64 research outputs found

    DIVALIITO - Smart spare parts methods and possibilities

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    DIVALIITO - Smart spare parts methods and possibilities

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    So 1950s : Recurring retrotrends in the Collections of Chanel and Dior

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    Change is often viewed as the essence of fashion, but many who operate in the field have observed that certain features and events recur either in a linear, cyclical, swinging or fragmented matter. The purpose of my thesis is to forecast the next 1950s revival by developing and testing a new tool for forecasting. To achieve my goal I examined, if the revivals show common always recurring features and what the similarities and differences are like. I studied the two most recent recurrences in the years 1996 and 2012 by focusing on two retrotrends, apparel and Zeitgeist. The perspective of my thesis was a qualitative and hermeneutic future study. I examined the apparel features with photographs of Chanel's and Dior's collections. For the interpretation of the Zeitgeist factors I used Mitä, missä, milloin -books and collected the research material from the section on culture, news and international politics. For the analysis I employed the hermeneutic circle and two types of qualitative content analysis. On the first round I expanded my pre-understanding and defined the factors with which I grouped, measured and interpreted the material in the content analyses. On rounds two, three and four I analyzed the photographs by applying content analysis of visual images, and examined the text with inductive content analysis. On the fifth and final round I formed the base for my forecast by comparing my expanded understanding and the results of the previous rounds with one another. According to the results the most common characteristic features of the dresses and jackets, in Chanel's and Dior's collections from the years 1996 and 2012, resembled the features of the 1950s. The greatest differences where in the lengths of the sleeves and skirts. All of the Zeitgeist factors recurred in each revival, except for the "racial riots", youth culture and the buy now pay later -mentality. Based on my findings I predict that the common characteristic features of the 1950s apparel and Zeitgeist will recur in the next revival.Muoti mielletään usein muutokseksi, mutta moni siihen perehtynyt on havainnut samojen piirteiden ja ilmiöiden kertautuvan joko lineaarisesti, syklisesti, heilurimaisesti tai pistemäisesti. Tutkielmani tarkoitus on ennakoida 1950-luvun muodin seuraavaa tulemista kehittelemällä ja kokeilemalla uutta työkalua ennusteen tekemiselle. Ennakoidakseni tulevaa muotia selvitin ilmeneekö uusissa tulemisissa yhteisiä aina toistuvia piirteitä ja millaisia erot ja yhtäläisyydet ovat. Tutkin kahta tuoreinta tulemista vuosina 1996 ja 2012 kahden retrotrendin, vaatteiden ja ajanhengen kautta. Tutkielmani oli kvalitatiivista ja hermeneuttista tulevaisuudentutkimusta. Vaatteiden piirteitä tutkin Chanelin ja Diorin vaatemallistojen valokuvien avulla. Ajanhengen tekijöiden tulkintaan käytin Mitä, missä, milloin -kirjoja ja poimin aineistoni kulttuuria, uutisia ja maailmanpolitiikkaa käsittelevistä osioista. Analysoin aineistoa hermeneuttisen kehän ja kahden kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Kehän ensimmäisellä kierroksella laajensin esiymmärrystäni ja määrittelin sisällönanalyyseissä mitattavat, ryhmiteltävät ja tulkittavat tekijät. Kierroksilla kaksi, kolme ja neljä analysoin kuvia soveltamalla sisällönanalyyttistä kuvien tulkintaa ja tutkin tekstejä aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Viidennellä ja viimeisellä kierroksella vertailin edellisten kierrosten tuloksia ja niiden aikana karttunutta ymmärrystä toisiinsa ja pohjustin ennustettani. Analyysien tulosten mukaan Chanelin ja Diorin vuosien 1996 ja 2012 mallistojen mekot ja takit olivat enimmäkseen 1950-luvun malliston kaltaisia, ainakin yleisimpien piirteiden osalta. Suurimmat erot tai variaatiot näkyivät hihan ja hameen helman pituudessa. Kaikki 1950-luvun ajanhengen tekijät toistuivat molemmissa uusissa tulemisissa, "rotukeskusteluja", nuorisokulttuuria ja osta nyt maksa myöhemmin -mentaliteettia lukuun ottamatta. Tulosten pohjalta ennakoin 1950-luvulle tunnusomaisten vaatteiden piirteiden ja ajanhengen tekijöiden toistuvan seuraavassa tulemisessa pääpiirteiltään alkuperäisen kaltaisina

    Static friction measurements on steel against uncoated and coated cast iron

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    Static friction is a phenomenon we may mainly consider as related to frictional joints within staticmechanics. The step from static friction to tribological phenomena is, however, rather short, since at theonset of sliding in a mechanical contact, the static friction determines the initial resistance against motion.Static friction furthermore plays a role in contacts subjected to traction and fretting. Although being aphenomenon of short duration, the tribological phenomena during the transition from static friction to slidingfriction may be of great importance for the operational life of the contact surfaces, particularly if theprocedure is repeated for a sufficient number of times.The present paper describes the principles of static friction measurements, details of the employed staticfriction tribometer and the results of measurements with unlubricated and lubricated sliding couplesconsisting of steel against uncoated and coated cast iron

    Comparison across 12 countries on knowledge, attitude, and behavior scores about medication errors in Intensive Care Units : an international study

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to explore the degree of agreement of intensive care unit nurses working on a set of medication error preventive strategies and to examine possible predictors of nurses’ knowledge, attitude and behavior. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational, international, and cross-sectional study. Iran, Malta, Spain, Pakistan, Nepal, Qatar, Ecuador, Australia, Finland, Italy, Egypt, and Jordan were the countries included in this survey. To collect data, the Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior in Medication Errors questionnaire was used. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed for the socio-demographic characteristics of the sample and three multiple logistic regressions were performed. RESULTS: The international sample consists of 1383 nurses, of whom 478 (34.6%) were men and 900 (65.1%) were women and their mean age was 35.61 years with a range of 19-61. Descriptive statistics conducted on the international sample show a medium to high degree of agreement among participants concerning some preventive strategies of medication error. In addition, the results of the present study show a strong relationship between positive nurses’ attitudes and correct behaviors and/or adequate knowledge, as well as between adequate knowledge and correct behaviors (p< 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Further studies are needed to explore the issue of medication error concerning nurses’ cultural backgrounds, as well as to assess similarities and disparities among international nurses.peer-reviewe

    We have to take Pain Definition, Pain Management, and the Results ofNon-pharmacological Studies Seriously

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