108 research outputs found

    Fiber-optic control and thermometry of single-cell thermosensation logic

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    Thermal activation of transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels is one of the most striking examples of temperature-controlled processes in cell biology. As the evidence indicating the fundamental role of such processes in thermosensation builds at a fast pace, adequately accurate tools that would allow heat receptor logic behind thermosensation to be examined on a single-cell level are in great demand. Here, we demonstrate a specifically designed fiber-optic probe that enables thermal activation with simultaneous online thermometry of individual cells expressing genetically encoded TRP channels. This probe integrates a fiber-optic tract for the delivery of laser light with a two-wire microwave transmission line. A diamond microcrystal fixed on the fiber tip is heated by laser radiation transmitted through the fiber, providing a local heating of a cell culture, enabling a well-controlled TRP-assisted thermal activation of cells. Online local temperature measurements are performed by using the temperature-dependent frequency shift of optically detected magnetic resonance, induced by coupling the microwave field, delivered by the microwave transmission line, to nitrogen—vacancy centers in the diamond microcrystal. Activation of TRP channels is verified by using genetically encoded fluorescence indicators, visualizing an increase in the calcium flow through activated TRP channels

    Accelerating units for commercial resonator LINACs model UELR-10-10S designed for radiation sterilization development and results of testing

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    Some specific design features of the accelerating units for LINACs model UELR-10-10S designed for radiation sterilization and the electron beam characteristics obtained experimentally are considered.Описываются некоторые особенности конструкции ускорителей модели УЭЛР-10-10С, приводятся и обсуждаются характеристики электронного пучка, полученные экспериментально.Описуються деякі особливості конструкції прискорювачів моделі УЕЛР-10-10С, приводяться і обговорюються характеристики електронного пучка, отримані експериментально

    The Tolbachik volcanic massif: A review of the petrology, volcanology and eruption history prior to the 2012–2013 eruption

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    Trajectories for Flight to Geostationary Orbit Using the Gravitational Field of the Moon

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    Abstract: Lunar Gravity Assist (LGA) allows us to change a spacecraft (SC) orbit using the Moon’s gravity during its flying by the Moon and reduction of the fuel mass consumption. When the SC orbit initial inclination is more than ~300, the SC transfer into a geostationary orbit (GSO) using the LGA is more effective from energy point of view than conventional transfer scheme. We study characteristics of the SC trajectories for the launch to GSO using LGA taking into account the gravitational perturbations by Moon, Sun and by the Earth non-sphericity. The method is based on the initial designing the SC trajectory in an approximate model of Lunar point sphere of influence and on the subsequent construction of the trajectory in the exact formulation. The characteristics are given for several families of SC trajectories with a start from various Cosmodromes, for flyby of the Moon in ascending and descending nodes of Lunar orbit as well as for various energy values of the space orbit.Note: Research direction:Theoretical and applied problems of mechanic