33 research outputs found

    Global Anomalies and Anyons in 1+1 Dimensions

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    We consider the analog in one spatial dimension of the Bose-Fermi transmutation for planar systems. A quantum mechanical system of a spin 1/2 particle coupled to an abelian gauge field, which is classically invariant under gauge transformations and charge conjugation is studied. It is found that unless the flux enclosed by the particle orbits is quantized, and the spin takes a value n+1/2n+ 1/2, at least one of the two symmetries would be anomalous. Thus, charge conjugation invariance and the existence of abelian instantons simultaneously force the particles to be either bosons or fermions, but not anyons.Comment: Changed title. To be published in Physics Letters

    Worldline approach to vector and antisymmetric tensor fields

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    The N=2 spinning particle action describes the propagation of antisymmetric tensor fields, including vector fields as a special case. In this paper we study the path integral quantization on a one-dimensional torus of the N=2 spinning particle coupled to spacetime gravity. The action has a local N=2 worldline supersymmetry with a gauged U(1) symmetry that includes a Chern-Simons coupling. Its quantization on the torus produces the one-loop effective action for a single antisymmetric tensor. We use this worldline representation to calculate the first few Seeley-DeWitt coefficients for antisymmetric tensor fields of arbitrary rank in arbitrary dimensions. As side results we obtain the correct trace anomaly of a spin 1 particle in four dimensions as well as exact duality relations between differential form gauge fields. This approach yields a drastic simplification over standard heat-kernel methods. It contains on top of the usual proper time a new modular parameter implementing the reduction to a single tensor field. Worldline methods are generically simpler and more efficient in perturbative computations then standard QFT Feynman rules. This is particularly evident when the coupling to gravity is considered.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    Higher spin fields from a worldline perspective

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    Higher spin fields in four dimensions, and more generally conformal fields in arbitrary dimensions, can be described by spinning particle models with a gauged SO(N) extended supergravity on the worldline. We consider here the one-loop quantization of these models by studying the corresponding partition function on the one-dimensional torus. After gauge fixing the supergravity multiplet, the partition function reduces to an integral over the corresponding moduli space which is computed using orthogonal polynomial techniques. We obtain a compact formula which gives the number of physical degrees of freedom for all N in all dimensions. As an aside we compute the physical degrees of freedom of the SO(4) = SU(2)xSU(2) model with only a SU(2) factor gauged, which has attracted some interest in the literature.Comment: 21 page

    Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1968 N° 4 APRIL-AVRIL = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1968 No. 4 April

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    In high energy experiments such as active beam dump searches for rare decays and missing energy events, the beam purity is a crucial parameter. In this paper we present a technique to reject heavy charged particle contamination in the 100 GeV electron beam of the H4 beam line at CERN SPS. The method is based on the detection with BGO scintillators of the synchrotron radiation emitted by the electrons passing through a bending dipole magnet. A 100 GeV pi- beam is used to test the method in the NA64 experiment resulting in a suppression factor of 10−5 while the efficiency for electron detection is 95%. The spectra and the rejection factors are in very good agreement with the Monte Carlo simulation. The reported suppression factors are significantly better than previously achieved.ISSN:0168-9002ISSN:1872-957

    Hunting down the X17 boson at the CERN SPS

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    Indexación ScopusRecently, the ATOMKI experiment has reported new evidence for the excess of e+e- events with a mass ∼ 17 MeV in the nuclear transitions of 4He, that they previously observed in measurements with 8Be. These observations could be explained by the existence of a new vector X17 boson. So far, the search for the decay X17 → e+e- with the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS gave negative results. Here, we present a new technique that could be implemented in NA64 aiming to improve the sensitivity and to cover the remaining X17 parameter space. If a signal-like event is detected, an unambiguous observation is achieved by reconstructing the invariant mass of the X17 decay with the proposed method. To reach this goal an optimization of the X17 production target, as well as an efficient and accurate reconstruction of two close decay tracks, is required. A dedicated analysis of the available experimental data making use of the trackers information is presented. This method provides independent confirmation of the NA64 published results [1], validating the tracking procedure. The detailed Monte Carlo study of the proposed setup and the background estimate show that the goal of the proposed search is feasible. © 2020, The Author(s).https://link-springer-com.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/article/10.1140%2Fepjc%2Fs10052-020-08725-

    Molecular dynamic calculation of gas macroparameters in the stream and on the boundary

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    Abstract: This work is devoted to the molecular-dynamic calculations of the gaseous media properties used for modeling the low temperature flows of real gases in technical systems microchannels by continuum mechanics methods. Properties of gas, necessary for simulation, in a flow and on boundaries of channels are expressed in the form of kinetic coefficients and parameters of boundary conditions. Calculations of properties are made on the basis of Newtonian mechanics equations according to Verlet scheme. In the paper different techniques for determining the gas kinetic coefficients are described and compared. As an example the nitrogen flow near the nickel surface is considered. For this case the coefficients of self-diffusion, viscosity and thermal conductivity in a gas flow, and also the accommodation coefficients for gas in the wall layers are calculated. The obtained calculated data are in good agreement with the known theoretical estimates and experimental data.Note: Research direction:Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technic

    Multiscale modeling of gas jet outflow to vacuum

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    Abstract: This paper is devoted to three-dimensional simulation of gas flows in in microchannels of complex technical systems. For simulation the multiscale approach combining the solution of quasigasdynamic equations and the molecular dynamics within the method of splitting into physical processes is used. Parallel implementation is based on the domain decomposition method and the functional parallelism and is oriented on use of computing systems with the central and hybrid architectures. In paper the calculations of three-dimensional nitrogen, hydrogen and their mixtures flows are made, comparing of the received results with the experimental data is carried out. Analysis of the obtained results confirms the efficiency of the offered approach and shows the good scalability of the developed parallel code.Note: Research direction:Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technic