107 research outputs found

    Some aspects of improving training on Occupational safety and health

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    Відсутність належної підготовки працівників з охорони праці часто стає причиною виробничих травм та професійних захворювань. Це спонукає до пошуку нових підходів до професійного навчання, підвищення кваліфікації працівників. Реалізація цього можлива шляхом впровадження сучасних освітніх технологій навчання на основі постійного підвищення рівня і якості підготовки з охорони праці. Метою модернізації системи професійної освіти з охорони праці повинно стати послідовне розширення і поглиблення знань, підвищення майстерності та кваліфікації персоналу, а наслідком - зростання професійних компетенцій, скорочення виробничого травматизму і професійних захворювань, забезпечення прийнятного рівня професійних ризиків. Разом з цим запобігання виробничих аварій та нещасних випадків, порятунку життя і здоров'я співробітників, що відповідає потребам підприємства.Ключові слова: охорона праці, навчання, освіта, андрагогіка, підготовка кадрів, безперервне навчання, навчання дорослих.PhD in Technical Sciences Komarov V.I., Korzh G.I. Some aspects of improving training on Occupational safety and health / National university «Lviv polytechnic», Ukraine, Lviv Lack of proper training of labor protection is often the cause of occupational injuries and diseases. It encourages new approaches to vocational training, training of professionals and workers. Realization of this is possible through the introduction of modern educational technology training based on the ongoing improvement of quality and safety training.The purpose of modernization of vocational education on Occupational safety and health should be consistent broadening and deepening knowledge, improving skills and training of personnel, and the result - the growth of professional competencies, reduce occupational injuries and diseases, ensuring an acceptable level of professional risk. At the same time prevent industrial accidents and accidents saving lives and health of employees that meets the needs of the enterprise.Key words: occupational health and safety, training, education, andragogy, preparation of personnel, lifelong learning, adult education

    Singlet-to-triplet ratio in the deuteron breakup reaction pdpnppd\to pnp at 585 MeV

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    Available experimental data on the exclusive pdpnppd\to pnp reaction at 585 MeV show a narrow peak in the proton-neutron final-state interaction region. It was supposed previously, on the basis of a phenomenological analysis of the shape of this peak, that the final spin-singlet pnpn state provided about one third of the observed cross section. By comparing the absolute value of the measured cross section with that of pdpd elastic scattering using the F\"aldt-Wilkin extrapolation theorem, it is shown here that the pdpnppd\to pnp data can be explained mainly by the spin-triplet final state with a singlet admixture of a few percent. The smallness of the singlet contribution is compatible with existing pNpNπpN\to pN\pi data and the one-pion exchange mechanism of the pdpnppd\to pnp reaction.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 2 Postscript figure

    Amphibole: A major carrier of helium isotopes in crustal rocks

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    The first evidence for a specific role of amphiboles in He isotope balance of crustal rocks was presented in early contributions by Gerling et al. (1971, 1976). Since then it was shown that 4He and 3He concentrations in amphiboles generally exceed those in the host rock samples. Recently amphibole was considered as an important carrier of noble gases and other volatiles components in the course of their subduction into the mantle. This paper presents new data on the balance and mobility of noble gas isotopes and major gas constituents in amphibole separates in order to understand sources and evolution of volatile components of 2666 Ma old alkaline granites from Ponoy massif (Kola Peninsula), which underwent metamorphism 1802 Ma ago.In the amphiboles 3He, 4He and 40Ar* were dominantly produced in situ due to radioactive decay of the parent isotopes and associated nuclear reactions. A small fraction of He (≈ 3% of the total) is liberated by crushing and shows 3He/4He ratio indistinguishable from that found by total extraction. The fraction of trapped 40Ar* amounts to ≈ 40%; both these fractions presumably occupy fluid inclusions and show rather low 4He/40Ar* ≈ 0.1, a factor of ≈ 150 below the production ratio (calculated assuming no loss / gain of the species has happened since the time of metamorphism).3He has been better preserved in amphiboles compared with 4He: the retention parameter (measured amount of He / totally produced amount) for 3He (≈ 0.4) exceeds that for 4He (≈ 0.15).He extraction by fast and slow linear heating of amphiboles resulted in different release patterns. The fast heating (within 12 to 40 °C min− 1) revealed a superposition of two peaks. When heating with slower heating rate (below 8 °C min− 1) was applied, the high-temperature peak disappeared (the “disappearing site”). Extractions of He atoms from grain and powder samples at different heating rates have shown that: (1) the “disappearing site” is revealed by the fast heating analyses of different amphibole samples but not only those from the Ponoy massif; (2) amount of He liberated from the “disappearing site” is variable and generally much less than the total amount of He in the sample; (3) analysis of the powder produced in the crushing experiments never reveals the “disappearing site”; the temperature of He release from the powder is lower than that from the mm grain size sample by ≈ 50 °C. Possible explanations of the nature of the “disappearing site” are discussed. However, independently on nature of this effect, repeated gas extractions by heating at different rates would give additional information about structure and its transformation during heating of amphiboles.The simplest explanation of the observed abundances of noble gas isotopes in the amphibole separates from Ponoy granites suggests local production, redistribution and partial loss of noble gases during evolution of the massif

    RF photogun and Cherenkov decelerating system for a high power radiation source in sub-mm region

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    Some results of RF photogun and Cherenkov decelerating system research and design are discussed. This R&D is providing to construct a high power pulse radiation source in sub-mm region. It is well known that the conducting capillary filled by dielectric skin can be used as a Cherenkov radiation generator. One needs very short (less than 1 mm) and high brightness electron bunch to provide the coherent radiation. The short bunch can be generated by means of a photogun. The electrons should be accelerated to the energy equal to 1…4 MeV in compact section and injected to the decelerating structure. This radiation source can be used for inspection systems or as a laboratory generator.Рассмотрены некоторые результаты исследования и разработки СВЧ-фотокатода и черенковской замедляющей системы, предназначенных для генерации мощных импульсов излучения субмиллиметрового диапазона. Как известно, проводящий капилляр, покрытый изнутри слоем диэлектрика, может быть использован в качестве источника черенковского излучения. Для получения монохроматического излучения необходимо иметь очень короткий (меньше 1 мм) сгусток электронов, который может быть получен при использовании фотокатода. Электроны должны быть ускорены в короткой системе до энергии 1…4 МэВ и инжектированы в замедляющую систему. Такой источник излучения может быть использован в досмотровой системе или в качестве лабораторного генератора.Розглянуто деякі результати дослідження та розробки НВЧ-фотокатода і черенківської уповільнюючої системи, призначених для генерації потужних імпульсів випромінювання субміліметрового діапазону. Як відомо, проводячий капіляр, покритий зсередини шаром діелектрика, може бути використаний як джерело черенківського випромінювання. Для отримання монохроматичного випромінювання необхідно мати дуже короткий (менше 1 мм) згусток електронів, який може бути отриманий при використанні фотокатода. Електрони мають бути прискорені в короткій системі до енергії 1…4 МеВ і інжектовані в уповільнюючу систему. Таке джерело випромінювання може бути використано в оглядовій системі або в якості лабораторного генератора

    3^3He Structure and Mechanisms of p3p^3He Backward Elastic Scattering

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    The mechanism of p3p^3He backward elastic scattering is studied. It is found that the triangle diagrams with the subprocesses pd3pd\to ^3Heπ0 \pi^0, pd3pd^*\to ^3Heπ0 \pi^0 and p(pp)3p(pp)\to^3Heπ+ \pi^+, where dd^* and pppp denote the singlet deuteron and diproton pair in the 1S0^1S_0 state, respectively, dominate in the cross section at 0.3-0.8 GeV, and their contribution is comparable with that for a sequential transfer of a npnp pair at 1-1.5 GeV. The contribution of the d+ppd^*+pp, estimated on the basis of the spectator mechanism of the p(NN)3p(NN)\to ^3Heπ \pi reaction, increases the p3p^3He3\to ^3Hep p cross section by one order of magnitude as compared to the contribution of the deuteron alone. Effects of the initial and final states interaction are taken into account.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figures, expanded version, accepted by Physical Review

    Passive Q-switching and mode-locking for the generation of nanosecond to femtosecond pulses

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