188 research outputs found

    Relating localized nanoparticle resonances to an associated antenna problem

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    We conceptually unify the description of resonances existing at metallic nanoparticles and optical nanowire antennas. To this end the nanoantenna is treated as a Fabry-Perot resonator with arbitrary semi-nanoparticles forming the terminations. We show that the frequencies of the quasi-static dipolar resonances of these nanoparticles coincide with the frequency where the phase of the complex reflection coefficient of the fundamental propagating plasmon polariton mode at the wire termination amounts to π\pi. The lowest order Fabry-Perot resonance of the optical wire antenna occurs therefore even for a negligible wire length. This approach can be used either to easily calculate resonance frequencies for arbitrarily shaped nanoparticles or for tuning the resonance of nanoantennas by varying their termination.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Disorder-induced phonon self-energy of semiconductors with binary isotopic composition

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    Self-energy effects of Raman phonons in isotopically disordered semiconductors are deduced by perturbation theory and compared to experimental data. In contrast to the acoustic frequency region, higher-order terms contribute significantly to the self-energy at optical phonon frequencies. The asymmetric dependence of the self-energy of a binary isotope system m1−xMxm_{1-x} M_x on the concentration of the heavier isotope mass x can be explained by taking into account second- and third-order perturbation terms. For elemental semiconductors, the maximum of the self-energy occurs at concentrations with 0.5<x<0.70.5<x<0.7, depending on the strength of the third-order term. Reasonable approximations are imposed that allow us to derive explicit expressions for the ratio of successive perturbation terms of the real and the imaginary part of the self-energy. This basic theoretical approach is compatible with Raman spectroscopic results on diamond and silicon, with calculations based on the coherent potential approximation, and with theoretical results obtained using {\it ab initio} electronic theory. The extension of the formalism to binary compounds, by taking into account the eigenvectors at the individual sublattices, is straightforward. In this manner, we interpret recent experimental results on the disorder-induced broadening of the TO (folded) modes of SiC with a 13C^{13}{\rm C}-enriched carbon sublattice. \cite{Rohmfeld00,Rohmfeld01}Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, submitted to PR

    k-space Imaging of the Eigenmodes of Sharp Gold Tapers for Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy

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    We investigate the radiation patterns of sharp conical gold tapers, designed as adiabatic nanofocusing probes for scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). Field calculations show that only the lowest order eigenmode of such a taper can reach the very apex and thus induce the generation of strongly enhanced near-field signals. Higher order modes are coupled into the far field at finite distances from the apex. Here, we demonstrate experimentally how to distinguish and separate between the lowest and higher order eigenmodes of such a metallic taper by filtering in the spatial frequency domain. Our approach has the potential to considerably improve the signal-to-background ratio in spectroscopic experiments on the nanoscale

    Immune Activation in Amyloid-β-Related Angiitis Correlates with Decreased Parenchymal Amyloid-β Plaque Load

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    Background: Primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS) is a rare but serious condition. A fraction of patients suffering from PACNS concurrently exhibit pronounced cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) which is characterized by deposits of amyloid-β (Aβ) in and around the walls of small and medium-sized arteries of the brain. PACNS with CAA has been identified as a distinct disease entity, termed Aβ-related angiitis (ABRA). Evidence points to an immune reaction to vessel wall Aβ as the trigger of vasculitis. Objective: To investigate whether the inflammatory response to Aβ has (1) any effect on the status of immune activation in the brain parenchyma and (2) leads to clearance of Aβ from brain parenchyma. Methods: We studied immune activation and Aβ load by quantitative immunohistochemical analysis in brain parenchyma adjacent to affected vessels in 11 ABRA patients and 10 matched CAA controls. Results: ABRA patients showed significantly increased immune activation and decreased Aβ loads in the brain parenchyma adjacent to affected vessels. Conclusion: Our results are in line with the hypothesis of ABRA being the result of an excessive immune response to Aβ and show that this can lead to enhanced clearance of Aβ from the brain parenchyma by immune-mediated mechanisms

    Long-term follow-up of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation and response-adapted whole-brain radiotherapy for newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma: results of the multicenter Ostdeutsche Studiengruppe Hämatologie und Onkologie OSHO-53 phase II study

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    Background We previously reported the results of a phase II study for patients with newly diagnosed primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation (aPBSCT) and response-adapted whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT). Now, we update the initial results. Patients and methods From 1999 to 2004, 23 patients received high-dose methotrexate. In case of at least partial remission, high-dose busulfan/thiotepa (HD-BuTT) followed by aPBSCT was carried out. Patients refractory to induction or without complete remission after HD-BuTT received WBRT. Eight patients still alive in 2011 were contacted and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality-of-life questionnaire (QLQ)-C30 were carried out. Results Of eight patients still alive, median follow-up is 116.9 months. Only one of nine irradiated patients is still alive with a severe neurologic deficit. In seven of eight patients treated with HD-BuTT, health condition and quality of life are excellent. MMSE and QLQ-C30 showed remarkably good results in patients who did not receive WBRT. All of them have a Karnofsky score of 90%-100%. Conclusions Follow-up shows an overall survival of 35%. In six of seven patients where WBRT could be avoided, no long-term neurotoxicity has been observed and all patients have an excellent quality of lif

    Theoretical study of the insulating oxides and nitrides: SiO2, GeO2, Al2O3, Si3N4, and Ge3N4

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    An extensive theoretical study is performed for wide bandgap crystalline oxides and nitrides, namely, SiO_{2}, GeO_{2}, Al_{2}O_{3}, Si_{3}N_{4}, and Ge_{3}N_{4}. Their important polymorphs are considered which are for SiO_{2}: α\alpha-quartz, α\alpha- and β\beta-cristobalite and stishovite, for GeO_{2}: α\alpha-quartz, and rutile, for Al_{2}O_{3}: α\alpha-phase, for Si_{3}N_{4} and Ge_{3}N_{4}: α\alpha- and β\beta-phases. This work constitutes a comprehensive account of both electronic structure and the elastic properties of these important insulating oxides and nitrides obtained with high accuracy based on density functional theory within the local density approximation. Two different norm-conserving \textit{ab initio} pseudopotentials have been tested which agree in all respects with the only exception arising for the elastic properties of rutile GeO_{2}. The agreement with experimental values, when available, are seen to be highly satisfactory. The uniformity and the well convergence of this approach enables an unbiased assessment of important physical parameters within each material and among different insulating oxide and nitrides. The computed static electric susceptibilities are observed to display a strong correlation with their mass densities. There is a marked discrepancy between the considered oxides and nitrides with the latter having sudden increase of density of states away from the respective band edges. This is expected to give rise to excessive carrier scattering which can practically preclude bulk impact ionization process in Si_{3}N_{4} and Ge_{3}N_{4}.Comment: Published version, 10 pages, 8 figure

    Equation of state and phonon frequency calculations of diamond at high pressures

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    The pressure-volume relationship and the zone-center optical phonon frequency of cubic diamond at pressures up to 600 GPa have been calculated based on Density Functional Theory within the Local Density Approximation and the Generalized Gradient Approximation. Three different approaches, viz. a pseudopotential method applied in the basis of plane waves, an all-electron method relying on Augmented Plane Waves plus Local Orbitals, and an intermediate approach implemented in the basis of Projector Augmented Waves have been used. All these methods and approximations yield consistent results for the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus and the volume dependence of the mode Grueneisen parameter of diamond. The results are at variance with recent precise measurements up to 140 GPa. Possible implications for the experimental pressure determination based on the ruby luminescence method are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The Competition between Relationship-Based Microfinance and Transaction Lending

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    We empirically analyze the competition between a relationship lender and a transaction lender in the credit business with micro and small entrepreneurs. Drawing on a data set about the customers of the relationship lender ProCredit Ecuador combined with data about all other loans of these customers in the Ecuadorian banking system, we are able to analyze the competition between different banking types. We find that the quality of ProCredit borrowers who have a trans- action loan as well is below average. They also have higher default probabilities. Furthermore, we find evidence that ProCredit customers with payment problems prefer to serve their relationship loan while defaulting on their transaction loan. These findings suggest that customers of a relationship bank value their banking relationship and try to protect it as long as possible. This result stands in contrast to the common presumption that the market entrance of transaction lenders will destroy the market for lenders applying relationship lending techniques

    Cultural and Media Identity Among Latvian Migrants in Germany

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    This chapter explores how transnational media and culture impacts on the identity formation of recent Latvian migrants in Germany. In the context of the EU, Germany opened its labour market to the new EU countries rather late, when compared to other ‘old’ EU countries. This has had an effect on the composition of the group of Latvian migrants going to Germany, and their identities. In the light of this, this chapter examines how Latvian migrants in Germany feel and experience their belonging to Latvia and its culture. It analyses the social and communicative practices crucial for the development of belonging, including the rootedness in the country where they live and the cultural references that are important for them. The evidence for the analysis in this chapter comes from in-depth interviews, open media diaries and network maps of Latvian migrants in Germany. The chapter situates the description of evidence in the framework of cultural identity concepts and discusses the role of culture and media in the process of building migrant identity. The chapter argues that culture is shaping the transnational self-perception of Latvian migrants in Germany – as it provides collective narratives of imagined common frames of references, and confirms feelings of belonging and distinction
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