92 research outputs found

    Relevancy of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (Panchsheel) in Post Cold War Era

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    2014 is “the year Friendly Exchanges” between India and China. It is also the 60th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (Panchsheel). Thus it becomes imperative to study the relevancy of Panchsheel in Post Cold War Era. In Post Cold War Era, the bilateral high level close interaction has been resulted into strengthening the strategic trust between India and China. The 16th special Representatives meeting for the India-China Boundary dispute and the 5th India china strategic dialogue were held. In this Paper, the researcher has studied the bilateral relations between India and China in the frame of reference of Panchsheel and depth of mutual interest taking place. In the contemporary world, the conceptual basis for international relations provided by Panchsheel can be more effective in formulating a new world order

    Parallel BioScape: A Stochastic and Parallel Language for Mobile and Spatial Interactions

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    BioScape is a concurrent language motivated by the biological landscapes found at the interface of biology and biomaterials. It has been motivated by the need to model antibacterial surfaces, biofilm formation, and the effect of DNAse in treating and preventing biofilm infections. As its predecessor, SPiM, BioScape has a sequential semantics based on Gillespie's algorithm, and its implementation does not scale beyond 1000 agents. However, in order to model larger and more realistic systems, a semantics that may take advantage of the new multi-core and GPU architectures is needed. This motivates the introduction of parallel semantics, which is the contribution of this paper: Parallel BioScape, an extension with fully parallel semantics.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2012, arXiv:1211.347

    Contaminated bone grafts and tuberculosis in three spine surgery patients: a case series

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health issue affecting millions of people every year. Previous articles displayed cases of TB resulting from contaminated bone grafts used in spinal surgeries. However, deeper understanding about the serious health consequences for patients affected by TB-infected bone grafts is lacking. Here, we discuss three unique patients who contracted TB after undergoing lumbar spinal surgery. We describe three patient cases in which individuals initially presented with back pain, underwent required lumbar spinal fusion surgery with bone graft implants, and, afterwards, contracted TB. All patients were given RIPE therapy, had additional surgery to remove the faulty hardware, and lived with significant and prolonged pain. In addition, patient X experienced night sweats, patient Y had a subcutaneous abscess positive for TB, and patient Z had severe burning pain, rash, and sweats. Altogether, we emphasize the importance of increasing our awareness about the potential risks and complications associated with utilizing contaminated surgical products. We encourage healthcare professionals to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of their patients by screening bone grafts for potential pathogens and practicing proper sterilization techniques.

    DUX4 differentially regulates transcriptomes of human rhabdomyosarcoma and mouse C2C12 cells

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    Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is linked to the deletion of the D4Z4 arrays at chromosome 4q35. Recent studies suggested that aberrant expression of double homeobox 4 (DUX4) from the last D4Z4 repeat causes FSHD. The aim of this study is to determine transcriptomic responses to ectopically expressed DUX4 in human and mouse cells of muscle lineage. We expression profiled human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells and mouse C2C12 cells transfected with expression vectors of DUX4 using the Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays and Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Arrays, respectively. A total of 2267 and 150 transcripts were identified to be differentially expressed in the RD and C2C12 cells, respectively. Amongst the transcripts differentially expressed in the RD cells, MYOD and MYOG (2 fold, p\u3c0.05), and six MYOD downstream targets were up-regulated in RD but not C2C12 cells. Furthermore, 13 transcripts involved in germline function were dramatically induced only in the RD cells expressing DUX4. The top 3 IPA canonical pathways affected by DUX4 were different between the RD (inflammation, BMP signaling and NRF-2 mediated oxidative stress) and the C2C12 cells (p53 signaling, cell cycle regulation and cellular energy metabolism). Amongst the 40 transcripts shared by the RD and C2C12 cells, UTS2 was significantly induced by 76 fold and 224 fold in the RD and C2C12 cells, respectively. The differential expression of MYOD, MYOG and UTS2 were validated using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. We further validated the differentially expressed genes in immortalized FSHD myoblasts and showed up-regulation of MYOD, MYOG, ZSCAN4 and UTS2. The results suggest that DUX4 regulates overlapped and distinct groups of genes and pathways in human and mouse cells as evident by the selective up-regulation of genes involved in myogenesis and gametogenesis in human RD and immortalized cells as well as the different molecular pathways identified in the cells

    Immunopharmacological activity of flavonoids from Lemna minor (Duckweed) and determined its immunological activity

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    The main objective of our study is to conduct its immunopharmacological activity using flavonoids extracted from whole plant of Lemna minor (duckweed), medicinal plant in virally infected human whole blood against ovalbumin (OVA), specific protein antigen. For these studies, isolated secondary metabolite i.e. flavonoid from whole plant of duckweed and evaluated its immunopharmacological activity of flavonoid using variable concentration (i.e. 1-30 mg/ml; 50 µl) on infected human whole blood samples and determine its proliferation assay containing OVA and estimation of free haemoglobin content in blood plasma. In addition, antibody production was also estimated against OVA using Elisa method. The results of these studies showed that these flavonoids at higher doses showed immunosuppressive effect because of decline in proliferation, free haemoglobin content in the blood plasma and antibody production. Overall, this study claimed that these flavonoids from duckweed showed immunosuppressive activity against OVA

    Apparel Consumption and Experiences of Gay Men and Transgender Women in India

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    In this study, we examined LGBT individual\u27s experiences with the consumption of fashion and clothing specifically in India, a country where identifying in the LGBT community was illegal up until 2017. Using a phenomenological, qualitative approach, we asked (1) What are LGBT individual\u27s experiences with fashioning their body in India? (2) What are LGBT individual\u27s impressions of and experiences with the current offerings in the fashion system in India? To be eligible for the study, participants had to meet three criteria: 1) 18+ years old, 2) live in India, and 3) Identify as LGBT. Participants included 3 gay men and 7 transgender women who ranged in age from 26-50. Analysis of the data revealed that participates described their experiences with fashioning their body with much ambivalence. Through an understanding of their bodily experiences, we disentangle how biological characteristics create ambivalence about what is offered in the fashion system

    Clinical profile of patients with pancytopenia in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Pancytopenia is a condition in which all three cell lines i.e. erythroid, myeloid and megakaryocytic are affected resulting in anaemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. It can be a manifestation of a wide variety of disorders which primarily or secondarily affect the bone marrow. Early diagnosis of these conditions will help in implementing the appropriate treatment. The objective of the study was to know the clinical presentation and etiology of patients presenting with pancytopenia.Methods: A one year study from April 2016 to March 2017 was conducted in the department of medicine at a tertiary care centre. Total 32 patients with pancytopenia were studied to determine their clinical features and etiology through relevant investigations.Results: Our study revealed megaloblastic anaemia (46.87%) as the most common cause of pancytopenia, followed by malaria (12.5%). Other causes included hypothyroidism (6.2%), hypersplenism (6.2%), drugs (12.5%) and miscellaneous (9.43%).Conclusions: Megaloblastic anaemia was found to be the major cause of pancytopenia in patients. Other causes of pancytopenia were malaria, drugs, hypersplenism and hypothyroidism. These should be kept in mind while evaluating patients with pancytopenia

    Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Tablet of Tropisetron

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    he purpose of this research was to develop a novel gastroretentive drug delivery system based on controlled delivery of active agent. Tropisetron is an indole derivative having the antiemetic activity. It’s a selective serotonin receptor antagonist. Tropisetron blocks the action of serotonin at 5HT3 receptors. It also results in suppression of chemotherapy-and radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. The incorporation of swellable and natural polymer for binding action and also good water solublility with high molecular  weight such as carbopol present it in the gastro retentive floating tablets, which are designed to provide the desired controlled and complete release of drug for prolonged period of time. Lactose was used as filler. Buoyancy was achieved by adding an effervescent mixture of sodium bicarbonate and anhydrous citric acid. Floating tablets were prepared by direct compression method. All the required evaluation parameters such as hardness, friability, drug content uniformity and swelling index were performed and found within the acceptance limit.  The optimized formulation (F7) exhibited 63.87% drug release in 12 hrs emerged as best formulation based on drug release characteristics. Keywords: Tropisetron, Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System, Floating tablet
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