1,530 research outputs found

    Global Justice Protest Events and the Production of Knowledge about Differences

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    Recent social movement activities – in particular, transnationally-coordinated global justice mobilizations – require participants to work across substantial differences in languages, cultural backgrounds, political visions, and organizing traditions. Negotiating such differences is an active, adaptive, and learning-intensive process. In contrast to more institutionalized settings such as schools and workplaces, where tropes like “multiculturalism” figure prominently in treatments of “difference,” I argue that knowledge production in social movement settings cultivates a more intensely relational and dynamic disposition towards differences.Les activités récemment menées par les mouvements sociaux – plus spécifiquement, les mobilisations transnationales de justice globale – amènent les participants à collaborer au-delà de différences parfois substantielles de langues, origines culturelles, visions politiques et traditions d’organisation. La négociation de ces différences s’incarne dans un processus actif et nécessite un effort intense d’adaptation et d’apprentissage. Contrairement aux milieux institutionnels – écoles ou milieux de travail – où les rhétoriques telles que le multiculturalisme oriente de manière évidente la gestion des différences, je soutiens que la création de connaissances au sein des mouvements sociaux favorise une disposition dynamique et intensément relationnelle envers les différences

    The regulation of exosome function in the CNS: implications for neurodegeneration

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    Exosomes are nanovesicles that have been shown to regulate neuronal development and regeneration, and modulate synaptic function

    Adequacy of hospitals in Rome to an unconventional event (CBRNe). TTX simulation and HTA

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    Background Rome hosts thousands of sensible targets. Healthcare reaction has been guaranteed by 6 advanced Emergency Departments (EDs) and 7 basic ones. Everyday Rome hosts 6 millions of people/die, ± 2 million in particular occasions. About National Stockpile Antidotes (SNA), Rome hosts 3 warehouses. In case of events, stockpiles are activated with a long-time call; then stockpiles are charged in delivering trucks. Methods Study analyzes PEIMAF (State of emergency plans for massive influx of injures) of advanced EDs in Rome and their adequacy in a possible CBRNe attack. Hypothesis of C/N attack on Saint Peter's Square during Angelus on Wednesday (at 12.00 AM) or E attack in Trastevere on Saturday (at 9.00 PM). Analysis of activation of SNA and travel times between SNA warehouse and EDs. Comparison with French EDs during Paris attacks. Results EDs are chronically undermanned in ordinary conditions already, and would have issues in hosting a very large number of critical patients all at once. Some hospitals do not inform their workers about PEIMAF or they do not consider CBRNe emergencies in their PEIMAF, and even if it has been considered, hardly any simulation/exercitation is ever performed. Moreover, news of the CBRNe attack may not reach immediately the healthcare personal already at work in EDs; this is extremely problematic since they could be at major risk of contamination in case of CBRNe attacks. Furthermore, without a standardize protocol active in the whole city, no cross-hospital organization can be performed. Conclusions All data point towards the weakness and fragmentation of actual organizative system. Time of activation and charging are crucials for first aid efficacy and efficiency; a smart call system can reduce the activation time of SNA. A better organization of SNA in major Rome hospitals can reduce delivering time and help save more lives

    Dandy-Walker malformation: is the "tail sign" the key sign?

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    OBJECTIVE.To demonstrate the value of the "tail sign" in the assessment of Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM). METHODS: A total of 31fetal MRI, performed before 24 weeks of gestation after second-line US examination between May 2013 and September 2014, were examined retrospectively. All MRI examinations were performed using a 1.5 Tesla magnet without maternal sedation. RESULTS: MRI diagnosed 15/31 cases of Dandy-Walker Malformation, 6/31 cases of vermian partial caudal agenesis, 2/31 of vermian hypoplasia, 4/31 of vermian malrotation, 2/31 of Walker-Warburg Syndrome, 1/31 of Blake pouch cyst, 1/31 of rhombencephalosynapsis. All data were compared with fetopsy results, Fetal MR after the 30th week or postnatal MRI; the follow up depended on the maternal decision to terminate or continue pregnancy. In our review study we found the presence of the "tail sign"; this sign was visible only in Dandy-Walker Malformation and Walker-Warburg Syndrome. CONCLUSION: The "tail sign" could be helpful in the difficult differential diagnosis between Dandy Walker, vermian malrotation, vermian hypoplasia and vermian partial agenesis

    Description of the topographical changes associated to the different stages of the DsbA catalytic cycle.

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    This paper provides a description of the surface topography of DsbA, the bacterial disulfide-bond forming enzyme, in the different phases of its catalytic cycle. Three representative states, that is, oxidized and reduced protein and a covalent complex mimicking the DsbA-substrate disulfide intermediate, have been investigated by a combination of limited proteolysis experiments and mass spectrometry methodologies. Protease-accessible sites are largely distributed in the oxidized form with a small predominance inside the thioredoxin domain. Proteolysis occurs even in secondary structure elements, revealing a significant mobility of the protein. Many cleavage sites disappear in the reduced form and most of the remaining ones appear with strongly reduced kinetics. The protein within the complex shows an intermediate behavior. This variation of flexibility in DsbA is probably the determining factor for the course of its catalytic cycle. In particular, the great mobility of the oxidized protein might facilitate the accommodation of its various substrates, whereas the increasing rigidity from the complexed to the reduced form could help the release of oxidized products. The formation of the complex between PID peptide and DsbA does not significantly protect the enzyme against proteolysis, reinforcing the results previously obtained by calorimetry concerning the weakness of their interaction. The few cleavage sites observed, however, are in favor of the presence of the peptide in the binding site postulated from crystallographic studies. As for the peptide itself, the proteolytic pattern and the protection effect exerted by DsbA could be explained by a preferential orientation within the binding site

    Filiera della canapa industriale (Cannabis sativa L.): sfide e nuove opportunitĂ 

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    La Cannabis Sativa è una pianta utilizzata in maniera sempre maggiore in diverse filiere del mercato: agro- alimentare, tessile, edile, cosmetico e della chimica verde, sostituendo prodotti "classici" con nuovi prodotti più performanti dal punto di vista ambientale e tecnologico. La "canapa industriale" ha un contenuto in tetraidriocannabinolo (THC) inferiore allo 0,2%, che ne permette la coltivazione e la commercializzazione in Europa (Reg. CE n.1673/2000 e Reg. CE n.73/2009). Ampiamente coltivata in Italia e nel mondo fino alla metà del secolo scorso, principalmente per ottenerne prodotti da impiegare nell'industria tessile, motivazioni economiche e politiche (Legge 22/12/1975 n.685) ne hanno segnato il declino. Oggi comunque questa coltura sta conoscendo un nuovo periodo di espansione per le caratteristiche e i molteplici usi che la rendono particolarmente vicina ai principi della green economy. In Europa la superficie coltivata ha raggiunto il valore di circa 25.000 ha nel 2016, in crescita del 37% rispetto al 2014. Il ritorno della canapicoltura sta avvenendo su basi completamente diverse rispetto al passato, quando l'unico prodotto vendibile era la fibra lunga, per la creazione di tessuti e cordami, ottenuta attraverso procedimenti che richiedevano enormi impieghi di manodopera. Oggi, dal punto di vista delle possibilità d'impiego, la canapa presenta caratteristiche di versatilità che rendono questa materia prima utilizzabile in molti settori per le sue proprietà: produzione di carta (la canapa ha una resa in polpa per ettaro 4 volte superiore rispetto al legno, oltre a richiedere 1/7 del quantitativo di solventi chimici), industria chimica, industria alimentare (attraverso l'impiego di olio e farine ricavate dai semi della canapa) e produzione di energia pulita. Inoltre è importante ricordare la capacità fitodepuratrice della canapa (già sfruttata nel nostro Paese per il recupero dell'area industriale di Porto Marghera nel Veneziano). Le radici fittonanti riescono a raggiungere profondità maggiori rispetto ad altre piante a rapido accrescimento, inoltre gli inquinanti vengono accumulati in foglie e semi, permettendo un utilizzo sicuro della fibra. Dunque la canapa, pur essendo una coltura tradizionale, ben si presta a molteplici utilizzazioni innovative, che la identificano come una delle colture erbacee più promettenti nello scenario agricolo internazionale. Il presente lavoro ha l'obiettivo di analizzare il mercato e le potenzialità di crescita della canapa nei differenti settori, tenendo in considerazione anche le iniziative finalizzate a promuovere e sostenere, sul territorio, un modello di sviluppo diffuso fondato sulla valorizzazione delle risorse presenti a livello locale e, quindi, sull'integrazione delle diverse attività economiche potenzialmente interessate all'impiego della canapa

    Development of UHTCMCs via water based ZrB2 powder slurry infiltration and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis

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    Cf/ZrB2-SiC ultra-high temperature composites were manufactured via aqueous slurry impregnation coupled with polymer infiltration and pyrolysis, using a allylhydrido polycarbosilane precursor. For the first time we used ultra-high modulus pitch-based carbon fibres for the PIP process, investigating three different architectures, 0/0°, 0/90°, and 2D. Microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance in air at 1650 °C were investigated. As expected, the mechanical properties showed the tendency to decrease with increase of the preforms complexity, due to the higher amount of flaws and residual stresses. For instance, the flexural strength was approaching 500 MPa for 0/0°, 370 MPa for 0/90° and 190 MPa for 2D. The materials showed an optimal resistance to oxidation at 1650 °C thanks to formation of a viscous borosilicate glass that guaranteed a self-healing functionality

    Palaeopathological Study of the Mompaderno Cranium (Croatian Istria) Reveals Interpersonal Violence during Early Bronze Age

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    The Mompaderno cranium was found in 1883 at Baderna/Mompaderno in Croatian Istria. It was suspected to date from the Mesolithic or Neolithic period, but radiocarbon analyses, performed by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) on collagen extracted from two teeth, have provided an age range of 2,202–1928 cal. BC, which corresponds to the Early Bronze Age in the investigated region. Macroscopic observations and X-ray micro-tomography (micro-CT) of the cranium have shown antemortem sharp force trauma on the frontal bones, probably caused by a bronze axe, and a related osteomyelitis likely caused by an infection of the wound. The study has also revealed a previous depressed fracture and an osteolytic area interpreted as intradiploic meningioma. Results provide rare and earliest evidence of interpersonal violence in the northern Adriatic region
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