72 research outputs found

    "Como haya muchas truchuelas (...) podrán servir de una trucha" (Don Quijote I.2)

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    The second chapter of Cervantes’s masterwork hints already to the most innovative fiction genre in the Spanish literature of his time, the picaresque novel, thus proposing an innovative overcrossing with the main chivalric romance model, which is undergoing parody, in a literary dialogue between genres

    «'A fijar con ritmo y rima / el fluyente pensamiento': huellas del Cancionero medieval en el Cancionero de Unamuno»

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    Resumen: La adopción de la cuarteta aconsontada y de otras formas tradicionales de tipo cancioneril en el Cancionero de Unamuno tiene una función sobre todo condensadora y rítmica, presentando varios aspectos: desde formas imitativas e híbridas que incluyen temas medievales, pasando por aforismos y sentencias, hasta experimentos de tipo vanguardístico que multiplican planos semánticos.Palabras clave: Unamuno. Cancionero. Estrofa tradicional. Poesía medieval. Poesía del siglo XX.Abstract: The adoption of the rhymed quartet and of other traditional medieval Spanish poetry patterns in Unamuno's Cancionero has mainly a condensing and rhythmic function, offering different aspects, from hybrid counterfeits which include medieval themes, going through aphorisms and sayings up to avant-garde experiments which multiply semantic layers.Keywords: Cancionero. Traditional strophe. Medieval poetry. 20th century poetry

    ‘A fijar con ritmo y rima / el fluyente pensamiento’: huellas del "Cancionero" medieval en el "Cancionero" de Unamuno

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    La adopción de la cuarteta aconsontada y de otras formas tradicionales de tipo cancioneril en el Cancionero de Unamuno tiene una función sobre todo condensadora y rítmica, presentando varios aspectos: desde formas imitativas e híbridas que incluyen temas medievales, pasando por aforismos y sentencias, hasta experimentos de tipo vanguardístico que multiplican planos semánticos.The adoption of the rhymed quartet and of other traditional medieval Spanish poetry patterns in Unamuno’s Cancionero has mainly a condensing and rhythmic function, offering different aspects, from hybrid counterfeits which include medieval themes, going through aphorisms and sayings up to avant-garde experiments which multiply semantic layers

    El camino de perfección transita por la pintura. Baroja, Camino de perfección

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    The function of descriptions and pictorial allusions in Baroja's novel of the artist as an interpretative perspective are analyzed here. Se analiza la función de descripciones y menciones pictóricas en la novela de Pío Baroj

    Unamuno entre cimas y simas

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    The use of space references in some of Unamuno's sonnets articulates the expressive structure and underlines emotive connotations between the poles of enthusiasm and depressio

    L’apertura del canone. Introduzione

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    A brief introduction to some contemporary factual and theoretical perspectives on the theme of the literary cano

    L'enigma di Guzmán de Alfarache

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    The dialogue bewtween the two editors of the volume introduces through some theretical considerations the question of the literary subjec

    La poesia spagnola tra il 1900 e il 1936. Tre figure esemplari: Juan Ramón Jiménez, Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca

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    Samples of three differebnt styles of poetry illustrate the evoloution of poetical styles in the 1900-1936 periodo of Spanish literatur
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