392 research outputs found

    Fractal Properties of Quasicrystalline Penrose Tiling Synthesis

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    The synthesis of decagonal Penrose tiling by a pair of decagons – starlike and dorsal is considered in this paper. The synthesis procedure is realized according to morphogenetic growth model. It is shown that procedure which controls the synthesis process is just chaotic, but not stochastic. The fractal properties of Penrose tiling synthesis procedure are studied. It is revealed that all characteristics via the morphogenetic fronts have oscillatory-wave behavior. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3612

    Application of introduced nano-diamonds for the study of carbon condensation during detonation of high explosives

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    This paper describes the experimental studies of the formation of nano-diamonds during detonation of TNT/RDX 50/50 mixture with small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) method at a synchrotron radiation beam on VEPP-3 accelerator. A new experimental method with introduction of nano-diamonds into the explosive has been applied. Inclusion of the diamonds obtained after detonation into the TNT and RDX explosives allows modelling of the case of instant creation of nano-diamonds during detonation.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, 2 figures (proc. of SR-2008

    Dispersive wave runup on non-uniform shores

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    Historically the finite volume methods have been developed for the numerical integration of conservation laws. In this study we present some recent results on the application of such schemes to dispersive PDEs. Namely, we solve numerically a representative of Boussinesq type equations in view of important applications to the coastal hydrodynamics. Numerical results of the runup of a moderate wave onto a non-uniform beach are presented along with great lines of the employed numerical method (see D. Dutykh et al. (2011) for more details).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 18 references. This preprint is submitted to FVCA6 conference proceedings. Other author papers can be downloaded at http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~dutykh

    Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reactions within an effective one-boson exchange model

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    Within a covariant effective one-boson exchange model for the TT matrix of NNNN interactions we present detailed calculations of bremsstrahlung cross sections for proton - proton and proton - neutron reactions at beam energies in the 1 GeV region. Besides pure bremsstrahlung processes we consider photons from Δ\Delta decays and contributions from the ηγγ\eta \to \gamma \gamma process. At beam energies above 700 MeV the Δ\Delta decay channel dominates the spectra at large photon energies, where the interference between non-resonance processes and the Δ\Delta decay channel becomes also important. Low energy photons stem from pure bremsstrahlung processes. The available experimental data at 730 MeV beam energy is well described. We extrapolate the model down to 280 MeV, where more detailed experimental data exist, and find agreement with angular distributions.Comment: 20 pages with 10 figures, to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Modern approaches to carrying out profound medical examination of servicemen of Security Service of Ukraine

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    The study found that the regulatory framework for prophylactic medical examination in the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) is not fully regulated, this required the development and validation of a new organizational model to improve its efficiency. In the coursw of study proposals for the introduction of a modern model of profound medical examinations of the personnel of the SSU were prepared, their main elements are: first developed and implemented model of a motivated individual responsibility of SSU serviceman for their own health, its conservation, inclination to treatment of identified pathological conditions; development and implementation of military health passport, health passport of managers, health passport of agency, division, institution of the SSU; the definition of the various bulks of the annual medical examination of personnel, depending on age (with expansion of screening tests, depending on the age group); introduction of personal responsibility of heads (managers) of bodies (departments and agencies) of the SSU for the timely undergoing of profound medical examinations by subordinate personnel a clear definition of heads’ responsibilities of health care organs (doctors and medical staff) of the SSU in the profound medical examinations; the development and implementation of a unified system of analysis of the results of medical care facilities of SSU for carrying out of medical examination and definition of its efficiency, the introduction of optimized system for monitoring of undergoing medical examination, reporting on undergoing of profound medical examinations by personnel of agencies, departments, institutions of the SSU. This allowed not only to justify organizational model on improvement of clinical examination of the SSU personnel but to introduce it into the work of all health facilities of the SSU, to significantly optimize conducting clinical examination and improve its performance indicators

    Methods of adjusting forming lines using a low voltage thyristor switch

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    A method of adjusting the generating lines of a high-voltage pulse modulator with a thyristor switch at a charging voltage of 150 V is given. The degree of pre-distortion is determined to obtain in the operating mode (60 kV) a voltage pulse with the required non-uniformity at the optimal value of the degaussing current of the transformer. An element of fine tuning of forming lines at operating voltage is developed and applied.Приведено спосіб налаштування формуючих ліній потужного високовольтного імпульсного модулятора за допомогою тиристорного ключа при зарядній напрузі 150 В. Метод полягає у введенні у форму імпульсу модулятора при низькій напрузі передспотворень з метою отримання високовольтного імпульсу з плоскою вершиною при робочій напрузі. Визначено передспотворення для отримання в робочому режимі (60 кВ) імпульсу напруги з необхідною нерівномірністю при оптимальній величині струму розмагнічування трансформатора. Розроблено та застосовано елемент точного налаштування формуючих ліній при робочій напрузі.Приведен способ настройки формирующих линий мощного высоковольтного импульсного модулятора с помощью тиристорного ключа при заданном напряжении 150 В. Метод заключается в ведении в форму импульса модулятора при низком напряжении предискажений с целью получения высоковольтного импульса с плоской вершиной при рабочем напряжении. Определено предискажение для получения в рабочем режиме (60 кВ) импульса напряжения с необходимой неоднородностью при оптимальной величине тока размагничивания трансформатора. Разработан и использован элемент точной настройки формирующих линий при рабочем напряжении

    About the use in nuclear medicine of pharmaceuticals on the basis of the isotope ¹⁸F and its achievements on linear electron accelerators of NIK "Accelerator"

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    The importance widely used in the world of Radiopharmaceutical: 2-fluoro [¹⁸F]-2-deoxy-D-glucose (fluo-rideglucose, ¹⁸F) for the diagnosis of various diseases using PET and CT imaging are shown. Provides information about the levels of specific activity of aqueous solutions containing the isotope ¹⁸F, the resulting target irradiation-matrix of Teflon (C₂F₄) on different linear accelerators of electrons NIK "Accelerator". Emphasis on the need to increase the density of the electron flux on the target and find ways of improvement of the methodology for obtain-ing Radiopharmaceutical, using isotope ¹⁸F, produced by the photonuclear method.Показана значимість широко використовуваного в світі РФП: 2-фтор[¹⁸F]-2-дезоксі-D-глюкози (фторде-зоксіглюкози, ¹⁸F) для діагностики різних захворювань із застосуванням ПЕТ і КТ-томографіі. Приведені відомості про рівні питомої активності водних розчинів, що містять ізотоп ¹⁸F, що утворюється в результаті опромінення мішеней-матриць з фторопласту (C₂F₄) на різних лінійних прискорювачах електронів НДК «Прискорювач». Робиться наголос на необхідності підвищення щільності потоку електронів на мішені і пошуку шляхів удосконалення методології отримання РФП-фтордезоксіглюкози з використанням ізотопу ¹⁸F, напрацьованого фотоядерним методом.Показана значимость широко используемого в мире РФП: 2-фтор[¹⁸F-2-дезокси-D-глюкозы (фтордезок-сиглюкозы, ¹⁸F) для диагностики различных заболеваний с применением ПЭТ и КТ-томографии. Приведены сведения об уровнях удельной активности водных растворов, содержащих изотоп ¹⁸F, образующийся в результате облучения мишеней-матриц из фторопласта (C₂F₄) на различных линейных ускорителях электронов НИК «Ускоритель». Делается ударение на необходимости повышения плотности потока электронов на мишени и поиска путей усовершенствования методологии получения РФП-фтордезоксиглюкозы с использованием изотопа ¹⁸F, нарабатываемого фотоядерным методом

    Comparison between three-dimensional linear and nonlinear tsunami generation models

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    The modeling of tsunami generation is an essential phase in understanding tsunamis. For tsunamis generated by underwater earthquakes, it involves the modeling of the sea bottom motion as well as the resulting motion of the water above it. A comparison between various models for three-dimensional water motion, ranging from linear theory to fully nonlinear theory, is performed. It is found that for most events the linear theory is sufficient. However, in some cases, more sophisticated theories are needed. Moreover, it is shown that the passive approach in which the seafloor deformation is simply translated to the ocean surface is not always equivalent to the active approach in which the bottom motion is taken into account, even if the deformation is supposed to be instantaneous.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures; Accepted to Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Several references have been adde

    A Green's function approach to transmission of massless Dirac fermions in graphene through an array of random scatterers

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    We consider the transmission of massless Dirac fermions through an array of short range scatterers which are modeled as randomly positioned δ\delta- function like potentials along the x-axis. We particularly discuss the interplay between disorder-induced localization that is the hallmark of a non-relativistic system and two important properties of such massless Dirac fermions, namely, complete transmission at normal incidence and periodic dependence of transmission coefficient on the strength of the barrier that leads to a periodic resonant transmission. This leads to two different types of conductance behavior as a function of the system size at the resonant and the off-resonance strengths of the delta function potential. We explain this behavior of the conductance in terms of the transmission through a pair of such barriers using a Green's function based approach. The method helps to understand such disordered transport in terms of well known optical phenomena such as Fabry Perot resonances.Comment: 22 double spaced single column pages. 15 .eps figure

    Visualization of electron beam image

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    The system for visual monitoring of the electron beam was developed and implemented. The technique is based on registration of optical radiation, which is generated under object-beam interaction. The system comprises image transferring channel, remote-controlled digital photo-camera, connected with PC by USB-interface as well as proper software. The images obtained give information on the beam density distribution over the surface of the object being irradiated. 40 keV and 10 MeV electron beams were researched.Разработана и изготовлена система для визуального on-line контроля параметров пучка электронов, основанная на регистрации излучения в оптическом диапазоне, возникающего при взаимодействии пучка с мишенью. Система включает оптический канал передачи изображения, дистанционно-управляемую цифровую фотокамеру, подключенную к РС через USB-интерфейс, а также программное обеспечение. Система позволяет вести контроль распределения плотности пучка на поверхности облучаемого объекта. Исследования проводились на пучках электронов с энергией 40 кэВ и 10 МэВ.Розроблена та виготовлена система для візуального on-line контролю параметрів пучка електронів, заснована на реєстрації випромінювання в оптичному діапазоні, яке виникає при взаємодії пучка з мішенню. Система має оптичний канал передачі зображення, дистанційно-керовану цифрову фотокамеру, підключену до РС через USB-інтерфейс, а також програмне забезпечення. Система дозволяє контролювати розподілення густини пучка на поверхні об’єкта, що опромінюється. Досліди проводилися на пучках електронів з енергією 40 кеВ та 10 МеВ