69 research outputs found

    Improved model of primordial black hole formation after Starobinsky inflation

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    A new (improved) model of inflation and primordial black hole (PBH) formation is proposed by combining Starobinsky model of inflation, Appleby-Battye-Starobinsky (ABS) model of dark energy and a quantum correction in the modified F(R)F(R) gravity. The energy scale parameter in the ABS model is taken to be close to the inflationary scale, in order to describe double inflation instead of dark energy. The quantum correction is given by the term quartic in the spacetime scalar curvature RR with a negative coefficient (δ)(-\delta) in the F(R)F(R) function. It is demonstrated that very good agreement (within 1σ1\sigma) with current measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation can be achieved by choosing the proper value of δ\delta, thus solving the problem of low values of the tilt of CMB scalar perturbations in the earlier proposed model in arXiv:2205.00603. A large (by the factor of 10710^7 against CMB) enhancement in the power spectrum of scalar perturbations is achieved by fine-tuning the parameters of the model. It is found by numerical analysis that it can lead to formation of asteroid-size PBH with the masses up to 102010^{20} g, which may form dark matter in the current universe.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX; minor correction

    E-models of inflation and primordial black holes

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    We propose and study the new (generalized) E-type α\alpha-attractor models of inflation, in order to include formation of primordial black holes (PBHs). The inflaton potential has a near-inflection point where slow-roll conditions are violated, thus leading to large scalar perturbations collapsing to PBHs later. An ultra-slow roll (short) phase exists between two (longer) phases of slow-roll inflation. We numerically investigate the phases of inflation, derive the power spectrum of scalar perturbations and calculate the PBHs masses. For certain values of the parameters, the asteroid-size PBHs can be formed with the masses of 1017÷101910^{17}\div 10^{19} g, beyond the Hawking evaporation limit and in agreement with current CMB observations. Those PBHs are a candidate for (part of) dark matter in the present universe, while the gravitational waves induced by the PBHs formation may be detectable by the future space-based gravitational interferometers.Comment: 11 pages, 3 Figures, 1 Table, LaTeX; references adde

    The Relationship between the Components of Regulatory Universal Learning Actions in Primary School Children with Disorders of Psychological Development as a Factor of Their Learning Success

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    В статье рассматривается психолого-педагогическая реабилитация детей младшего школьного возраста с ЗПР в процессе развития регулятивных УУД, организованной с применением системно-деятельностного подхода.The article deals with the regulatory universal learning actions of students with disorders of psychological development. It studies the interrelations between the components of regulatory universal learning actions. The priority goal of school education is the formation of learning skills. The authors dwell in detail on the regulatory universal learning actions, since it is this type of actions that underlies the formation of self-organization skills of learning of junior schoolchildren, and thus forms the foundation for successful learning in primary school

    Phase transitions for PP-adic Potts model on the Cayley tree of order three

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    In the present paper, we study a phase transition problem for the qq-state pp-adic Potts model over the Cayley tree of order three. We consider a more general notion of pp-adic Gibbs measure which depends on parameter \rho\in\bq_p. Such a measure is called {\it generalized pp-adic quasi Gibbs measure}. When ρ\rho equals to pp-adic exponent, then it coincides with the pp-adic Gibbs measure. When ρ=p\rho=p, then it coincides with pp-adic quasi Gibbs measure. Therefore, we investigate two regimes with respect to the value of ρp|\rho|_p. Namely, in the first regime, one takes ρ=expp(J)\rho=\exp_p(J) for some J\in\bq_p, in the second one ρp<1|\rho|_p<1. In each regime, we first find conditions for the existence of generalized pp-adic quasi Gibbs measures. Furthermore, in the first regime, we establish the existence of the phase transition under some conditions. In the second regime, when ˚p,qpp2|\r|_p,|q|_p\leq p^{-2} we prove the existence of a quasi phase transition. It turns out that if ˚p<q1p2<1|\r|_p<|q-1|_p^2<1 and \sqrt{-3}\in\bq_p, then one finds the existence of the strong phase transition.Comment: 27 page


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    The heat dissipation on the lateral surface of the cyclone chamber working volume with asymmetrical input and output of gases is considered in the present paper in contrast to the previously executed [1–10]. The relative values of input gas flow and the relative diameters of the outlet are different in each of the halves of the working volume. The heat dissipation by convection to the swirling airflow was studied by the method of variation of the aggregate state of the heating agent – water vapor slightly superheated (at 2–3 °С) condensation. Collecting the condensate produced from the work site through a water lock, providing maintaining of constant pressure in the calorimeter. The quantity of heat transmitted during the experiment was determined by the amount of collected condensate.In the experiments on the camera with two-sided asymmetric output relative gas outlet diameter on one side of the camera varied Relative diameter of the outlet on the other hand remained constant. In the experiences on the camera with the bilateral asymmetrical conditions for the introduction of gases the asymmetry of the introduction of flow was created due to a change in the relative entrance area whoo remained constant. Local heat transfer coefficient was determined for different values dimensionless longitudinal coordinate coinciding with the axis of the chamber, directed toward the outlet, measured from the middle section of the working volume. Еquations for calculation of heat transfer coefficients on the lateral surface of the howling cyclone chambers with unbalanced input and output gases, оbtained in this paper, give the satisfactory agreement of the calculated and experimental data that allows to recommend to their practical application.В настоящей работе, в отличие от исследований [1–10], рассмотрена теплоотдача на боковой поверхности рабочего объема при несимметричных вводе и выводе газов, когда значения относительных площадей входа и относительных диаметров выходного отверстия различны в каждой из половин рабочего объема. Теплоотдачу конвекцией к закрученному потоку воздуха изучали по методу изменения агрегатного состояния греющего агента – конденсации слегка перегретого (на 2–3 оС) водяного пара. Сбор конденсата с рабочего участка производили через гидрозатвор, обеспечивающий поддержание постоянного давления в калориметре. Переданное за время опыта количество теплоты определяли по массе собранного конденсата.В опытах на камере с двусторонним несимметричным выводом газов варьировали относительный диаметр выходного отверстия с одной из сторон камеры Относительный диаметр выходного отверстия с другой стороны сохранялся постоянным. В опытах на камере с двусторонними несимметричными условиями ввода газов несимметрию ввода потока создавали за счет изменения относительной площади входа которая оставалась постоянной. Местный коэффициент теплоотдачи определяли при различных значениях безразмерной продольной координаты, совпадающей с осью камеры, направленной в сторону выходного отверстия, отсчитываемой от среднего сечения рабочего объема. Полученные уравнения для расчета коэффициентов теплоотдачи на боковой поверхности циклонных камер с несимметричными вводом и выводом газов дают удовлетворительное совпадение расчетных и опытных данных, что позволяет рекомендовать их для практического применения

    Protective Cr Coatings with ZrO2/Cr Multilayers for Zirconium Fuel Claddings

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    This article described the protective properties of Cr coatings with a barrier layer composed of ZrO2/Cr multilayers deposited onto E110 zirconium alloy. The coatings with a ZrO2/Cr multilayer thickness of 100, 250, and 750 nm and single-layer (1.5 µm) ZrO2 barrier were obtained by multi-cathode magnetron sputtering in Ar + O2 atmosphere. Then, cracking resistance and oxidation behavior were studied under conditions of thermal cycling (1000 °C) in air and high-temperature oxidation at 1200-1400 °C in a water steam. The role of the ZrO2/Cr multilayers and multilayer thickness on cracking resistance of the experimental coatings and oxidation resistance of the coated E110 alloy was discussed. It was shown that the coatings with more quantity of the ZrO2/Cr multilayers have higher cracking resistance, but such types of samples have a large amount of coating spallation under thermal cycling. The high-temperature steam oxidation (1200-1400 °C) demonstrated that interfaces of the ZrO2/Cr multilayers can act as a source of cavities formed by the Kirkendall mechanism that results in accelerating Cr-Zr interdiffusion for Cr-coated E110 alloy

    Влияния ингибитора синтаз оксида азота Т1023 на развитие лучевого пневмофиброза у крыс

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    The purpose of the work was to study the ability of the NOS inhibitor T1023 to prevent late radiation injuries. Methods: the effects of T1023 (75 mg / kg, once i.p. 30 minutes before the irradiation) on the development of post-radiation pulmonitis and pneumofibrosis in rats with thoracic exposure to g-radiation at  a dose of 12.5 Gy were studied histopathologically and morphometrically. The results of the studies showed that there wasn’t a significant objective effect of T1023 on the development of early radiation-induced lung injuries  (9 weeks after irradiation). But it prevented late radiation induced lung injuaries (26 weeks after irradiation) – there were a significant lesser pathomorphological manifestations of post-radiation pulmonitis, proliferation of connective tissue and the development of fibrotic changes in the lung parenchyma. At this stage, the action of T1023 clearly contributed to the preservation of the normal histostructure of the lungs, reducing by 40% the content of compaction zones in the parenchyma. The ability of the NOS inhibitor T1023 to significantly limit the development of lungs late radiation reaction confirms the promise of further development  of this compound as a means for prevention radiation therapy complications.Целью работы являлось изучение способности ингибитора синтаз оксида азота Т1023 к профилактике поздних лучевых повреждений. Методы работы включали гистопатологические и морфометрические исследования влияния радиозащитного действия соединения Т1023 (75 мг/кг, однократно внутрибрюшинно за 30 мин до облучения) на развитие постлучевого пульмонита и пневмофиброза у крыс при торакальном воздействии γ-излучения в дозе 12,5 Гр. Результаты исследований показали, что радиозащитное действие соединения Т1023 не оказывало существенного объективного влияния на раннем этапе (9 недель) развития радиационно-индуцированных повреждений легких. Но на этапе полного развития лучевой реакции легких (26 недель) превентивное радиозащитное действие Т1023 сопровождалось объективно выраженным и статистически значимым ограничением патоморфологических проявлений постлучевого пульмонита, разрастания соединительной ткани и развития фиброзных изменений в паренхиме легких. На этом сроке действие Т1023 отчетливо способствовало сохранению нормальной гистоструктуры легких, снижая на 40% содержание в паренхиме зон уплотнения. Показанная в работе способность ингибитора синтаз оксида азота Т1023 существенно ограничивать развитие поздней лучевой реакции легких подтверждает перспективность дальнейшей разработки этого соединения в качестве средства профилактики осложнений лучевой терапии

    Stability and monotonicity of Lotka–Volterra type operators

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    In the present paper,we investigate stability of trajectories ofLotka–Volterra (LV) type operators defined in finite dimensional simplex.We prove that any LV type operator is a surjection of the simplex. It is introduced a newclass of LV-type operators, called MLV type ones, and we show that trajectories of the introduced operators converge. Moreover, we show that such kind of operators have totally different behavior than f-monotone LV type operators


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    The heat dissipation on the lateral surface of the cyclone chamber working volume with asymmetrical input and output of gases is considered in the present paper in contrast to the previously executed [1–10]. The relative values of input gas flow and the relative diameters of the outlet are different in each of the halves of the working volume. The heat dissipation by convection to the swirling airflow was studied by the method of variation of the aggregate state of the heating agent – water vapor slightly superheated (at 2–3 °С) condensation. Collecting the condensate produced from the work site through a water lock, providing maintaining of constant pressure in the calorimeter. The quantity of heat transmitted during the experiment was determined by the amount of collected condensate.In the experiments on the camera with two-sided asymmetric output relative gas outlet diameter on one side of the camera varied Relative diameter of the outlet on the other hand remained constant. In the experiences on the camera with the bilateral asymmetrical conditions for the introduction of gases the asymmetry of the introduction of flow was created due to a change in the relative entrance area whoo remained constant. Local heat transfer coefficient was determined for different values dimensionless longitudinal coordinate coinciding with the axis of the chamber, directed toward the outlet, measured from the middle section of the working volume. Еquations for calculation of heat transfer coefficients on the lateral surface of the howling cyclone chambers with unbalanced input and output gases, оbtained in this paper, give the satisfactory agreement of the calculated and experimental data that allows to recommend to their practical application

    Network Interaction of Universities in the Context of the Russian Arctic Development

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    The article considers network interaction of Russian universities to solve strategic problems of macroregions development. Network interaction is a common model of cooperation between universities abroad, and in recent years, in connection with the new challenges facing Russian education, it has become relevant for Russian universities. The article briefly presents the main forms of organization and methods of managing network interaction, its advantages over traditional types of joint activities of universities. Based on the four years of work in the framework of the Association “National Arctic Research and Education Consortium” (NAREC), the authors analyze the experience of cooperation between universities in the interests of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Four key areas of activity are considered: 1) expert and analytical support of personnel training and research; 2) Arctic-focused educational programs and projects; 3) support and promotion of scientific research on Arctic topics among students; 4) creation of joint information space. The article demonstrates the significant results of their implementation for each of these directions. These include monitoring the state of training of personnel with higher education and developing professional standards, developing educational products, including network programs and mass open online courses on Arctic topics, participating in international projects, conducting a national competition for student papers, as well as accumulating information related to training and research on Arctic topics. Based on the best practices of the Association “NAREC” and the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the network interaction model, the authors formulated practical recommendations for the development of interregional scientific and educational cooperation