17 research outputs found

    Exploring the Balance between Smartness and Sustainability in Finnish Smart City Initiatives during the 2010s

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    In the era of rapid urbanisation, technological development, and climate change, there is an urgent need for urban sustainability. However, the globally widespread concept of a smart city has not delivered on its promise of improving sustainability with urban technology. Therefore, more knowledge on how current smart city initiatives are related to sustainable urban development is required. This study focuses on analysing the aims of Finnish smart city initiatives during the 2010s. We conducted a systematic review to gain a more detailed overview of the relations between smart city development and sustainable development. Our data gathering method was the convenience sampling method, and with data analysis, we used descriptive statistics and deductive content analysis methods. Results reveal the emphasis on smart governance and mobility issues in smart city initiatives. Also, sustainable development is largely dominated by perspectives of economic sustainability. To create more balance within smart and sustainable urban development, we need actions to include other aspects than only mobility and governmental domains of smartness or general sustainability objectives in urban development.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Computational Model of Ca2+ Wave Propagation in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial ARPE-19 Cells

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    Abstract Objective Computational models of calcium (Ca2+) signaling have been constructed for several cell types. There are, however, no such models for retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Our aim was to construct a Ca2+ signaling model for RPE based on our experimental data of mechanically induced Ca2+ wave in the in vitro model of RPE, the ARPE-19 monolayer. Methods We combined six essential Ca2+ signaling components into a model: stretch-sensitive Ca2+ channels (SSCCs), P2Y2 receptors, IP3 receptors, ryanodine receptors, Ca2+ pumps, and gap junctions. The cells in our epithelial model are connected to each other to enable transport of signaling molecules. Parameterization was done by tuning the above model components so that the simulated Ca2+ waves reproduced our control experimental data and data where gap junctions were blocked. Results Our model was able to explain Ca2+ signaling in ARPE-19 cells, and the basic mechanism was found to be as follows: 1) Cells near the stimulus site are likely to conduct Ca2+ through plasma membrane SSCCs and gap junctions conduct the Ca2+ and IP3 between cells further away. 2) Most likely the stimulated cell secretes ligand to the extracellular space where the ligand diffusion mediates the Ca2+ signal so that the ligand concentration decreases with distance. 3) The phosphorylation of the IP3 receptor defines the cell’s sensitivity to the extracellular ligand attenuating the Ca2+ signal in the distance. Conclusions The developed model was able to simulate an array of experimental data including drug effects. Furthermore, our simulations predict that suramin may interfere ligand binding on P2Y2 receptors or accelerate P2Y2 receptor phosphorylation, which may partially be the reason for Ca2+ wave attenuation by suramin. Being the first RPE Ca2+ signaling model created based on experimental data on ARPE-19 cell line, the model offers a platform for further modeling of native RPE functions.Public Library of Science open acces

    Kulttuurisensitiivinen päihdekasvatus ånni-hankkeessa : Venäjänkielisten vanhempien näkemyksiä päihdekasvatuksesta

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    Teimme opinnäytetyön yhteistyössä Ehkäisevä päihdetyö EHYT ry:n ånni–hankkeen kanssa. Ånni–hanke toteutetaan vuosina 2014–2017 ja sen tarkoituksena on kehittää alakouluihin kulttuurisensitiivistä ja osallisuutta lisäävää päihdekasvatusta. Ånni–hanke toteutetaan kolmella eri paikkakunnalla Turussa, Joensuussa ja Vantaalla. Opinnäytetyön aineiston keruu sijoittui Joensuuhun kohderyhmänä venäjänkieliset vanhemmat. Työn tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä venäjänkielisten vanhempien päihdekasvatuskokemuksista ja siitä, kuinka venäläisyys voitaisiin ottaa huomioon hankkeessa. Tutkimuskysymyksiksi muotoutuivat 1. Millaisia kokemuksia venäjänkielisillä vanhemmilla on päihdekasvatuksesta kotona ja koulussa? 2. Miten venäläisyys voidaan huomioida koulussa tehtävässä päihdekasvatuksessa? Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytimme teemahaastattelua ja ne suoritettiin yksilöhaastatteluina kolmelle venäjänkieliselle vanhemmalle. Analysoimme haastattelut teemoittelua käyttäen. Aineistosta nousi esille tärkeys saada käyttää omaa äidinkieltään, perheen merkitys venäläisessä kulttuurissa ja tavat puhua lapsille päihteistä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että kotikasvatuksella on tärkeä merkitys päihdekasvatuksessa ja että kulttuurisensitiivisyys mahdollistaa yhteisymmärryksen löytymisen päihdekasvatuksesta kodin ja koulun välille. Jatkotutkimuksena voitaisiin selvittää vanhempien ajatuksia ånni–hankkeen toteutuksesta ja vaikutuksesta.This thesis was made in cooperation with the project called ånni coordinated by the Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (EHYT). The project is implemented in 2014–2017. Its purpose is to add participation and develop culturally sensitive preventive substance abuse work in elementary schools. The project is carried out in Turku, Joensuu and Vantaa. The target group of this thesis are Russian-speaking parents and the interviews were made in Joensuu. The aim of this thesis is to add understanding of the experiences of Russian-speaking parents about preventive substance abuse work and how Russian cultural background could be paid attention to in this project. The research problems are 1. What kind of experiences Russian-speaking parents have about preventive substance abuse work at home and at school? 2. How could Russian cultural background be taken into consideration in preventive substance abuse work? This thesis is qualitative. The research method was theme interview and the interviews were made as individual interviews for three parents. The interviews were analyzed by using thematising. The main results were that the parents found it important to use their mother tongue, the importance of family in the Russian culture and ways to talk about substances. As a conclusion, the upbringing has an important meaning in preventive substance abuse work and cultural sensitivity helps finding mutual understanding about preventive substance abuse work between home and school. The thoughts of the parents about the project and its effects could be subjects for further research

    Real-time PCR method for the detection of cytokine expression in human proinflammatory T cells

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    Background and Aims: Immune-mediated diseases such as allergies and autoimmune diseases have increased during the past decades in developed countries. The incidence of type 1 diabetes is very high in Finland and both genetic and environmental factors, such as HLA genes and enteroviruses, are probably contributing to this phenomenon. Immunopathology of immune-mediated diseases is mediated by proinflammatory T cells, which can secrete several cytokines to contribute the tissue damage. Accordingly, imbalances in differentiation and function of the T cells are commonly observed in patients. The aim of this study was to create a panel of real-time PCR methods, which can detect cytokine expression of human proinflammatory T cells. Another aim was to optimize RNA extraction methods for stored buffy-coat samples, which have been collected in large clinical studies. The final goal of this study was to develop methods which can be used for the analyses of cytokine expression in different clinical conditions like acute virus infections and immune-mediated diseases. Methods: Human blood samples were obtained from healthy volunteers or from the children participating in the prospective DIPP study. White blood cells were purified from blood samples either as mononuclear cells or as buffy-coat. RNA was isolated from fresh and stored white blood cells using different commercial assays and RNA was transcripted into cDNA with RT-reaction. cDNA was then used as a template in real-time PCR to measure interferon-gamma, interleukin-4 and interleukin-17 mRNA expression. The relative gene expression was calculated with Pfaffl equation and the results were confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: The real-time PCR was optimized successfully for three proinflammatory cytokines. RNA isolation from frozen buffy-coat samples worked best with modified protocols of Qiagen RNeasy® Mini Kit. Optimized assays were then used to analyze the effect of enteroviruses on cytokine expression. The in vitro white blood cell stimulations revealed that some enterovirus serotypes induced clear increases in the cytokines which are associated with autoimmune diseases. Conclusions: New real-time PCR assays were developed for the detection of three important proinflammatory cytokines. These real-time PCR methods can be reliably used for the detection of both basal and stimulated expression of proinflammatory cytokines in human white blood cells

    Real-time PCR method for the detection of cytokine expression in human proinflammatory T cells

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    Background and Aims: Immune-mediated diseases such as allergies and autoimmune diseases have increased during the past decades in developed countries. The incidence of type 1 diabetes is very high in Finland and both genetic and environmental factors, such as HLA genes and enteroviruses, are probably contributing to this phenomenon. Immunopathology of immune-mediated diseases is mediated by proinflammatory T cells, which can secrete several cytokines to contribute the tissue damage. Accordingly, imbalances in differentiation and function of the T cells are commonly observed in patients. The aim of this study was to create a panel of real-time PCR methods, which can detect cytokine expression of human proinflammatory T cells. Another aim was to optimize RNA extraction methods for stored buffy-coat samples, which have been collected in large clinical studies. The final goal of this study was to develop methods which can be used for the analyses of cytokine expression in different clinical conditions like acute virus infections and immune-mediated diseases. Methods: Human blood samples were obtained from healthy volunteers or from the children participating in the prospective DIPP study. White blood cells were purified from blood samples either as mononuclear cells or as buffy-coat. RNA was isolated from fresh and stored white blood cells using different commercial assays and RNA was transcripted into cDNA with RT-reaction. cDNA was then used as a template in real-time PCR to measure interferon-gamma, interleukin-4 and interleukin-17 mRNA expression. The relative gene expression was calculated with Pfaffl equation and the results were confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: The real-time PCR was optimized successfully for three proinflammatory cytokines. RNA isolation from frozen buffy-coat samples worked best with modified protocols of Qiagen RNeasy® Mini Kit. Optimized assays were then used to analyze the effect of enteroviruses on cytokine expression. The in vitro white blood cell stimulations revealed that some enterovirus serotypes induced clear increases in the cytokines which are associated with autoimmune diseases. Conclusions: New real-time PCR assays were developed for the detection of three important proinflammatory cytokines. These real-time PCR methods can be reliably used for the detection of both basal and stimulated expression of proinflammatory cytokines in human white blood cells

    Sisältösuunnitelma sosiaaliseen mediaan Sellon kesäterassille

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoite ja tarkoitus oli antaa Realidealle ja Sellolle uutta näkökulmaa ja uusia ideoita sosiaalisen median markkinointiin. Toimeksiantaja halusi tietää minkälainen sisältö heidän potentiaalisia asiakkaitansa kiinnostaa, missä kanavissa heille kannattaa markkinoida sekä kuinka usein tulisi sosiaaliseen mediaan julkaista. Tietopohjassa kävimme läpi markkinoinnin suunnittelua, sisältömarkkinointia sekä sosiaalista mediaa, jotta ymmärryksemme näistä aiheista kasvaisi. Lisäksi kävimme läpi menetelmät, joita hyödynsimme työssämme. Tietopohjassa on käytetty kirjallisuutta, internet-lähteitä sekä tilastoja. Näiden lisäksi tietopohjasta löytyy toimeksiantajalta saamiamme tietoja. Menetelmiksi valitsimme kyselyn ja benchmarkingin. Näiden avulla saimme tutkimuskysymyksiimme vastaukset. Kyselyssä esille nousi suosituimpina sosiaalisen median kanavina WhatsApp, Facebook ja Instagram. Kyselyssä ilmeni, että sopiva julkaisutahti sosiaalisessa mediassa on kahdesta kolmeen julkaisua viikossa. Tapahtumia etsitään kyselyn vastauksien mukaan Google haun sekä Facebook-tapahtumien avulla. Kyselyn perusteella kiinnostava sisältö on visuaalisesti miellyttävää sekä aidompaa ja avoimempaa kuin perinteiset markkinointikampanjat tai arvonnat. Asiakkaat ovat myös kiinnostuneita, miten yritykset ovat huomioineet vastuullisuuden ja turvallisuuden. Tärkeänä seikkana nousi myös, että yritysten tietojen tulee löytyä helposti, vaivattomasti ja esteettömästi. Benchmarkingissa nousi suosituimpina julkaisuina esille tunnelmaa esille tuovat Instagram kelat sekä viikoittain toistuva seuraajia aktivoiva julkaisu. Benchmarkingissa esille nousi myös Facebook tapahtumien hyödyntäminen sekä Facebook kansikuvien käyttö. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntyi nelivaiheinen sisältösuunnitelma, joka on koottu REAN-mallin mukaisesti. REAN-malli perustuu neljään eri asiakaspolun vaiheeseen. Suunnitelma on luotu tietopohjan, menetelmien ja näiden johtopäätöksien mukaan. Suunnitelmaan on sisällytetty sisältöideat, jokaiseen vaiheeseen ja näistä on luotu julkaisu esimerkit helpottamaan niiden käyttöönottoa ja ymmärrettävyyttä. Johtopäätöksien perusteella ideoitamme oli luoda koko kesän kestävä Facebook-tapahtuma Sellon terassille, josta kaikki tiedot löytyvät helposti samasta paikkaa. Tarkoituksena tuottaa sisältöä, joka vastaa asiakkaiden kysymyksiin ennen kuin he ehtivät itse niitä kysyä. Tämän lisäksi asiakassuhteita tulisi ylläpitää olemalla seuraajien kanssa vuorovaikutuksessa. Lisäksi tulisi tuoda sisällön avulla esille terassin tunnelmaa, koska tämä oli isoin vaikuttava tekijä osallistua tapahtumaan uudestaan

    Perceptions and preferences of experienced security in mass urban events – What's technology got to do with it?

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    Funding Information: This article was funded by the SURE project, (the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative) and the Bridpol project (Research Council of Finland). Funding Information: We are thankful to European Union Urban Innovative Actions initiative ( EU/UIA04-158 ) and Research Council of Finland (grant 354867 ) for funding this project. We are also grateful to all the participants who contributed to the project. Especially, our warmest thanks go to the fans and functionaries of the two Tampere ice hockey teams, Ilves and Tappara. Publisher Copyright: © 2023Mass spectator events are part of contemporary urban life, and security issues are increasingly integral to them. Most of the related research has focused on security management and technological development. However, prior studies have shown that subjectively experienced security plays an elemental role in urban life. We present an explanatory study of 880 participants' perceptions and preferences of security and technology usage in spectator events in our online survey in December 2021. The context of the study was Finnish ice hockey games held in a new sports/multi-purpose arena. Results indicate that gender, age and familiarity impact the eventgoer's preferences and security experience. Experienced security is also found to be connected to the ease and flow of interaction with technology and urban space. We conclude with recommendations that recognise the complexity of event security in urban settings without compromising the needs of different spectator groups.Peer reviewe

    Fittings of the model to the experimental data.

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    <p>(A) GA-treated, and (B) control data sets with dashed lines representing the data in dimensionless NF units and solid lines representing the model simulations with arbitrary units representing [Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup>]<sub>i</sub> in μM concentrations. The uppermost curve pair (blue) represents NB1, the second uppermost NB2 (green), followed by NB3 (red), NB4 (light blue), NB5 (purple), NB6 (yellow), NB7 (black), NB8 (light red), NB9 (grey), and NB10 (orange).</p

    Schematic diagram of the Ca<sup>2+</sup> signaling model.

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    <p>Solid arrows represent Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup> fluxes and dashed arrows IP<sub>3</sub> dynamics. Roman numerals denote the model components I-VI. Abbreviations: [Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup>]<sub>i</sub> = cytoplasmic Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup> concentration, [L] = extracellular ligand concentration, [IP<sub>3</sub>] = cytoplasmic IP<sub>3</sub> concentration, SSCC = stretch-sensitive Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup> channel, P<sub>2</sub>Y<sub>2</sub> = purinergic receptor type P<sub>2</sub>Y<sub>2</sub>, IP<sub>3</sub>R<sub>3</sub> = IP<sub>3</sub> receptor type 3, RyR = ryanodine receptor, SERCA = sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup> ATPase, PMCA = plasma membrane Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup> ATPase, Leak = combinatory Ca<sup><b>2+</b></sup> leak from the extracellular space and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), GJ = gap junction, ϕ = degradation.</p