155 research outputs found

    Hva pÄvirker boligprisene i Stavanger kommune?

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    The Norwegian housing market operates under the influence of numerous factors, which impact its stability and expansion. As the oil capital of Norway, Stavanger holds significant influence over the nation's economy. This thesis seeks to illuminate the intricate workings of Stavanger's housing market, aiming to interpret the key forces driving its behavior. Our analysis delves deep into the fundamental drivers of Stavanger's housing market, with a focus on identifying the primary factors that drive fluctuations in housing prices. Through this exploration, we aim to uncover the underlying influences on the housing market and their contributions to price dynamics. We embarked on our research journey by engaging ourselves in various housing market theories and conducting a thorough review of existing literature, including numerous articles and dissertations focused on the Norwegian housing market. This extensive review provided us with valuable insights and guided our research direction. Drawing inspiration from the model developed by Jacobsen & Naug (2005), we selected our explanatory variables, which encompass income, interest rate, unemployment, finished housing units, and population growth. Additionally, we introduced the oil prices variable, not previously explored by Jacobsen & Naug, to examine its influence on the housing market dynamics specifically in Stavanger. Our findings indicate that income levels, interest rates, oil prices, and population growth serve as key factors influencing the housing market in Stavanger. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that unemployment rates and the rate of finished housing units do not exert a significant impact on housing prices in Stavanger, contrary to expectations. However, further investigation is needed for these variables as their behavior diverges from established research trends.The Norwegian housing market operates under the influence of numerous factors, which impact its stability and expansion. As the oil capital of Norway, Stavanger holds significant influence over the nation's economy. This thesis seeks to illuminate the intricate workings of Stavanger's housing market, aiming to interpret the key forces driving its behavior. Our analysis delves deep into the fundamental drivers of Stavanger's housing market, with a focus on identifying the primary factors that drive fluctuations in housing prices. Through this exploration, we aim to uncover the underlying influences on the housing market and their contributions to price dynamics. We embarked on our research journey by engaging ourselves in various housing market theories and conducting a thorough review of existing literature, including numerous articles and dissertations focused on the Norwegian housing market. This extensive review provided us with valuable insights and guided our research direction. Drawing inspiration from the model developed by Jacobsen & Naug (2005), we selected our explanatory variables, which encompass income, interest rate, unemployment, finished housing units, and population growth. Additionally, we introduced the oil prices variable, not previously explored by Jacobsen & Naug, to examine its influence on the housing market dynamics specifically in Stavanger. Our findings indicate that income levels, interest rates, oil prices, and population growth serve as key factors influencing the housing market in Stavanger. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that unemployment rates and the rate of finished housing units do not exert a significant impact on housing prices in Stavanger, contrary to expectations. However, further investigation is needed for these variables as their behavior diverges from established research trends

    review seminar windows 8

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    As a form of response to the development of existing scientific paradigms, it is not uncommon for criticism to arise between each other. The development of the Islamization of science itself has given rise to criticism that the Islamization of science is only used as an instrument for the sterilization of modern science which is currently developing. So it has not yet emerged the true substance of Islam. In this research, researchers used qualitative research methods. This research is a type of library research, namely research whose object of study uses library data in the form of books, journals and articles as data sources. The results of the research entitled "Kuntowijoyo's Criticism of the Islamization of Science" explain, among other things, the Islamization of Science as a response to the crisis in modern society which is caused by the large amount of science that has developed based on the West. The Islamization of science is also understood as a way to liberate Western assumptions attached to Islamic science which are then replaced with an Islamic perspective. For Kuntowijoyo, science has a revolutionary nature. When Islam is made into a science, it will also become a paradigm, from which the ability to make changes will emerge. Kuntowijoyo tries to make this knowledge something objective, so objective knowledge does not need to be Islamized. He made a breakthrough, namely "Islamic science". The Islamization of Science makes Muslims closed to methods that originate from outside. Keyword: critics; Kuntowijoyo; Islamization of Science   Sebagai bentuk respon dari berkembangnya paradigma ilmu yang ada, maka tidak jarang muncul kritik antar satu sama lain. Berkembangnya Islamisasi ilmu sendiri telah memunculkan suatu kritikan dimana Islamisasi ilmu hanya dipakai sebagai instrument untuk sterilisasi terhadap ilmu modern yang tengah berkembang. Sehingga belum memunculkan substansi Islam yang sebenarnya. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitan kulaitatif. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian pustaka (library research), yakni penelitian yang obyek kajiannya menggunakan data pustaka berupa buku-buku, jurnal, dan artikel sebagai sumber datanya. Hasil dari penelitian yang berjudul “Kritik Kuntowijoyo Terhadap Islamisasi Ilmu” ini dijelaskan antaranya, Islamisasi Ilmu sebagai bentuk respon terhadap krisis di masyarakat modern yang diakibatkan karena banyaknya ilmu yang berkembang bertumpu pada Barat. Islamisasi Ilmu juga dipahami sebagai cara untuk membebaskan asumsi-asumsi Barat yang melekat pada ilmu pengetahuan Islam yang selanjutnya diganti dengan cara pandang Islam. Bagi Kuntowijoyo ilmu memiliki sifat revolusioner. Saat Islam dijadikan ilmu maka ia akan sekaligus menjadi paradigma dari situ akan timbul suatu kemampuan untuk membuat perubahan. Kuntowijoyo berusaha menjadikan ilmu tersebut sebagai sesuatu yang objektif, maka pengetahuan yang objektif tidak perlu diislamisasi. Ia membuat suatu terobosan yaitu “pengilmuan Islam”. Islamisasi Ilmu menjadikan umat Islam tertutup dengan metode-metode yang bersumber dari luar. Kata kunci: kritik; Kuntowijoyo; Islamisasi Ilm

    Towards a Generic Framework for Smart Cities

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    Cities are formidable drivers of economic, social and cultural development but face a rising multitude of challenges: urban sprawl, transportation problems and climate change to mention but a few. Evolving concepts such as smart cities, sustainable communities and low carbon cities have been employed to formulate initiatives to tackle these challenges. Smart cities appear to address efficiency in reducing time, cost, and energy in delivering services-smart transportation, intelligent buildings, and green infrastructure with a view to reaching low carbon city development and eventually sustainability. This article attempts to construct a general framework for smart cities. First, the overall smart city system is depicted. Second, the dynamics of urban sector drivers in smart and low carbon cities are elucidated. Third, the performance of smart cities is measured in relation to low carbon development. By applying the smart city framework to the cities of Vienna, London, New York and Tokyo, the model proved robust and flexible. The investigation is concluded with policies to realign city plan and development policies


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    Menurut UU Nomor 23 Tahun 1997, lingkungan hidup didefinisikan sebagai sistem kehidupan yang terdiri dari ruang dengan semua benda, keadaan, daya, dan mahluk hidup, termasuk manusia dan perilakunya, yang berdampak pada kelangsungan peri kehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia dan mahluk hidup lainnya. Dengan semangat rahmatan li al-’alamin (rahmat untuk alam semesta), Islam memiliki kemampuan guna mendorong manusia untuk bertindak dan berperilaku dengan cara yang menguntungkan alam. Pengkajian bencana alam dapat dilakukan dengan pendeketan keilmuan profetik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bencana alam krisis kekeringan yang terjadi di Kabupaten Purbalingga. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penyebab terjadinya bencana alam hingga krisis kekeringan di Kabupaten Purbalingga adalah karena adanya alih fungsi lahan, yang mana penyebab timbulnya alih fungsi lahan karena adanya aktivitas membuka ladang pertanian. Dampak dari kegiatan alih fungsi lahan juga berpengaruh terhadap hadirnya bencana lain seperti tanah longsor, banjir bandang, dan lainnya. Berbagai upaya juga dilakukan guna meminalisir dampak besar yang akan berdatangan seperti adanya program penanaman pohon, edukasi kepada warga sekitar hutan, hingga penyediaan sarana bak penampung air dalam skala besar, dan lainnya. Ilmu Sosial Profetik menawarkan kerangka kerja holistik dan berkelanjutan untuk memahami dan mengatasi bencana kekeringan, yang mencakup aspek spiritual, sosial, dan lingkungan. Dengan memperkuat nilai-nilai kepedulian sosial, keadilan, dan tanggung jawab lingkungan yang berlandaskan pada aspek humanisasi, liberasi, dan transendensi, diharapkan manusia dapat lebih baik dalam merespons dan mengurangi dampak negatif dari bencana kekeringan terutama yang terjadi di Kabupaten Purbalingga

    Urban Green Space Development Strategy–Reconverting Gas Station to Public Parks in the City of Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Urban Green Space Development has become a challenging task for city governments especially in Indonesia, due to high prices of land around urban centers. On the other hand, there are inconsistencies between land use and land allocation within the city planning. In Surabaya City, quite a lot of gas stations were built on areas which are originally intended for green open spaces. Surabaya City Municipality is strongly committed to reconvert Gas Station Areas to green open spaces as determined in the plan. Innovative strategies have enabled the city government to reconvert 13 gas stations to public parks. This paper analyzes the implementation process of the Urban Green Space Reconversion Policy, describing the historical details of the issues, the  taking over of land from gas station owners, and the park development and campaigning. Discussion also includes the most influential factors in this success story

    On basicity of exponential systems in Sobolev-Morrey spaces

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    This work is devoted to the study of basicity of the system {t} âˆȘ e int n∈Z in one subspace of Sobolev-Morrey space

    Analisis Marjin Pemasaran Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Asal Desa Pandansari Kecamatan Paguyangan Kabupaten Brebes

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    Kecamatan paguyangan merupakan daerah sentra penghasil kentang di Kabupaten Brebes, meskipun demikian para petani kentang di Kecamatan Brebes belum mendapatkan keuntungan secara maksimal karena adanya perbedaan harga di tingkat produsen dengan harga di tingkat akhir konsumen yang relatif tinggi, sedangkan saluran pemasarannya relatif pendek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui marjin pemasaran kentang pada setiap Saluran pemasaran di kecamatan paguyangan kabupaten brebes. (2) Mengetahui besarnya bagian harga yang diterima oleh petani (farmer`s share) (3) Mengetahui besarnya profit margin yang diterima oleh masing-masing pedagang pada setiap saluran pemasaran. Penelitian dilakukan di desa pandansari, dan dusun taman, Kecamatan Paguyangan kabupaten brebes dan dilaksanakan pada bulan mei 2016 – Juni 2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei penentuan responden petani dengan metode simple random sampling dan untuk pedagang dengan metode snowball sampling. Jumlah responden petani sebanyak 19 orang dan jumlah pedagang yang dijadikan sampel sebanyak 10 orang yang terdiri dari 7 tengkulak Desa, 3 pedagang besar, 4 tengkulak pasar, 5 pedagang pengecer, analisis marjin pemasaran, farmer’s share, analisis profit margin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa marjin pemasaran kentang di Kecamatan Paguyangan di setiap saluran pemasaran yaitu: saluran I memiliki marjin pemasaran sebesar rp 4,000,00/kg, saluran ii sebesar rp4,200,00/kg, saluran iii sebesar rp4,400,00/kg. Farmer’s share terbesar ada pada saluran pemasaran I sebesar 60 persen. Persentase keuntungan terbesar pada saluran pemasaran I sebesar 85.81 persen. Kata kunci : Kentang, marjin pemasaran, farmer share, dan saluran pemasaran

    Proses Poisson Non-Homogen

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    Proses Poisson merupakan proses stokastik sederhana dan dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kedatangan atau kejadian suatu peristiwa. Berdasarkan intensitasnya, proses Poisson dibagi menjadi dua yaitu homogen dan non-homogen. Proses Poisson dikatakan homogen jika intensitasnya konstan dan dinotasikan dengan λ. Proses Poisson dikatakan non-homogen jika intensitasnya merupakan fungsi terhadap waktu dan dinotasikan dengan λ(t). Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan tentang proses Poisson non-homogen dan penerapannya pada kedatangan bus di terminal Tirtonadi. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa rata-rata kedatangan bus di terminal Tirtonadi setiap hari dapat dimodelkan dengan Dari empat jalur yang dianalisis didapatkan bahwa jalur 1 yaitu jalur menuju Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Purwokerto, lintas dari Surabaya, Bandung, dan Lintas Sumatera merupakan jalur terpadat yaitu dengan 108 bus yang datang setiap harinya. Kata Kunci : proses Poisson, proses Poisson non-homogen, intensitas, fungsi nilai rata-rat

    Design Live Load Factor Calibration for Michigan Highway Bridges

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    In this study, a reliability-based calibration of live load factors for bridge design specific to the State of Michigan was conducted. Two years of high frequency WIM data from 20 representative state-wide sites were analyzed, and load effects were generated for bridge spans from 6 to 122 m (20 to 400 ft), considering simple and continuous moments and shears, as well as single lane and two lane effects. Seventy-five year statistics for maximum live load were then estimated with probabilistic projection. Bridge girders considered for the calibration included composite steel, prestressed concrete, side-by-side and spread box beams, as well as special long span structural members. In some cases, it was found that Michigan load effects are greater than those previously assumed, often requiring higher load factors than in current use. Moreover, significant variation in the required load factor was found, potentially resulting significant inconsistencies in reliability if a single load factor is used for the design of all bridge types and load effects considered
