9,339 research outputs found

    On sound ranging in Hilbert space

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    We consider the sound ranging problem, which is to find the position of the source-point from the moments when the wave-sphere of linearly, with time, increasing radius reaches the sensor-points, in the infinite-dimensional separable Euclidean space H, and describe the solving methods, for entire space and for its unit sphere. In the former case, we give some sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the solution. We also provide two examples with the sets of sensors being a basis of H: 1st, when sound ranging problem and so-called dual problem both have single solutions, and 2nd, when sound ranging problem has two distinct solutions.Comment: 15 pages; added prop. 3, ex. 3,4; removed refs; minor text cor

    Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm

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    Cluster ensemble is a pair of positive spaces (X, A) related by a map p: A -> X. It generalizes cluster algebras of Fomin and Zelevinsky, which are related to the A-space. We develope general properties of cluster ensembles, including its group of symmetries - the cluster modular group, and a relation with the motivic dilogarithm. We define a q-deformation of the X-space. Formulate general duality conjectures regarding canonical bases in the cluster ensemble context. We support them by constructing the canonical pairing in the finite type case. Interesting examples of cluster ensembles are provided the higher Teichmuller theory, that is by the pair of moduli spaces corresponding to a split reductive group G and a surface S defined in math.AG/0311149. We suggest that cluster ensembles provide a natural framework for higher quantum Teichmuller theory.Comment: Version 7: Final version. To appear in Ann. Sci. Ecole Normale. Sup. New material in Section 5. 58 pages, 11 picture

    Black hole physics, confining solutions of SU(3)-Yang-Mills equations and relativistic models of mesons

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    The black hole physics techniques and results are applied to find the set of the exact solutions of the SU(3)-Yang-Mills equations in Minkowski spacetime in the Lorentz gauge. All the solutions contain only the Coulomb-like or linear in rr components of SU(3)-connection. This allows one to obtain some possible exact and approximate solutions of the corresponding Dirac equation that can describe the relativistic bound states. Possible application to the relativistic models of mesons is also outlined.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX with using the mpla1.sty file from the package of World Scientific Publishing C

    Limits of structure stability of simple liquids revealed by study of relative fluctuations

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    We analyse the inverse reduced fluctuations (inverse ratio of relative volume fluctuation to its value in the hypothetical case where the substance acts an ideal gas for the same temperature-volume parameters) for simple liquids from experimental acoustic and thermophysical data along a coexistence line for both liquid and vapour phases. It has been determined that this quantity has a universal exponential character within the region close to the melting point. This behaviour satisfies the predictions of the mean-field (grand canonical ensemble) lattice fluid model and relates to the constant average structure of a fluid, i.e. redistribution of the free volume complementary to a number of vapour particles. The interconnection between experiment-based fluctuational parameters and self-diffusion characteristics is discussed. These results may suggest experimental methods for determination of self-diffusion and structural properties of real substances.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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