345 research outputs found

    Effect of nuclear transparency from the (p,2p) measurements on 6Li and 12C at 1 GeV

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    We studied the production of protons to the backward direction in (p,2p) reactions on 6Li and 12C, accompanied by a proton emitted into the forward hemisphere. The momenta of the final two protons were measured in a wide range with the two-arm time-of-flight spectrometer. For each event we reconstructed the mass of the intermediate off-shell particles. We have discovered a strong narrow dip in the mass spectra of intermediate mesons at the mass of the real pion.Comment: 24 pages,11 figure

    Simulation of Radiation Effects in SiO2/Si Structures

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    We describe space-time evolution of electric charge induced in dielectric layer of simulated metal-insulator-semiconductor structures due to irradiation with X-rays. The system of equations used as a basis of the simulation model is solved iteratively by efficient numerical method. The obtained simulation results correlate well with the respective data presented in other scientific publications

    Simulation of Radiation Effects in SiO2/Si Structures

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    We describe space-time evolution of electric charge induced in dielectric layer of simulated metal-insulator-semiconductor structures due to irradiation with X-rays. The system of equations used as a basis of the simulation model is solved iteratively by efficient numerical method. The obtained simulation results correlate well with the respective data presented in other scientific publications

    On bi-hamiltonian structure of some integrable systems on so*(4)

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    We classify all the quadratic Poisson structures on so(4)so^*(4) and e(3)e^*(3), which have the same foliation by symplectic leaves as the canonical Lie-Poisson tensors. The separated variables for the some of the corresponding bi-integrable systems are constructed.Comment: LaTeX with Amsfonts, 13 pages, corrected typo

    Properties of superhard nanostructured coatings Ti-Hf-Si-N

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    New superhard coatings based on Ti-Hf-Si-N featuring high physical and mechanical properties were fabricated. We employed a vacuum-arc source with HF stimulation and a cathode sintered from Ti-Hf-Si. Nitrides were fabricated using atomic nitrogen (N) or a mixture of Ar/N, which were leaked-in a chamber at various pressures and applied to a substrate potentials. RBS, SIMS, GT-MS, SEM with EDXS, XRD, and nanoindentation were employed as analyzing methods of chemical and phase composition of thin films. We also tested tribological and corrosion properties. The resulting coating was a two-phase, nanostructured nc-(Ti, Hf)N and α-Si3N4. Sizes of substitution solid solution nanograins changed from 3.8 to 6.5 nm, and an interface thickness surrounding α-Si3N4 varied from 1.2 to 1.8 nm. Coatings hardness, which was measured by nanoindentation was from 42.7 GPa to 48.6 GPa, and an elastic modulus was E = (450 to 515) GPa. The films stoichiometry was defined for various deposition conditions. It was found that in samples with superhard coatings of 42.7 to 48.6GPa hardness and lower roughness in comparison with other series of samples, friction coefficient was equal to 0.2, and its value did not change over all depth (thickness) of coatings. A film adhesion to a substrate was essentially high and reached 25MPa. В работе получены новые сверхтвердые покрытия на основе Ti-Hf-Si-N с высокими физико-механическими свойствами. В процессе синтеза методом вакуумно-дугового осаждения с применением ВЧ напряжения распылялся цельнолитой катод Ti-Hf-Si. Нитриды формировались в среде атомарного азота (N) или в смеси Ar/N, которые напускались в камеру при различных давлениях. Химический и фазовый составы тонких пленок анализировался методами RBS, SIMS, GT-MS, SEM с EDXS, РСА, а твердость определялась наноиндентированием. Исследовались трибологические и коррозионные свойства покрытий. Полученные покрытия являются двухфазными наноструктурированными nс-(Ti, Hf)N и α-Si3N4. Размеры нанозерен твердого раствора варьировались от 3,8 до 6,5 нм, а толщина окружающей оболочки α-Si3N4 менялась от 1,2 до 1,8 нм. Твердость покрытий H составляла 42,7 48,6 ГПа, а модуль упругости Е принимал значения от 450 ГПа до 515 ГПа. Определена стехиометрия пленок при различных условиях осаждения. Установлено, что в образцах сверхтвердых покрытий с твердостью 42,7 48.6 ГПа наблюдалась более низкая шероховатость по сравнению с другими образцами, коэффициент трения составлял 0,2, и его значение не изменялось по всей глубине (толщине) покрытия. Адгезия пленки к подложке достигла 25 МПа. У роботі отримані нові надтверді покриття на основі Ti-Hf-Sі-N з високими фізико-механічними властивостями. У процесі синтезу методом вакуумно-дугового осадження із застосуванням ВЧ напруги розпорошувався суцільнолитий катод Tі-Hf-Sі. Нітриди формувалися у середовищі атомарного азоту (N) або у суміші Ar/N, які напускалися у камеру при різних тисках. Хімічний і фазовий склади тонких плівок аналізувалися методами RBS, SІMS, GT-MS, SEM з EDXS, РСА, а твердість визначалася наноіндентуванням. Досліджувалися трибологічні та корозійні властивості покриттів. Отримані покриття є двофазними наноструктурованими nс-(Tі, Hf)N і -Sі3N4. Розміри нанозерен твердого розчину варіювалися від 3,8 до 6,5 нм, а товщина навколишньої оболонки -Sі3N4 змінювалася від 1,2 до 1,8 нм. Твердість покриттів H становила 42,7 48,6 ГПа, а модуль пружності Е приймав значення від 450 ГПа до 515 ГПа. Визначено стехіометрію плівок при різних умовах осадження. Встановлено, що у зразках надтвердих покриттів із твердістю 42,7 48.6 ГПа спостерігалася нижча шорсткість у порівнянні з іншими зразками, коефіцієнт тертя становив 0,2, і його значення не змінювалося за глибиною (товщиною) покриття. Адгезія плівки до підкладки досягла 25 МПа


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    Purpose — to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method of arthrodesis by three cancellous screws in patients with posttraumatic arthrosis of the ankle joint.Materials and Methods. After removal of talus and tibia cartilage and autografting the proposed method features placement of foot into the optimal position and fixation of the ankle joint with three cancellous screws. 23 patients with posttraumatic ankle deformity arthrosis of grades III–IV underwent surgery according to the described procedure. Condition of all patients prior to and after the surgery was evaluated using the international ankle and rear foot assessment scale of the American Orthopedic Society of the Foot and Ankle (AOFAS).Results. In 20 patients (88%) the ankle ankylosis was reported within 2.5 months, which was confirmed by X-ray examination. In 2 patients (8%) the ankylosis took place in the period up to 4 months. Loss of the correct position of the foot with screws migration was reported in one patient (4%). The authors observed that patients with postoperative deviation of the tibiotalar angle not exceeding 5 degrees as compared to a healthy limb demonstrated the best functional outcomes.Conclusion. The suggested technique ensures a secure fixation of talus in a predetermined position, a single-step compression between the closed joint surfaces and allows an early effective rehabilitation.Цель исследования — оценить эффективность предложенного способа артродезирования тремя спонгиозными винтами у пациентов с посттравматическим деформирующим артрозом голеностопного сустава.Материал и методы. Особенность методики заключается в том, что после удаления хряща таранной и большеберцовой костей, оригинальной пластики аутологичной костью стопу выводят в оптимальное положение и фиксируют голеностопный сустав тремя спонгиозными винтами. Предложенным способом было прооперировано 23 пациента с посттравматическим деформирующим артрозом голеностопного сустава III–IV степени. Состояние всех пациентов до и после операции оценивали с использованием шкалы оценки голеностопного сустава и заднего отдела стопы, принятой Американским ортопедическим обществом стопы и голеностопного сустава (AOFAS).Результаты. У 20 (88%) больных костный анкилоз голеностопного сустава был достигнут в срок до 2,5 мес., что было подтверждено рентгенологическим исследованием, у 2 (8%) больных анкилоз состоялся в срок до 4 мес. У одного больного (4%) возникла потеря корректного положения стопы с миграцией винтов. Пациенты, у которых отклонение таранно-большеберцового угла не превышало 5° по сравнению со здоровой конечностью после операции, имели наилучшие функциональные результаты.Заключение. Предложенный способ обеспечивает надежное удержание таранной кости в заданном положении, одномоментную компрессию между замыкаемыми поверхностями сустава и позволяет начать раннюю и эффективную реабилитаци

    Formation and Characterization of Nanostructured Composite Coatings Based on the TiN Phase

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    Nanostructured thin-film coatings based on titanium nitride, doped with silicon, chromium and aluminium were the object of this study. The creation of a smooth transition layer was carried out by the changing of a supplying nitrogen ow to the vacuum chamber during the application. TiSiN, TiCrN and TiAlN coatings were deposited. The studies of the structure, elemental and phase composition of the coatings were carried out. Also, the performance of coatings was investigated. The results can be used in today's technology, such as mechanical engineering

    Two-temperature relaxation and melting after absorption of femtosecond laser pulse

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    The theory and experiments concerned with the electron-ion thermal relaxation and melting of overheated crystal lattice constitute the subject of this paper. The physical model includes two-temperature equation of state, many-body interatomic potential, the electron-ion energy exchange, electron thermal conductivity, and optical properties of solid, liquid, and two phase solid-liquid mixture. Two-temperature hydrodynamics and molecular dynamics codes are used. An experimental setup with pump-probe technique is used to follow evolution of an irradiated target with a short time step 100 fs between the probe femtosecond laser pulses. Accuracy of measurements of reflection coefficient and phase of reflected probe light are ~1% and \sim 1\un{nm}, respectively. It is found that, {\it firstly}, the electron-electron collisions make a minor contribution to a light absorbtion in solid Al at moderate intensities; {\it secondly}, the phase shift of a reflected probe results from heating of ion subsystem and kinetics of melting of Al crystal during 0 where tt is time delay between the pump and probe pulses measured from the maximum of the pump; {\it thirdly} the optical response of Au to a pump shows a marked contrast to that of Al on account of excitation of \textit{d}-electronsComment: 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications 9-12 Sep 2008, Sapporo, Japan, http://www.icpepa6.com, the contributed paper will be published in Applied Surface Science(2009

    Biomonitoring of selected persistent organic pollutants (PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs) in Finnish and Russian terrestrial and aquatic animal species

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    Background: The Finnish and Russian animal species (semi-domesticated reindeer, Finnish wild moose, Baltic grey seal and Baltic herring) samples were biomonitored in terrestrial and aquatic environments for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs). Results: Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) was clearly the most contaminated species. The mean PBDE concentration in grey seal was 115 ng/g fat, and the highest WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ (toxic equivalent set by WHO) was 327 pg/g fat. In Finnish, reindeer WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ varied from 0.92 pg/g fat in muscle to 90.8 pg/g fat in liver. WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ in moose liver samples was in the range of 0.7–4.26 pg/g fat, and WHO-PCB-TEQ in the range of 0.42–3.34 pg/g fat. Overall moose had clearly lower PCDD/F and DL-PCB concentrations in their liver than reindeer. Conclusions: Terrestrial animals generally had low POP concentrations, but in reindeer liver dioxin levels were quite high. All Finnish and Russian reindeer liver