16,602 research outputs found

    Magnetic excitations of perovskite rare-earth nickelates: RNiO3_3

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    The perovskite nickelates RNiO3_3 (R: rare-earth) have been studied as potential multiferroic compounds. A certain degree of charge disproportionation in the Ni ions has been confirmed by high resolution synchrotron power diffraction: instead of the nominal Ni3+^{3+} valence, they can have the mixed-valence state Ni(3−δ)+^{(3-\delta)+} and Ni(3+δ)+^{(3+\delta)+}, though agreement has not been reached on the precise value of δ\delta (e.g. for NdNiO3_3, δ=0.0\delta=0.0 and δ=0.29\delta=0.29 were reported). Also, the magnetic ground state is not yet clear: collinear and non-collinear Ni-O magnetic structures have been proposed to explain neutron diffraction and soft X-ray resonant sccattering results in these compounds, and more recently a canted antiferromagnetic spin arrangement was proposed on the basis of magnetic susceptibility measurements. This scenario is reminiscent of the situation in the half-doped manganites. In order to gain insight into the ground state of these compounds, we studied the magnetic excitations of some of the different phases proposed, using a localized spin model for a simplified spin chain which could describe these compounds. We first analize the stability of the collinear, orthogonal, and intermediate phases in the classical case. We then explore the quantum ground state indirectly, calculating the spin excitations obtained for each phase, using the Holstein-Primakoff transformation and the linear spin-wave approximation. For the collinear and orthogonal (θ=π/2\theta=\pi/2) phases, we predict differences in the magnon spectrum which would allow to distinguish between them in future inelastic neutron scattering experiments

    Dust formation around AGB and SAGB stars: a trend with metallicity?

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    We calculate the dust formed around AGB and SAGB stars of metallicity Z=0.008 by following the evolution of models with masses in the range 1M<M<8M throughthe thermal pulses phase, and assuming that dust forms via condensation of molecules within a wind expanding isotropically from the stellar surface. We find that, because of the strong Hot Bottom Burning (HBB) experienced, high mass models produce silicates, whereas lower mass objects are predicted to be surrounded by carbonaceous grains; the transition between the two regimes occurs at a threshold mass of 3.5M. These fndings are consistent with the results presented in a previous investigation, for Z=0.001. However, in the present higher metallicity case, the production of silicates in the more massive stars continues for the whole AGB phase, because the HBB experienced is softer at Z=0.008 than at Z=0.001, thus the oxygen in the envelope, essential for the formation of water molecules, is never consumed completely. The total amount of dust formed for a given mass experiencing HBB increases with metallicity, because of the higher abundance of silicon, and the softer HBB, both factors favouring a higher rate of silicates production. This behaviour is not found in low mass stars,because the carbon enrichment of the stellar surface layers, due to repeated Third Drege Up episodes, is almost independent of the metallicity. Regarding cosmic dust enrichment by intermediate mass stars, we find that the cosmic yield at Z=0.008 is a factor 5 larger than at Z=0.001. In the lower metallicity case carbon dust dominates after about 300 Myr, but at Z=0.008 the dust mass is dominated by silicates at all times,with a prompt enrichment occurring after about 40 Myr, associated with the evolution of stars with masses M =7.5 -8M.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 2 Tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantum magnons of the intermediate phase of half-doped manganite oxides

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    At half doping, the ground state of three-dimensional manganite perovskite oxides like R1−x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3, where R is a trivalent ion such as La, Pr, etc, is still unclear. Many experimental findings agree better with the combined magnetic, charge, and orbital order characteristic of the "intermediate phase", introduced by Efremov et al. in 2004 [Nature Mats. 3, 853]. This phase consists of spin dimers (thus incorporating aspects of the Zener polaron phase (ZP) proposed in 2002 by Daoud-Aladine et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 097205]), though formed by a pair of parallel Mn spins of different magnitude, in principle (thereby allowing for a degree of Mn charge disproportionation: not necessarily as large as that of Mn3+^{3+}-Mn4+^{4+} in Goodenough's original CE phase [Phys. Rev. 100, 564 (1955)]). In the intermediate phase, consecutive spin dimers localed along the planar zig-zag chains are oriented at a constant relative angle Φ\Phi between them. Varying Mn-charge disproportionation and Φ\Phi, the intermediate phase should allow to continuously interpolate between the two limiting cases of the CE phase and the dimer phase denoted as "orthogonal intermediate π/2−\pi/2-phase". It is not easy to find a microscopic model able to describe the phenomenological intermediate phase adequately for the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom simultaneously. Here, we study the quantum spin excitations of a planar model of interacting localized spins, which we found can stabilize the intermediate phase classically. We compare the quantum magnons of the intermediate phase with those of the CE and orthogonal π/2\pi/2 phases, in the context of recent experimental results.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures Manuscript accepted 29 April 2013, by IEEE - Transactions on Magnetic

    Patent Valuation under Spatial Point Processes with Delayed and Decreasing Jump Intensity

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    This article is set within the real options approach applied to patent valuation. Such evaluation is based on the knowledge of the impact of some events on the underlying state, which is modeled in discrete time as a spatial point process, i.e. both size and time of the jumps can be treated as random variables. This assumption allows us to improve upon the current theory of patent valuation in some respects. In particular, the propagation of the jumps from the economic environment to the patent value is not restricted to be immediate, but can occur with a random delay and with varying intensity, depending on the time to maturity. These actual features lead to a more general formula for patent value that may give rise to a non-trivial difference not accounted for in the existing literature

    Seismology of Procyon A: determination of mode frequencies, amplitudes, lifetimes, and granulation noise

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    The F5 IV-V star Procyon A (aCMi) was observed in January 2001 by means of the high resolution spectrograph SARG operating with the TNG 3.5m Italian telescope (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) at Canary Islands, exploiting the iodine cell technique. The time-series of about 950 spectra carried out during 6 observation nights and a preliminary data analysis were presented in Claudi et al. 2005. These measurements showed a significant excess of power between 0.5 and 1.5 mHz, with ~ 1 m/s peak amplitude. Here we present a more detailed analysis of the time-series, based on both radial velocity and line equivalent width analyses. From the power spectrum we found a typical p-mode frequency comb-like structure, identified with a good margin of certainty 11 frequencies in the interval 0.5-1400 mHz of modes with l=0,1,2 and 7< n < 22, and determined large and small frequency separations, Dn = 55.90 \pm 0.08 muHz and dnu_02=7.1 \pm 1.3 muHz, respectively. The mean amplitude per mode (l=0,1) at peak power results to be 0.45 \pm 0.07 m/s, twice larger than the solar one, and the mode lifetime 2 \pm 0.4 d, that indicates a non-coherent, stochastic source of mode excitation. Line equivalent width measurements do not show a significant excess of power in the examined spectral region but allowed us to infer an upper limit to the granulation noise.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&
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