36 research outputs found

    ElÀmÀnlaatu ja iÀkkÀiden kaatumisten ehkÀisy

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    Quality of life and fall prevention among the aged Improvement of quality of life is considered to be one of the most important goals of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation among the aged. The study aimed to describe and assess fall prevention interventions as a quality of life indicator, and to describe the social dimension of health-related quality of life among the aged. In addition, it aimed to assess the effects of fall prevention intervention on quality of life among the aged. The study was implemented by using a methodological triangulation. The data in the systematic review was retrieved from the databasis of medical and nursing sciences. Home-dwelling aged (n=19) participated in the qualitative study of a social dimension of quality of life. The data was gathered by the thematic interview method. The quantitative multifactorial fall prevention study comprised 591 participants, either the aged living at home or in sheltered housing, showing an increased risk of falling. Participants were randomized into an intervention or a control group. Follow-up measurements were carried out after a 12 month intervention. The data was collected by the 15D quality of life instrument and a structured questionnaire. Based on the systematic review, only in a few studies fall prevention produced positive effects on dimensions of quality of life (physical function, social function, vitality, mental health, environmental domain). Based on the thematic interview the social dimension of quality of life consisted of three themes: personal values, personal milieu and personal daily life. Based on the fall prevention program, depressive symptoms and distress decreased, managing in usual activities improved, sexual activity and phone contacts increased among men. In women, managing in usual activities improved, socializing increased and discomfort and symptoms decreased. Within the groups, self-perceived health improved among women in the intervention group and among men in the control groups. In addition, fear of falling and feelings of insecurity reduced among women in the intervention group. Personal daily life with its activities opened up new perspectives into the social dimension of good quality of life, which was emphasized especially in the interviews of the oldest participants. Multifactorial fall prevention can affect positively some physical and psychosocial dimensions of quality of life among the community-dwelling aged. Additional studies with larger sample sizes, longer follow-up periods and multiple outcome measures are needed. Fall prevention intervention may affect quality of life by different mechanisms, and the quantitative and qualitative assessment of its effects should also be included in the interventions of randomized controlled trials.ElÀmÀnlaadun kohentuminen katsotaan yhdeksi tÀrkeimmistÀ ehkÀisyn, hoidon ja kuntoutuksen pÀÀmÀÀristÀ iÀkkÀiden keskuudessa. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata ja arvioida elÀmÀnlaatu kaatumisten ehkÀisytutkimusten vaikuttavuuden mittarina, kuvata iÀkkÀiden elÀmÀnlaadun sosiaalinen ulottuvuus ja arvioida kaatumisten ehkÀisyn vaikutukset iÀkkÀiden elÀmÀnlaatuun. Tutkimuksessa kÀytettiin metodologista triangulaatiota. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tiedot kerÀttiin lÀÀke- ja hoitotieteellisistÀ tietokannoista. Kvalitatiiviseen elÀmÀnlaadun sosiaalisen ulottuvuuden tutkimukseen osallistui 19 kotona asuvaa iÀkÀstÀ. Tiedot kerÀttiin teemahaastattelulla. Kvantitatiiviseen laaja-alaiseen kaatumisten ehkÀisytutkimukseen osallistui 591 kotona tai palvelutalossa asuvaa iÀkÀstÀ, joilla oli kohonnut kaatumisen vaara. Tutkittavat satunnaistettiin koe- tai vertailuryhmÀÀn, ja seurantamittaukset tehtiin 12 kuukautta kestÀneen ehkÀisyn jÀlkeen. Tiedot kerÀttiin terveyteen liittyvÀllÀ elÀmÀnlaatumittarilla 15D ja strukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella kaatumisten ehkÀisy tuotti positiivisia vaikutuksia elÀmÀnlaatuun vain muutamassa tutkimuksessa, joissa fyysinen ja sosiaalinen toimintakyky, energisyys, psyykkinen terveys sekÀ ympÀristöllinen ulottuvuus parantuivat. Haastattelututkimuksen mukaan elÀmÀnlaadun sosiaalinen ulottuvuus muodostui kolmesta teemasta, joita olivat henkilökohtaiset arvot, oma lÀhiympÀristö ja oma arki. Kaatumisten ehkÀisyn vaikutuksesta miehillÀ masennusoireet ja ahdistuneisuus vÀhenivÀt ja tavanomaisista toiminnoista suoriutuminen, seksuaalinen aktiivisuus sekÀ puhelinkontaktit lisÀÀntyivÀt. Naisilla tavanomaisista toiminnoista suoriutuminen ja vierailut lisÀÀntyivÀt ja sekÀ vaivat ettÀ oireet vÀhenivÀt. Ryhmien sisÀisiÀ muutoksia tarkasteltaessa koettu terveys parani koeryhmÀÀn kuuluvilla naisilla sekÀ koe- ja vertailuryhmÀÀn kuuluvilla miehillÀ. LisÀksi kaatumisen pelko ja turvattomuuden tunteet vÀhenivÀt koeryhmÀÀn kuuluvilla naisilla. Oman arjen sisÀltö ja siihen liittyvÀt toiminnot toivat erilaisen nÀkökulman hyvÀn elÀmÀnlaadun sosiaaliseen ulottuvuuteen, mikÀ korostui etenkin vanhimpien iÀkkÀiden haastatteluissa. Laajaalaisella ehkÀisyohjelmalla voidaan vaikuttaa positiivisesti kotona asuvien iÀkkÀiden elÀmÀnlaadun joihinkin fyysisiin ja psykososiaalisiin ulottuvuuksiin. Tarvitaan lisÀÀ tutkimuksia, joissa on suuremmat otoskoot, pidemmÀt seuranta-ajat ja useampia vastemuuttujia. Kaatumisten ehkÀisy voi vaikuttaa elÀmÀnlaatuun useilla eri mekanismeilla, ja sen vaikutusten arvioimisen tulisi sisÀltyÀ sekÀ mÀÀrÀllisesti ettÀ laadullisesti myös satunnaistettuihin, kontrolloituihin interventiotutkimuksiin.Siirretty Doriast

    A falls prevention programme to improve quality of life, physical function and falls efficacy in older people receiving home help services: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Falls and fall-related injuries in older adults are associated with great burdens, both for the individuals, the health care system and the society. Previous research has shown evidence for the efficiency of exercise as falls prevention. An understudied group are older adults receiving home help services, and the effect of a falls prevention programme on health-related quality of life is unclear. The primary aim of this randomised controlled trial is to examine the effect of a falls prevention programme on quality of life, physical function and falls efficacy in older adults receiving home help services. A secondary aim is to explore the mediating factors between falls prevention and health-related quality of life. METHODS: The study is a single-blinded randomised controlled trial. Participants are older adults, aged 67 or older, receiving home help services, who are able to walk with or without walking aids, who have experienced at least one fall during the last 12 months and who have a Mini Mental State Examination of 23 or above. The intervention group receives a programme, based on the Otago Exercise Programme, lasting 12 weeks including home visits and motivational telephone calls. The control group receives usual care. The primary outcome is health-related quality of life (SF-36). Secondary outcomes are leg strength, balance, walking speed, walking habits, activities of daily living, nutritional status and falls efficacy. All measurements are performed at baseline, following intervention at 3 months and at 6 months' follow-up. Sample size, based on the primary outcome, is set to 150 participants randomised into the two arms, including an estimated 15-20% drop out. Participants are recruited from six municipalities in Norway. DISCUSSION: This trial will generate new knowledge on the effects of an exercise falls prevention programme among older fallers receiving home help services. This knowledge will be useful for clinicians, for health managers in the primary health care service and for policy makers

    Is it feasible to deliver a complex intervention to improve the outcome of falls in people with dementia? A protocol for the DIFRID feasibility study

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    Background: People with dementia (PWD) experience ten times as many incident falls as people without dementia. Little is known about how best to deliver services to people with dementia following a fall. We used an integrated, mixed-methods approach to develop a new intervention which combines theory generated via a realist synthesis and data on current provision and pathways, gathered through a prospective observational study as well as qualitative interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic observation. This intervention is to be tested in a feasibility study in the UK National Health Service. Methods: People living with dementia in one of three geographical areas will be eligible for the study if they experience a fall requiring healthcare attention and have an informal carer. Potential participants will be identified by community services (primary care, paramedics, telecare), secondary care (ED; facilitated discharge services; rehabilitation outreach teams) and research case registers. Participants will receive a complex multidisciplinary intervention focused on their goals and interests for up to 12 weeks. The intervention will be delivered by occupational therapists, physiotherapists and rehabilitation support workers. Feasibility outcomes will include recruitment and retention, suitability and acceptability of outcome measures and acceptability, feasibility and fidelity of intervention components. PWD outcome measures will include number of falls, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), European Quality of Life Instrument (EQ-5D-5L), Quality of Life–Alzheimer’s Disease Scale (QOL-AD), Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES) and Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS). PWD outcome measures completed by an informal carer will include Disability Assessment for Dementia (DAD), EQ-5D-5L Proxy, QoL-AD Proxy and a Health Utilisation Questionnaire (HUQ), The carer outcome measure will be the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI). An embedded process evaluation will explore barriers and facilitators to recruitment and intervention delivery. Discussion: The study results will inform whether and how a larger multicentre RCT should be undertaken. A full RCT would have the potential to show how outcomes can be improved for people with dementia who have fallen. Ethics and dissemination: The National Research Ethics Service Committee Newcastle and North Tyneside 2 approved the feasibility study. Trial registration: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Registry Registration number: ISRCTN41760734 Date of registration: 16/11/201

    Associated Factors for Falls among the Community-Dwelling Older People Assessed by Annual Geriatric Health Examinations

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    BACKGROUND: Falls are very common among the older people. Nearly one-third older people living in a community fall each year. However, few studies have examined factors associated with falls in a community-dwelling population of older Taiwanese adults. OBJECTIVES: To identify the associated factors for falls during the previous 12 months among the community-dwelling Taiwanese older people receiving annual geriatric health examinations. PARTICIPANTS: People aged sixty-five years or older, living in the community, assessed by annual geriatric health examinations METHODS: 1377 community-dwellers aged ≄65 years who received annual geriatric health examinations at one hospital in northern Taiwan between March and November of 2008. They were asked about their history of falls during the year prior to their most recent health examination. RESULTS: The average age of the 1377 participants was 74.9±6.8 years, 48.9% of which were women. Three-hundred and thirteen of the participants (22.7%) had at least one fall during the previous year. Multivariate analysis showed that odds ratio for the risk of falling was 1.94 (95% CI 1.36-2.76) when the female gender group is compared with the male gender group. The adjusted odds ratios of age and waist circumference were 1.03 (95% CI 1.00-1.06) and 1.03 (95% CI 1.01-1.05) respectively. The adjusted odds ratios of visual acuity, Karnofsky scale, and serum albumin level were 0.34 (95% CI 0.15-0.76), 0.94 (95% CI 0.89-0.98), and 0.37 (95% CI 0.18-0.76) respectively. Larger waist circumference, older age, female gender, poorer visual acuity, lower score on the Karnofsky Performance Scale, and lower serum albumin level were the independent associated factors for falls. CONCLUSION: In addition to other associated factors, waist circumference should be included as a novel risk factor for falls

    Effects of risk-based multifactorial fall prevention on health-related quality of life among the community-dwelling aged: a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess the effects of a risk-based, multifactorial fall prevention programme on health-related quality of life among the community-dwelling aged who had fallen at least once during the previous 12 months. METHODS: The study is a part of a single-centre, risk-based, multifactorial randomised controlled trial. The intervention lasted for 12 months and consisted of a geriatric assessment, guidance and treatment, individual instruction in fall prevention, group exercise, lectures on themes related to falling, psychosocial group activities and home exercise. Of the total study population (n = 591, 97% of eligible subjects), 513(251 in the intervention group and 262 in the control group) participated in this study. The effect of the intervention on quality of life was measured using the 15D health-related quality of life instrument consisting of 15 dimensions. The data were analysed using the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, the Mann-Whitney U-test and logistic regression. RESULTS: In men, the results showed significant differences in the changes between the intervention and control groups in depression (p = 0.017) and distress (p = 0.029) and marginally significant differences in usual activities (p = 0.058) and sexual activity (p = 0.051). In women, significant differences in the changes between the groups were found in usual activities (p = 0.005) and discomfort/symptoms (p = 0.047). For the subjects aged 65 to 74 years, significant differences in the changes between the groups were seen in distress (p = 0.037) among men and in usual activities (p = 0.011) among women. All improvements were in favour of the intervention group. CONCLUSION: Fall prevention produced positive effects on some dimensions of health-related quality of life in the community-dwelling aged. Men benefited more than women

    Effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving physical and psychological outcomes of fall-related injuries in people with dementia: a narrative systematic review

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    Background: The annual prevalence of falls in people with dementia ranges from 47 to 90%. Falls are a common reason for hospital admission in people with dementia, and there is limited research evidence regarding the care pathways experienced by this population. In addition to immediate management of an injury, prevention of further falls is likely to be an important part of any successful intervention. This review aims to assess the effectiveness of interventions for improving the physical and psychological wellbeing of people with dementia who have sustained a fall-related injury. Methods: Systematic review methodologies were employed utilising searches across multiple databases (MEDLINE, CENTRAL, Health Management Information Consortium, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)) and citation chaining. Studies including people with a known diagnosis of dementia living in the community and who present at health services with a fall, with or without injury, were included. Outcomes of interest included mobility, recurrent falls, activities of daily living, length of hospital stay, and post-discharge residence. Results were independently reviewed and quality assessed by two researchers, and data extracted using a customised form. A narrative synthesis was performed due to heterogeneity of the included studies. Results: Seven studies were included. Interventions clustered into three broad categories: multidisciplinary in-hospital post-surgical geriatric assessment; pharmaceuticals; and multifactorial assessment. Multidisciplinary care and early mobilisation showed short-term improvements for some outcomes. Only an annual administration of zoledronic acid showed long-term reduction in recurrent falls. Conclusions: Due to high heterogeneity across the studies, definitive conclusions could not be reached. Most post-fall interventions were not aimed at patients with dementia and have shown little efficacy regardless of cognitive status. Minor improvements to some quality of life indicators were shown, but these were generally not statistically significant. Conclusions were also limited due to most studies addressing hip fracture; the interventions provided for this type of injury may not be suitable for other types of fractures or soft tissue injuries, or for use in primary care

    Evaluation of the Frails' Fall Efficacy by Comparing Treatments (EFFECT) on reducing fall and fear of fall in moderately frail older adults: study protocol for a randomised control trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Falls are common in frail older adults and often result in injuries and hospitalisation. The Nintendo<sup>¼ </sup>Wiiℱ is an easily available exercise modality in the community which has been shown to improve lower limb strength and balance. However, not much is known on the effectiveness of the Nintendo<sup>¼ </sup>Wiiℱ to improve fall efficacy and reduce falls in a moderately frail older adult. Fall efficacy is the measure of fear of falling in performing various daily activities. Fear contributes to avoidance of activities and functional decline.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This randomised active-control trial is a comparison between the Nintendo WiiActive programme against standard gym-based rehabilitation of the older population. Eighty subjects aged above 60, fallers and non-fallers, will be recruited from the hospital outpatient clinic. The primary outcome measure is the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale and the secondary outcome measures are self-reported falls, quadriceps strength, walking agility, dynamic balance and quality of life assessments.</p> <p>Discussions</p> <p>The study is the first randomised control trial using the Nintendo Wii as a rehabilitation modality investigating a change in fall efficacy and self-reported falls. Longitudinally, the study will investigate if the interventions can successfully reduce falls and analyse the cost-effectiveness of the programme.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR): <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12610000576022.aspx">ACTRN12610000576022</a></p