61 research outputs found

    Brief Report: Patterns of Eye Movements in Face to Face Conversation are Associated with Autistic Traits: Evidence from a Student Sample

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    The current study investigated whether the amount of autistic traits shown by an individual is associated with viewing behaviour during a face-to-face interaction. The eye movements of 36 neurotypical university students were recorded using a mobile eye-tracking device. High amounts of autistic traits were neither associated with reduced looking to the social partner overall, nor with reduced looking to the face. However, individuals who were high in autistic traits exhibited reduced visual exploration during the face-to-face interaction overall, as demonstrated by shorter and less frequent saccades. Visual exploration was not related to social anxiety. This study suggests that there are systematic individual differences in visual exploration during social interactions and these are related to amount of autistic traits

    Applying Machine Learning to Kinematic and Eye Movement Features of a Movement Imitation Task to Predict Autism Diagnosis

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2019-12-04, accepted 2020-04-30, registration 2020-05-05, pub-electronic 2020-05-20, online 2020-05-20, collection 2020-12Publication status: PublishedAbstract: Autism is a developmental condition currently identified by experts using observation, interview, and questionnaire techniques and primarily assessing social and communication deficits. Motor function and movement imitation are also altered in autism and can be measured more objectively. In this study, motion and eye tracking data from a movement imitation task were combined with supervised machine learning methods to classify 22 autistic and 22 non-autistic adults. The focus was on a reliable machine learning application. We have used nested validation to develop models and further tested the models with an independent data sample. Feature selection was aimed at selection stability to assure result interpretability. Our models predicted diagnosis with 73% accuracy from kinematic features, 70% accuracy from eye movement features and 78% accuracy from combined features. We further explored features which were most important for predictions to better understand movement imitation differences in autism. Consistent with the behavioural results, most discriminative features were from the experimental condition in which non-autistic individuals tended to successfully imitate unusual movement kinematics while autistic individuals tended to fail. Machine learning results show promise that future work could aid in the diagnosis process by providing quantitative tests to supplement current qualitative ones

    Calibration and Validation of Accelerometry using cut-points to Assess Physical Activity in Paediatric Clinical Groups: A Systematic Review

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    Regular physical activity is associated with physiological and psychosocial benefits in both healthy and clinical populations. However, little is known about tailoring the analysis of physical activity using accelerometers to the specific characteristics of chronic conditions. Whilst accelerometry is broadly used to assess physical activity, recommendations on calibration in paediatric clinical groups are warranted. The aim of this systematic review was to provide a critical overview of protocols used to calibrate accelerometry in children and adolescents with clinical conditions, as well as to develop recommendations for calibration and validation of accelerometry in such populations. The search was performed between March to July 2017 using text words and subject headings in six databases. Studies had to develop moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) cut-points for paediatric clinical populations to be included. Risk of bias was assessed using a specific checklist. A total of 540,630 titles were identified, with 323 full-text articles assessed. Five studies involving 347 participants aged 9 to 15 years were included. Twenty-four MVPA cut-points were reported across seven clinical conditions, 16 of which were developed for different models of ActiGraph, seven for Actical and one for Tritrac-R3D. Statistical approaches included mixed regression, machine learning and receiver operating characteristic analyses. Disease-specific MVPA cut-points ranged from 152 to 735 counts·15 s−1, with lower cut-points found for inherited muscle disease and higher cut-points associated with intellectual disabilities. The lower MVPA cut-points for diseases characterised by both ambulatory and metabolic impairments likely reflect the higher energetic demands associated with those conditions

    Tutorial : applying machine learning in behavioral research

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    Machine-learning algorithms hold promise for revolutionizing how educators and clinicians make decisions. However, researchers in behavior analysis have been slow to adopt this methodology to further develop their understanding of human behavior and improve the application of the science to problems of applied significance. One potential explanation for the scarcity of research is that machine learning is not typically taught as part of training programs in behavior analysis. This tutorial aims to address this barrier by promoting increased research using machine learning in behavior analysis. We present how to apply the random forest, support vector machine, stochastic gradient descent, and k-nearest neighbors algorithms on a small dataset to better identify parents of children with autism who would benefit from a behavior analytic interactive web training. These step-by-step applications should allow researchers to implement machine-learning algorithms with novel research questions and datasets

    Machine learning for genetic prediction of psychiatric disorders: a systematic review

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    Machine learning methods have been employed to make predictions in psychiatry from genotypes, with the potential to bring improved prediction of outcomes in psychiatric genetics; however, their current performance is unclear. We aim to systematically review machine learning methods for predicting psychiatric disorders from genetics alone and evaluate their discrimination, bias and implementation. Medline, PsycInfo, Web of Science and Scopus were searched for terms relating to genetics, psychiatric disorders and machine learning, including neural networks, random forests, support vector machines and boosting, on 10 September 2019. Following PRISMA guidelines, articles were screened for inclusion independently by two authors, extracted, and assessed for risk of bias. Overall, 63 full texts were assessed from a pool of 652 abstracts. Data were extracted for 77 models of schizophrenia, bipolar, autism or anorexia across 13 studies. Performance of machine learning methods was highly varied (0.48–0.95 AUC) and differed between schizophrenia (0.54–0.95 AUC), bipolar (0.48–0.65 AUC), autism (0.52–0.81 AUC) and anorexia (0.62–0.69 AUC). This is likely due to the high risk of bias identified in the study designs and analysis for reported results. Choices for predictor selection, hyperparameter search and validation methodology, and viewing of the test set during training were common causes of high risk of bias in analysis. Key steps in model development and validation were frequently not performed or unreported. Comparison of discrimination across studies was constrained by heterogeneity of predictors, outcome and measurement, in addition to sample overlap within and across studies. Given widespread high risk of bias and the small number of studies identified, it is important to ensure established analysis methods are adopted. We emphasise best practices in methodology and reporting for improving future studies

    Kinematic and looking behaviour features of a movement imitation task

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    All features are continuous, raw (non-normalised). Missing values and outliers are replaced with class means. # of classes: 2 (1 – autistic / 0 – non-autistic) # of data samples: 44 (22-autistic / 22-non autistic) # of features: Kinematic dataset: 120 per instruction block, Looking behaviour dataset: 48 per instruction block. Feature descriptions are given in a title row in the files and fuller descriptions are given in the paper and it’s Supplementary Methods
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