275 research outputs found

    The gangster in film and literature: a study of a modern american monster /

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão.Estudo do gangster na literatura e no cinema hollywoodiano, desde seu surgimento no início da década de 1930, até a década de 1990. O gangster é analisado como uma figura mítica, ao passo que a produção de Hollywood é discutida como a moderna mitologia da sociedade americana. Para melhor explicar o gangster, é-lhe aplicada a metáfora do monstro, isto é, aquele ser comum a todas as sociedades humanas, cuja função é personificar todo o mal. Afirma-se que existem, no plano ideológico, dois tipos básicos de personagens nos filmes de Hollywood: os ideologicamente positivos e os negativos; ambos os tipos servem para reafirmar a ideologia dominante. O gangster é um tipo único, já que somente ele resiste a cumprir a função de reafirmação ideológica

    From master narratives to simulacra : analysis of Orwell's 1984 and Terry Gillmam's Brazil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e ExpressãoEstudo comparativo do livro 1984 de George Orwell e de sua adaptação cinematográfica, o filme Brazil de Terry Gilliam. O primeiro como exemplo de estética modernista e o segundo como exemplo de estética pós-moderna. Do livro e do filme são analisados elementos que funcionam em conjunção com a trama, como o cenário, a importância da palavra e da imagem, o figurino e a representação do herói. O trabalho visa demonstrar a significância das meta-narrativas no período modernista e a situação de crise que passam a enfrentar no cenário pós-moderno atual

    Prevenção da doença isquêmica do coração: o que é mais importante?

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    As  doenças cardiovasculares são a principal causa de morte no Brasil e no mundo. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, 33% das mortes no país são causadas por doenças que afetam o coração e o vasos sanguíneos

    Spin-orbit effects in Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8, a hyper-kagom\'{e} lattice antiferromagnet

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    We consider spin-orbit coupling effects in Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8, a material in which Ir4+^{4+} spins form an hyper-kagom\'{e} lattice, a three-dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles. We argue that both low temperature thermodynamic measurements and the impurity susceptibility induced by dilute substitution of Ti for Ir are suggestive of significant spin-orbit effects. Because of uncertainties in the crystal-field parameters, we consider two limits in which the spin-orbit coupling is either weak or strong compared to the non-cubic atomic splittings. A semi-microscopic calculation of the exchange Hamiltonian confirms that indeed large antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) and/or symmetric exchange anisotropy may be present. In the strong spin-orbit limit, the Ir-O-Ir superexchange contribution consists of unfrustrated strong symmetric exchange anisotropy, and we suggest that spin-liquid behavior is unlikely. In the weak spin-orbit limit, and for strong spin-orbit and direct Ir-Ir exchange, the Hamiltonian consists of Heisenberg and DM interactions. The DM coupling is parametrized by a three component DM vector (which must be determined empirically). For a range of orientation of this vector, frustration is relieved and an ordered state occurs. For other orientations, even the classical ground states are very complex. We perform spin-wave and exact diagonalization calculations which suggest the persistence of a quantum spin liquid in the latter regime. Applications to Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8 and broader implications are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures. submit to prb. New references are adde

    Entre lo efímero y lo permanente, el museo en la feria de Chicago de 1893

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    En el mundo de fines de siglo XIX, en continua transformación, las ferias mundiales eran escenarios en los que las naciones se exhibían para competir por la colocación de sus bienes en el mercado mundial. Estos eran acompañados por los productos de la cultura que avalaban su producción, al otorgarle profundidad temporal. El trabajo analiza el aporte del Museo de la Plata a la construcción de la imagen que la República Argentina, en un momento de cambio de sus productos de exportación, presentaba en oportunidad de la Feria Mundial realizada en Chicago en 1893, en el contexto de la primera conmemoración internacional del Descubrimiento de Améric

    Branagh’s “Frankstein”: the making of monstrosity in film

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    Abstract: Along human history the imaginary figure of the monster has always functioned as a reference to distinguish the human from the non-human, the civilized from the non-civilized, the good from evil. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein film director Kenneth Branagh presents a very faithful adaptation of Shelley's story to cinema. In the present essay it will be analyzed how cinematic technical devices, and, particularly the visual resources, work to reproduce on the screen some of the issues which define human and monstrous characteristics and the human/monster opposition as they appear in the original story. Resumo: Ao longo da história humana, a figura imaginária do monstro sempre funcionou como uma referência para distinguir o humano do não humano, o civilizado do não civilizado, o bem do mal. No filme Frankenstein (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, 1994), o diretor Kenneth Branagh procura apresentar uma adaptação para o cinema bastante fiel ao romance original de Mary Shelley. Neste artigo será discutido como recursos técnicos do cinema - em especial os recursos visuais - trabalham para reproduzir na tela alguns dos elementos que definem as características humanas e aquelas dos monstros, bem como a oposição humano/monstruoso, conforme aparecem na história original.

    Conmemorando: del pasado del territorio a la historia de la Nación Argentina en las ferias y exposiciones internacionales del cuarto centenario

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    Fil: Vugman, Laura Inés. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas; Argentina.Para acceder al artículo utilice el link: http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/runa/article/view/131

    An overview of care changes in the last 6 year in primary pci in st-elevation myocardial infarction in a tertiary university Brazilian hospital

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    Background: Although new studies and guidelines can be considered useful tools, it does not necessarily mean they are put into clinical practice. Objective: The aim of the current analysis was to assess the changes in primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and mortality in a tertiary university hospital in southern Brazil during a six-year period. Methods: We have included consecutive patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) who underwent primary PCI between March 2011 and February 2017. Previous clinical history, characteristics of the procedure, and reperfusion strategies were collected. In-hospital, short and long-term mortalities were also evaluated. The significance level adopted for all tests was 5%. Results: There was an increase in the use of radial access in patients from 20.0% in 2011 to 62.7% in 2016 (ptrend 0.05). However, a lower in-hospital mortality was observed in patients treated through radial access (p < 0.001). Cardiogenic shock occurred in 11.1%, without statistical differences in the period (ptrend = 0.39), while long-term mortality rate decreased from 80.0% in 2011 to 27.3% in 2016 in this patient group (ptrend = 0.29). Conclusions: During a 6-year follow-up period, primary PCI characteristics underwent important modifications. Radial access became widely used, with a decrease in mortality with the use of this route, while aspiration thrombectomy became a rare procedure. The incidence of cardiogenic shock remained stable, but has shown a reduction in its mortality