222 research outputs found

    Diphtheria in S. PAULO (BRASIL)

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    A incidência da difteria em São Paulo, após ter começado a baixar a partir de 1898, tornou-se entretanto algo estacionária em seu decréscimo nos últimos anos, ficando seus coeficientes de mortalidade entre 6 e 9 por 100.000 habitantes; entretanto, em 1938, êle foi de 4,49 por 100.000. O número de casos conhecidos passou de 40,04 por 100.000 habitantes em 1927, a 54,15 em 1934 a 75,52 em 1936; em 1937 e 1938 êles foram de 57,42 e 41,29 respectivamente, parecendo indicar alguma melhoria na situação. A taxa de fatalidade, de 18,79 em 1927, veio a 10,87, em 1938. O número de portadores de bacilos virulentos na Capital é avaliado em cêrca de 1%, seja 2.000 a 2.500, em idade escolar, representando fator importante na conservação da endemia. A incidência máxima se dá geralmente no mês de abril, sendo a mortalidade mais elevada em maio; os mínimos das curvas são em dezembro para a morbidade e janeiro para a mortalidade; não é propriamente, pois, nos meses mais frios, mas no outono. quando a temperatura começa a baixar, que se dá a maior incidência. Os coeficientes de correlação calculados entre casos e mortes com temperaturas médias mensais e chuvas nada deram de significativo, a não ser entre casos e queda pluviométrica, quando foi igual a - 0,26 +- 0,08, que mostra tendência muito discreta de correlação negativa, não se podendo, entretanto, emprestar ao mesmo caraterísticos de significação. A doença é um pouco mais frequente em homens que nas mulheres, de uma maneira geral. O máximo de preponderância, para ambos os sexos, permaneceu sempre abaixo de 5 anos e, em especial, entre 1 e 2 anos de idade. Até os 5 anos, é maior para o sexo masculino; a partir dessa idade o sexo feminino começa a ser mais atingido. Relativamente aos óbitos, a mesma cousà se nota, invertendo-se a curva, entretanto Ja a partir dos três anos, quando assume preponderância o sexo feminino. Relativamente à letalidade, verifica-se um risco maior nas crianças no primeiro ano de vida, quando foi de 35% a taxa de fatalidade, os meninos pagando maior tributo do que as meninas; a proporção de óbitos sôbre casos diminue progressivamente nas idades subsequentes. Durante o período estudado encontrou-se histórico de contacto anterior com doente de difteria ou suspeito em 12,52% apenas. A maioria dos casos foi hospitalizada (90%) , sendo nestes maior a fatalidade, devido certamente ao fato de remoções tardias e de, em geral, permanecerem em isolamento domiciliário os doentes menos graves. A situação. entretanto, vem melhorando, tendo, de 1927 a 1937, a percentagem ele fatalidade nos hospitalizados baixado de 20,3% a 11,4%. Apenas 2,1% dos casos já tinham sido atacados antes pela doença, sendo neles bem baixa a percentagem de fatalidade. Após discutir outros caraterísticos apresentados pela incidência da doença em São Paulo, conclue o A. opinando pela intensificação e maior sistematização das imunizações ativas pela anatoxina diftérica na Capital, preferencialmente pelo toxoide-alúmen, que deveria tornar-se compulsoria na infância. Nesse sentido, apresenta as bases de um ante-projecto de lei.Diphtheria in S. Paulo after decreasing since 1898, remained about stationary these last years, its death rate oscillating hetween 6-9 for 100.000 inhabitants. In 1938 however it reached 4,49 for 100.000. The number of registered cases went from 40,04 for lOO.000 inhahitats in 1927 to 54,15 in 1934 and 75,52 in 1936; in 1937 and 1938 it fell from 57,42 to 41,29 which seems to show a slight improvement of the conditions. The death rate in 1923 was of 18,79 and of 10,87 in 1938. The number of carriers of virulent bacilli in the city is calculated at 1% or between 2.000 to 2. =500 individuais o =f school age. which play an important part in the preservation of the endemicity. The greatest incidence is in April, while the cleath rate is higher in May; the minimum of the curve is reached in Decemher for the incidence rate and in January for the mortality rate; thus the greatest incidence is not observed in the coldest months but rather in the autumn when the temperature goes down. The correlation coefficients calculated between cases and deaths with average monthly temperature and rains gave no significant results, while, perhaps, the relation between cases and rainfall which is equal to - 0,26 ± 0,08 may be said to show a very discreet negative correlation to which however, no great importance can be attached. In general the disease is a little more frequent in men than in women. The greatest incidence for both sexes was always in children less than 5 years old and especially frequent in children hetween 1 and 2 years old. Up to 5 years the incidence is greater for males, after that the contrary obtains. The same fact is noted in reference to the mortality rate, only the curve is inverted from 3 years on, when females are more affected. The fatality rate is greatest in the first year of life when it reached 35%, male infants being more affected than female babies; the proportion of deaths to the number of cases decreases progressively in suhsequent years. During the period observed there was registered contact with eliphtheria patients or suspected cases only in 12,52%. The greater number of patients was taken to the Isolation Hospital (90%) and among these the fatality rate was greater than among those treated at home, probably because of late entrance in the hospital or of including severer cases. Conditions, however, have now improved and from 1927 to 1937 the fatality rate in patients under hospital treatment fell from 20,3 % to 11,4 %. Only 2,1 % had suffered a previous attack of the disease, and the fatality rate was very low among them. After discussing some other characteristic features of this disease in S. Paulo the A. advises the intensification and better organization of prophylactic immunization by the use of diphtheria anatoxina, preferably toxoid-alumen, whích shoud be made compulsory for children

    Questões de saude e Assistência na cidade e no Campo

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    Vastíssimo é o terna que me cabe a honra de relatar. Na realidade ele e toda a higiene. Penso, entretanto, que a ilustre Comissão que o programou, teve em mira, de acordo aliás com as justas finalidades do Certame. apenas a focalização dos principais problemas médico-sociais que afligem as nossas populações, na cidade e no campo, a serem ainda mais agravados pelas condições de após guerra, a-fim-de que, aquí discutidos, dêm margem à proposição de medidas mais racionais para procurar solvê-lo

    O consumo de jogos eletrônicos como um fenômeno social, cultural e histórico

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    Con el paso del tiempo, el consumo de juegos electrónicos adquiere protagonismo mundial por su capacidad de mover el mercado y la economía. Sin embargo, aún existen contradicciones en la literatura en cuanto a la comprensión de este fenómeno, debido a diferentes perspectivas sobre el concepto, el alcance y los beneficios de los juegos electrónicos. Por lo tanto, creemos que este fenómeno debe entenderse como una construcción social, en la que intervienen individuos, relaciones y significados. De esta manera, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión teórica que involucre la historia y la definición de los juegos electrónicos, entendiendo este fenómeno de consumo como cultural, social e histórico.Over time, the consumption of electronic games has gained worldwide prominence for its ability to move the market and the economy. However, the literature still presents contradictions in understanding this phenomenon, since there are different perspectives on the concept, scope, and benefits of electronic games. Therefore, we believe that this phenomenon should be understood as a social construction, involving individuals, relationships, and meanings. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present a theoretical review involving the history and the definition of electronic games, understanding this consumption phenomenon as cultural, social, and historical.Ao longo do tempo, o consumo de jogos eletrônicos ganhou destaque mundial por sua capacidade de movimentação do mercado e da economia. No entanto, a literatura ainda apresenta contradições na compreensão desse fenômeno, uma vez que existem diferentes perspectivas sobre o conceito, o escopo e os benefícios dos jogos eletrônicos. Diante disso, consideramos que esse fenômeno deve ser compreendido como uma construção social, envolvendo indivíduos, relações e significados. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão teórica envolvendo a história e a definição dos jogos eletrônicos, compreendendo este fenômeno de consumo como cultural, social e histórico

    The propensity and intensity of export activities of companies operating in Europe

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    Copyright © 2008 Clute Institute.Previous studies have explored the substantial benefits for companies and governments of exporting. Nevertheless the role of government has been analysed mainly trough export promotion programs and the importance of the subsidiaries of multinational companies to increment a country exports has not been tested together with other variables present in the literature on export performance. This research examines the export performance of companies in Europe. A sample of 239 companies in 12 countries was analysed and their level of exports was examined, using Logit and Tobit models. The contextual variables of the country of operations were combined with company characteristics, including dimension, age, and industry affiliation. The results show that foreign affiliation, age, country of operations and industry are important and that government efficiency is a key element to companies' propensity and intensity of export

    Transición interna del cálculo: una propuesta para la identificación de elementos de ruptura y de transición apoyada en la secuencia Fedathi

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    En este artículo haremos una discusión de los elementos de transición y de ruptura que caracterizan la transición del estudio del Cálculo de una Variable real (CUV) al Cálculo de Varias Variables (CVV). Alves (2011) llamó a tal proceso, transición interna. Se describen y se ejemplifican situaciones didácticas que desarrollan la exploración de conceptos matemáticos, tanto en el CUV como en el CVV, en la perspectiva de la transición. La metodología de enseñanza denominada Secuencia Fedathi posibilita la exploración de situaciones, en las cuales el significado y la aplicación de la mejor estrategia deben ser negociados en el proceso de enseñanza, entre los alumnos y profesor

    Matemática Financeira no contexto da Educação Básica: Uma Revisão Bibliográfica

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    Este artigo trata-se de um recorte do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do autor do texto, que tem como questionamento em qual contexto a Educação Financeira está sendo inserida nas salas de aula da Educação Básica. Para responder tal questão tem como objetivo: investigar o contexto em que a Educação Financeira é abordada nas salas de aula da Educação Básica segundo bibliografias sobre a temática. A metodologia escolhida é a análise bibliográfica de cunho qualitativo, buscando entender como a Educação Financeira está sendo inserida em sala de aula. Neste sentido buscou-se artigos de relevância que abordam o conteúdo na perspectiva da pesquisa. Haja vista quanto a importância da Educação Financeira para a formação do indivíduo e sua inserção na sociedade, este artigo procura discutir possibilidades de ações pedagógicas que visem a disseminação da alfabetização financeira e de como esta pode interferir de maneira direta na formação e inserção de cidadãos críticos e conscientes na sociedade, tendo em vista que o controle das finanças deve ser um processo necessário desde os primórdios da Educação Básica.This article is an excerpt from the Author’s Course Completion Paper, which asks the question in which context Financial Education is being inserted in Basic Education classrooms. To answer this question, the objective is to: investigate the context in which Financial Education is addressed in Basic Education classrooms according to bibliographies on the subject. The chosen methodology is qualitative bibliographic analysis, seeking to understand how Financial Education is being inserted in the classroom. In this sense, relevant articles were sought that address the content from a research perspective. Considering the importance of Financial Education for the formation of the individual and their insertion in society, this article seeks to discuss possibilities for pedagogical actions aimed at disseminating financial literacy and how this can directly interfere in the formation and insertion of critical citizens and conscious in society, considering that controlling finances must be a necessary process since the beginning of Basic Education

    A 60-year time series analyses of the upwelling along the Portuguese Coast

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    Coastal upwelling has a significant local impact on marine coastal environment and on marine biology, namely fisheries. This study aims to evaluate climate and environmental changes in upwelling trends between 1950 and 2010. Annual, seasonal and monthly upwelling trends were studied in three different oceanographic areas of the Portuguese coast (northwestern-NW, southwestern-SW, and south-S). Two sea surface temperature datasets, remote sensing (RS: 1985-2009) and International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS: 1950-2010), were used to estimate an upwelling index (UPWI) based on the difference between offshore and coastal sea surface temperature. Time series analyses reveal similar yearly and monthly trends between datasets A decrease of the UPWI was observed, extending longer than 20 years in the NW (1956-1979) and SW (1956-1994), and 30 years in the S (1956-1994). Analyses of sudden shifts reveal long term weakening and intensification periods of up to 30 years. This means that in the past 60 years a normal climate UPWI occurred along the Portuguese coast. An intensification of UPWI was recorded in recent decades regardless of the areas (RS: 1985-2009). Such an intensification rate (linear increase in UPWI) is only significant in S in recent decades (increase rate: ICOADS = 0.02 degrees C decade-1; RS = 0.11 degrees C decade-1) while in NW and SW the increase rate is meaningless. In NW more stable UPWI conditions were recorded, however average UPWI values increased in autumn and winter in NW in recently decades (RS: 1985-2009). An intensification rate of UPWI was recorded during summer (July, August and September) in SW and S in latter decades (RS: 1985-2009). The average UPWI values increased in recent decades in autumn in S. Marked phenological changes were observed in S in summer (before downwelling conditions prevail whilst recently when UPWI regimes prevail) with UPWI seasonal regime in S in recent decades becoming similar to those found in SW and NW. Results of this work can contribute to a better understanding of how upwelling dynamics affect/are correlated with biological data.Agência financiadora FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology UID/Multi/04326/2019 CLIMFISH project-A framework for assess vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change in Portuguese n2/SAICT/2017t-SAICTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Propensity And Intensity Of Export Activities Of Companies Operating In Europe

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    Previous studies have explored the substantial benefits for companies and governments of exporting. Nevertheless the role of government has been analysed mainly trough export promotion programs and the importance of the subsidiaries of multinational companies to increment a country exports has not been tested together with other variables present in the literature on export performance. This research examines the export performance of companies in Europe. A sample of 239 companies in 12 countries was analysed and their level of exports was examined, using Logit and Tobit models. The contextual variables of the country of operations were combined with company characteristics, including dimension, age, and industry affiliation. The results show that foreign affiliation, age, country of operations and industry are important and that government efficiency is a key element to companies’ propensity and intensity of export

    Influence of the prone position on a stretcher for pregnant women on maternal and fetal hemodynamic parameters and comfort in pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVES: To analyze the influence of lying in prone position on a specially designed stretcher on the maternal-fetal hemodynamic parameters and comfort of pregnant women. METHODS: A randomized, controlled trial with 33 pregnant women divided into 2 groups: pregnant group sequence 1 and pregnant group sequence 2. The order of positions used in sequence 1 was Fowler’s position, prone position, supine position, left lateral, Fowler’s position 2, supine position 2, prone position 2 and left lateral 2. The order of positions used in sequence 2 was Fowler’s position, prone position, left lateral, supine position, Fowler’s position 2, left lateral 2, prone position 2 and supine position 2. Each woman remained in each position for 6 minutes. For the statistical analyses, we used Wilcoxon’s test for 2 paired samples when comparing the prone position with the other positions. The variables are presented in graphs showing the means and 95% confidence intervals. Trial Registration: Clinical Trial No. ISRCTN41359519 RESULTS: All the parameters were within the standards of normality. There were no differences between positions in terms of maternal heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, oxygen saturation and fetal heart rate. However, there were significant decreases in respiratory rate and systolic blood pressure in prone position 2 compared with left lateral 2. There was an increase in oxygen saturation in prone position compared with Fowler’s position and supine position 2 in both sequences. All the women reported feeling comfortable in the prone position. CONCLUSIONS: The prone position was considered safe and comfortable and could be advantageous for improving oxygen saturation and reducing the systolic blood pressure and respiratory rate
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