, particularmente en los hábitats dominados por arrecifes. Sin embargo, los estudios que conectan patrones de abundancia de peces en fondos blandos con la estructura del hábitat son, comparativamente, más escasos. En este estudio, se describen los patrones espacio-temporales de variación en abundancia, biomasa y estructura poblacional del ‘pejepeine’, Xyrichtys novacula, en hábitats de arena y praderas de fanerógamas marinas constituidas por Cymodocea nodosa, empleando dos técnicas complementarias: censos visuales subacuáticos (UVCs) y arrastres (SNs). Se analizó si los elementos estructurales bióticos (densidad de pies, longitud de hoja y cobertura de la pradera) y abióticos (composición del sedimento y tamaño de las partículas) contribuyen a explicar la variación en los patrones de abundancia y biomasa. Los UVCs registraron una mayor abundancia de individuos y demostraron una variación significativa en abundancia y biomasa a escala de localidades, estas variaciones no fueron detectadas por los arrastres. La variación estacional en la abundancia y biomasa de individuos fue mínima en todos los casos. Los elementos estructurales del hábitat contribuyen a explicar los patrones de abundancia y biomasa de peces. Esta especie fue particularmente abundante en fondos dominados por arenas gruesas con praderas continuas de C. nodosa (cobertura > 90%) con densidades de pies intermedias de 500 1000 pies m–2. Un equilibrio entre la protección provista por la bóveda foliar y la protección derivada de su comportamiento de enterramiento, el cual está limitado por densidades de pies altas, puede explicar los patrones de variabilidad espacial de esta especie

    Precise Model of the Effective Threshold Voltage Changes in the DLS MOSFETs for Different Gate Angles Compared with Measured Data

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    This paper presents an interesting phenomenon related to the effective threshold voltage changes (δV th,eff ) in the diamond layout shape MOS transistors (DLS MOSFETs). Besides it, its analytical expression is presented here for the first time. The analytical approximative expression has been defined based on the results of the 3-D TCAD simulations for the different effective aspect ratio (W/L) eff and different angle α of DLS MOSFET. The effective aspect ratio has been set to 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5 with the angle α varied from 180° to 80° with the step 20°. Furthermore, for purpose to verify the 3-D TCAD simulation results and measurement results, 1 124 samples were fabricated, which were proportionally divided into rectangle layout shape (RLS) MOSFETs and DLS MOSFETs with the angles α equal to 120°, 100°, and 80°. All the samples have been fabricated in the 160 nm BCD technology process. The mentioned phenomenon described by the proposed expression fits the measured data with a very high level of accuracy equal to 99.995 %. Thus, the presented analytical expression proves its quality. Thanks to the high level of the expression quality, the given expression is recommended to use for the analog designs with high-level precision requests and DLS MOSFET components

    AMBEATion: Analog Mixed-Signal Back-End Design Automation with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    For the competitiveness of the European economy, automation techniques in the design of complex electronic systems are a prerequisite for winning the global chip challenge. Specifically, while the physical design of digital Integrated Circuits (ICs) can be largely automated, the physical design of Analog-Mixed-Signal (AMS) ICs built with an analog-on-top flow, where digital subsystems are instantiated as Intellectual Property (IP) modules, is still carried out predominantly by hand, with a time-consuming methodology. The AMBEATion consortium, including global semiconductor and design automation companies as well as leading universities, aims to address this challenge by combining classic Electronic Design Automation (EDA) algorithms with novel Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Specifically, the scientific and technical result expected at the end of the project will be a new methodology, implemented in a framework of scripts for AMS placement, internally making use of state-of-the-art AI/ML models, and fully integrated with Industrial design flows. With this methodology, the AMBEATion consortium aims to reduce the design turnaround-time and, consequently, the silicon development costs of complex AMS ICs

    Kline v. Security Guards Inc

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    USDC for the Eastern District of Pennsylvani

    Optimization of power MOSFET devices suitable for integrated circuits

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    Táto doktorská práca sa zaoberá návrhom laterálnych výkonových tranzistorov s nízkym špecifickým odporom pri zapnutom stave, vhodných pre integráciu do Integrovaných Obvodov.This doctoral thesis deals with the design of lateral power transistor with lower specific on-resistance for integration into IC.The new model of MOSFET with waffle gate pattern is there described. For first, time the conformal transformation the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping has been used for the description of nonhomogeneous current distribution in the channel area of MOSFET with waffle gate pattern. In addition base on the figure of merit definition Area Increment (AI) the topological theoretical limit of MOSFET with waffle gate pattern has been a first time defined