156 research outputs found

    Юридична лінгвістика в правничій навчальній діяльності

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    The objective of the study is to provide characteristics to the state of academic discipline “Legal Linguistics” in Ukraine and in the countries of Romano-Germanic law, and its origin. To achieve the objective, the author has solved the following tasks: 1) description of the state of academic discipline “Legal Linguistics” in Ukrainian educational institutions; 2) “Legal Linguistics” as an academic discipline and as a research direction in the educational institutions of Germany and Switzerland and its importance for training a “European lawyer”. It has been concluded that “Legal Linguistics” as an interdisciplinary academic discipline must be offered in the curriculum for training a lawyer in the specialty 081 “Jurisprudence” as an academic discipline of choice. The purpose of its study is to get acquainted with the main directions, ideas and problems of the current legal and linguistic science; studying theoretical and methodological principles of legal linguistics; mastering the methodology of drafting, editing and analysis of legal texts, namely normative and legal, various substatutory acts and law-enforcement documents. The tasks of the academic discipline are: students acquire in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities on the role of a language within legal regulation, the basics of legal technique, law-making and law-enforcement errors, specific features of linguistic examination of bills, mastering the methodology of drafting, editing and analysis of legal texts. The training of a modern lawyer in Europe is increasingly directed not at the study of state legislation, but on the formation of a “European lawyer”, who thinks globally, is able to work not only with national law, but also with the acquis communautaire and to correctly interpret such acts, based on the provisions and conclusions of legal comparative studies. Training of law students in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System, which facilitates their mobility, assists in such a formation.Досліджено місце юридичної лінгвістики в правничій навчальній діяльності. Проаналізовано становище навчальної дисципліни «Юридична лінгвістика» в українських і зарубіжних ВНЗ. Акцентовано на тому, що «юридична (правнича) лінгвістика» як навчальна міждисциплінарна дисципліна має обов’язково пропонуватися в навчальних планах підготовки правника за спеціальністю 081 «Право» як вибіркова навчальна дисципліна

    Possible reason increase of jellyfish population in the Sea of Azov

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    Іt is worth to noting that since the increase in the sea salinity is directly dependent on rising air temperatures, probably the global trend of rising temperatures makes itself felt, precisely on the example of the Sea of Azov

    Insulin resistance in obese adolescents and adult men modifies the expression of proliferation related genes

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    Numerous data demonstrate that key regulatory factors, enzymes and receptors including HSPA5, MEST, SLC1A3, PDGFC, and ADM represent poly-functional, endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent proteins, which control variable metabolic pathways. The expression level of genes of these proteins in the blood and subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese adolescents and adult men with and without insulin resistance was studied. It was shown that in blood of obese adolescents without insulin resistance the expression level of SLC1A3, HSPA5, MEST, and PDGFC genes was significantly increased, but development of insulin resis­tance led to down-regulation of these genes expression except HSPA5 gene as compared to the control group as well as to the group of obese adolescents without insulin resistance. At the same time, the expression level of ADM gene did not change significantly in obese adolescents without insulin resistance, but the development of insulin resistance led to down-regulation of this gene expression. In subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese adult men without insulin resistance the level of SLC1A3 gene expression was decreased, although ADM, MEST, and HSPA5 genes – increased. It was also shown that the development of insulin resistance in obese men affected the expression level of ADM and SLC1A3 genes only. Results of this investigation provide evidence that insulin resistance in obese adolescents and adult men is associated with specific changes in the expression of genes, which related to proliferation and development of obesity and insulin resistance as well as to endoplasmic reticulum stress and contribute to the development of obesity complications

    Application of bent crystals at IHEP 70-GeV accelerator to enhance the efficiency of its usage

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    Bent crystal was extracting 70-GeV protons with average intensity 4*10^11 (as measured in external beamline) per spill of 1.6 s duration, in parallel to the simultaneous work of two internal targets in the accelerator ring. An additional crystal, placed in the external beamline, was deflecting a small part of the extracted beam with intensity 10^7 protons toward another physics experiment. Crystal-extracted beam had a typical size of 4 mm by 4 mm fwhm at the end of the external beamline. Measurements for the extraction efficiency and other characteristics at the simultaneous work of four experimental set-ups are presented. With crystal working in the above-said regime during one month, no degradation of channeling was observed. The studies of extraction efficiency have been continued with new crystals.Comment: 6pp. Presented at EPAC 200

    Ferroelectric C* phase induced in a nematic liquid crystal matrix by a chiral non-mesogenic dopant

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    We report on a ferroelectric chiral smectic C (C*) phase obtained in a mixture of a nematic liquid crystal (NLC) and a chiral nonmesogenic dopant. The existence of C* phase was proven by calorimetric, dielectric and optical measurements, and also by X-rays analysis. The smectic C* which is obtained in such a way can flow, allowing to restore the ferroelectric liquid crystal layer structure in the electro-optical cells after action of the mechanical stress, as it happens with the cells filled with NLC. The proposed method of obtaining smectic C* material allows us to create innovative electro-optical cell combining the advantages of NLC (mechanical resilience) and smectic C* (high switching speed

    From quantitative measurement to understanding public demand: Exploring non-survey methods in applied regional research

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    The article builds on the well-developed problem of studying trust in society towards social institutions, as well as between individuals. Currently, contact quantitative sociology faces a number of challenges, and the level of consent to participate in surveys is steadily falling. In order to reliably assess public opinion, non-contact tools for studying the digital environment are already required. The application of non-survey techniques for collecting big data using a pre-formed thesaurus allows us to select data for analysis and circumvent the problems associated with respondent recruitment. The application of SML approach to analyze digital publications of Russian-speaking users from Novosibirsk (more than 450 thousand publications) collected in 2020 has been considered. The combination of quantitative and qualitative methods allowed us to describe the audience and categorize the areas of public distrust and dissatisfaction. The application of this approach can be useful for managerial tasks aimed at increasing trust in society. Thus, the study is a valuable contribution to the development of modern sociology and its applied aspects

    Фазозарождение кремния на стеклоуглероде в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6

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    Silicon nucleation process was invesigated in melt KF-KCl-K2SiF6 on glassy carbon substrates at 675 ºС by chronoamperometric method. Using data of the chronoamperograms the linear dependence I – τ3/2 was constructed. That fact testified the progressive nucleation mode of silicon. As seem from SEM micrographs silicon crystals obtained by a single pulse had different sizes, that also confirmed the progressive nucletion mode.Методом хроноамперометрии изучено зарождение кремния на стеклоуглеродной подложке в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6 при температуре 675 ºС. Выявлено прогрессивное фазозарождение кремния. Из SEM-микрофотографий зародышей кремния, выращенных на стеклоуглеродной подложке в потенциостатическом режиме в интервале потенциалов от –0.005 до –0.03 В в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6 при Т = 675 ºС, видно, что в условиях одного эксперимента они имеют размеры, различающиеся в несколько раз, что подтверждает прогрессирующий характер возникновения зародышей кремния. Показано, что когда к рабочему электроду при прочих равных условиях прикладывается более отрицательное значение потенциала относительно кремниевого электрода сравнения, то количество сформировавшихся зародышей на поверхности электрода растет