11,352 research outputs found

    Trapping radioactive ^{82}Rb in an optical dipole trap and evidence of spontaneous spin polarization

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    Optical trapping of selected species of radioactive atoms has great potential in precision measurements for testing fundamental physics such as EDM, PNC and parity violating beta-decay asymmetry correlation coefficients. We report trapping of 10^4 radioactive ^{82}Rb atoms (t_{1/2}=75 s) with a trap lifetime of ~55 seconds in an optical dipole trap. Transfer efficiency from the magneto-optical trap was ~14%. We further report the evidence of spontaneous spin polarization of the atoms in optical dipole trap loading. This advancement is an important step towards a new generation of precision J-beta correlations measurements with polarized ^{82}Rb atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental demonstration of digital predistortion for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing-radio over fibre links near laser resonance

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    Radio over fibre (RoF), an enabling technology for distribution of wireless broadband service signals through analogue optical links, suffers from non-linear distortion. Digital predistortion has been demonstrated as an effective approach to overcome the RoF non-linearity. However, questions remain as to how the approach performs close to laser resonance, a region of significant dynamic non-linearity, and how resilient the approach is to changes in input signal and link operating conditions. In this work, the performance of a digital predistortion approach is studied for directly modulated orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing RoF links operating from 2.47 to 3.7 GHz. It extends previous works to higher frequencies, and to higher quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) levels. In addition, the resilience of the predistortion approach to changes in modulation level of QAM schemes, and average power levels are investigated, and a novel predistortion training approach is proposed and demonstrated. Both memoryless and memory polynomial predistorter models, and a simple off-line least-squares-based identification method, are used, with excellent performance improvements demonstrated up to 3.0 GHz

    Tunneling spectroscopy of the superconducting state of URu2Si2

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    We present measurements of the superconducting gap of URu2_2Si2_2 made with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) using a superconducting tip of Al. We find tunneling conductance curves with a finite value at the Fermi level. The density of states is V shaped at low energies, and the quasiparticle peaks are located at values close to the expected superconducting gap from weak coupling BCS theory. Our results point to rather opened gap structures and gap nodes on the Fermi surface

    Utilizando o Rsync para atualizar os bancos de dados do Sting Millennium Suite.

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    Entendendo o Rsync. Usando o Rsync em modo servidor. Usando o Rsync com protocolo Shell de conexão remota.bitstream/CNPTIA/11566/1/ct82.pdfAcesso em: 28 maio 2008

    The Unusual Object IC 2144/MWC 778

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    IC 2144 is a small reflection nebula located in the zone of avoidance near the Galactic anticenter. It has been investigated here largely on the basis of Keck/HIRES optical spectroscopy (R ~ 48,000) and a SpeX spectrogram in the near-IR (R = 2000) obtained at the NASA IRTF. The only star in the nebula that is obvious in the optical or near-IR is the peculiar emission-line object MWC 778 (V = 12.8), which resembles a T Tauri star in some respects. What appear to be F- or G-type absorption features are detectable in its optical region under the very complex emission line spectrum; their radial velocity agrees with the CO velocity of the larger cloud in which IC 2144 is embedded. There are significant differences between the spectrum of the brightest area of the nebula and of MWC 778, the presumed illuminator, an issue discussed in some detail. The distance of IC 2144 is inferred to be about 1.0 kpc by reference to other star-forming regions in the vicinity. The extinction is large, as demonstrated by [Fe II] emission line ratios in the near-IR and by the strength of the diffuse interstellar band spectrum; a provisional value of A_V of 3.0 mag was assumed. The SED of MWC 778 rises steeply beyond about 1 μ\mum, with a slope characteristic of a Class I source. Integration of the flux distribution leads to an IR luminosity of about 510 L_solar. If MWC 778 is indeed a F- or G-type pre--main-sequence star several magnitudes above the ZAMS, a population of faint emission Halpha stars would be expected in the vicinity. Such a search, like other investigations that are recommended in this paper, has yet to be carried out.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, accepted by A

    Inferring the mass of submillimetre galaxies by exploiting their gravitational magnification of background galaxies

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    Dust emission at submillimetre wavelengths allows us to trace the early phases of star formation in the Universe. In order to understand the physical processes involved in this mode of star formation, it is essential to gain knowledge about the dark matter structures – most importantly their masses – that submillimetre galaxies live in. Here we use the magnification effect of gravitational lensing to determine the average mass and dust content of submillimetre galaxies with 250 μm flux densities of S_250 > 15 mJy selected using data from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey. The positions of hundreds of submillimetre foreground lenses are cross-correlated with the positions of background Lyman-break galaxies at z ∼ 3–5 selected using optical data from the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey. We detect a cross-correlation signal at the 7σ level over a sky area of 1 deg^2, with ∼80 per cent of this signal being due to magnification, whereas the remaining ∼20 per cent comes from dust extinction. Adopting some simple assumptions for the dark matter and dust profiles and the redshift distribution enables us to estimate the average mass of the haloes hosting the submillimetre galaxies to be log _(10)[M_200/M_⊙] = 13.17^(+0.05)_(−0.08)(stat.) and their average dust mass fraction (at radii of >10 kpc) to be M_dust/M_200 ≈ 6 × 10^(−5). This supports the picture that submillimetre galaxies are dusty, forming stars at a high rate, reside in massive group-sized haloes and are a crucial phase in the assembly and evolution of structure in the Universe

    Pressure induced effects on the Fermi surface of superconducting 2H-NbSe2_2

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    The pressure dependence of the critical temperature TcT_c and upper critical field Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) has been measured up to 19 GPa in the layered superconducting material 2H-NbSe2_2. Relating the behavior of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) to Fermi surface parameters, we find that the electron phonon coupling of the 2D Nb 4d derived bands shows a peak at 5 GPa when the charge density wave (CDW) order is suppressed. On the other hand, Tc(P)T_c(P) shows a bell shaped curve with a maximum at 10.5 GPa, well above the pressure for the suppression of the CDW order. Changes in the band structure produce this shift in the maximum of Tc(P)T_c(P), demonstrating that 2H-NbSe2_2 shows important differences with respect to other compounds where TcT_c has a maximum in the temperature-density phase diagram shaped by the suppression of another, non-superconducting, ground state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Small changes in discussion. Typos correcte

    Redshift Determination and CO Line Excitation Modeling for the Multiply Lensed Galaxy HLSW-01

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    We report on the redshift measurement and CO line excitation of HERMES J105751.1+573027 (HLSW-01), a strongly lensed submillimeter galaxy discovered in Herschel/SPIRE observations as part of the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES). HLSW-01 is an ultra-luminous galaxy with an intrinsic far-infrared luminosity of L _(FIR) = 1.4 × 10^(13) L _⊙, and is lensed by a massive group of galaxies into at least four images with a total magnification of μ = 10.9 ± 0.7. With the 100 GHz instantaneous bandwidth of the Z-Spec instrument on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory, we robustly identify a redshift of z = 2.958 ± 0.007 for this source, using the simultaneous detection of four CO emission lines (J = 7 → 6, J = 8 → 7, J = 9 → 8, and J = 10 → 9). Combining the measured line fluxes for these high-J transitions with the J = 1 → 0, J = 3 → 2, and J = 5 → 4 line fluxes measured with the Green Bank Telescope, the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy, and the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, respectively, we model the physical properties of the molecular gas in this galaxy. We find that the full CO spectral line energy distribution is described well by warm, moderate-density gas with T _(kin) = 86-235 K and n_H_2 = (1.1-3.5)x10^3 cm^(–3). However, it is possible that the highest-J transitions are tracing a small fraction of very dense gas in molecular cloud cores, and two-component models that include a warm/dense molecular gas phase with T _(kin) ~ 200 K, n_H_2 ~ 10^5 cm^(–3) are also consistent with these data. Higher signal-to-noise measurements of the J _(up) ≥ 7 transitions with high spectral resolution, combined with high spatial resolution CO maps, are needed to improve our understanding of the gas excitation, morphology, and dynamics of this interesting high-redshift galaxy

    HerMES: deep number counts at 250 μm, 350 μm and 500 μm in the COSMOS and GOODS-N fields and the build-up of the cosmic infrared background

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    Aims. The Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver (SPIRE) onboard the Herschel space telescope has provided confusion limited maps of deep fields at 250 μm, 350 μm, and 500 μm, as part of the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES). Unfortunately, due to confusion, only a small fraction of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) can be resolved into individually-detected sources. Our goal is to produce deep galaxy number counts and redshift distributions below the confusion limit at SPIRE wavelengths (~20 mJy), which we then use to place strong constraints on the origins of the cosmic infrared background and on models of galaxy evolution. Methods. We individually extracted the bright SPIRE sources (>20 mJy) in the COSMOS field with a method using the positions, the flux densities, and the redshifts of the 24 μm sources as a prior, and derived the number counts and redshift distributions of the bright SPIRE sources. For fainter SPIRE sources (<20 mJy), we reconstructed the number counts and the redshift distribution below the confusion limit using the deep 24 μm catalogs associated with photometric redshift and information provided by the stacking of these sources into the deep SPIRE maps of the GOODS-N and COSMOS fields. Finally, by integrating all these counts, we studied the contribution of the galaxies to the CIB as a function of their flux density and redshift. Results. Through stacking, we managed to reconstruct the source counts per redshift slice down to ~2 mJy in the three SPIRE bands, which lies about a factor 10 below the 5σ confusion limit. Our measurements place tight constraints on source population models. None of the pre-existing models are able to reproduce our results at better than 3-σ. Finally, we extrapolate our counts to zero flux density in order to derive an estimate of the total contribution of galaxies to the CIB, finding 10.1_(-2.3)^(+2.6) nW m^(-2) sr^(-1), 6.5_(-1.6)^(+1.7) nW m^(-2) sr^(-1), and 2.8_(-0.8)^(+0.9) nW m^(-2) sr^(-1) at 250 μm, 350 μm, and 500 μm, respectively. These values agree well with FIRAS absolute measurements, suggesting our number counts and their extrapolation are sufficient to explain the CIB. We find that half of the CIB is emitted at z = 1.04, 1.20, and 1.25, respectively. Finally, combining our results with other works, we estimate the energy budget contained in the CIB between 8 μm and 1000 μm: 26_(-3)^(+7) nW m^(-2) sr^(-1)
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