337 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento ponderal de bezerras desmamadas em pastejo de Brachiaria decumbens com suplementação protéica e energética

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    The concentrate supplementation effect upon ponderal performance of calves during the year (dry and wet seasons) was evaluated. Thirty-six Santa Gertrudis calves averaging 194 kg of live weight, with 290 days of age, grazing Brachiaria decumbens pasture, were used in a complete randomized design. The following supplements have been added ad libitum, fed during the experimental period: mineral mix, supplement based on degradable protein, during dry season, and supplement based on non-degradable protein (escape protein), during wet season. Results on average daily gain demonstrated a significant difference between treatments. The average daily gains were 0.504 and 0.561 kg animal-1 day-1 for the non-supplemented group (control group, fed mineral mix only), and supplemented group, respectively. During dry season, supplemented calves showed significantly higher average daily gain, and during wet season there was no difference. Pasture supplementation did not present bioeconomic advantage, then its use could not be recommended. In both treatments, calves reached the average weight limit, for first mating, at nearly 14 months of age.Foi avaliado o efeito da suplementação a pasto, com concentrados fornecidos durante o ano (períodos de seca e águas), sobre o desenvolvimento ponderal de bezerras desmamadas. Foram utilizadas 36 bezerras da raça Santa Gertrudis, com média inicial de idade de 290 dias, média de peso vivo de 194 kg, mantidas em pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e 18 repetições. Foi oferecida mistura mineral o ano todo, ou suplemento com maior nível de proteína degradável na seca, e não-degradável nas águas. Os resultados obtidos para a média diária de ganho de peso vivo indicaram uma diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. O ganho de peso vivo, durante o ano, para o lote testemunha, foi de 0,504 kg animal-1 dia-1 e, para o lote suplementado foi de 0,561 kg. No período de seca, o ganho de peso vivo foi significativamente maior para os animais suplementados e, no período das águas não ocorreu diferença. A suplementação a pasto não apresentou vantagens bioeconômicas para se recomendar o seu uso. Nos dois tratamentos as bezerras alcançaram média de peso limite, para primeira cobertura, com idade próxima a 14 meses

    Mandibular radiomorphometric assessment of bone mineral density in survivors of pediatric hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation

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    OBJECTIVE: Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) childhood survivors of hematologic malignancies are prone to develop late osteopenia and osteoporosis. The purpose of this retrospective study was to quantitatively and qualitatively assess bone mineral density (BMD) in HSCT childhood survivors and to compare the effectiveness of both qualitative and quantitative assessment methods. METHODS: DESIGN BMD assessment using panoramic radiographs of childhood HSCT survivors aged 3.69-18.88 years using two radiomorphometric indexes. Case-control double-blinded comparison of panoramic radiographic images from childhood HSCT survivors and age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Quantitative assessment was performed by measuring the cortical bone width bilaterally at the mental foramen level. Qualitative assessment was performed using the mandibular cortical index bilaterally on all panoramic images. RESULTS: Radiographs were taken 6.59-83.95 months after bone marrow transplantation [median±SD=25.92 ±24.9 months]. Fifty-two panoramic radiographic images were analyzed: 21 from HSCT survivors and 31 from healthy controls aged 3.69-25.1 years [mean±SD=11.89±5.28 years]. The mandibular cortical bone width was 17% smaller in childhood HSCT survivors than in healthy controls (case group: 2.420, control group: 3.307; p=0.00617). Qualitative analysis revealed an increased frequency of severe mandibular cortical erosion in childhood HSCT survivors, although no significant difference was observed (case group: 1.540, control group: 1.490; p=0.32). The interobserver agreement was 85% (Kappa index). CONCLUSIONS: HSCT childhood survivors exhibit quantitative and qualitative mandibular bone impairments. Further studies are needed to establish an association between mandibular cortical bone impairment and osteoporosis

    Purificação de toxinas produzidas por Clostridium perfringens: uma revisão

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    Clostridium perfringensé uma bactéria anaeróbia Gram-positiva, amplamente distribuída no meio ambiente e comumente encontrada no intestino de animais, incluindo o homem. As espécies de C. perfringensestão classificadas em cinco tipos toxigênicos (A, B, C, D, E) em função da produção de quatro toxinas (±, ², µ, ¹). Entretanto, as toxinas teta, delta, lambda e enterotoxina são também sintetizadas por outras espécies dessa bactéria. Muitas metodologias para purificação das toxinas produzidas por C. perfringens têm sido propostas e, portanto, nesta revisão foram apresentados e discutidos os métodos e resultados de purificação dessas toxinas relatados nas últimas quatro décadas.Clostridium perfringens, a Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium, is widespread in the environment and commonly found in the intestines of animals, including humans. C. perfringens strains are classified into five toxinotypes (A, B, C, D and E) based on the production of four major toxins (±, ², µ, ¹). However the toxins (theta, delta, lambda and enterotoxin) are also synthesized by C. perfringens strain. Many attempts to purify the toxins produced by C. perfringens have been proposed. In this review we discuss the purification methods used to isolate toxins from C. perfringens reported in last four decades

    Analysis of Electrostatic Turbulence Drive in Texas Helimak.

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    Plasma turbulence and particle transport in Texas Helimak change with the radial electric field profile modified by an external voltage bias. When the bias is positive, the turbulence shows enhanced level and broadband spectra with extreme events, similar to the turbulence in tokamak scrape-‐off layer. However, negative bias reduces the turbulence level and decreases the spectrum widths. Moreover, for negative biased shots, the particle transport is strongly affected by a wave particle resonant interaction. On the other hand, for positive bias values, the plasma presents a transport barrier in the reversed shear flow region

    The importance of the psychiatrist as a member of the multidisciplinary pain team / A importância do médico psiquiatra como integrante da equipe multidisciplinar em dor

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    Introducion: In Brazil, pain is a relatively new specialty, as the largest entity responsible for distributing content related to the area, the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED) started its activities in 2006. However, psychiatrists can’t act as a pain specialist under the Specialist Qualification Registry (RQE), since psychiatry is not a specialty listed as pre-requirement for applying in the pain specialization selection process. Objective: This article aims to present skills of the psychiatrist in relation to the study of pain, so that effective inclusion in the multidisciplinary pain team as specialist and not just as a supporting mediator. Methods: For the construction of this original article, the bibliographic databases PubMed and Google Scholar were used, The MeSH terms used in this research were diverse, among the main ones: “pain residency”, “pain education”, “psychiatry pain residency” and “psychiatry pain education”. Results: Many of psychiatric disorders such as depression, borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, among others, are commonly prevalent in patients with chronic pain. Mental health can be affected as a consequence of chronic pain, in the same way that a history of psychiatric disorder can be a risk factor for the development of chronic pain. Patients with pain and depressive disorder have a worse experience, because they report greater intensity, worse functioning and greater disability, compared to patients with pain without depression. Added to that, drugs considered pillars of pain treatment, such as antidepressants, gabapentinoids and antipsychotics, are frequently used by psychiatrists in their clinical practice. Conclusion: The relation between psychiatry and pain must be re-evaluated, this article aims to express the relevance of the psychiatrist in such a diverse and skillful team, in addition to unravel skills and competences for their incorporation in an important area of activity that tends to grow extraordinarily in Brazil and in the world

    Visual dysfunction of type I and VI mucopolysaccharidosis patients evaluated with visual evoked cortical potential

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    Purpose: To evaluate the visual system of patients suffering from type I or VI mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) by recording the visual evoked cortical potential (VECP). Methods: Two patients with MPS VI and 2 patients with MPS I were tested before and after enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). A control group of 20 subjects was tested for statistical comparison. VECP was elicited by monocular stimulation with 1-Hz phase-reversal checkerboard patterns at 0.5 and 2 cycles per degree and with 16° of visual field. In all patients, both eyes were tested. VECP amplitude and latency were measured and compared with tolerance limits obtained from controls. Results: MPS I and VI patients have a severe visual impairment that can be quantified by measuring VECPs. Even after several weeks of ERT, the visual impairment remained unaltered, indicating that the treatment had no significant influence on the visual conditions of MPS patients. Visual responses to high spatial frequencies were more deeply impaired than responses to low spatial frequencies. This can be explained by the kind of damage in the visual system that preferentially targets the eye optics. Conclusion: VECPs can be used to monitor the degree of visual impairment of MPS patients and to check ERT efficacy

    Linked data to streaming data sensors sources for direct access

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    Goal: Industrial operations are complex, and data sensors assure safety and reliable information for production improvements. Multiple stakeholders can take advantage of data acquisition for post-analysis and process control. Providing users and systems with friendly access to operating data is fundamental to the digital transition in the industry 4.0 scenario. Linking data and systems over ontologies and Industry Foundation Classes will boost supply chain performance in many layers. This paper presents the concept of valid data points over Uniform Resource Identifiers for sensor time-series into triples stores via Application Programming Interfaces. Design/Methodology/Approach: A streaming data source approach to integrating industrial sensor data and sharing it via Uniform Resource Identifiers is developed and tested using Node-Red with multiple data connection types, such as the Industry Foundation Classes and open-source time series databases. Results: The detailed proof of concept presented valid the feasibility of sharing sensor data via Uniform Resource Identifiers. The findings provide a backbone of a system able to interop Message Queuing Telemetry Transport data, Resource Description Framework datasets and Industry Foundation Classes schema. Limitations of the investigation: The system envisaged was tested using simulated data. However, it is expected to have similar results from real data use. Nevertheless, more research will be needed to implement more features, such as three-dimensional object integration. Practical implications: The solution designed and tested presented can be used in practice for companies that desire to expand via linked data shareability and interoperability. Also, researchers can advance the solution for specific features, such as creating an open-source data query and manipulation language. Originality/Value: This paper examines future deployments of systems-to-systems interoperability targeting user-friendly data shareability. It is meant to be useful for industrial and academic developments

    Purification and characterization of a collagenase from Penicillium sp. UCP 1286 by polyethylene glycol-phosphate aqueous two-phase system

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    Collagenases are proteolytic enzymes capable of degrading both native and denatured collagen, reported to be applied in industrial, medical and biotechnological sectors. Liquid-liquid extraction using aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) is one of the most promising bioseparation techniques, which can substitute difficult solid-liquid separation processes, offering many advantages over conventional methods including low-processing time, low-cost material and low-energy consumption. The collagenase produced by Penicillium sp. UCP 1286 showed a stronger affinity for the bottom salt-rich phase, where the highest levels of collagenolytic activity were observed at the center point runs, using 15.0% (w/w) PEG 3350 g/mol and 12.5% (w/w) phosphate salt at pH 7.0 and concentration. The enzyme was characterized by thermal stability, pH tolerance and effect of inhibitors, showing optimal collagenolytic activity at 37 °C and pH 9.0 and proved to be a serine protease. ATPS showed high efficiency in the collagenase purification, confirmed by a single band in SDS/PAGE, and can in fact be applied as a quick and inexpensive alternative method.This work was supported by the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Sara Silvério also acknowledges her post-doc grant (SFRH/BPD/88584/2012) from FCT (SFRH/BPD/88584/2012) (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation), Portugal

    Organic matter composition and paleoclimatic changes in tropical mountain peatlands currently under grasslands and forest clusters

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    Tropical peatlands are important ecosystems for Planet Earth, as they store large amounts of carbon and water. A better understanding of the impact of vegetation type and altitude in content, composition, and rate of accu mulation of organic matter is key for assessing the current role of such environments. This study evaluated fibric and soluble fractions as well as the lignocellulosic and the isotopic compositions of the peat organic matter from four tropical mountain peatlands located at different altitudes of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The peatlands are currently under grasslands and forest clusters. Samples of peat under both vegetation types were collected and analyzed for organic matter fractions, cellulose, and lignin (van Soest method), as well as carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Different depths were chosen for radiocarbon dating of se lected samples. The organic matter of peatlands currently under grasslands and forest clusters presented dif ferences in soluble fractions, lignocellulosic composition, and δ13C values. Multivariate analyses allowed grouping the peatlands by altitude and vegetation type. The chronological succession of grassland and forest clusters in tropical mountain peatlands was influenced by altitude and was related to paleoclimatic changes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio