30 research outputs found

    O efeito de um programa de treinamento de totalmente imersivo do Playstation VR no desenvolvimento das habilidades perceptivas das crianças no Voleibol.

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    This study examined the impact of two different educational interventions, a program that were based on full immersive virtual reality games (FIVE) and a typical training program (TT), in Depth Perception (DP) and Anticipation Reaction Time (ART) of forty eight female volleyball players aged 8-10 years old. The players were randomly separeted into three individual groups of 16 children each, two experimental groups (FIVE, TT) and one control group. The FIVE group attended, for 6 weeks, twice a week and 24 min per session, a full immersive program in Playstation4VR and the TT group a typical training to the court, based to improve DP and ART. The control group did not receive any structured DP and ART training program. Before the interventions, after and one –month after, DP was estimated using Electric Depth Perception Tester and ART using Bassin Anticipation Timer. Were conducted Two-Way analyses of variance with repeated measures, to demonstrate the impact of educational interventions measurements across the two movements on DP efficacy and the two speeds (5mph and 10mph) on ART performance. The post and the retention tests DP in both movements scores were remarkably greater than pre-test for FIVE and TT groups but not for the control group. Additionally, on the ART scores, it was observed that only at a speed of 10 mph did the post and retention test scores show a significant increase compared to the pre-test scores for both experimental groups, while no such increase was observed in the control group. To conclude, exergames VR and a typical training are effective tools for improving DP and ART in volleyball players aged 8-10 years –old.Este estudio examinó el efecto de dos intervenciones educativas, un programa basado en juegos de realidad virtual totalmente inmersivos (FIVE) y un programa de entrenamiento típico (TT), en Percepción de profundidad (DP) y Tiempo de reacción de anticipación (ART) de cuarenta y ocho jugadoras de voleibol de 8 a 10 años. El grupo FIVE asistió a un programa inmersivo completo en Playstation4VR y el grupo TT a un entrenamiento típico en la cancha, basado en mejorar DP y ART durante 6 semanas, dos veces por semana durante 24 min cada vez. El grupo de control no recibió ningún programa estructurado de formación en PD y ART. Antes, después y un mes después de las intervenciones, se calculó la DP utilizando el Probador de Percepción de Profundidad Eléctrica y el ART utilizando el Temporizador de Anticipación de Bassin. Se realizaron análisis de varianza bidireccionales con medidas repetidas, para determinar el efecto de los grupos de programas de entrenamiento y las mediciones en los dos movimientos en el rendimiento de DP y las dos velocidades (5 mph y 10 mph) en el rendimiento de ART. Las puntuaciones de las pruebas posteriores y de retención DP en ambos movimientos fueron notablemente mayores que las de las pruebas previas para ambos grupos experimentales, pero no para el grupo de control. Además, en las puntuaciones de ART, sólo en 10 mph, las puntuaciones de las pruebas posteriores y de retención fueron notablemente mayores que las puntuaciones previas a la prueba para ambos grupos experimentales y no para el grupo de control. En conclusión, los exergames VR y un entrenamiento típico son herramientas efectivas para mejorar el DP y ART en jugadores de voleibol de 8 a 10 años de edad.Este estudo examinou o efeito de duas intervenções educativa, um programa baseado num jogos de realidade virtual total imersivos (RVTI) e um programa de treinamento típico (TT), em Percepção de Profundidade (PP) e Tempo de Reação de Antecipação (TRA) de quarenta e oito voleibolistas com idades entre 8 e 10 anos. Divididos de forma randomizata em três grupos individuais de 16 crianças cada, um controle e dois grupos experimentais (RVTI, TT). O grupo RVTI participou de um programa total imersivo em Playstation4VR e o grupo TT um treinamento típico para quadra, com base de melhorar PP e TRA durante 6 semanas, duas vezes por semana durante 24 min cada vez. O grupo de controle não recebeu nenhum programa estruturado de treinamento em PP e TRA. Antes, após e um mês após da intervenção, o PP foi estimado usando o Electric Depth Perception Tester e o ΤΡΑ usando o Bassin Anticipation Timer. Foram conduzidas análises de variância de duas vias com medidas repetidas, a determinar οs efeitos da grupos de programas de treinamento e medições entre os dois movimentos em desempenho de PP e as duas velocidades (5 mph e 10 mph) em desempenho de TRA. O pós-teste e os testes de retenção DP em ambos os escores de movimentos foram notavelmente maiores do que o pré-teste para ambos os grupos experimentais, mas não para o grupo de controle. Além disso, nas pontuações de ART, apenas em 10 mph as pontuações do pós e do teste de retenção foram notavelmente maiores do que as pontuações do pré-teste para ambos os grupos experimentais e não para o grupo de controle. Em conclusão, os exergames VR e um treinamento típico são ferramentas eficazes para melhorar a DP e ART em jogadores de voleibol de 8 a 10 anos de idade


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    The purpose of the present research was to study the effect of self-regulated feedback on the acquisition and learning of the volleyball overhand service skill in novice female players 10-11 years old. Twenty-eight (28) novice female athletes aged 10-11 years old and with a 2- year training experience participated in this study. The female athletes were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental (n=14) and the control group (n=14). The athletes of both groups followed a five week training program with two units per week, which included drills for the learning of the service skill. The athletes of the experimental group were able to ask for feedback whenever they wished, while the athletes of the control group followed the program for learning the skill, taking feedback (knowledge of performance), whenever it was considered necessary by the coach. The results showed that there were significant differences between the two groups in learning the skill. Specifically, the experimental group was better at all the elements of the service skill, except for the throw of the ball, which apparently is due to lack of coordination of athletes at this age. It is suggested that coaches can use the self-regulated feedback, for better performance and learning and to develop athletes’ internal cognitive processes

    The effect of self-talk on Tae-kwon-do skills’ learning of novice athletes and perceived use of it

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of instructional self-talk on performance and learning two basic skills of W.T.F Tae-kwon-do (Ap chagi and Bandae jireugi), in the perceived use of self-talk of novice athletes as well as in the possible correlation between the dimensions (effort, automaticity, cognitive and emotional control, self-confidence and attention) of the “Functions of Self-Talk Questionnaire,-FSTQ” (Theodorakis, Hatzigeorgiadis & Chroni, 2008). The sample consisted of 36 novice boys and girls, 8-12 years old (M=9.53, SD=1.53) and were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental (instructional self-talk group, N = 18) and the control group (N = 18). The intervention program lasted 8 weeks (2 sessions per week). Before starting the practice of skills, the participants spoke aloud specific key-words for the proper use of the technical skill. Participants were evaluated with a pre-test in the beginning of the program, a post-test at the end and one week after the final test they were evaluated in retention test. Moreover the evaluation of skill involved ten trials every skill, which were recorded by a digital camera and evaluated in five main elements of skill, by two observers. The result showed that the instructional self-talk was more effective for performance and learning the skills than the group that received feedback with traditional teaching. The use of instructional self-talk on younger athletes helped them to learn the skills but also to develop the psychological dimensions of the questionnaire (effort, automaticity, cognitive and emotional control, self-confidence and attention). Instructional self-talk can be an additional tool in the hands of the coach / physical education teacher for teaching and improving skill performances in other sports

    Idiopathic sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (or abdominal cocoon)

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (or abdominal cocoon) is a rare cause of small bowel obstruction, especially in adult population. Diagnosis is usually incidental at laparotomy. We discuss one such rare case, outlining the fact that an intra-operative surprise diagnosis could have been facilitated by previous investigations. CASE PRESENTATION: A 56 year-old man presented in A&E department with small bowel ileus. He had a history of 6 similar episodes of small bowel obstruction in the past 4 years, which resolved with conservative treatment. Pre-operative work-up did not reveal any specific etiology. At laparotomy, a fibrous capsule was revealed, in which small bowel loops were encased, with the presence of interloop adhesions. A diagnosis of abdominal cocoon was established and extensive adhesiolysis was performed. The patient had an uneventful recovery and follow-up. CONCLUSION: Idiopathic sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis, although rare, may be the cause of a common surgical emergency such as small bowel ileus, especially in cases with attacks of non-strangulating obstruction in the same individual. A high index of clinical suspicion may be generated by the recurrent character of small bowel ileus combined with relevant imaging findings and lack of other plausible etiologies. Clinicians must rigorously pursue a preoperative diagnosis, as it may prevent a "surprise" upon laparotomy and result in proper management

    The effectiveness evaluation of computer-assisted instruction in teaching motor skills in secondary education

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of traditional instruction (TI), computer-assisted instruction (CAI), and a mixed method (MI) on learning the skills of setting in volleyball, of shooting in basketball and the long jump in track and field, by comparing the knowledge and skill test scores of high school students following an instructional period. The participants were 144 high school students of first and second grade who were randomly assigned to one of three teaching method groups: a)TI, b)CAI, and c)MI. Each group received nine 40-min periods of instruction, including 5-10 min warm-up time, on successive and separate days. Each 40-min period was divided into 4 sections: a)5 min warm-up, b)15-min instructional time, c)15-min main practice time and d)5-min cool dawn and review. At the beginning and at the end of this study the groups received a 10-item multiple choice knowledge test, a skill test and an attitude questionnaire. The result indicated that: a)the mixed method as a teaching aid appears to be the most effective and profitable teaching method for cognitive learning and skill development of the setting ability in volleyball, the shooting ability in basketball and the long jump in track and field and b)the method of computer assisted instruction had more positive confrontation from the students concerning the traditional method of instruction. Conclusively the multimedia technology as a teaching aid is as effective and profitable as the traditional teaching method on learning skills.Σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας ήταν η εξέταση της αποτελεσματικότητας τριών μεθόδων διδασκαλίας, της παραδοσιακής διδασκαλίας (ΤΙ), της διδασκαλίας με την βοήθεια υπολογιστή (CAI), και της μεικτής διδασκαλίας (MI), στη μάθηση τριών αθλητικών δεξιοτήτων. Αυτές ήταν α)η "πάσα με τα δάχτυλα' στο άθλημα της πετοσφαίρισης, β)το "σουτ σε στάση" στο άθλημα της καλαθοσφαίρισης και γ)το "άλμα σε μήκος" στο άθλημα του κλασικού αθλητισμού. Μελετήθηκαν τα αποτελέσματα στις δοκιμασίες γνώσης και δεξιότητας μαθητών οι οποίοι συμμετείχαν σε μια περίοδο διδασκαλίας. Οι συμμετέχοντες ήταν 144 μαθητές γυμνασίου της πρώτης και δευτέρας τάξης, που τυχαία κατανεμήθηκαν σε μια από τις τρεις ομάδες διδασκαλίας: α)TI, β)CAI, και γ)MI. Κάθε ομάδα ασκήθηκε για εννιά 40-λεπτες περιόδους διδασκαλίας. Κάθε περίοδος εξάσκησης χωρίστηκε σε 4 τμήματα: α)5 λεπτά προθέρμανσης, β)15 λεπτά θεωρητικής διδασκαλίας, γ)15 λεπτά πρακτικής εξάσκησης, και δ)5 λεπτά αποθεραπείας και κριτικής του μαθήματος. Στην αρχή και στο τέλος της έρευνας οι ομάδες συμμετείχαν σε μία δοκιμασία αξιολόγησης των γνώσεων με σύστημα πολλαπλής επιλογής, σε μια δοκιμασία αξιολόγησης εκτέλεσης της δεξιότητας και μια αξιολόγηση στάσεων για τις μεθόδους διδασκαλίας. Μία βδομάδα μετά το πέρας της περιόδου απόδοσης ακολούθησε η αξιολόγηση της διατήρησης της μάθησης. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι: α)η μέθοδος ΜΙ είχε την τάση να υπερτερεί στη μάθηση(γνωστική και κινητική) και στις τρεις δεξιότητες και β)η μέθοδος CAI είχε θετικότερη αντιμετώπιση από τους μαθητές σε σχέση με τη μέθοδο ΤΙ. Συμπερασματικά η τεχνολογία των πολυμέσων μπορεί να είναι ένα ενδιαφέρον και ελκυστικό μέσο διδασκαλίας και μάθησης κινητικών δεξιοτήτων, σε συνδυασμό με τους κλασσικούς τρόπους διδασκαλίας

    Effect of a Full Immersive Virtual Reality Intervention on Selective Attention in Children

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of two educational interventions, a program based on Full Immersive Virtual Reality games and a Typical Training program, in Selective Attention (SA) of children aged 8-10 years old. Forty-eight girls of elementary school from the city of Komotini, in Greece, participated in this study. They were randomly divided into three individual groups of 16 children each, one Control Group (CG) and two experimental groups. The CG did not receive any structured SA training program, while the two experimental groups attended a program focused on improving SA for 6 weeks, twice a week for 24 min, each time. The participants of FIVE group attended a full immersive program in Playstation4 VR and the participants of TT group attended a typical training to the gym. Before, after and one –month after the interventions SA was estimated using Super Lab, recording the number and the RT of correct answers of relevant and irrelevant questions to volleyball. Two-way analyses of variance with repeated measures were conducted to determine the effect of training program groups and measurements across number and RT of correct answers on SA performance. Analysis of the data illustrated that the post-test SA scores and the one –month retention test SA scores were remarkably greater than pre-test SA scores for both experimental groups and not for the CG. In conclusion exergames VR are effective tools for improving SA such as typical training


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    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of literature program on development emotional and motor skills of students aged 10-12 in the sport of volleyball. Students from 5th and 6th grade (Ν=257, 123 boys and 134 girls), participated in the research. The students were randomly divided into two groups. The first group (n=173) followed a 4 months literature program using the literary book "The Knight in Rusty Armor" and the second group (n=84) followed the typical Physical Education program. The teaching of emotional skills was combined with a program of learning the Volleyball cognitive backhand skill. Social-emotional intelligence was assessed with the questionnaire "Emotional Quotient-Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-I:YV)" by Bar-On and Parker, while the cognitive assessment of backhand service was carried out with criteria sheet 4 (p. 65) of the Physical Education book of the 5th-6th grade teacher. The non-parametric Friedman test - K related samples and the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the effect of the literature intervention. The results showed that the intervention program was effective with the students of the experimental group showing a significant improvement in terms of emotional skills: intrapersonal (P=0.290, Df(1), χ2: 1.119), empathy (P=0.128, Df(1), χ2: 2.312), social responsibility (P=0.610, Df(1), χ2: 0.261), adaptability (P=0.006, Df(1), χ2: 7.615), stress control (P=0.000, Df(1), χ2: 53.161) and general mood (P=0.790, Df(1), χ2:0.071). There was also an improvement in the cognitive of the back-hand service technique skill, (P=0.000, Df(2), χ2: 61.843). In contrast, students in the control group did not show any improvement in emotional skills and performance of cognitive backhand service skill. Therefore, the findings support the positive contribution of literature to the improvement of emotional and motor skills through the practice of the intervention program