4,429 research outputs found

    Pulmonary mycobiome of patients with suspicion of respiratory fungal infection – an exploratory study

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    Objective: This pilot study aimed to characterize the pulmonary mycobiome of patients with suspicion of fungal infection of the respiratory tract as well as to identify potentially pathogenic fungi colonizing/infecting their lungs. Methods: A cohort of 10 patients was analyzed, including HIV+ patients and patients with active infection caused by Mycobacterium species. Their respiratory samples (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid/ bronchial secretions) were pre-treated with lyticase and proteinase K; DNA was extracted using the High Pure PCR Template Preparation kit following the manufacturer’s instructions. The internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) and calmodulin gene were amplified by PCR and the resulting amplicons were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform with pair-end reads of 150 bp. The obtained results were analyzed using the PIPITS pipeline as described by Gweon et al. [1]. Operational taxonomic units (OTU) to which less than 0.1% of the total reads attributed were disregarded. Results: Thirty-seven different OTU were identified from which two belonged to the Plantae kingdom, 11 had less than the 0.1% threshold of the total reads and were therefore disregarded. The remaining 24 different OTU (grouped in 17 phylotypes), were considered as part of the pulmonary mycobiome of patients. Two phyla were identified: Basidiomycota (33.3%) and Ascomycota (54.2%). Regarding the Basidiomycota phylum, reads were classified in three classes (Agaricomycetes, Tremellomycetes and Walleomycetes), while for the Ascomycota phylum four different taxonomical classes were identified: Pneumocystidomycetes, Dothideomycetes, Eurotiomycetes and Saccharomycetes, with the latter being the most frequent class. Twelve fungal genera were identified, being Candida the most frequently detected. The median number of fungal genera detected in patients’ pulmonary mycobiome was six (ranging from two up to nine). The genus Papilotrema and the potentially pathogenic genera Cryptococcus and Pneumocystis were exclusively found in the pulmonary mycobiome of HIV+ + patients. Other potentially pathogenic fungi such as Aspergillus spp., Trichosporon spp., Saccharomyces spp. and Schizophyllum spp. were also detected. Conclusion: This pilot study illustrates how the pulmonary mycobiome is rich and highly variable in patients with fungal infections. The obtained results suggest that the described metagenomic analysis may possess a great ability to quickly and effectively detect potentially pathogenic fungi in the mycobiome of patients, making it a promising future diagnostic tool. Thus, further optimization, standardization and clinical validation of these NGS methodologies should be warranted in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Afinidades genealógicas : cartas de Ernesto do Canto para Agostinho de Ornelas de Vasconcelos

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    No Arquivo da Família Ornelas Vasconcelos, depositado no Arquivo Regional da Madeira, encontram-se algumas cartas de Ernesto do Canto (Ponta Delgada, 12 de Dezembro de 1831 – Ponta Delgada, 21 de Agosto de 1900) dirigidas a Agostinho de Ornelas de Vasconcelos Esmeraldo Rolim de Moura (Caniço, Madeira, 14 de Março de 1836 – Niederwald, Alemanha, 6 de Setembro de 1901). Amigos, pelo menos desde os tempos de Coimbra, os dois ilhéus interessavam-se, de forma particular, pela História e a Genealogia, de modo que, frequentemente, trocavam informações, inclusive bibliográficas, esclareciam dúvidas e, reciprocamente, solicitavam favores, em especial, consultas na Torre do Tombo. As cartas, que reunimos e publicamos, revelam-nos esse interesse comum no conhecimento de antepassados. É ainda notória a proveitosa colaboração entre ambos no colmatar de lacunas das suas abundantes e diversificadas pesquisas, num tempo em que as comunicações se reduziam à via marítima e as distâncias geográficas condicionavam fortemente o acesso às fontes. [...

    Economia e defesa : a defesa económica como componente da defesa nacional

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    Enquanto que, no passado, a defesa assentava quase que exclusivamente no vector militar, hoje, fruto de circunstâncias históricas bem conhecidas, as componentes não-militares tendem a assumir um papel mais importante e decisivo. Neste particular, a componente econó- mica da defesa vem assumindo um protagonismo inigualável. As novas realidades globais elevaram exponencialmente a conflitualidade económica e trouxeram a lume um conjunto de ameaças de cariz não-militar que colocam, cada vez mais, em risco a segurança de um Estado. Contra tais ameaças, de nada servem as armas tradicionais da panóplia militar. Num contexto de globalização e de forte integração económica na União Europeia, também Portugal tem de repensar a sua defesa nacional, à luz de um novo conceito de defesa que, de facto, garanta a segurança do País. Esse conceito, basear-se-á, necessariamente, numa forte articulação de todas as suas componentes, militares e não-militares, e onde a defesa económica surja de forma relevante. De facto, também para Portugal, a defesa económica é uma componente fundamental da defesa e é, precisamente, no contexto supracitado, que a sua necessidade se torna mais prement

    Best practice guidelines in external aerodynamics CFD: applied to unmanned aerial vehicles at cruise conditions

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    Alferes-Aluno ENGAER 136867-C Ricardo José Cabral Veríssimo. Supervisor: Dr. Nelson Pereira Caetano Marques; Co-supervisors: Major ENGEL João Manuel Moreira Simões. Capitão ENGAER Ana Sofia Andrês dos Reis Lesiário Examination Committee: Chairperson: MGen PILAV Joaquim Manuel Nunes Borrego; Supervisor: Dr. Nelson Pereira Caetano Marques; Co-supervisors: Major ENGEL João Manuel Moreira Simões; Capitão ENGAER Ana Sofia Andrês dos Reis Lesiário; Member of the Committee: Major ENGAER Carlos Pereira da SilvaO presente trabalho visa o estabelecimento de uma metodologia para a caracterização aerodinâmica de veículos aéreos nâo-tripulados (VANT) em condições de cruzeiro no âmbito de projectos de investigação na Força Aérea Portuguesa. Este estudo foca-se no preparação de modelos baseados na mecânica de fluidos computacional (CFD) e de testes em túnel de vento e voo que permitam correlação e validação cruzada de resultados. O caso de estudo é um VANT de classe I que opera a baixas velocidades subsónicas. Informação relativa a esta aplicação específica deste tipo de estudos é limitada na comunidade científica e, dado o crescente interesse em tecnologia ligada a VANTs, considera-se altamente relevante para a industria aeroespacial tanto no sector civil como militar. Casos de validação bidimensionais (perfil alar) a tridimensionais (asa finita) são apresentados por forma a aferir a precisão dos resultados e as limitações dos métodos utilizados comparativamente a dados publicados. As simulaçães foram implementadas em Star-CCM+ e testes em túnel de vento foram executados numa secção de teste aberta com meio-modelos, equipados com tomadas de pressão e produzidos por impressão 3D, para escoamentos entre os números de Reynolds de 3:0 105 e 4:1 105. Testes de visualizacção de escoamentos foram efectuados por forma a obter informacção adicional para uma validacção qualitativa. Os testes de voo introduzem equipamentos desenvolvidos específicamente para pequenas plataformas aéreas não tripuladas a partir de componentes electrónicos de baixo custo. Os resultados computacionais correlacionam-se favoravelmente com dados publicados e estão em excelente acordo com os resultados dos testes de visualização de escoamentos. As leituras de pressão nas tomadas de pressão em túnel de vento correlacionam-se bem com os resultados experimentais mas não foram bem sucedidas em voo. As forças aerodinâmicas medidas em túnel de vento não validam as previsões computacionais mas aparentam subestimar sustentação e sobrestimar a resistência aerodinâmica consistentemente.The purpose of this paper is to establish a methodology for the aerodynamic characterization of unmanned aerial vehicles at cruise conditions in the Portuguese Air Force, focusing on the set-up of computational fluid dynamics models and both wind tunnel and flight testing experimental procedures that warrant correlation and cross-validation of results. The case study is a Class I UAV with a twin boom pusher prop configuration that operates at low subsonic speeds. Information for this specific application was found to be limited in the scientific literature and, given the increasing interest in unmanned aerial vehicle technology, it is considered highly relevant for the aerospace industry on civil and military sectors alike. 2-Dimensional (airfoil) and 3-dimensional (finite wing) validation test cases are presented in order to access the accuracy of the results and limitations of the employed methods against published data. Numerical simulations were implemented with commercial software Star-CCM+ and wind tunnel tests were executed in an open test section with a reflection plane and 3D printed semi-span models with pressure taps, for Reynolds numbers ranging from 3:0 105 to 4:1 105. Flow visualization wind tunnel tests with china-clay were performed in order to collect additional qualitative experimental validation data. Flight testing introduces several proof-of-concept equipments featuring low-cost sensors for unmanned flight data acquisition in small platforms. The computational results correlate favourably with the available reference data and are in excellent agreement with the experimental flow visualization results. Pressure tap measurements from wind tunnel tests compare well against computational results but were unsuccessful in flight. Wind tunnel force coefficient results do not validate the computational predictions, but appear to consistently under-predict lift and over-predict drag.N/

    Health-Related Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    This book is dedicated to inflammatory bowel disease, and the authors discuss the advances in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease, as well as several new parameters involved in the etiopathogeny of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, such as intestinal barrier dysfunction and the roles of TH 17 cells and IL 17 in the immune response in inflammatory bowel disease. The book also focuses on several relevant clinical points, such as pregnancy during inflammatory bowel disease and the health-related quality of life as an end point of the different treatments of the diseases. Finally, advances in management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease are discussed, especially in a complete review of the recent literature

    The Significance of Outdoor Domestic Space for an Ecodevelopment Model of Medium-Size Cities. A Case Study of Dondo, Mozambique

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    In the neighbourhoods of Dondo, the urban environment materialises through the appropriation of the natural environment by society in order to construct its habitat and fulfil its needs in a lasting, balanced manner, because “human participation in nature’s processes is the natural condition of human existence” (Schmidt, 1971: 79). In order to resist the marginalisation of the dualistic city, the external space surrounding the house – which I call the ‘Outdoor Domestic Space’ – is adapted to integrate both farming and businesses, shaping a green and ruralised pattern of urbanisation. Assuming that there is an innate relationship between humanity and nature, industrialisation and the rise of capitalism marks the rupture between ‘democracy’ and ‘ecology’. This paper suggests that it is possible for societies to reassert collaborative practices and self-organisation

    um projecto de intervenção na UMUM natureza, função e actores implicados

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    Com esta comunicação, pretende-se refletir sobre a especificidade da mediação académica, assente na dialética teoria/prática, identificar os atores implicados, questionar a função que lhe cabe assumir, no sentido de desenvolver opções de conduta, de considerar alternativas com vista à promoção de um relacionamento positivo e de um acordo consensual. Foca-se a pertinência de implementar uma dinâmica de cariz voluntário e colaborativo, não recorrendo à força, enfatizando todavia a imprescindibilidade do envolvimento de todas as partes envolvidas. Questiona-se, pois, como encarar a mediação, isto é, se a considerar um método, se um processo ou, antes, um complemento – método/processo –, resultante da interação das normativas com situações concretas e inesperadas que obrigam a agir em função do que vai emergindo, adequando regras e princípios, oferecendo oportunidades de resolução alternativa dos conflitos. A par da intenção que orienta o projeto, como reflexão conclusiva, impõe-se prospectivar a programação de acções a implementar a fim de responder às necessidades que forem sendo detectadas e ao aproveitamento das potencialidades que se forem identificando.With this communication, we intend to reflect on the specificity of academic mediation, based on dialectical theory / practice, identifying the actors involved and questioning the role that fits each one of them, in order to develop management options, consider alternatives to promote a positive relationship and attain a consensual agreement. We focus on the relevance of implementing a dynamic voluntary and collaborative nature, emphasizing the indispensability of the involvement of all parties involved. So se look up to bring up the value of mediation, i.e., considering it in a complementary way– method / process – resulting from the interaction of regulations with concrete and unexpected situations that force to act according to what is emerging, adapting rules and principles, offering alternative dispute resolution opportunities for conflict. Along with the intention behind the design, as conclusive reflection, it must be looked forward as an action program to implement in order to meet the needs that are being detected and the use of potentialities that are identified

    Landscape and Environment : a conceptual distinction

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    Neste artigo, mostramos como o conceito de ambiente, quando tomado como categoria principal de uma visão do mundo que procura reconhecer, apreciar e proteger os espaços naturais, conduz inevitavelmente a consequências contraditórias: por um lado, desvaloriza o papel de cada particular, subsumindo-o em conjuntos e totalidades; por outro, contrapõe de modo rígido o humano e o não-humano como duas esferas separadas. Pelo contrário, uma visão do mundo fundada na Paisagem, uma categoria sintética que integra o fundamento natural com dimensões humanas permitirá reatar harmonias e modos de encontro num mundo marcado por profundas cisões e preocupantes sinais de desagregação do humano. O artigo discute algumas das principais teorias actuais, como as de Allen Carlson e Arnold Berleant, no âmbito da estética ambiental, e de Rosario Assunto, o principal representante da estética da paisagem.In this article, I aim to show how the concept of environment inevitably leads to contradictory consequences when it is taken as a major category of a worldview that seeks to recognize, appreciate and protect natural spaces: on the one hand, it devalues the role of each particular element, subsuming it into sets and wholes; on the other, it rigidly opposes the human and the non-human as two separate spheres. On the contrary, a world view founded on the category of Landscape, a synthetic category which involves a natural foundation with human dimensions, allows resuming harmonies and modes of living in a world marked by profound divisions and worrying signs of disintegration of the human

    BYD company limited equity research

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    The purpose of this project is to evaluate the equity value of BYD Company Limited. In this sense, it contains a comprehensive financial and strategic analysis of the company, as well as an in-depthunderstanding of automotive, rechargeable batteries and mobile handset industries in China. A Discounted Cash Flow valuation was performed grounded on the company and industry knowledge, delivering a price target of 42.30 RMB for A-shares and a final recommendation of SELL, with a downside of 11.2% to the current stock price. Further, sensitivity and scenario analysis were carried out to test the key model predictions and assumptions