23 research outputs found

    Mesozoic intraplate granitic magmatism in the Altai accretionary orogen, NW China: implications for the orogenic architecture and crustal growth

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    The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is the world's largest Phanerozoic accretionary orogen and is the most important site for juvenile crustal growth in the Phanerozoic. In this work, we employed U-Pb zircon geochronology to identify the early and middle Mesozoic intraplate granitic intrusive events in the Chinese Altai segment of the southern CAOB in order to better understand the crustal architecture of the CAOB. We also used whole-rock geochemical, Sr-Nd isotopic and zircon Hf isotopic data to constrain the generation for these granitic rocks and to evaluate the implications for vertical crustal growth in this region. The Early Mesozoic granitic intrusions were emplaced between 220 and 200 Ma in the central Altai “microcontinental terrane” (also widely referred to as Units 2 and 3). The granites have shoshonitic and high-K calc-alkaline affinities and show the characteristics of differentiated I-type granite. The whole-rock initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7058-0.7128) and εNd(210) values (−0.6 to −4.3), as well as the zircon εHf(t) values (−4.0 to +5.0) and two-stage Hf model ages (0.94-1.52 Ga), suggest that the granitic magmas were produced from a mixed source with both mantle-derived and recycled crustal components. The middle Mesozoic granites were emplaced at ~150 Ma in the southern Altai “accretionary terrane” (Units 4 and 5). They show A-type characteristics with the REE tetrad effect and have positive εNd(151) whole-rock values of +1.0 to +5.2 and two-stage Nd model ages (TDM2) of 0.6 to 1.0 Ga. Zircon Hf data show positive zircon εHf(151) values of +1 to +8 and two-stage Hf model ages of 0.6 to 1.2 Ga. The Nd-Hf isotopic data suggest that the granitic magmas were derived from short-lived juvenile mantle-derived materials. Thus, the isotopic signatures of all the Mesozoic granites from the central (old terrane) and southern (young accretional terrane) Altai suggest that the basement of both terranes has retained its original nature. The data further imply that the Altai orogen has kept its original architecture of Paleozoic horizontal accretion during Mesozoic time, as commonly observed in accretionary orogens where horizontal tectonics are dominant. All the early Mesozoic intrusions in the Altai were emplaced in an intraplate anorogenic setting; hence are distinguished from the contemporaneous syn- or post-orogenic magmatism in the eastern CAOB. We conclude that the early Mesozoic granites in the CAOB were emplaced in a variety of tectonic settings

    Fat and carbohydrate metabolism during and following hemorrhagic shock in puppies: A comparison of different resuscitation protocols

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    Shock states continue to carry a high mortality rate in the pediatric age group. Using a puppy model, we measured the initial metabolic response to hemorrhagic shock and to 3 resuscitation regimens: whole blood 1∶1 (replacement∶shed), lactated Ringer's 3∶1, and 5% albumin in lactated Ringer's 1∶1. Despite the immature nature of the puppy's enzyme, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, responses very similar to those in adult animals were seen. Serum glucose and free fatty acids rose during shock and declined with resuscitation as cardiac output returned toward normal. Serum lactate levels rose similarly but continued to rise for a short period after resuscitation and were associated with a further fall in pH consistent with “hidden acidosis.” Only small changes were noted in triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The metabolic responses noted following each of the 3 resuscitation protocols were similar. This study suggests that the immature animal responds to hemorrhagic shock in ways similar to the adult. The better initial hemodynamic response to resuscitation with high-volume lactated Ringer's or lactated Ringer's with 5% albumin was offset by the better buffering capacity of blood resuscitation. All 3 regimens were equally efficacious in providing initial metabolic recovery in this experimental hemorrhagic shock model. Les états de choc s'accompagnent d'une mortalité élevée chez les enfants. En ayant recours à l'expérimentation chez le chiot, les auteurs ont mesuré les modifications métaboliques initiales en réponse au choc hémoragique et à sa correction par 3 agents différents: sang complet (1∶1), solution de Ringer (3∶1) et solution de Ringer enrichie de 5% d'albumine. Malgré la nature immature des enzymes du chiot, du système cardio-vasculaire et du système nerveux, les réponses furent identiques à celles observées chez le chien adulte. Le glucose et les acides gras libres s'élevèrent au cours du choc et s'abaissèrent lors de la réanimation dès que le débit cardiaque revint à la normale. Les niveaux du lactate sanguin s'élevèrent de la même manière mais l'élévation continua pendant une courte période après la réanimation, cependant que le pH s'abaissait, démasquant une “acidose cachée”. Les taux des triglycérides et du cholestérol furent seulement discrètement altérés. Les réponses métaboliques étudiées en fonction des 3 méthodes de réanimation furent identiques. Cette étude suggère que le chiot répond de la même façon que le chien adulte au choc hémorragique et que les 3 méthodes de réanimation employant chacune des agents différents ont une efficacité identique. Los estados shock mantienen una elevada mortalidad en los grupos de edad pediátrica. Utilizando un modelo de shock en cachorros, se determinó la respuesta metabólica inicial al shock hemorrágico y a tres diferentes regimenes de resucitación: sangre total 1∶1 (reemplazo: pérdida), lactato de Ringer 3∶1, y albúmina al 5% en lactato de Ringer 1∶1. A pesar de la naturaleza inmadura de los sistemas enzimático, cardiovascular y nervioso del cachorro, las respuestas fueron muy similares a las observadas en animales adultos. La glucosa sérica y los ácidos grasos libres ascendieron durante el shock y declinarion en la medida que el débito cardiaco retornaba a lo normal. Los niveles de lactato sérico ascendieron en forma similar, pero continuaron su ascenso por un corto periodo de tiempo después de la resucitación, encontrándose asociados con una caida adicional del pH consistente con “acidosis oculta”. Sólo se presentaron cambios leves en los niveles de triglicéridos y colesterol. Las respuestas metabólicas observadas en cada uno de los tres protocolos de resucitación fueron similares. Este estudio sugiere que el animal inmaduro responde al shock hemorrágico de manera similar al adulto. La mejor respuesta hemodinámica inicial a la resucitación con altos volúmenes de lactato de Ringer o con lactato de Ringer con albúmina al 5%, fue compensada con una mejor capacidad de amortiguación observada en la resucitación con sangre. Los tres regimenes fueron igualmente eficaces en lograr la recuperación metabólica inicial en este modelo experimental de shock hemorrágico.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41311/1/268_2005_Article_BF01655348.pd


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    The research studied the pressing problem of the fuel and energy strategy of the XXI century. For the first time, there was shown the diversity of the authors' approach to theoretical and applied problems of hydrogen energy. General issues of fundamental and applied aspects of hydrogen origin were covered. The study provides the results of scientific developments on hydrogen mapping performed within the framework of scientific and practical exploratory and geo-ecological research on more than 200 hydrocarbon objects both on land (including mining fields) and in marine water areas. Prognostic and search system criteria were substantiated, with hydrogen being used for the first time as a component of the complex of methodical solutions in the search practice. The research showed the importance of solving the problem of geo-ecological processes and accidents in mine workings and wells, connected to numerous disasters. According to numerous studies of mine massives, a set of preventive measures and criteria that prevent explosive processes was provided.The presence of a unique complex of natural components of hydrogen technology, solar and wind energy resources and fresh waters of the Danube lakes and the Danube was stated.The study emphasises the decisive role of Ukraine in the competition for primacy in scientific developments. For the first time in world practice, the implementation of global projects for the extraction and production of green and white hydrogen was substantiated.The technology was tested on numerous hydrocarbon deposits, water resources and mine workings and therefore has all the prospects for the effective application in the search and extraction of hydrogen. This monograph can be useful and informative for specialists in the fields of oil and gas geology, general and regional geology, hydrology, environmental protection, as well as for the students and postgraduate students of fuel and energy, oil and gas geological and hydrological areas, as well as for domestic and foreign investors.Розглянуто актуальнішу проблему паливно-енергетичноїстратегії XXI ст. Вперше продемонстровано різновек-торність підходу авторів до теоретичних та прикладних проблем водневої енергетики.Висвітлено загальні питання фундаментально-прикладнихаспектів походження водню.Наведено результати наукових розробок з картування водню, виконаних у рамках наукових і практичних пошу-кових і геоекологічних досліджень на понад 200 вуглеводневих об'єктах на суходолі (включаючи шахтні поля) та в мор-ських акваторіях. Обґрунтовано прогнозно-пошуковісистемні критерії, де складовою частиною комплексу методичнихрішень вперше в пошуковій практиці використовувався водень.Показано важливість вирішення проблеми геоекологічних процесів і подій у шахтних виробках та свердлови-нах, з якими пов’язані численні катастрофи. За численними дослідженнями шахтних масивів наводиться розробленийкомплекс упереджувальних заходів та критеріїв, що унеможливлюють вибухонебезпечні процеси.Наведено наявність унікального природного комплексу складових водневої технології, сонячних та вітровихенергоресурсів та прісних вод придунайських озер та Дунаю.Відображено вирішальну роль України в змаганні за першість в наукових розробках. Вперше в світовій практиціобґрунтовано впровадження глобальних проектів по видобуванню та виробництву зеленого та білого водню.Технологія апробована на численних родовищах вуглеводнів, водних ресурсів і в шахтних виробках і тому маєвсі перспективи для ефективного застосування при пошуках і видобутку водню.Ця монографія може бути корисною та інформативною для фахівців у галузі геології нафти і газу, загальноїта регіональної геології, гідрології, охорони довкілля, студентів та аспірантів паливно-енергетичного,нафтогазогео-логічного і гідрологічного напрямів, а також вітчизняних і зарубіжних інвесторів


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    The research studied the pressing problem of the fuel and energy strategy of the XXI century. For the first time, there was shown the diversity of the authors' approach to theoretical and applied problems of hydrogen energy. General issues of fundamental and applied aspects of hydrogen origin were covered. The study provides the results of scientific developments on hydrogen mapping performed within the framework of scientific and practical exploratory and geo-ecological research on more than 200 hydrocarbon objects both on land (including mining fields) and in marine water areas. Prognostic and search system criteria were substantiated, with hydrogen being used for the first time as a component of the complex of methodical solutions in the search practice. The research showed the importance of solving the problem of geo-ecological processes and accidents in mine workings and wells, connected to numerous disasters. According to numerous studies of mine massives, a set of preventive measures and criteria that prevent explosive processes was provided. The presence of a unique complex of natural components of hydrogen technology, solar and wind energy resources and fresh waters of the Danube lakes and the Danube was stated. The study emphasises the decisive role of Ukraine in the competition for primacy in scientific developments. For the first time in world practice, the implementation of global projects for the extraction and production of green and white hydrogen was substantiated. The technology was tested on numerous hydrocarbon deposits, water resources and mine workings and therefore has all the prospects for the effective application in the search and extraction of hydrogen. This monograph can be useful and informative for specialists in the fields of oil and gas geology, general and regional geology, hydrology, environmental protection, as well as for the students and postgraduate students of fuel and energy, oil and gas geological and hydrological areas, as well as for domestic and foreign investors.