226 research outputs found

    Schoolchildren’s Creative Abilities Development in the Course of Poetry Study

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    The article considers some methodological aspects of the development of creative abilities of schoolchildren in the course of poetry study in elementary and primary schools. The development of creative and imaginative abilities and tropology of junior schoolchildren along with reading and artworks analysis is disclosed. The types of perception of poetic texts by children are studied. The work of teacher in the classes of the "Poetics" course, using study guides for the lower school is presented.The analysis of the studied data enabled to examine the problem of schoolchildren’s creative abilities development more thoroughly and to identify the possible prospects

    Socio-economic consequences and prospective opportunities of the international labour migration as a process of the global labour market development

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    Purpose: The aim is to study the causes, processes and economic consequences of remittances carried out during international labour migrations in the global labour market. Design/Methodology/Approach: The comprehensive analysis of remittances of migrants based on official data of the World Bank is carried out in this article. The systematic approach and logical research methods were used. The paper analyzes data on the remittances dynamics in the XXI century, shows the largest countries of senders and recipients of migrant workers remittances. Authors studied corridors of cash flows, the cost of transfers depending on the region of departure and the main transfer organizations. Findings: Remittances from migrant workers is the significant amount of aid, especially for low-and middle-income countries, and it is the largest source of external financing for them. The economies of the number of countries are highly dependent on these transfers. According to experts, remittances of migrants are many times higher than the volume of the official development assistance to these countries, as well as remittances of migrants surpass the volume of the foreign direct investment. And according to forecasts, the volume of remittances will only grow. Practical implications: The practical significance of the study is to substantiate and highlight the most important methodological and theoretical economic consequences of remittances of international migration flows. Originality/value: The theoretical and applied value of the study is to substantiate the prospect area with better mechanisms for the implementation, accounting and stimulation of remittances by international labour migrants.peer-reviewe

    Insurance as a tool to maintain the agrobusiness financial stability

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    The article is devoted to the Russian system of agricultural insurance as an important tool for maintaining the financial stability of the industry. The historical aspect of the formation mechanism of the insurance agrobusiness in Russia is discussed; the main challenges of its current development with market participants are estimate

    Security of Personal Data in Social Networks

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    The article addresses strategies to ensure personal integrity and how to protect civil rights from various offenses. A definition of social networks is presented, various risks and threats to personal user’s information are investigated, as in a network domain various attacks are made in order to threaten a private life

    Security of Personal Data in Social Networks

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    The article addresses strategies to ensure personal integrity and how to protect civil rights from various offenses. A definition of social networks is presented, various risks and threats to personal user’s information are investigated, as in a network domain various attacks are made in order to threaten a private life

    Optimization of information support for pharmacies in the field of pharmaceutical aid to children with arthropathy

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    The paper presents an analysis of information awareness of pharmaceutical personnel on aspects of pharmaceutical aid to children with joint diseases; we analyzed the product portfolio of medicines for treating children with juvenile arthritis in the ambulatory outpatient conditions, taking into account consumer preferences and economic opportunities of their families; we developed a materials bank for pharmaceutical information counseling of pharmacy personnel in terms of pharmaceutical aid to children with joint disease

    Вивчення безпечності ряду розчинів детергентів при різних значеннях рн

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    This article considers effect of surfactants, which are often used in the manufacture foaming detergents, in particular children’s shampoos and personal care products. Past studies have shown that the experimental samples foaming bases with modern detergents anionic and amphoteric origin do not show a toxic properties, namely locally-irritating and analgesic effect. Obtained results suggest the possibility of developing a wide spectrum cleaning means in different designation range of pH:from baby skin to the intimate areas of the body.Рассмотрено влияние поверхностно-активных веществ, которые чаще всего применяются в производстве пеномоющих средств, в том числе детских шампуней и средств личной гигиены. Проведенные исследования показали, что экспериментальные образцы пеномоющих основ с современными детергентами анионного и амфотерного происхождения не проявляют токсических свойств, а именно местнораздражающего и аллергизующего действия. Полученныерезультаты свидетельствуют о возможности разработки очищающих средств широкого спектра использования в различных интервалах рН: от кожных покровов ребенка до интимных участков тела человека.В роботі розглядається вплив поверхнево-активних речовин, які найчастіше застосовуються у виробництві піномийних засобів, зокрема дитячих шампунів та засобів особистої гігієни. Проведені дослідження показали, що експериментальні зразки піномийних основ з сучасними детергентами аніонного та амфотерного походження не проявляють токсичні властивості, а саме місцевоподразнювальну та алергезуючу дії. Отримані результати свідчать про можливість розробки очищувальних засобів широкого спектру призначення у різних інтервалах рН: від шкірних покривів дитини до інтимних ділянок тіла людини.

    Impact of the oil production complex on land pollution in Russia

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    The assessment of the impact of the economic activities of the Russian oil-producing complex on land pollution contributes to the adoption of evolutionary management decisions. It also helps to take into account the opinion of society, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In the oil complex, industrial pollution negatively affects flora and fauna. It's important to identify the level of exposure, the degree of its danger, the location of the contamination. The work deals with the methodology, information-logical and mathematical model of solving the above problem. The main result of the work is a system and procedure (technique) for analyzing the results of monitoring and forecasting of land cover take into consideration the sanitary and hygienic consequences of residual content of petroleum products. As a result of the system analysis, an approach to the construction of alternative solutions has been proposed, taking into account not only permissible pollution standards, but also environmental, sanitary and epidemiological norms and assessment methods. The emergence of soil systems, their categories, is taken into account. In particular, (in importance) risks for soil cover-morphological, bio-physical-chemical, ecological-health, toxic influence and irreversible processes and bifurcations, including taking into account regional peculiarities and restoration potential of soil, are considered. Proposed algorithm of simulation and system analysis is based on situational modeling. Evolutionary modeling allows you to adapt the prediction and assessment procedure (methodology) to the risk factors of the environment. It increases accuracy (formalization and evidence) and completeness of conclusions, efficiency of situation analysis, which affects manageability of risk both for oil complex and for individual enterprise of the industry. The results of the work may be used for the development of software tools, in particular expert and predictive systems. Situational models are needed when oil companies are addressing multi-criteria and multi-factor decision-making challenges