161 research outputs found

    Dossiê Relações Internacionais

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    A questão democrática na agenda da OEA no pós-Guerra Fria

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar de que maneira a Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA), por meio de suas Missões de Observadores (MOE-OEA), vem institucionalizando práticas de democracia representativa no sistema interamericano. A partir das eleições peruanas de 2000, o artigo mostra as limitações dos princípios democráticos quando eles confrontam-se com o princípio de não-intervenção sustentado em atuações defensivas de potências médias (caso do Brasil) e pequenos atores estatais. Organizações como a OEA vêm incorporando em sua agenda a democracia com uma intensidade pouco usual na sua história diplomática. O artigo conclui que tal explicitação democrática da OEA nem sempre se traduz em resultados bem-sucedidos. Existem constrangimentos que passam pela própria institucionalização de seus procedimentos de monitoramento, pelos interesses políticos e econômicos das potências regionais e pelo sempre espinhoso problema dos limites entre monitoramento e não-intervenção nos assuntos internos dos países membros. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the way in which, through its Observers Missions (OM-OAS), the Organization of American States (OAS) has been institutionalizing practices of representative democracy in the Inter-American system. By looking at the Peruvian elections of the year 2000, the article demonstrates the limitations of democratic principles when they are confronted with the principle of nonintervention that has been maintained through the defensive action of middle-sized powers (such as Brazil) and small State actors. Organizations such as the OAS have been incorporating democracy into their agenda with an intensity that is uncommon to their diplomatic history. The article concludes that such an explicitation of democracy on the part of the OAS does not always breed positive results. There a number of constraints present, such as the institutionalization of monitoring procedures, the political and economic interests of the regional powers and the always tricky problem of the boundaries between monitoring and nonintervention in internal affairs of member countries. Résumé L'objectif de ce travail est d'examiner comment l'Organisation des Etats Américains (OEA), par l'intermédiaire de ses Missions d'Observateurs (MOE-OEA), institutionnalise progressivement des pratiques de démocratie représentative dans le système interaméricain. En se reportant aux élections péruviennes de 2000, l'article aborde les limites des principes démocratiques lorsqu'ils vont à l'encontre du principe de nonintervention prôné dans des actions de défense de puissances moyennes (le cas brésilien) et d'acteurs d'états moins importants. Des organisations comme l'OEA progressivement incorporent à leurs buts la démocratie dans une intensité peu usuelle dans l'histoire de la diplomatie. L'article conclut que telle explicitaton démocratique de l'OEA n'a pas toujours abouti à des réussites. Il existe des contraintes issues de l'institutionnalisation des procédés de monitorages, des intérêts politiques et économiques des puissances de la région et du difficile problème des limites entre le monitorage et la nonintervention dans les affaires internes des pays membres

    Produção da amoreira-preta ‘Tupy’ sob diferentes épocas de poda.

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    A amora-preta é uma opção importante para fruticultura paranaense, porém não há informações a respeito do cultivo dessa frutífera nas condições subtropicais do Estado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da época de poda na produção da amoreira-preta ‘Tupy’. O trabalho foi realizado em um pomar comercial, conduzido em sistema agroecológico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos e seis tratamentos (podas quinzenais realizadas durante o inverno). Em cada parcela, constituída de três plantas úteis, foram coletados dados fenológicos, produtivos e físico-químicos no ciclo de produção 2008/09 e 2009/10. Podas efetuadas no início de julho são as mais indicadas e podas tardias podem prejudicar o desempenho produtivo das amoreiras-pretas ‘Tupy’ no oeste do Paraná

    Poda drástica para a produção da amora-preta em regiões subtropicais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar podas diferenciadas como alternativa para a produção da amora-preta 'Tupy', em regiões subtropicais do Brasil. O experimento foi realizado no Município de Marechal Cândido Rondon, PR. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com oito blocos e três tratamentos: poda convencional, poda drástica de verão e poda drástica de inverno. Em cada parcela, constituída de 12 plantas úteis, foram coletados dados fenológicos e produtivos no ciclo de produção de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012, tendo-se realizado quantificação físico-química dos frutos no último ciclo de produção. A poda drástica de verão facilita a condução da amoreira-preta e possibilita aumento na produção de 4.375,6 kg ha-1, em comparação à poda convencional. A poda drástica de inverno causa elevada queda na produção das plantas

    In Silico Elucidation of the Recognition Dynamics of Ubiquitin

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    Elucidation of the mechanism of biomacromolecular recognition events has been a topic of intense interest over the past century. The inherent dynamic nature of both protein and ligand molecules along with the continuous reshaping of the energy landscape during the binding process renders it difficult to characterize this process at atomic detail. Here, we investigate the recognition dynamics of ubiquitin via microsecond all-atom molecular dynamics simulation providing both thermodynamic and kinetic information. The high-level of consistency found with respect to experimental NMR data lends support to the accuracy of the in silico representation of the conformational substates and their interconversions of free ubiquitin. Using an energy-based reweighting approach, the statistical distribution of conformational states of ubiquitin is monitored as a function of the distance between ubiquitin and its binding partner Hrs-UIM. It is found that extensive and dense sampling of conformational space afforded by the µs MD trajectory is essential for the elucidation of the binding mechanism as is Boltzmann sampling, overcoming inherent limitations of sparsely sampled empirical ensembles. The results reveal a population redistribution mechanism that takes effect when the ligand is at intermediate range of 1–2 nm from ubiquitin. This mechanism, which may be depicted as a superposition of the conformational selection and induced fit mechanisms, also applies to other binding partners of ubiquitin, such as the GGA3 GAT domain

    Social mobility and healthy behaviours from a gender perspective in the Spanish multicase-control study (MCC-Spain)

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    There is evidence for the influence of socioeconomic status (SES) on healthy behaviours but the effect of social mobility (SM) is not yet well known. This study aims to analyse the influence of origin and destination SES (O-SES and D-SES) and SM on healthy behaviours and co-occurrence, from an integrated gender and age perspective. Data were obtained from the controls of MCC-Spain between 2008-2013 (3,606 participants). Healthy behaviours considered: healthy diet, moderate alcohol consumption, non-smoking and physical activity. SM was categorized as stable high, upward, stable medium, downward or stable low. Binary and multinomial logistic regression models were adjusted. Those aged <65, with a low O-SES, D-SES and stable low SM are less likely to have healthy behaviours in the case of both women (physically active: OR = 0.65 CI = 0.45-0.94, OR = 0.71 CI = 0.52-0.98, OR = 0.61 CI = 0.41-0.91) and men (non-smokers: OR = 0.44 CI = 0.26-0.76, OR = 0.54 CI = 0.35-0.83, OR = 0.41 CI 0.24-0.72; physically active: OR = 0.57 CI = 0.35-0.92, OR = 0.64 CI = 0.44-0.95, OR = 0.53 CI = 0.23-0.87). However, for those aged ≥65, this probability is higher in women with a low O-SES and D-SES (non-smoker: OR = 8.09 CI = 4.18-15.67, OR = 4.14 CI = 2.28-7.52; moderate alcohol consumption: OR = 3.00 CI = 1.45-6.24, OR = 2.83 CI = 1.49-5.37) and in men with a stable low SM (physically active: OR = 1.52 CI = 1.02-1.26). In the case of men, the same behaviour pattern is observed in those with a low O-SES as those with upward mobility, with a higher probability of co-occurring behaviours (three-to-four behaviours: OR = 2.00 CI = 1.22-3.29; OR = 3.13 CI = 1.31-7.48). The relationship of O-SES, D-SES and SM with healthy behaviours is complex and differs according to age and gender.This research was supported by the “Acción Transversal del Cancer”, approved by the Spanish Council of Ministers on 11th October 2007, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER [grant number:PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI08/1359, PS09/00773-Cantabria, PS09/01286-León, PS09/01903-Valencia, PS09/02078-Huelva, PS09/ 01662-Granada, PI11/01403, PI11/01889-FEDER, PI11/00226, PI11/01810, PI11/02213, PI12/00488, PI12/00265, PI12/01270, PI12/00715, PI12/00150, PI14/01219, PI14/0613, PI15/00069, PI15/00914, PI15/01032, PI11/01810, PI14/01219, PI11/02213, PIE16/00049, PI17/01179, PI17-00092], by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla [grant number: API 10/09], by the ICGC International Cancer Genome Consortium CLL (The ICGC CLL-Genome Project is funded by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)), by the Red Temática de Investigación del Cáncer (RTICC) del ISCIII [grant number: RD12/0036/0036], by the Junta de Castilla y León [grant number: LE22A10-2], by the Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucía [grant number: PI-0571-2009, PI-0306-2011, salud201200057018tra], by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana [grant number: AP_061/10], by the Recercaixa [grant number: 2010ACUP00310], by the Regional Government of the Basque Country, by the Consejería de Sanidad de la Región de Murcia, by the European Commission [grant number: FOOD-CT-2006-036224-HIWATE], by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation [grant number: GCTRA18022MORE], by the Catalan Government-Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) [grant number: 2014SGR647, 2014SGR850 and 2017SGR723], by the Fundación Caja de Ahorros de Asturias and by the University of Oviedo. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    AEgIS Experiment: Measuring the Acceleration g of the Earth's Gravitational Field on Antihydrogen Beam

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    The AEgIS experiment [1] aims at directly measuring the gravitational acceleration g on a beam of cold antihydrogen (H) to a precision of 1%, performing the first test with antimatter of the (WEP) Weak Equivalence Principle. The experimental apparatus is sited at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. After production by mixing of antiprotons with Rydberg state positronium atoms (Ps), the atoms will be driven to fly horizontally with a velocity of a few 100 ms−1 for a path length of about 1 meter. The small deflection, few tens of μm, will be measured using two material gratings (of period ∼ 80 μm) coupled to a position-sensitive detector working as a moiré deflectometer similarly to what has been done with matter atoms [2]. The shadow pattern produced by the beam will then be detected by reconstructing the annihilation points with a spatial resolution (∼ 2 μm) of each antiatom at the end of the flight path by the sensitive-position detector. During 2012 the experimental apparatus has been commissioned with antiprotons and positrons. Since the AD will not be running during 2013,during the refurbishment of the CERN accelerators, the experiment is currently working with positrons, electrons and protons, in order to prepare the way for the antihydrogen production in late 2014

    Measuring the free fall of antihydrogen

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    After the first production of cold antihydrogen by the ATHENA and ATRAP experiments ten years ago, new second-generation experiments are aimed at measuring the fundamental properties of this anti-atom. The goal of AEGIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is to test the weak equivalence principle by studying the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter with a pulsed, cold antihydrogen beam. The experiment is currently being assembled at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator. In AEGIS, antihydrogen will be produced by charge exchange of cold antiprotons with positronium excited to a high Rydberg state (n > 20). An antihydrogen beam will be produced by controlled acceleration in an electric-field gradient (Stark acceleration). The deflection of the horizontal beam due to its free fall in the gravitational field of the earth will be measured with a moire deflectometer. Initially, the gravitational acceleration will be determined to a precision of 1%, requiring the detection of about 105 antihydrogen atoms. In this paper, after a general description, the present status of the experiment will be reviewed