135 research outputs found

    Muon-induced neutron production and detection with GEANT4 and FLUKA

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    We report on a comparison study of the Monte Carlo packages GEANT4 and FLUKA for simulating neutron production by muons penetrating deep underground. GEANT4 is found to generate fewer neutrons at muon energies above ~100 GeV, by at most a factor of 2 in some materials, which we attribute mainly to lower neutron production in hadronic cascades. As a practical case study, the muon-induced neutron background expected in a 250 kg liquid-xenon WIMP dark matter detector was calculated and good agreement was found for the recoil event rates. The detailed model of neutron elastic scattering in GEANT4 was also shown to influence the nuclear recoil spectrum observed in the target, which is presently a shortcoming of FLUKA. We conclude that both packages are suited for this type of simulation, although further improvements are desirable in both cases.Comment: (23 pages, 14 figures) To appear in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A v2: Changes to format only; v3: Corrected typo in front matter; v4: Looked up additional experimental data for comparison with simulation

    Single-photon emission via Raman scattering from the levels with partially resolved hyperfine structure

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    The probability of emission of a single photon via Raman scattering of laser pulse on the three-level Λ\Lambda - type atom in microcavity is studied. The duration of the pulse is considered to be short enough, so that the hyperfine structure of the upper level remains totally unresolved, while that of the lower level is totally resolved. The coherent laser pulse is assumed to be in resonance with the transition between one hyperfine structure component of the lower atomic level and all hyperfine structure components of the upper level, while the quantized cavity field is assumed to be in resonance with the transition between the other hyperfine structure component of the lower level and all components of the upper one. The dependence of the photon emission probability on the mutual orientation of polarization vectors of the cavity mode and of the coherent laser pulse is analyzed. Particularly, the case is investigated, when the total electronic angular momentum of the lower atomic level equals 1/2, which is true for the ground states of alkali atoms employed in the experiments on deterministic single photon emission. It is shown, that in this case the probability of photon emission equals zero for collinear polarizations of the photon and of the laser pulse, and the probability obtains its maximum value, when the angle between their polarizations equals 60 degrees.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Isovector soft dipole mode in 6Be

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    By using the 1H(6Li,6Be)n charge-exchange reaction, continuum states in 6Be were populated up to E_t=16 MeV, E_t being the 6Be energy above its three-body decay threshold. In kinematically complete measurements performed by detecting alpha+p+p coincidences, an E_t spectrum of high statistics was obtained, containing approximately ~5x10^6 events. The spectrum provides detailed correlation information about the well-known 0^+ ground state of 6Be at E_t=1.37 MeV and its 2^+ state at E_t=3.05 MeV. Moreover, a broad structure extending from 4 to 16 MeV was observed. It contains negative parity states populated by Delta L=1 angular momentum transfer without other significant contributions. This structure can be interpreted as a novel phenomenon, i.e. the isovector soft dipole mode associated with the 6Li ground state. The population of this mode in the charge-exchange reaction is a dominant phenomenon for this reaction, being responsible for about 60% of the cross section obtained in the measured energy range.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Accurate spline solutions of the Dirac equation with parity-nonconserving potential

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    The complete system of the B-spline solutions for the Dirac equation with the parity-nonconserving (PNC) weak interaction effective potential is obtained. This system can be used for the accurate evaluation of the radiative corrections to the PNC amplitudes in the multicharged ions and neutral atoms. The use of the scaling procedure allows for the evaluation of the PNC matrix elements with relative accuracy 10710^{-7}.Comment: 7 page

    Combined effect of coherent Z exchange and the hyperfine interaction in atomic PNC

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    The nuclear spin-dependent parity nonconserving (PNC) interaction arising from a combination of the hyperfine interaction and the coherent, spin-independent, PNC interaction from Z exchange is evaluated using many-body perturbation theory. For the 6s-7s transition in 133Cs, we obtain a result that is about 40% smaller than that found previously by Bouchiat and Piketty [Phys. Lett. B 269, 195 (1991)]. Applying this result to 133Cs, leads to an increase in the experimental value of nuclear anapole moment and exacerbates differences between constraints on PNC meson coupling constants obtained from the Cs anapole moment and those obtained from other nuclear parity violating experiments. Nuclear spin-dependent PNC dipole matrix elements, including contributions from the combined weak-hyperfine interaction, are also given for the 7s-8s transition in 211Fr and for transitions between ground-state hyperfine levels in K, Rb, Cs, Ba+, Au, Tl, Fr, and Ra+.Comment: Revtex4 preprint 19 pages 4 table

    Calculation of nuclear spin-dependent parity-nonconserving amplitude for (7s,F=4) --> (7s,F=5) transition in Fr

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    Many-body calculation of nuclear spin-dependent parity-nonconserving amplitude for (7s,F=4) --> (7s,F=5) transition between hyperfine sublevels of the ground state of 211^{211}Fr is carried out. The final result is <7s,F=5 ||d_PNC|| 7s,F=4> = -0.49 10^{-10} i kappa a.u., where kappa is the dimensionless coupling constant. This is approximately an order of magnitude larger than similar amplitude in Cs. The dominant contribution to kappa is associated with the anapole moment of the nucleus.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Simulation of neutrons produced by high-energy muons underground

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    This article describes the Monte Carlo simulation used to interpret the measurement of the muon-induced neutron flux in the Boulby Underground Laboratory (North Yorkshire, UK), recently performed using a large scintillator veto deployed around the ZEPLIN-II WIMP detector. Version 8.2 of the GEANT4 toolkit was used after relevant benchmarking and validation of neutron production models. In the direct comparison between Monte Carlo and experimental data, we find that the simulation produces a 1.8 times higher neutron rate, which we interpret as over-production in lead by GEANT4. The dominance of this material in neutron production allows us to estimate the absolute neutron yield in lead as (1.31 +/- 0.06) x 10^(-3) neutrons/muon/(g/cm^2) for a mean muon energy of 260 GeV. Simulated nuclear recoils due to muon-induced neutrons in the ZEPLIN-II target volume (~1 year exposure) showed that, although a small rate of events is expected from this source of background in the energy range of interest for dark matter searches, no event survives an anti-coincidence cut with the veto.Comment: 13 Pages, 11 Figures, 3 Tables. To appear in Astroparticle Physics. Version 2 has minor corrections and clarifications. Figures 1 and 3 now include neutron yields obtained with FLUKA-200

    QED Effects in Heavy Few-Electron Ions

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    Accurate calculations of the binding energies, the hyperfine splitting, the bound-electron g-factor, and the parity nonconservation effects in heavy few-electron ions are considered. The calculations include the relativistic, quantum electrodynamic (QED), electron-correlation, and nuclear effects. The theoretical results are compared with available experimental data. A special attention is focused on tests of QED in a strong Coulomb field.Comment: 28 pages, 6 tables, 5 figure

    GABRIELA : a new detector array for gamma-ray and conversion electron spectroscopy of transfermium elements

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    With the aid of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation package a new detection system has been designed for the focal plane of the recoil separator VASSILISSA situated at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, Dubna. GABRIELA (Gamma Alpha Beta Recoil Investigations with the Electromagnetic Analyser VASSILISSA) has been optimised to detect the arrival of reaction products and their subsequent radioactive decays involving the emission of alpha- and beta-particles, fission fragments, gamma- and X-rays, and conversion electrons. The new detector system is described and the results of the first commissioning experiments are presented.Comment: 24 pages, Submitted to NIM