256 research outputs found

    Utilization of metabolic flux analysis for metabolome data validation of xylose-fermenting yeasts.

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    Detection of transit timing variations in excess of one hour in the Kepler multi-planet candidate system KOI 806 with the GTC

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    We report the detection of transit timing variations (TTVs) well in excess of one hour in the Kepler multi-planet candidate system KOI 806. This system exhibits transits consistent with three separate planets -- a Super-Earth, a Jupiter, and a Saturn -- lying very nearly in a 1:2:5 resonance, respectively. We used the Kepler public data archive and observations with the Gran Telescopio de Canarias to compile the necessary photometry. For the largest candidate planet (KOI 806.02) in this system, we detected a large transit timing variation of -103.5±\pm6.9 minutes against previously published ephemeris. We did not obtain a strong detection of a transit color signature consistent with a planet-sized object; however, we did not detect a color difference in transit depth, either. The large TTV is consistent with theoretical predictions that exoplanets in resonance can produce large transit timing variations, particularly if the orbits are eccentric. The presence of large TTVs among the bodies in this systems indicates that KOI806 is very likely to be a planetary system. This is supported by the lack of a strong color dependence in the transit depth, which would suggest a blended eclipsing binary.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted into A&A Letter

    WASP-86b and WASP-102b: super-dense versus bloated planets

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    We report the discovery of two transiting planetary systems: a super dense, sub-Jupiter mass planet WASP-86b (Mpl = 0.82 ± 0.06 MJ; Rpl = 0.63 ± 0.01 RJ), and a bloated, Saturn-like planet WASP-102b (Mpl = 0.62 ± 0.04 MJ; Rpl = 1.27 ± 0.03 RJ). They orbit their host star every ∼5.03, and ∼2.71 days, respectively. The planet hosting WASP-86 is a F7 star (Teff = 6330±110 K, [Fe/H] = +0.23 ± 0.14 dex, and age ∼0.8–1 Gyr); WASP-102 is a G0 star (Teff = 5940±140 K, [Fe/H] = −0.09± 0.19 dex, and age ∼1 Gyr). These two systems highlight the diversity of planetary radii over similar masses for giant planets with masses between Saturn and Jupiter. WASP-102b shows a larger than model-predicted radius, indicating that the planet is receiving a strong incident flux which contributes to the inflation of its radius. On the other hand, with a density of ρpl = 3.24± 0.3 ρJ, WASP-86b is the densest gas giant planet among planets with masses in the range 0.05 Mpl J. With a stellar mass of 1.34 M⊙ and [Fe/H]= +0.23 dex, WASP-86 could host additional massive and dense planets given that its protoplanetary disc is expected to also have been enriched with heavy elements. In order to match WASP-86b’s density, an extrapolation of theoretical models predicts a planet composition of more than 80% in heavy elements (whether confined in a core or mixed in the envelope). This fraction corresponds to a core mass of approximately 210M⊕ for WASP-86b’s mass of Mpl∼260 M⊕. Only planets with masses larger than about 2 MJ have larger densities than that of WASP-86b, making it exceptional in its mass range

    Detecção de RNA genômico do vírus da artrite-encefalite caprina (CAEV) por amplificação do gene estrutural gag em amostras sangüíneas e de líquido sinovial após injúria tecidual.

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    A artrite-encefalite caprina (CAE) é uma doença viral que acomete os caprinos provocando artrite, encefalite, mamite e pneumonia, acarretando perdas econômicas. A RT-nested PCR é uma técnica de diagnóstico molecular sensível e específica que foi aplicada em amostras sangüíneas e de líquido sinovial coletadas de animais infectados pelo CAEV e submetidos a uma injúria tecidual nas articulações carpo-metacárpicas uma semana antes da coleta. O RNA foi extraído das amostras, convertido a cDNA e então submetido a duas rodadas de amplificação com iniciadores externos e internos direcionados para o gene estrutural viral gag. Das 17 fêmeas analisadas, 12 apresentaram resultados positivos no sangue e 14 foram positivas (sendo 2 positivos fracos) no líquido sinovial. Estes resultados mostram que estas amostras podem ser utilizadas para o diagnóstico da CAE, não havendo diferenças estatísticas entre elas

    Fusing multi-season UAS images with convolutional neural networks to map tree species in Amazonian forests.

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    Remote sensing images obtained by unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) across different seasons enabled capturing of species-specific phenological patterns of tropical trees. The application of UAS multi-season images to classify tropical tree species is still poorly understood. In this study, we used RGB images from different seasons obtained by a low-cost UAS and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to map tree species in an Amazonian forest. Individual tree crowns (ITC) were outlined in the UAS images and identified to the species level using forest inventory data. The CNN model was trained with images obtained in February, May, August, and November. The classification accuracy in the rainy season (November and February) was higher than in the dry season (May and August). Fusing images from multiple seasons improved the average accuracy of tree species classification by up to 21.1 percentage points, reaching 90.5%. The CNN model can learn species-specific phenological characteristics that impact the classification accuracy, such as leaf fall in the dry season, which highlights its potential to discriminate species in various conditions. We produced high-quality individual tree crown maps of the species using a post-processing procedure. The combination of multi-season UAS images and CNNs has the potential to map tree species in the Amazon, providing valuable insights for forest management and conservation initiatives

    Habitable Zones in the Universe

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    Habitability varies dramatically with location and time in the universe. This was recognized centuries ago, but it was only in the last few decades that astronomers began to systematize the study of habitability. The introduction of the concept of the habitable zone was key to progress in this area. The habitable zone concept was first applied to the space around a star, now called the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Recently, other, vastly broader, habitable zones have been proposed. We review the historical development of the concept of habitable zones and the present state of the research. We also suggest ways to make progress on each of the habitable zones and to unify them into a single concept encompassing the entire universe.Comment: 71 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; to be published in Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres; table slightly revise

    Uso da técnica de swim-up para a remoção do Vírus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina do sêmen de reprodutores infectados.

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    Resumo: Neste estudo, 67 ejaculados foram avaliados, antes e depois da técnica de swim-up, em relação à qualidade seminal e à presença do CAEV. Das 67 amostras testadas por PCRn, antes do swim-up, 47 (70,15%) foram positivas para o DNA pró-viral. No entanto, quatro amostras adicionais foram positivas ao RT-nested PCR após o swim-up, o que permite dizer que, pelo menos, 76,12% (51/67) delas estavam infectadas antes da lavagem. Todavia, em 23,88% (16/67) das amostras não foi detectada a presença do CAEV. Após a aplicação da técnica de swim-up, constatou-se, pela PCRn e RT-nested PCR, que houve uma redução significativa (X²= 9,078; p<0,001) da presença do CAEV nas amostras seminais, pois 28 de 51 amostras positivas resultaram livres do vírus (54,90%), tanto para DNA pró-viral quanto para o vírus livre. Em relação à motilidade individual progressiva (MIP) e vigor espermático obtidos antes e depois da técnica de swim-up, observou-se uma diminuição significativa em suas médias, sendo o MIP de 86,42% para 71,49%, já o vigor espermático de 4,16 para 3,93. Conclui-se que a eliminação do CAEV no sêmen é de caráter intermitente, e que a associação da PCRn e RT-nested PCR é uma opção segura para a certificação sanitária individual das amostras seminais quanto à presença ou ausência do CAEV. Finalmente, a técnica de swim-up promove uma redução na infectividade de amostras de sêmen contaminadas, e, além disso, é possível promover a recuperação de espermatozoides viáveis. [Use of swim-up technique for removal of the Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus in the semen of infect bucks]. Abstract: In this study, 67 ejaculates were assessed before and after the swim-up technique in relation to semen quality and presence of CAEV. Of the 67 samples tested by Nested PCR, before swim-up 47 (70.15%) were positive for viral DNA. Furthermore, four additional samples were positive for RT-nested PCR after swim-up, which allows us to affirm that at least 76.12% (51/67) were infected before washing. However, 23.88% (16/67) of the samples did not detect the presence of CAEV. After application of the swim-up technique it was found, by Nested PCR and RT-nested PCR, that there was a significant decrease (X² = 9.078, p <0.001) in the presence of CAEV in semen samples, once 28 of 51 positive samples were free from the virus (54.90%) for both proviral DNA and the free form of the virus. Regarding individual progressive motility (IPM) and spermatic vigor obtained before and after the swim-up technique, a significant decrease was observed in the average, being 86.42% of the IPM to 71.49% and the spermatic vigor from 4.16 for the 3.93. It is concluded that the removal of CAEV in semen has an intermittent character, and the combination of PCR and RT-nested PCR is a safe option for health certification of individual semen samples for the presence or absence of CAEV. Finally, the swim-up technique promotes a reduction in the infectivity of contaminated semen samples, and it is possible to promote the recovery of high individual progressive motility sperm and sperm vigor