59 research outputs found

    Stop Bleeding Mobile Device "Plasmamed" Based on Low-temperature Gas Plasma

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    Creation of a mobile device to stop bleeding, sterilize biological tissues and other surfaces (bandages), disinfect food, beverages, air, and stimulate rapid healing of wound surfaces is observed in this article. Plasmomed is based on the current (available) technologies of medical application of low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma. The multi-digit combined plasma gun is created as part of the developed mobile device which is designed to achieve a coagulation effect, to stimulate accelerated healing of wound surfaces based on the use of low-temperature gas plasma of atmospheric pressure, which allows for effective hemostasis of wound surfaces with simultaneous sterilization of surrounding tissues and dressing materials. In addition, due to the using several types of high-frequency electromagnetic plasma production in one device, it was possible to significantly simplify the final product, to automate its operation modes, which provides mass-dimensional characteristics for its mobile use. Keywords: plasma, medical device, stopping bleeding, low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma

    Psychophysiological support of orthopedic treatment in patients with dento-alveolar form of dentition and occlusion

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    The purpose: to improve the treatment of patients with orthopedic dento-alveolar deformation of dentition and occlusion by using a range of methods of psychophysiological support of patient care. Material and methods. The study included 86 patients, men and women aged from 18 to 49 years with dento-alveolar deformation of dentition and occlusion. The study used clinical, anthropometric, radiological, photometric and static methods. At each stage of treatment, to investigate the characteristics of the functional status of patients methods of SAN, IPC «adaptive», self-esteem of patients by developed questionnaire were used. Results. A direct, reliable, moderate correlation has been established between the estimates that have given quality of care to patients with a regularity of the complex of psychophysiological methods proposed. Conclusion. A positive impact of the proposed complex of psychophysiological methods to support the functional characteristics of the patients and their assessment of the treatment, and the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment have been determined

    Research of the thermal desorption processes in oxide mixtures at laser effect

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    To investigate the physical-chemical processes occurring during the heating stage of spent nuclear fuel magneto plasma reprocessing a study of thermal desorption of oxides and oxide mixtures as SNF simulators under the influence of stationary laser radiation are being studied. Preliminary experiments were carried out. X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis of the film deposited on the substrate after laser influence on a mixture of B₂O₃/ZrO₂ oxides have been performed.Для вивчення фізико-хімічних процесів, що відбуваються на стадії нагріву магнітоплазмової переробки відпрацьованого ядерного палива (ВЯП), проводиться дослідження процесів термодесорбції оксидів і оксидних сумішей - імітаторів ВЯП при впливі стаціонарного лазерного випромінювання. Проведено попередні експерименти, виконані рентгенодифракційний і енергодисперсійний рентгенівський мікроаналізи плівки, осадженої на підкладку після лазерного впливу на суміш оксидів B₂O₃/ZrO₂.Для изучения физико-химических процессов, происходящих на стадии нагрева магнитоплазменной переработки отработавшего ядерного топлива (ОЯТ), проводится исследование термодесорбции оксидов и оксидных смесей – имитаторов ОЯТ при воздействии стационарного лазерного излучения. Проведены предварительные эксперименты, выполнены рентгенодифракционный и энергодисперсионный рентгеновский микроанализы пленки, осажденной на подложку при лазерном воздействии на смесь оксидов B₂O₃/ZrO₂


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    Analysis of fatal polytrauma in children in Barnaul over the period of 11 years, study of medical records of polytrauma patients brought in to hospital and medicolegal autopsy data from the cases of fatal polytrauma in children. 685 cases of child polytrauma were registered from the year 2001 to 2011 including 88 cases of fatal polytrauma. 68 children died before admission, 20 patients hospitalized resulted in death. Most fatal cases resulted from motor vehicle incidents (61 / 69,3%), falling from a height (20 / 22,7%), criminal injuries (3 / 3,4%), home accidents (2 / 2,3%), and street injuries (2 / 2,3%). The highest lethality rate related to cases of falling from a height (18,2%), motor vehicle incidents (13,6%), criminal and street injuries (10%). The lethality rate of child polytrauma in urban area amounted to 12,8%, death rate - 7,1 per 100 000 population per year. The highest lethality rate was noted among infants (27,7%) and adolescents (16,7%). Most fatal cases resulted from motor vehicle incidents (61 / 69,3%). The highest increase of mortality rate in polytrauma is observed during summer season. Major causes of death are shock and substantial blood loss.Проведен анализ политравмы (ПТ) у детей в г. Барнауле за 11 лет. Изучены истории болезни пациентов, доставленных в стационар, и акты судебно-медицинских экспертиз детей, умерших от ПТ. С 2001 по 2011 г. было зарегистрировано 685 случаев ПТ у детей, из них смертельной - 88. На догоспитальном этапе умерло 68, в стационаре 20. Большинство смертельных исходов были следствием дорожно-транспортных происшествий (ДТП) - 61 (69,3%), падений с высоты -20(22,7%), криминальных - 3 (3,4%), бытовых - 2 (2,3%) и уличных - 2 (2,3%) травм. Наиболее высокая летальность отмечалась при падениях с высоты - 18,2%, ДТП - 13,6%, криминальных и уличных травмах - 10%. Летальность у детей при ПТ в условиях крупного города составила 12,8%, смертность - 7,1 на 100000 человек населения в год. Наиболее высокая летальность отмечалось у детей раннего возраста (27,7%) и подростков (16,7%). Большинство смертельных исходов у детей являлись следствием ДТП - 61 (69,3%). В летний период отмечалось резкое увеличение смертельных исходов от ПТ. Среди причин смерти преобладали шок и острая массивная кровопотеря

    Methods of economic reliability assessment for industrial enterprise in the market economy conditions

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    The paper dwells upon prospects, topicality and scholarly importance of research into formation and assessment of economic reliability in industrial enterprises as socio-economic systems. The main notions and interconnection of the categories of “stability” and “reliability” of socio-economic systems are presented, based on which the conclusion that these notions are not identical is made. From the standpoint of system-synergetic approach, economic reliability comprises reliability of management system, technical development, conservation activities, human resources management, financial and economic development, marketing activities, and production management. The paper presents main methodological principles of integral estimation of economic reliability of an enterprise in modern conditions. It is suggested to apply E. Harrington’s desirability function in order to give a quantitative estimate of economic reliability. In conclusion it is pointed out that assessment of industrial enterprise’s economic reliability can become an effective mechanism of assessing the efficiency of harnessing the manufacturer’s potential and identifying the reserves and inefficient usage of enterprise resources

    Methods of economic reliability assessment for industrial enterprise in the market economy conditions

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    The paper dwells upon prospects, topicality and scholarly importance of research into formation and assessment of economic reliability in industrial enterprises as socio-economic systems. The main notions and interconnection of the categories of “stability” and “reliability” of socio-economic systems are presented, based on which the conclusion that these notions are not identical is made. From the standpoint of system-synergetic approach, economic reliability comprises reliability of management system, technical development, conservation activities, human resources management, financial and economic development, marketing activities, and production management. The paper presents main methodological principles of integral estimation of economic reliability of an enterprise in modern conditions. It is suggested to apply E. Harrington’s desirability function in order to give a quantitative estimate of economic reliability. In conclusion it is pointed out that assessment of industrial enterprise’s economic reliability can become an effective mechanism of assessing the efficiency of harnessing the manufacturer’s potential and identifying the reserves and inefficient usage of enterprise resources

    The structure of mathematical maintenance of the computer trainer for studying of operator on the base of expert systems technology

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    Рассматриваются вопросы формирования структуры математического обеспечения модульного компьютерного тренажера с использованием технологии экспертных систем. Описываются особенности операторско-го и инструкторского интерфейсов.Розглядається структура та основні принципи створення математичного забезпечення інтегрованої інтелектуальної системи, що навчає, яка використовує комп’ютерний тренажер та технологію експертних систем.The structure and basic principles of creation of mathematical maintenance of integral intellectual educational system, which uses the computer trainer and the technology of expert systems is considered