102 research outputs found

    Synthesis of 5-methyl-2-ethyl-4-chloro-2-oxo-1,2-oxa-4-hospholene

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    1. The counter synthesis of 5-methyl-2-ethyl-4-chloro-2-oxo-l,2-oxa-4-phospholene was accomplished. 2. The 4-methyl-2-ethyl- and 4-methyl-2-phenyl-5-methylene-2-oxo-1,2-oxa-3-phospholenes were obtained by the chlorination and dehydrochlorination of the 4,5-dimethy1-2-ethyl- and 4,5-dimethy1-2-pheny1-2-oxo-1,2-oxa-4-phospholenes. 3. The 4-methyl-2-ethyl (or phenyl)-5-methylene-2-oxo-1,2-oxa-3-phospolenes when treated with water or alcohols are converted to the corresponding phosphorylated α, β-unsaturated ketones. © 1971 Consultants Bureau

    Analysis of the upper limit of the Southworth-hawkins d criterion for the Pons-winneckid and perseid meteoroid streams

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    The value of the upper limit of the Southworth-Hawkins D criterion for the Pons-Winneckids (June Bootid) and Perseids meteor streams is analyzed on the basis of the comparison of the parent comet orbit with the model orbits of meteoroids ejected at different points of the comet orbit with the most likely ejection velocities. The change of the D values is investigated depending on the dynamic evolution of the streams by integrating forward the orbital elements of the model particles using the Cowell method taking into account the perturbations from all planets. It is shown that after ten rotations, for Pons-Winneckids the upper limit of the D criterion is higher than 0.5 and for Perseids the D criterion does not exceed 0.2. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2009

    The Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment

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    The concept of "smart city"and the need to follow this direction in the light of current trends, so as not to miss the chance to improve life in cities. The development and improvement of cities allows humanity to reach a new level in the quality of life and intellectual development. Hence, the population has more prospects to change the surrounding life and their personal. The article reflects the main ideas in the formation of a comfortable urban environment, their relationship and impact on a favorable social climate. The scenario algorithm of practical action for the active citizen on determination of the direction of improvement of comfort of the city environment, establishment of communications of objects of infrastructure of the city environment, Association of the used methods of changes in the concept is offered. The results of the project ";Formation of a comfortable urban environment"on the example of the Sverdlovsk region. The stages of organizational procedures are analyzed, the data of analysts are analyzed, conclusions are drawn about the need to involve citizens in the implementation of projects initiated by citizens. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Варфарин в терапии антифосфолипидного синдрома

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    Opisany farmakokinetika, farmakodinamika i monitoring terapii varfarinom. Rassmotreny voprosy povyshennoy chuvstvitel'nosti chasti patsientov k varfarinu, a imenno assotsiatsiya izbytochnoy gipokoagulyatsii s mutatsiyami v gene tsitokhroma R450 CYP2C9*2 I CYP2C9*3. Summirovany dannye literatury o primenenii varfarina u bol'nykh s antifosfolipidnym sindromom (AFS). Predstavleny dannye, kasayushchiesya intensivnosti antikoagulyantnoy terapii pri AFS. Privedeny rekomendatsii i kommentarii, osnovannye na sobstvennom opyte vedeniya bol'nykh s AFS.Описаны фармакокинетика, фармакодинамика и мониторинг терапии варфарином. Рассмотрены вопросы повышенной чувствительности части пациентов к варфарину, а именно ассоциация избыточной гипокоагуляции с мутациями в гене цитохрома Р450 CYP2C9*2 И CYP2C9*3. Суммированы данные литературы о применении варфарина у больных с антифосфолипидным синдромом (АФС). Представлены данные, касающиеся интенсивности антикоагулянтной терапии при АФС. Приведены рекомендации и комментарии, основанные на собственном опыте ведения больных с АФС

    Возрастные особенности оценки функции внешнего дыхания у детей c муковисцидозом моложе 6 лет

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a severe hereditary disease associated with progressive impairment of respiratory organs. Pulmonary function test (PFT) in CF patients may be relevant for determination of therapy level and patient management strategy. However, PFT is particularly difficult in children aged below 6 years. Literature data concerning options for pulmonary function analysis in children aged below 6 years with CF for assessment of disease severity, progression and monitoring of treatment efficacy are provided in the article.Муковисцидоз (МВ) – тяжелое наследственное заболевание, при котором прогрессирует поражение органов дыхания. Исследование функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД) у больных МВ может быть значимо для определения объема терапии и тактики ведения пациентов. Однако у детей до 6-летнего возраста оценка ФВД особенно затруднена. В статье приводятся данные литературы по анализу возможностей исследования функции легких у больных МВ детей в возрасте до 6 лет для оценки тяжести заболевания, его прогрессирования и мониторинга эффективности лечения

    Method of croplands dynamics mapping in river basins of the european part of Russia for the period of 1985-2015

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    The work is devoted to the technique of mapping of cultivated and abandoned croplands in areas of the European territory of Russia of different climate, landscape and geomorphological conditions. A technological scheme of croplands visual interpretation based on Landsat 5 and 8 multi-seasonal images for two time slices (mid-1980s and the modern period of 2013-2015) is described. Classification keys of various types of croplands are introduced: spring crops, winter crops, fallow, abandoned croplands. A technique of croplands digitizing based on the principles used in the CORINE Land Cover 2000 (CLC2000) project is presented. Vector layers of cultivated croplands for the two considered periods are obtained. Validation of the results based on high-resolution satellite imagery is performed

    Changes of cropland area in the river basins of the European part of Russia for the period 1985-2015, as a factor of soil erosion dynamics

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    The work is devoted to the effect of the change of cropland area on the rate of soil erosion in sites of the European part of Russia located in different climatic, landscape and geomorphological conditions. Using the results of visual interpretation of multi-seasonal Landsat-5 and -8 images, the cultivated cropland areas in 9 river basins for two time slices (mid-1980s and the current period 2013-2015) were calculated, and the changes that occurred over 30 years were estimated. Croplands is the dominant category of land use in almost all regions, and it is in the range of 40-65 % in 2015. The decrease of croplands area was revealed in all studied river basins. An assessment of the effect of cropland reduction on the soil loss rate was carried out. Using the SRMM DEM with a 30 m spatial resolution, the following morphometric characteristics of relief for cultivated and abandoned croplands were calculated: steepness of slopes, flow path length, factor LS. Based on the results of calculations, the average values of the factor LS reduced from 1985 to 2015 on the croplands in all considered basins. The obtained data confirm that the reduction of the croplands area is one of the factors responsible for the decrease of modern soil loss rates observed in field studies

    Mixed Weyl Symbol Calculus and Spectral Line Shape Theory

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    A new and computationally viable full quantum version of line shape theory is obtained in terms of a mixed Weyl symbol calculus. The basic ingredient in the collision--broadened line shape theory is the time dependent dipole autocorrelation function of the radiator-perturber system. The observed spectral intensity is the Fourier transform of this correlation function. A modified form of the Wigner--Weyl isomorphism between quantum operators and phase space functions (Weyl symbols) is introduced in order to describe the quantum structure of this system. This modification uses a partial Wigner transform in which the radiator-perturber relative motion degrees of freedom are transformed into a phase space dependence, while operators associated with the internal molecular degrees of freedom are kept in their original Hilbert space form. The result of this partial Wigner transform is called a mixed Weyl symbol. The star product, Moyal bracket and asymptotic expansions native to the mixed Weyl symbol calculus are determined. The correlation function is represented as the phase space integral of the product of two mixed symbols: one corresponding to the initial configuration of the system, the other being its time evolving dynamical value. There are, in this approach, two semiclassical expansions -- one associated with the perturber scattering process, the other with the mixed symbol star product. These approximations are used in combination to obtain representations of the autocorrelation that are sufficiently simple to allow numerical calculation. The leading O(\hbar^0) approximation recovers the standard classical path approximation for line shapes. The higher order O(\hbar^1) corrections arise from the noncommutative nature of the star product.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX 2.09, 1 eps figure, submitted to 'J. Phys. B.


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    The article describes the role of the gross regional product (GRP) in the scenario forecasting of regional economy development using the pilot region - Sakha (Yakutia) Republic - as an example. The special attention is paid to the compatibility of statistical information obtained at the federal and regional levels in order to ensure the consistency of relevant forecasts. The scope and direction of gross regional product changes were estimated with regard to the transition to new GRP methodology due to the recalculations of the System of National Accounts (SNA) indicators for 2011-2014 at the federal level launched by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) in 2015. The results of the experimental correction of GRP according to the new methodology, which are necessary for the forecast of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) socio-economic development for the period of up to 2035 in accordance with the scenarios - basic, conservative and targetoriented, - are presented. The recalculation of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic' GRP physical volume dynamics under each scenario has been made taking into account the expected methodological changes. В статье отражена роль показателя валового регионального продукта (ВРП) при построении сценарных прогнозов развития региональной экономики на примере «пилотного» региона - Республика Саха (Якутия). Авторы особое внимание уделяют проблеме сопоставимости статистической информации, полученной на федеральном и региональном уровнях, что определяется необходимостью согласования соответствующих прогнозных построений. Представлена оценка масштабов и направлений возможного изменения валового регионального продукта при переходе на новую методологию его исчисления ввиду проведенных в 2015 г. Федеральной службой государственной статистики (Росстат) пересчетов показателей системы национальных счетов (СНС) за 2011-2014 гг. на федеральном уровне. Описаны результаты экспериментального пересчета ВРП по новой методике, которые являются необходимыми для целей построения прогноза социально-экономического развития Республики Саха (Якутия) на период до 2035 г. в соответствии с предложенными сценариями: базовым, консервативным и целевым. Проведена корректировка динамики физического объема ВРП Республики Саха (Якутия) по сценариям с учетом изменения методологии расчета ВРП.