741 research outputs found

    A Remuneração variável como fator para a instabilidade dos mercados financeiros

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em EconomiaO presente trabalho visa analisar se a remuneração variável de analistas e executivos financeiros pode contribuir para a formação de eventos extremos nos mercados acionários. A hipótese norteadora é de que a elevação da parcela da renda variável na remuneração total dos agentes financeiros os incentivariam a realizar sistemáticas elevações nos preços das ações, que poderia levar a formação de eventos extremos, tais como bolhas econômicas. Com o intuito de avaliar tal hipótese, utilizou-se a modelagem computacional baseada em agentes para reproduzir dinâmicas características dos mercados financeiros. Os resultados da análise permitiram observar que a variação do percentual da participação da renda variável na composição da renda total dos agentes financeiros, como suposto, pode levar os mercados financeiros a apresentar uma maior incidência de eventos extremos.The present study aimed to elucidate whether the variable remuneration of executives and financial analysts may lead to the formation of extreme events in the stock markets. The guiding hypothesis is that the increase the share of variable income in total remuneration of financial agents encouraged them to carry out systematic increases in stock prices, which in the extreme could lead to the formation of extreme events, such as economic bubbles. With the intention to earn this hypothesis, we used the agent-based computational modeling to reproduce the dynamic characteristics of financial markets. The results of the analysis allowed the observation that the variation in the percentage of variable income participation in the composition of the total income of financial agents, as supposed, may lead financial markets to have a higher incidence of extreme events


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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the transfer of mechanical power from hip to knee, and from knee to ankle, performed by the RF and GAS muscles during the acceleration phase of sprinting. The energy transfer was estimated using a muscular skeletal model. The energy transferred by RF from hip to knee during the push off phase was 72.6±14.5 J (34.4±5.5 % of net knee joint work) and the transfer of energy by GAS from knee to ankle was 23.3±3.6 J (24.9±7.3 % of net ankle joint work). This energy transfer allows high power output on the more distal joint, and could provide a partial explanation of why the moments of force on actual explosive sport movements exceed the values obtained in an isometric test


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    The purpose of this study was to verify the behaviour of body roll during a 200m event racepace effort in backstroke swimming. Six international swimmers performed 6 x 50m with 10" interval at a swim velocity corresponding to the race pace of 200m backstroke. The swimmers were videoed whole body at the 2nd and 6th repetitions, for a complete stroke cycle, with four video cameras (two underwater, two above the water) for 3D kinematical analysis (APAS). Shoulder roll (SR) and hip roll (HL) were used to describe body roll. Maximal SR (48° to 52°) and HL angles (51° to 54°) coincided with the end of the initial downsweep, the variation of body roll followed a rather symmetrical and in phase pattern. In spite of a clear decrement of swim velocity from 2nd to 6th repetition (

    Impacts de l'essor international du quinoa

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    Le quinoa, ce superaliment ! Tant dans l’assiette que dans les champs, nombreuses sont ses vertus. Cette graine, cultivée de mode artisanal, est devenue une aubaine pour le combat contre la faim, ainsi que pour assurer la souveraineté alimentaire des pays. Ceci amènera, en 2013, la Food and Agriculture Organisation2 (FAO) à faire sa promotion, avec l’Année Internationale du Quinoa. Cependant, le secteur de cette denrée faisait déjà face à un essor international depuis les années 70, avec une croissance fulgurante de son prix en 2007. La croissance ! Voici un mot qui apporte toujours avec lui des changements. De la transformation de notre corps jusqu’à celle de l’économie, nous en avons déjà tous expérimenté les effets. C’est cette croissance qui a offert une nouvelle jeunesse, une nouvelle source d’espoir aux agriculteurs andins, démunis jusqu’alors. Cependant, ce marché prospère a enclenché également de effets externes, désignés économiquement comme « externalités » positives ou négatives. Ce travail, portant sur l’essor international du quinoa, propose ainsi de synthétiser et d’analyser les impacts et changements pour les parties prenantes les plus importantes de ce secteur, en parcourant des thèmes comme l’environnement, le système social, l’alimentation et l’organisation économique. Nous retirerons de cette analyse que ces impacts et conséquences ne sont pas aussi tranchés que peuvent prétendre les promoteurs ou les détracteurs du quinoa. Cette problématique est constituée de paradoxes, pour lesquels il est difficile de trouver une solution sans une entente commune des parties prenantes et une volonté internationale de rendre ce système, et le système agricole en général, viable à long terme, en cohérence avec les fondements de la nature. Cette vue générale de la problématique a pour but d’éclairer le lecteur, pour qu’il puisse mieux entamer son acte de consomm’acteur

    Racismo contra imigrantes no Brasil: uma análise crítica do discurso dos empregadores

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    Objective: This article investigates the discursive representations related to racism of Brazilian employers and human resource managers on hired immigrant workers. Theoretical framework: The socio-cognitive theory proposed by Van Dijk is presented together with studies on discursive representations of immigrants. Methodology: The qualitative research used semi-structured interviews with 12 employers in the cities of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre. Data analysis was based on critical discourse analysis (CDA), on Van Dijk's socio cognitive approach. Results: The research showed that the employers' discourse is based on the assumptions that the immigrant workers: i) are more efficient than Brazilians; ii) subject themselves to any kind of work; iii) are destined for unqualified and hard work; iv) threaten Brazilians (different cultural identities; different community values; may be criminals; are disease spreaders); and v) are an economic burden. The Brazilian employer´s discourse maintains and perpetuates all the characteristics of the racist ideology and makes it difficult for immigrants to enter the Brazilian labour market, forging domination practices that favour social inequality. Originality: This study contributes to broaden the CDA scope of analysis when investigating employers and immigrants. It also dialogues and contributes to the literature in Brazil on CDA by specifically adopting Van Dijk's socio cognitive approach instead of the more adopted Fairclough perspective.Finalidade: Este artigo investiga as representações discursivas relacionadas ao racismo de empregadores e gestores de recursos humanos brasileiros sobre trabalhadores imigrantes contratados. Abordagem teórica: A teoria sócio-cognitiva proposta por Van Dijk é apresentada juntamente com estudos sobre as representações discursivas dos imigrantes. Metodologia: A pesquisa qualitativa utilizou entrevistas semiestruturadas com 12 empregadores nas cidades de São Paulo, Belo Horizonte e Porto Alegre. A análise dos dados baseou-se na análise crítica do discurso (ACD), na abordagem sociocognitiva de Van Dijk. Constatações: A pesquisa mostrou que o discurso dos empregadores parte do pressuposto de que os trabalhadores imigrantes: i) são mais eficientes do que os brasileiros; ii) se sujeitam a qualquer tipo de trabalho; iii) se destinam a trabalho não qualificado e árduo; iv) ameaçam os brasileiros (diferentes identidades culturais; diferentes valores comunitários; podem ser criminosos; são propagadores de doenças); e v) são um fardo econômico. O discurso do empregador brasileiro mantém e perpetua todas as características do ideário racista e dificulta o ingresso de imigrantes no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, forjando práticas de dominação que favorecem a desigualdade social. Originalidade: Este estudo contribui para alargar o âmbito de análise da ACD na investigação de empregadores e imigrantes. Também dialoga e contribui com a literatura brasileira sobre ACD ao adotar especificamente a abordagem sociocognitiva de Van Dijk em vez de Fairclough, mais comumente utilizada


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    The goal of the step program is the improvement of health and physical condition, within the scope of advisable exercise. The purpose of this study was to assess the safety of the program and identify its possible osteogenic effects on the elderly. Fifteen postmenopause women (mean age 61.66 ± 5.10 years) performed two-step patterns (basic step and knee lift). Vertical GRF were measured when stepping down on a Kistler force plate and a two-dimensional kinematics analysis was done using the APAS system. The amount of BMD was collected by DXA before and six months after the program. Although the conclusions drawn from a restricted population cannot be generalized, the results suggest that the mechanical stress associated with the program seems to constitute a positive osteogenic stimulus and is a safe and healthy activity that may be included in the physical activity programs for the elderly

    Simulação computacional de eventos termo-hidraulicos transitorios em multicircuitos com multibombas

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    Orientadores: Roger Josef Zemp, Paulo de Carvalho TofaniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: O programa computacional P ANTERA-2 (Programa para Análise Termo-hidráulica de Reatores a Água, Versão 2), cujos fundamentos são descritos neste trabalho, efetua a análise por subcanais de feixes de varetas em conjunção com a simulação de múltiplos circuitos. O programa resolve simultaneamente as equações de conservação da massa, dos momentos axial e lateral e da energia para a geometria de subcanais acopladas com as equações de balanço que descrevem o escoamento de um fluido em um número arbitrário de circuitos de remgeração conectados a um vaso de pressão que contém o feixe. Atendo-se à formulação de subcanais, a estratégia computacional básica de P ANTERA-2 provém dos códigos COBRA, mas um método implícito alternativo de solução orientado para o campo de pressões é usado para resolver as aproximações de diferenças finitas das leis de balanço. Os resultados previstos pelo modelo de subcanais compreendem as distribuições de densidades, entalpias, vazões de massa e pressões nos subcanais. O modelo de circuitos prevê as vazões nos circuitos individuais, a vazão total através do vaso de pressão e as velocidades de rotação das bombas em função do tempo subseqüente à falha de qualquer número das bombas de circulação. Os transitórios de vazão nos circuitos podem ser ocasionados pelas perdas de potência elétrica, ruptura de eixos e travamento de rotores das bombas. As variações nas velocidades de rotação das bombas em função do tempo são determinadas através de um balanço de torques. A altura de recalque e o torque hidráulico das bombas são calculadas em função da velocidade e da vazão com duas curvas homólogas polares fornecidas ao programa na forma tabular. Para ilustrar a capacidade analítica de P ANTERA-2, três problemas-exemplo são apresentados e discutidos. Comparações entre resultados calculados e medidos indicam que o programa reproduz com boa precisão dados experimentais de temperaturas de saída de subcanais e de fluxos de calor críticos em feixes de 5x5 varetas. Observa-se támbém uma boa concordância entre as curvas teóricas previstas por P ANTERA-2 e valores medidos para as velocidades de rotação das bombas e vazões de massa nos circuitos primários da central nuclear Angra-2, quando suas quatro bombas principais são simultaneamente desligadas para simular o evento de declínio de vazão. Palavras-chave: análise por subcanais, código de subcanais, códigos cobra, análise de circuitos de escoamento, acidente de falha de bombasAbstract: PANTERA-2 (from Programa para Análise Termo-hidráulica de Reatores a ÁguaProgram for Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of Water Reactors, Version 2), whose fundamentals are described in this work, is intended to carry out rod bundle subchannel analysis in conjunction with multiloop simulation. It solves simultaneously the conservation equations of mass, axial and lateral momentum, and energy for subchannel geometry coupled with the balance equations that describe the fluid flows in any number of coolant loops connected to A pressure vessel containing the rod bundle. As far as subchannel analysis is concemed, the basic computational strategy of P ANTERA-2 comes from COBRA codes, but an altemative implicit solution method oriented to the pressure field has been used to solve the finitedifference approximations for the balance laws. The results provided by the subchannel mode1 comprise the fluid density, enthalpy, flow rate, and pressure fields in the subchannels. The loop model predicts the individualloop flows, total flow through the pressure vessel, and pump rotational speeds as a function of time subsequent to the failure of any number of the coolant pumps. The flow transients in the loops may initiated by partial, total or sequentialloss of electric power to the operating pumps. Transient events caused by either shaft break or rotor locking may also be simulated. The changes in rotational speed of the pumps as a function of time are determined from a torque balance. Pump dynamic head and hydraulic torque are calculated as a function of rotational speed and volumetric flow from two polar homologous curves supplied to the code in the tabular form In order to illustrate the analytical capability of P ANTERA-2, three sample problems are presented and discussed. Comparisons between calculated and measured results indicate that the program reproduces with a good accuracy experimental data for subchannel exit temperatures and critical heat fluxes in 5x5 rod bundles. It is also observed a good correspondence between the theoretical curves predicted by P ANTERA-2 and measured values for pump rotational speeds and mass flow rates in the primary loops of Angra-2 nuclear power plant, when the four main coolant pumps are simultaneously switched off to simulate the flow decline eventoDoutoradoSistemas de Processos Quimicos e InformaticaDoutor em Engenharia Químic


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    The study of the Rear foot mobility around the subtalar joint during running and jumping exercises, has been done since 1978. In epidemiological studies the amount of eversion (pronation) is often related to injuries on the mediolateral muscles an also to Tibialis and Achilles tendons injuries. Same experiments have been made to study the rearfoot mobility considering the action of muscles located around the subtalar and ankle joints. Stacoff et al. (1988) used one mechanical model that included mediolateral muscles, the maximal force of each muscles was considered to be function of is cross sectional area. Studies that integrate both, the cinematic analysis of the rearfoot mobility around the subtalar joint and the determination of EMG activation patterns of the muscles acting on the subtalar joints are uncommon. The purpose of this work is to study the EMG patterns of same of the leg muscles involved in ankle and subtalar movements, during action against the ground, in jumping exercises under increase stretching load, looking for possible relations with the cinematic analysis of subtalar movement during ground contact phase. Five adult elite sprinters performed drop jumps under three load conditions 40cm, 50cm and 70cm. On condition five trials were recorded allowing the use of average techniques. The signals from Force Plate, Knee and Ankle electrogoniometers, and surface EMG, were A/D converted at IOOOHz (Biopac-MP100). The EMGs of Gastrocnemius (GN), Soleus (SOL), Tibialis A. (TA) and Peronis L. (PL) were filtered, fullwave rectified and smoothed. The subjects foot and leg were filmed from behind at 50 framesls. The EMG patterns of extensor muscles under SSC conditions have three functional phases, Preactivation (before touchdown (TD), Reflexive Potenciation 30-100 ms after TD and Voluntary Activation, iEMGs of this phases were calculated. PL SOL and GN act almost simultaneously during ground contact, the a higher preactivation on the GN, could be explained by the higher rate of FastT. fibbers, greater crossectional area and is superficial position. The high level of preactivation on TA appears to be related with anticipation of the forced eversion occurring after touchdown, notice that TA works as extension antagonist. This amount of activation of TA on Touchdown could explain same of the stress related TA tendon injuries

    The effect of music on brain activity an emotional state

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    Proceeding paper[Abstract] This study explores the potential of music as a therapy element in digital therapy programs to improve mental health and well-being. Music induces an emotional component in the individual that translates into changes in their brain activity, which can be monitored through electroencephalography. A scoping review was conducted to identify the most recent relevant publications related to the effect of music on brain activity and emotional state in digital therapy programs. From 585 identified publications, six relevant publications were selected that meet all the requirements defined in the study


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fitness on foot-ground reaction forces during obstructed walking, by comparing two groups of fit females differing on their age. The gait of ten fit elderly women and the gait of ten skilled young female were analyzed with a two force-platforms system during an unobstructed walking and when stepping on and off a raised surface. The results suggest that older subjects with a high fitness score possess GRF patterns similar to youngsters during unobstructed walking. It can be concluded that senior slep exercise programs are capable to improve gait stability in the elderly but this positive effect is lessened in the case of more demanding walking tasks. Stepping off was particularly affected in the elderly and in the future this should be taken into account in the development of senior step exercise programs